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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ:

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Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
փ Փ (գ.)p Pthirty-fifth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 8000 n.
փաթաթ (գ.)patat1) Package, bundle, parcel,
2) patat n.
փաթաթել (բայ)patatel To wrap up, to envelop, to do up, to pack up, to make up into a bundle v.
փաթեթ (գ.)patetpacket, bundle, parcel n.
փաթթել (բայ)pattelTo wrap up, to envelop, to do up, to pack up, to make up into a bundle v.
փաթթոց (գ.)pattoTsTurban, headband, cover n.
փաթթուիլ (բայ)pattvilto be enveloped, to be wrapped, to be tied around v.
փաթիլ (գ.)patil(snow)flake n.
փաթոյթ (գ.)patooyt1) Packing up, package,
2) (mus) an Armenian note n.
փալփլիլ (բայ)palplilTo sparkle, to scintillate, to twinkle v.
փալփլում (գ.)palploomscintillation, sparkling, twinkling n.
փալփլուն (ած.)palploonScintillant, scintillating adj.
փախ (գ.)paKhFlight, running away, escaping n.
փախուստ (գ.)paKhoosdFlight, escape, evasion, subterfuge, running away, shift, escaping, shunning, running out, leakage n.
փախչիլ (բայ)paKhChilTo escape, to get away, to run away, to fly, to take flight, to desert, to fly off v.
փախստական (ած.)paKhsdagan1) fugitive, refuhee,
2) deserter, runaway, turncoat adj.
փախցնել (բայ)paKhTs’nelTo make to flee, to turn away, to put to flight, to run away, to miss v.
փակագիծ (գ.)pagakiDzParenthesis ( ) n.
փակակալ (գ.)pagagal1) Turnkey, warder, porter, doorkeeper,
2) keyboard n.
փակաղակ (գ.)pagaGhag1) Padlock, lock,
2) valve n.
փականագործ (գ.)paganakorDzLocksmith n.
փականք (գ.)pagankLock, key n.
փակարան (գ.)pagaranLock up n.
փակել (բայ)pagelTo shut, to close, to lock, to enclose, to fence in, to conclude, to foreclose v.
փակեղ (գ.)pageGhShoulder-knot, chaperon, head-dress n.
փակոց (գ.)pagoTs1) Lock,
2) water gate, sluicegate,
3) barrier n.
փակուիլ (բայ)pagvilTo be closed, to be locked, to be shut in v.
փակում (գ.)pagoom1) Shutting, closing, closure, cloture,
2) atresia n.
փակչիլ (բայ)pagChilTo stick, to adhere, to fit tight, to take hold, to join, to fasten v.
փակչող (ած.)pagChoGh1) Tenacious, adhesive,
2) sticky, viscous, slimy, clammy adj.
փակչուն (ած.)pagChoon 1) Tenacious, adhesive,
2) sticky, viscous, slimy, clammy adj.
փակցնել (բայ)pagTs’nelTo paste, to glue, to stick together, to fasten, to fix, to attach, to join, to apply, to affix v.
փաղաղել (բայ)paGhaGhelTo devour, to eat up, to destroy, to consume v.
փաղանգ (գ.)paGhankPhalanx, legion, troop n.
փաղանգաւոր (գ.)paGhankavorfalangist n.
փաղանուն (գ.)paGhanoonSynonymous, univocal n.
փաղառութիւն (գ.)paGhaRootyoonSyllable n.
փաղաքշական (ած.)paGhakShagan1) Wheedling, flattering, tender, eulogistic, pleasing, gratifying,
2) diminutive,
3) caressing, endearing adj.
փաղաքշանք (գ.)paGhakShankWheedling, caresses, endearments, cajolery, flattery, coaxing n.
փաղաքշել (բայ)paGhakShelTo caress, to cajole, to coax, to wheedle v.
փաղաքուշ (ած.)paGhakooShCaressing, fawning, wheedling adj.
փաղփիլ (բայ)paGhpilTo shine brightly, to be resplendent v.
փաղփուկ (ած.)paGhpoogiridescent, resplendent, shining, dazzling adj.
փամփշտակալ (գ.)pamp’ShdagalCartridge belt n.
փամփուշտ (գ.)pampooShdCartridge n.
փայել (բայ)payelto caress, to stroke, to pet, to fondle v.
փայլ (գ.)paylShine, brightness, brilliancy, splendour, radiancy, lustre, glitter n.
փայլածող (գ.)paylaDzoGh (astron) Mercury n.
փայլածու (գ.)paylaDzooMercury n.
փայլակ (գ.)paylagLightning, flash of lightning n.
փայլատ (ած.)payladMat, dull, lustreless adj.
փայլատակել (բայ)payladagelTo lighten, to sparkle, to flash v.
փայլատակութիւն (գ.)payladagootyoon Flashing, scintillation, lightning, sparkling, twinkling n.
փայլատակում (գ.)payladagoomFlashing, scintillation, lightning, sparkling, twinkling n.
փայլեցնել (բայ)payleTs’nelTo make to shine, to glitter, to polish, to give a lustre, to brighten v.
փայլիլ (բայ)paylilTo shine, to sparkle, to glitter, to glisten v.
փայլուն (ած.)payloonBright, radiant, shining, dazzling, glossy, shiny adj.
փայլփլիլ (բայ)paylplilTo be chatoyant, to flash iridescent hues v.
փայլփլուն (ած.)paylploonChatoyant, iridescent adj.
փայծաղ (գ.)payDzaGhSpleen, milt n.
փայտ (գ.)paydWood, timber, tree n.
փայտագրութիւն (գ.)paydak’rootyoonXylography n.
փայտածուխ (գ.)paydaDzooKhWood coal, charcoal n.
փայտակերտ (ած.)paydagerdWooden, made of wood, built of wood adj.
փայտահատ (գ.)paydahad 1) Woodcutter, wood cleaver, logman, feller,
2) axe, hatchet n.
փայտահար (գ.)paydahar1) Woodcutter, wood cleaver, logman, feller,
2) axe, hatchet n.
փայտային (ած.)paydayinLigneous, woody adj.
փայտանալ (բայ)paydanalTo become wood, to become torpid, to grow stiff, to stiffen v.
փայտաշէն (ած.)paydaShenWooden, made of wood adj.
փայտավաճառ (գ.)paydavaDjaRWood monger, wood seller n.
փայտատ (գ.)paydad1) axe, hatchet,
2) hoe, mattock, pick-axe n.
փայտոջիլ (գ.)paydoChilBug, bed-bug n.
փայտփոր (գ.)paydporWoodpecker, creeper n.
փայտփորիկ (գ.)paydporigwoodpecker n.
փայտփորիկ (գ.)paydporigwoodpecker n.
փայփայանք (գ.)paypayankCaress, endearment, caressing, coaxing, pretty ways, flattering n.
փայփայել (բայ)paypayelTo caress, to coax, to wheedle, to cajole, to flatter v.
փանաքի (ած.)panaki1) Small, mediocre, worthless,
2) weak, mean n.
փանդիռ (գ.)pantiRPandore, mandore, an ancient lyre n.
փաշա (գ.)paShapasha n.
փապ (գ.)pabCavity, hollow, crevice, rift n.
փապար (գ.)pabarcavity, pit n.
փապար (գ.)pabarcavity, pit n.
փապուղի (գ.)pabooGhiTunnel, underground way n.
փառ (գ.)paR1) Placenta, pellicle, chorion,
2) decidua,
3) spermaphore,
4) secundine n.
փառաբանանք (գ.)paRapanankglorification, exaltation, celebration, apotheosis, praise, laudation n.
փառաբանել (բայ)paRapanelTo glorify, to give glory to, to praise, to doxologize, to laud v.
փառաբանութիւն (գ.)paRapanootyoonLaud, praising, glory, honour, doxology, glorification, gloria n.
փառակ (գ.)paRagGreen walnut n.
փառահեղ (ած.)paRaheGh1) Majestic,
2) (mus) Grandiose adj.
փառամոլ (ած.)paRamolGreedy of glory, ambitious adj.
փառամոլութիւն (գ.)paRamolootyoonambitiousness, ambition, aspiration n.
փառաշուք (ած.)paRaShookimposing, stately, dignified, glorious, majestic, splendid, luxuriant, grand, ceremonial adj.
փառապանծ (ած.)paRabanDzGlorious, glorified, blessed adj.
փառապսակ (գ.)paRabsagaureola, glory n.
փառասէր (ած.)paRaserambitious, fond of glory, having ambition, aspiring, pretentious adj.
փառատենչ (ած.)paRadenChEager after glory, honours adj.
փառատօն (գ.)paRadonfestival, fête n.
փառաւոր (ած.)paRavorGlorious, illustrious, eminent, magnificent, gorgeous, sumptuous, maestoso, stately, majestic, splendid, pompous adj.
փառաւորել (բայ)paRavorelTo glorify, to give glory to, to render honour v.
փառաւորում (գ.)paRavoroomGlorification n.
փառունակ (ած.)paRoonagGlorious adj.
փառք (գ.)paRkGlory, fame, glorification, pomp, praise, celebrity, splendour n.
փասեան (գ.)pasianPheasant n.
փասիան (գ.)pasianPheasant n.
փաստ (գ.)pasdPlea, reason, argument, motive, proof n.
փաստաբան (գ.)pasdapanadvocate, lawyer, pleader, counselor, barrister, solicitor n.
փաստաբանութիւն (գ.)pasdapanootyoonadvocacy, argumentation, pleading n.
փաստագիր (գ.)pasdakirdocument, (written) evidence n.
փաստագրական (ած.)pasdak’ragandocumentary, evidential, factual, authentic adj.
փաստաթուղթ (գ.)pasdatooGhtDocument n.
փաստարկել (բայ)pasdargelto argue v.
փաստարկութիւն (գ.)pasdargootyoonargumentation n.
փաստացի (ած.)pasdaTsiveracious, truthful, actual, real, factual, virtual, provable, grounded adj.
փաստել (բայ)pas’delto prove v.
փարախ (գ.)paraKh1) Sheepfold, pen, coop,
2) church, convent,
3) cattle camp n.
փարատել (բայ)paradelTo dissipate, to disperse, to dispel, to avert, to make to disappear, to do away with v.
փարատիլ (բայ)paradil1) to dissipate, to be scattered, to be cleared,
2) to be dispelled, to be allayed v.
փարատում (գ.)paradoomDissipation, dispersion, resolution n.
փարաւոն (գ.)paravon1) Pharaoh,
2) Pharaoh (a card game) n.
փարել (բայ)parelTo embrace, to include, to contain v.
փարելի (ած.)pareliPleasant, kind, fragrant, sweet adj.
փարթամ (ած.)partamRich, wealthy, opulent, luxurious adj.
փարթամութիւն (գ.)partamootyoonRichness, opulence, wealth n.
փարիլ (բայ)paril1) to embrace, to clasp,
2) to get attached to, to adhere v.
փարիսեցի (գ.)pariseTsi1) Pharisee,
2) hypocrite n.
փարոս (գ.)parosLighthouse, phare, pharos n.
փարում (գ.)paroomEmbrace, clinging to, hug, clasp n.
փարչ (գ.)parChWater-jar, jug, water-pot, flagon n.
փարսախ (գ.)parsaKhLeague (two and half English miles) n.
փարփառ (ած.)parpaRChatoyant, iridescent, greenish-blue adj.
փափախ (գ.)papaKhCaucasian sheep-skin headgear n.
փափաք (գ.)papakChatoyant, iridescent, greenish-blue adj.
փափաքելի (ած.)papakelidesirable adj.
փափաքիլ (բայ)papakilto wish, to desire, to long for, to crave v.
փափկակազմ (ած.)papgagazmDelicate, of delicate constitution, dainty adj.
փափկակեր (ած.)papgagergourmet, epicure adj.
փափկաճաշակ (ած.)papgaDjaShagGourmet, of delicate taste adj.
փափկանկատ (ած.)papgangadDelicate, tactful, having tact adj.
փափկանկատութիւն (գ.)papgangadootyoonDelicacy, refinement, tact, delicate skill in saying and doing n.
փափկասէր (ած.)papgaser1) Voluptuous, delicate, sensitive,
2) fond of delights adj.
փափկասիրտ (ած.)papgasirdTender-hearted, feeling, sensible adj.
փափկասնունդ (գ.)papgasnoont Delicate, dainty, rose water, brought up delicately, petted, nice n.
փափկասուն (գ.)papgasoonDelicate, dainty, rose water, brought up delicately, petted, nice n.
փափկութիւն (գ.)papgootyoonTenderness, delicacy, daintiness, effeminacy, deliciousness, nicety of language n.
փափուկ (ած.)papoogDelicate, soft, tender, fine, dainty, exquisite, fastidious, nice adj.
փեթակ (գ.)petagBeehive n.
փեկոն (գ.)pegonCommon beech, beech tree n.
փեկուղ (գ.)pegooGh1) Faecula,
2) arrowroot n.
փեղկ (գ.)peGhgShutter, window shutter, curtain n.
փեղոյր (գ.)peGhooyrcardinal's hat n.
փեճեկ (գ.)peDjegShell, cod, husk, pod n.
փեճեկել (բայ)peDjegelTo bark, to peel, to strip, to scale, to pare v.
փենաթթու (գ.)penattooCarbolic, phenic acid n.
փեռեկ (գ.)peRegSlit, crevic, chap, chink, cleft n.
փեռեկել (բայ)peRegelTo cleave, to split, to crack, to rend v.
փեռեկիլ (բայ)peRegilto be torn, to be rent, to be ripped, to be cleaved, to be slit v.
փեռեկում (գ.)peRegoomChap, crack, chink, cleft n.
փեռեկտել (բայ)peRegdelto tear, to rend, to rip, to cleave, to slit v.
փեռեկտիլ (բայ)peRegdilTo chap, to crack, to split, to rive v.
փեռեկտում (գ.)peRegdoomtearing, rending, cleavage, slitting n.
փեսայ (գ.)pesayBridegroom, husband, spouse, son-in-law n.
փեսայանալ (բայ)pesayanalTo marry, to espouse, to take up v.
փեսայացնել (բայ)pesayaTs’nelTo marry, to espouse, to embrace v.
փեսացու (գ.)pesaTsoofuture, intended husband, eligible bachelor n.
փետել (բայ)pedelTo pull out, to pluck out, to depilate v.
փետուր (գ.)pedoorFeather n.
փետտել (բայ)peddelTo pull out, to pluck out, to depilate v.
փետրաթափ (ած.)pedratapFeatherless, plumeless, bare, plucked, stripped of feathers adj.
փետրաւել (գ.)pedravelFeather broom, duster n.
փետրափոխութիւն (գ.)pedrapoKhootyoonMoulting, casting the feathers n.
փետրուար (գ.)pedrvarFebruary n.
փետրվար (գ.)pedrvar February n.
փերեզակ (գ.)perezagPackman, peddler, haberdasher n.
փերթ (գ.)pertPiece, bit, morsel, fragment, snack, sepal n.
փերթել (բայ)pertelTo tatter, to tear, to split v.
փերի (գ.)perifairy n.
փեցի (ած.)peTsiOne-handed, one-armed adj.
փեցի (գ.)peTsiOne-handed, one-armed adj.
փէշ (գ.)peShskirt n.
փթթեցնել (բայ)p’tteTs’nelTo cause to open or expand v.
փթթիլ (բայ)p’ttilTo blow, to open, to blossom, to expand, to shoot forth v.
փթթում (գ.)p’ttoomBlowing, blossoming of flowers, opening, expansion of flowers, shoot n.
փթթում (գ.)p’ttoom Blowing, blossoming of flowers, opening, expansion of flowers, shoot n.
փթիթ (գ.)ptitBlowing, blossoming of flowers, opening, expansion of flowers, shoot n.
փթիթ (գ.)ptit Blowing, blossoming of flowers, opening, expansion of flowers, shoot n.
փիլիսոփայ (գ.)pilisopay1) Philosopher,
2) chorister n.
փիլիսոփայել (բայ)pilisopayelTo philosophize v.
փիլիսոփայութիւն (գ.)pilisopayootyoonPhilosophy, love of wisdom n.
փիլոն (գ.)piloncassock, soutane, frock, mantle n.
փիլոնազուրկ (ած.)pilonazoorgUnfrocked adj.
փիղ (գ.)piGhElephant n.
փին (գ.)pinExcrement, dung (of certain animals) n.
փինչ (գ.)pinChWedge, peg n.
փիսիկ (գ.)pisigKitten, catkin n.
փիւղ (գ.)pyooGhScale, tortoiseshell, fish scale n.
փիւնիկ (գ.)pyoonigPherlix, fabulous bird n.
փիւնիկեան (ած.)pyoonigeanPhoenician, related to Phoenicia adj.
փիւնիկերէն (գ.)pyoonigerenPhoenician (language) n.
փիւնիկեցի (գ.)pyoonigeTsiPhoenician (person) n.
փլատակ (գ.)p’ladagruins, debris, wreckage, rubbish n.
փլել (բայ)p’lelto demolish, to wreck, to pull down, to knock down, to raze v.
փլիթ (ած.)p’litIdle, easy going, lazy adj.
փլիլ (բայ)p’lilTo fall in, to collapse, to perish, to fall down v.
փլուզում (գ.)p’loozoomCollapse, falling down, falling in, fall, sinking, eboulement n.
փլում (գ.)p’loom Collapse, falling down, falling in, fall, sinking, eboulement n.
փլչիլ (բայ)p’lChilTo fall in, to collapse, to sink, to fall down, to perish v.
փլցնել (բայ)p’lTs’nelTo demolish, to pull down, to raze, to destroy, to ruin, to overthrow, to knock down v.
փլցունել (բայ)p’lTsoonel To demolish, to pull down, to raze, to destroy, to ruin, to overthrow, to knock down v.
փխրաքար (գ.)pKhrakarTuff, tufa stone n.
փխրոտ (ած.)pKhrod Friable, crumbling easily, crisp adj.
փխրուն (ած.)pKhroonFriable, crumbling easily, crisp adj.
փղձկիլ (բայ)p’GhTsgil1) to burst out crying, to burst out sobbing, to burst out to tears, to weep, to cry,
2) to choke with emotion v.
փղձուկ (գ.)p’GhTsoog1) Suffocation, stifling, inclination to weep,
2) spleen adj.
փղձուք (ած.)p’GhTsook 1) Suffocation, stifling, inclination to weep,
2) spleen adj.
փղոսկր (գ.)p’Ghosgrivory, elephant's tusk n.
փճանալ (բայ)p’DjanalTo be annihilated, to be destroyed, to come to nothing v.
փճացնել (բայ)p’DjaTs’nelTo destroy, to annihilate v.
փճացում (գ.)p’DjaTsoomdestruction, annihilation n.
փնթի (ած.)p’ntiSordid, sluttish, sloven, dirty adj.
փնչել (բայ)p’nChelTo sneeze, to puff, to blow v.
փնտռել (բայ)p’ndRelTo seek, to look for, to search, to be inquest of, to look after v.
փնտռուած (ած.)p’ndR’vaDzSought after, in great demand adj.
փնտռտուք (գ.)p’ndRdookInquiry, search, quest, investigation n.
փշաթել (գ.)p’ShatelGlochis n.
փշալի (ած.)p’ShaliThorny, prickly, full of thorns, spiny, knotty, spinous adj.
փշալից (ած.)p’ShaliTs Thorny, prickly, full of thorns, spiny, knotty, spinous adj.
փշապսակ (գ.)p’ShabsagCrown of thorns n.
փշոտ (ած.)p’ShodThorny, prickly, full of prickles, full of thorns, spinous, spinose adj.
փշուտ (ած.)p’Shood Thorny, prickly, full of prickles, full of thorns, spinous, spinose adj.
փշուր (գ.)p’ShoorLittle bit, crumb n.
փշրանք (գ.)p’ShrankCrumbs, scraps, small bits n.
փշրել (բայ)p’ShrelTo grind, to pound, to bruise, to break to pieces, to pulverize v.
փշրում (գ.)p’ShroomTrituration, grinding, pounding n.
փոթ (գ.)potPlait, fold, wrinkle, crease n.
փոթել (բայ)potelTo fold, to plait, to wrinkle v.
փոթիլ (բայ)potilTo wrinkle, to be folded or plaited v.
փոթոթ (ած.)pototHarsh, sharp, astringent, bitter adj.
փոթորիկ (գ.)potorig1) Tempest, storm, whirlwind,
2) hurricane n.
փոթորկալի (ած.)potorgaliTempestuous, boisterous, stormy adj.
փոթորկալից (ած.)potorgaliTs Tempestuous, boisterous, stormy adj.
փոխ (գ.)poKhloan, borrowing, response (at church, antiphon, antistrophe n.
փոխաբերաբար (մկբ.)poKhaperaparFiguratively, metaphorically adv.
փոխաբերական (ած.)poKhaperaganMetapholic, figurative, tropological, allegorical adj.
փոխաբերութիւն (գ.)poKhaperootyoonMetaphor, tropology n.
փոխագործոն (ած.)poKhakorDzoninteractive, reciprocal adj.
փոխադարձ (ած.)poKhatarTsMutual, reciprocal, respective, alternative adj.
փոխադարձաբար (մկբ.)poKhatarTsaparMutually, reciprocally, respectively, vice versa adv.
փոխադարձապէս (մկբ.)poKhatarTsabes Mutually, reciprocally, respectively, vice versa adv.
փոխադարձել (բայ)poKhatarTselTo compensate, to return v.
փոխադրանաւ (գ.)poKhatranavTransport ship n.
փոխադրել (բայ)poKhatrelTo transport, to transplant, to transfer, to convey, to translate v.
փոխադրութիւն (գ.)poKhatrootyoonTransposizione n.
փոխադրուիլ (բայ)poKhatrvilTo remove, to transmigrate, to be displaced v.
փոխազդեցութիւն (գ.)poKhazteTsootyooninteraction, reciprocity, reciprocal influence n.
փոխաթերթ (ած.)poKhatertttamens in alternating positions vis-a-vis the petals adj.
փոխածաղիկ (ած.)poKhaDzaGhigcordgrass adj.
փոխակերպել (բայ)poKhagerbelTo transform, to transmute, to metamorphose v.
փոխակերպիչ (գ.)poKhagerbiChtransformer n.
փոխակերպութիւն (գ.)poKhagerbootyoonTransformation, transmutation, transfiguration, trope, mutation, metamorphosis n.
փոխակերպում (գ.)poKhagerboom Transformation, transmutation, transfiguration, trope, mutation, metamorphosis n.
փոխանագիր (գ.)poKhanakir(com) Bill of exchange, letter of exchange, draft, bill, note n.
փոխանակ (նխդր.)poKhanagSubstitute, vicar, successor n.
փոխանակագիր (գ.)poKhanagakirBill of exchange, letter of exchange, draft, bill, note n.
փոխանակել (բայ)poKhanagelTo exchange, to truck, to change, to substitute, to barter, to replace, to take the place of v.
փոխանակելի (ած.)poKhanageliExchangeable, commutable adj.
փոխանակութիւն (գ.)poKhanagootyoon1) Change, exchange, troc, truck, replacement,
2) substitution, permutation n.
փոխանակում (գ.)poKhanagoom n.m.
փոխանորդ (գ.)poKhanortSubstitute, suppliant, vicar, proxy, supplicant, representative, representant, delegate, successor, procurater, attorney n.
փոխանորդագիր (գ.)poKhanortakirPower of attorney, procuration, proxy n.
փոխանորդութիւն (գ.)poKhanortootyoonSubstitution, replacing, proxy, delegation, curacy, succession, curateship, mandate n.
փոխանուն (գ.)poKhanoon1) Metonymy,
2) pron n.
փոխանունութիւն (գ.)poKhanoonootyoonMetonymy, antonomasia n.
փոխանցագրել (բայ)poKhanTsak’relto endorse v.
փոխանցագրում (գ.)poKhanTsak’roomendorsement n.
փոխանցել (բայ)poKhanTselTo transmit, to convey, to transfer, to make over, to transport, to assign v.
փոխանցելի (ած.)poKhanTseliTransmissible, transferable, endorsable, indorsable adj.
փոխանցելիութիւն (գ.)poKhanTseliootyoontransmissibility, transferability n.
փոխանցիկ (ած.)poKhanTsigContagious, infectious adj.
փոխանցում (գ.)poKhanTsoomIndorsement, endorsement, cession n.
փոխառու (ած.)poKhaRooborrowing adj.
փոխառութիւն (գ.)poKhaRootyoonLoan, borrowing n.
փոխասացութիւն (գ.)poKhasaTsootyoonResponsive reading, anthem n.
փոխատերեւ (ած.)poKhaderev adj.
փոխատու (գ.)poKhadooLender, person that lends n.
փոխատւութիւն (գ.)poKhadvootyoonloan, advance, lending n.
փոխարէն (իգ.)poKharen1) Recompense, reward, charge, renumeration, return, requital,
2) provision,
3)adv, prep In the place of, for, in return n.
փոխարէն (նխդր.)poKharen1) Recompense, reward, charge, renumeration, return, requital,
2) provision,
3)adv, prep In the place of, for, in return n.
փոխարժէք (գ.)poKharZhekValue n.
փոխարինել (բայ)poKharinelTo compensate, to recompense, to retribute, to rеmunarate, to repay, to reward, to make up for v.
փոխարինութիւն (գ.)poKharinootyoonCompensation, indemnity, reward, retribution, recompense, amends, remuneration, reparation, indemnification n.
փոխարկել (բայ)poKhargelTo convert, to transfer, to turn, to change, to transform v.
փոխարկիչ (գ.)poKhargiChCommutator n.
փոխարկութիւն (գ.)poKhargootyoonConversion, transformation(biol) Metabolism n.
փոխարկում (գ.)poKhargoomConversion n.
փոխարքայ (գ.)poKharkayViceroy n.
փոխարքայութիւն (գ.)poKharkayootyoonViceroyalty, viceroyship n.
փոխացանել (նբ.)poKhaTsanelto crop
փոխացանում (գ.)poKhaTsanoomrotation of crops n.m.
փոխգիր (գ.)poKhkirBill of exchange, letter of exchange, draft, bill n.
փոխել (բայ)poKhelTo change, to exchange, to alter, to modify, to turn, to commute, to convert, to transform, to transmute v.
փոխինդ (գ.)poKhintGruel n.
փոխնիփոխ (մկբ.)poKh’nipoKhLoan, borrowing, response (at church, antiphon, antistrophe n.
փոխնորդ (գ.)poKh’nortInterest, fruit of loans n.
փոխնորդի (գ.)poKh’norti Interest, fruit of loans n.
փոխուիլ (բայ)poKhvilTo change, to alter, to be changed, to be transmuted, to be transformed, to be resolved v.
փոխվրէժ (գ.)poKhvreZhReprisal n.
փոկ (գ.)pog1) Strap, leather, thong, girth,
2)(mam) Seal, phoca n.
փոկակապ (գ.)pogagabsplint n.
փող (գ.)poGh1) Throat, gullet, neck,
2) horn, trumpet n.
փողակ (գ.)poGhagTrachea, bronchia n.
փողահար (գ.)poGhaharCorneter, trumpeter, horn blower n.
փողերանոց (գ.)poGheranoTsThe mint, place where money is coined n.
փողկապ (գ.)poGhgab(neck) tie, cravat n.
փողոտել (բայ)poGhodelTo butcher, to cut off the throat, to slaughter, to behead, to kill v.
փողոտում (գ.)poGhodoomCutting of the throat n.
փողոց (գ.)poGhoTsStreet n.
փողրակ (գ.)poGhragPipe, tube, hose, culvert, conduit n.
փողփողիլ (բայ)poGhpoGhil1) to shimmer, to glisten,
2) to wave, to float, to flutter (flag, curtain) v.
փողփողուն (ած.)poGhpoGhoonScintillant, brilliant adj.
փոճոկ (գ.)poDjog1) Cod, husk, pod,
2) shell n.
փոճոկել (բայ)poDjogelTo pick, to purl, to clean, to peel of v.
փոյթ (գ.)pooyt1) Care, heed, diligence,
2) speed, alacrity, eagerness, promptness, hastiness, attention, effort, application, contention, vigilance n.
փոշեպարկ (գ.)poShebarganther n.f.
փոշի (գ.)poShiDust, powder n.
փոշիանալ (բայ)poShianal1) to be pulverized, to be ground, to be crushed,
2) to turn to dust v.
փոշիացնել (բայ)poShiaTs’nelTo pulverize v.
փոշիացում (գ.)poShiaTsoompulverization, atomization n.
փոշոտ (ած.)poShodDusty, powdery, covered with dust adj.
փոշտ (գ.)poShdScrotum n.
փոշտանկ (ած.)poShdangRupture, scrotocele n.
փոս (գ.)pos1) Pit, ditch, excavation, trench, dugout, hollow,
2) grave n.
փոսիկ (գ.)posigDimple n.
փոսուռայ (գ.)posooRay1) Glowworm,
2) firefly n.
փոստարկղ (գ.)posdargGhP O B post office box n.
փոսփոր (գ.)posporPhosphorus n.
փոսփորափայլ (ած.)posporapaylPhosphorescent adj.
փովավարել (նբ.)povavarelto alternate
փոր (գ.)porSwan n.
փորագիր (ած.)porakirEngraved, impressed, imprinted adj.
փորագրանկար (գ.)porak’rangarengraving, carving, etching n.
փորագրել (բայ)porak’relto engrave, to grave v.
փորագրիչ (գ.)porak’riChengraver n.
փորագրուած (գ.)porak’r’vaDz intaglio, engraving, etching n.
փորագրութիւն (գ.)porak’rootyoonintaglio, engraving, etching n.
փորային (ած.)porayinventral adj.
փորացաւ (գ.)poraTsavcolic, stomachache, bellyache, gripes n.
փորել (բայ)porelto dig, to hollow, to deepen, to delve, to excavate, to scoop out, to make hollow, to sap, to notch v.
փորեղ (ած.)poreGhbig-bellied, corpulent adj.
փորլուծութիւն (գ.)porlooDzootyoon diarrhœa n.
փորհարութիւն (գ.)porharootyoondiarrhœa n.
փորձ (գ.)porTs1) trial, essay, proof, attempt,
2) assay, test, sample, testing, experiment,
3) temptationadjective experienced, expert, versed, skilled, trie n.
փորձագէտ (գ.)porTsakedexpert n.
փորձագիտութիւն (գ.)porTsakidootyoonempericismnSurvey valuation, assessment n.
փորձադաշտ (գ.)porTsataShdarea of experiment, test field n.
փորձանք (գ.)porTsank1) evil, misfortune, disaster, mischance,
2) temptation, adversity, tribulation, peril n.
փորձանօթ (գ.)porTsanottest tube n.
փորձառական (ած.)porTsaRaganexperimental, empiric, tentative adj.
փորձառու (ած.)porTsaRooexperienced, expert, skilled, tried adj.
փորձառութիւն (գ.)porTsaRootyoonexperience, experiment n.
փորձարկել (բայ)porTsargelto assay, to experiment, to try, to test v.
փորձարկում (գ.)porTsargoomassay, experiment, trial, test n.
փորձաքար (գ.)porTsakarrock, stone n.
փորձել (բայ)porTsel1) to try, to essay, to attempt, to make a trial of, to tempt,
2) to test v.
փորձիլ (բայ)porTsil to be tried, to be proved, to be attempted, to fall into temptation, to assay, to be essayed v.
փորձիչ (ած.)porTsiCh1) essayer,
2) tempter, trier, assayer adj.
փորձիչ (գ.)porTsiCh1) essayer,
2) tempter, trier, assayer n.
փորձող (գ.)porTsoGh 1) essayer,
2) tempter, trier, assayer n.
փորձութիւն (գ.)porTsootyoontemptation, adversity, misfortune, calamity n.
փորձուիլ (բայ)porTsvilto be tried, to be proved, to be attempted, to fall into temptation, to assay, to be essayed v.
փորոտիք (գ.)porodik1) entrails, bowels, inmeats, guts
2) offal [GB], giblets [US] n.
փորուածք (գ.)porvaDzkdigging, excavation, mortise, groove, rabbet, furrow, slothole n.
փորոք (գ.)porokslot, rabbet, groove, fossa, ventricle, chamfer, groove n.
փորքշութիւն (գ.)porkShootyoon 1) diarrhoea, flux, laxity, looseness,
2) dysentery n.
փորքշուք (գ.)porkShook1) diarrhoea, flux, laxity, looseness,
2) dysentery n.
փութալ (բայ)pootalto make haste, to hurry, to hasten v.
փութանակի (մկբ.)pootanagiin haste, hastily, promptly, diligently, speedily adv.
փութապէս (մկբ.)pootabes in haste, hastily, promptly, diligently, speedily adv.
փութաջան (ած.)pootaChandiligent, sedulous, intent, attentive, prompt, active, watchful adj.
փութաջանութիւն (գ.)pootaChanootyoondiligence, sedulity, care n.
փութացնել (բայ)pootaTs’nelto hasten, to hurry on, to press, to push, to accelerate, to dispatch, to precipitate v.
փութկոտ (ած.)pootgodawake, brisk, lively, sprightly adj.
փուլ (գ.)pool1) phase, aspect, stage, period, turn,
2) crumbling, fall n.
փուխ (ած.)pooKhfriable, crumbling, easily, crisp, short adj.
փուխր (ած.)pooKhrtender, sensitive, delicate, soft, crumbly, friable adj.
փուխր (ած.)pooKhrtender, sensitive, delicate, soft, crumbly, friable adj.
փուխր (ած.)pooKhr friable, crumbling, easily, crisp, short adj.
փուճ (ած.)pooDjvain, empty, trifling, fruitless adj.
փունջ (գ.)poonChbunch, bouquet, tuft n.
փուշ (գ.)pooShthorn, prickle, thistle n.
փուշտիպան (գ.)pooShdibanguard, bodyguard, satellite, lifeguard n.
փուչիկ (գ.)pooChigballoon, (soap) bubble n.
փուռ (գ.)pooRoven, furnace, bakehouse, kiln n.
փուտ (ած.)pood1) rotten, putrid, spoiled,
2)nCorruption, putridity, rottenness adj.
փուտ (գ.)pood1) totten, putrid, spoiled,
2)nCorruption, putridity, rottenness adj.
փուք (գ.)pookbreath, wind, flatulency, fart, windiness, flatus n.
փոփոխական (ած.)popoKhaganchangeable, inconstant, variable, unsteady, commutable, movable, alterable adj.
փոփոխակի (ած.)popoKhagicommutable, changeable, unsteady adj.
փոփոխամիտ (ած.)popoKhamiddouble-minded, inconstant, fickle-minded, volatile, unsteady adj.
փոփոխամտութիւն (գ.)popoKhamdootyoontnconstancy, fickle-mindedness, volatileness, volatility, tergiversation n.
փոփոխել (բայ)popoKhelto change, to alter, to vary, to modify v.
փոփոխելի (ած.)popoKhelialterable, changeable, subject to change, mutable, convertible, transmutable, adj.
փոփոխութիւն (գ.)popoKhootyoon change, changing, variation, alteration, mutation, conversion, variation, permutation, modification, transformation n.
փոփոխում (գ.)popoKhoomchange, changing, variation, alteration, mutation, conversion, variation, permutation, modification, transformation n.
փոփովակից (ած.)popovagiTsalternating adj.
փոքր (ած.)pokrlittle, small, scanty, slender, few, minor, less, inconsiderable adj.
փոքր թեթեռնիկ մը (գ.)pokr teteRnig mUclay n.m.
փոքր թիթեռնիկ մը (գ.)pokr titeRnig mUacacia n.m.
փոքրադիր (ած.)pokratirsmall sized adj.
փոքրաթիւ (ած.)pokrativrare, scarce, not numerous adj.
փոքրակազմ (ած.)pokragazmslim, slender, small, tiny, petite, undersized adj.
փոքրամասնութիւն (գ.)pokramasnootyoonminority n.
փոքրանալ (բայ)pokranalto become little, to lessen, to shrink, to diminish v.
փոքրանալ (բայ)pokranal to become little, to lessen, to shrink, to diminish v.
փոքրացնել (բայ)pokraTs’nelto become little, to lessen, to shrink, to diminish v.
փոքրացնել (բայ)pokraTs’nel to become little, to lessen, to shrink, to diminish v.
փոքրաքանակ (ած.)pokrakanagretail, by retail, retailing n.
փոքրիկ (ած.)pokriglittle, small, scanty, slender, tiny, petty adj.
փոքրիկ (գ.)pokriglittle, small, scanty, slender, tiny, petty n.
փոքրոգի (ած.)pokroki1) narrow-minded, short-witted, shallow,
2) light adj.
փոքրոգութիւն (գ.)pokrokootyoonbaseness, meanness, vileness n.
փոքրութիւն (գ.)pokrootyoonsmallness, littleness, shortness, meanness n.
փչան (ած.)p’Chanblowpipe n.
փչան (գ.)p’Chanblowpipe n.
փչել (բայ)p’Chelto blow out, to inflate, to breathe, to expire, to swell, to puff up, to pant v.
փչողական (ած.)p’ChoGhaganblowing, wind adj.
փռապան (գ.)p’Rabanoven keeper, bakehouse keeper n.
փռատուն (գ.)p’Radoonbakehouse n.
փռել (բայ)p’Relto spread, to stretch, to expand, to distend, to extend, to lay out v.
փռնգալ (բայ)p’R’nkal1) to sneeze,
2) to cry, to neigh v.
փռնգիւն (գ.)p’R’nkyoonsneeze, sneezing n.
փռնգտալ (բայ)p’R’nkdalto sneeze v.
փռոյգ (գ.)p’Rooykfrieze, entablature n.
փռոց (գ.)p’RoTscloth, tablecloth, table cover n.
փռուիլ (բայ)p’Rvilto extend, to spread, to stretch out, to lie down, to sprawl v.
փսիաթ (գ.)p’siatmat, straw mat, matting, rush-mat n.
փսխում (գ.)p’sKhoompuke, vomiting, emesis, emesma n.
փսխունք (գ.)p’sKhoonkvomiting, emesma, vomitusadjective Vomit n.
փսխուք (գ.)p’sKhook vomiting, emesma, vomitusadjective Vomit n.
փսոր (գ.)p’sorCclot n.
փսորել (բայ)p’sorelto crumble, to triturate, to break to pieces, to make to clot v.
փսորիլ (բայ)p’sorilto clot, to pulverize, to crush, to bruise v.
փսրտալ (բայ)p’srdalto murmur, to whisper v.
փսրտուք (գ.)p’srdookclamour, rumour, confused noise n.
փսփսալ (բայ)p’sp’salto whisper v.
փսփսուք (գ.)p’sp’sookwhispering n.
փտախտ (գ.)p’daKhdgangrene n.
փտիլ (բայ)p’dilto putrefy, to get rotten, to be spoiled v.
փտութիւն (գ.)p’dootyoonputrescence, rottenness, putridness, rot, decay, putrefaction, corruption, sphacelation n.
փրթիլ (բայ)p’rtilto break off, to be detached, to snap, to come off v.
փրկագին (գ.)p’rgakinransom n.
փրկագործ (գ.)p’rgakorDzsavior, redeemer, deliverer n.
փրկագործել (բայ)p’rgakorDzelto save, to redeem, to rescue, to deliver v.
փրկագործութիւն (գ.)p’rgakorDzootyoonact of salvation, redemption, delivery n.
փրկանաւ (գ.)p’rganavlifeboat n.
փրկանք (գ.)p’rgankransom, repurchase, price of redemption, deliverence n.
փրկարար (ած.)p’rgararsalutary, redeeming, promoting salvation, wholesome adj.
փրկարար (գ.)p’rgararsalutary, redeeming, promoting salvation, wholesome adj.
փրկաւէտ (ած.)p’rgaved salutary, redeeming, promoting salvation, wholesome adj.
փրկել (բայ)p’rgelto save, to redeem, to rescue, to deliver, to repurchase, to liberate v.
փրկիչ (գ.)p’rgiCh1) Savior, Saviour, Redeemer,
2) liberator n.
փրկութիւն (գ.)p’rgootyoonsalvation, redemption, recovery, deliverance, repurchase, ransom n.
փրկուիլ (բայ)p’rgvilto be saved, to escape, to run away, to take refuge v.
փրկչական (ած.)p’rgChaganpertaining to the Savior, Redeemer adj.
փրկօղակ (գ.)p’rgoGhaglife-buoy, life-belt n.
փրցնել (բայ)p’rTs’nelto break, to snap, to detach, to pick up, to tear v.
փրփուր (գ.)p’rpoorfroth, foam, scum, lather, yest, barm, drivel n.
փրփրագինի (գ.)p’rp’rakinisparkling wine n.
փրփրադէզ (ած.)p’rp’ratezfoaming, frothy, scum producing adj.
փրփրածին (ած.)p’rp’raDzin1) aphrodite,
2) born of sea-foam n.
փրփրել (բայ)p’rp’rel to foam, to froth, to effervesce, to lather, to scum, to cause to froth v.
փրփրեմ (գ.)p’rp’remgarden purslain n.
փրփրեցնել (բայ)p’rp’reTs’nelto froth, to cover with foam v.
փրփրիլ (բայ)p’rp’rilto foam, to froth, to effervesce, to lather, to scum, to cause to froth v.
փրփրուն (ած.)p’rp’roonfoaming, frothy, sparkling adj.
փցուն (ած.)p’Tsoonunqualified, awkward, clumsy, useless adj.
փքալ (բայ)p’kalto swell, to grow lurgid, to be swollen, to be arrogant, to grow proud v.
փքալ (բայ)p’kal to swell, to grow lurgid, to be swollen, to be arrogant, to grow proud v.
փքանալ (բայ)p’kanalto swell, to grow lurgid, to be swollen, to be arrogant, to grow proud v.
փքանալ (բայ)p’kanal to swell, to grow lurgid, to be swollen, to be arrogant, to grow proud v.
փքացնել (բայ)p’kaTs’nelto swell, to bloat, to puff up, to inflate v.
փքին (գ.)p’kin1) arrow, dart, shaft,
2) sting n.
փքոց (գ.)p’koTsbellows, pair of bellows n.
փքուիլ (բայ)p’kvil1) to swell, to rise, to get inflated,
2) to pride oneself, to boast v.
փքուռոյց (ած.)p’kooRooyTs1) emphysema,
2) turgid,
3) puffy, high-flown n.