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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ:

Veuillez saisir un mot ! - Հաճեցէ՛ք բառ մը գրել

198 / 19914 mots
Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
ը Ը (գ.)U Ueight letter of the Armenian alphabet, vowel, numerical value 8 n.
ըլլալ (բայ)UllalTo be, to become, to come to, to grow v.
Ըլլալ (բայ)Ullal To become poor, to grow poor v.
ըղձալ (բայ)UGhTsalTo wish, to desire, to wish for, to long for v.
ըղձալի (ած.)UGhTsaliDesirable, amiable, anxious adj.
ըղձական (ած.)UGhTsaganOptative adj.
ըղձանոյշ (գ.)UGhTsanooShFairy, fay n.
ըղձանք (գ.)UGhTsankDesire, envy, wish, eagerness n.
ըմբան (գ.)UmpanFauces, pharynx, throat n.
ըմբերանել (բայ)UmperanelTo silence, to stop the mouth of, to put to silence v.
ըմբիշ (գ.)UmpiShAthlete, champion, wrestler n.
ըմբշամարտ (գ.)UmpShamard1) Wrestling,
2) wrestler n.
ըմբոշխնել (բայ)UmpoShKh’nelTo savour, to relish, to enjoy, to eat, to feed on, to delight in, to taste v.
ըմբոստ (ած.)UmposdStubborn, restive, disobedient, indocile, crabbed, refractory, insubordinate, peevish adj.
ըմբոստ (գ.)UmposdStubborn, restive, disobedient, indocile, crabbed, refractory, insubordinate, peevish adj.
ըմբոստանալ (բայ)UmposdanalTo become stubborn, restive, to mutiny, to be refractory, to disobey v.
ըմբոստացնել (բայ)UmposdaTs’nelto incite to revolt, rebellion v.
ըմբոստութիւն (գ.)UmposdootyoonMutiny, insubordination, insurrection, disobedience, impertinence n.
ըմբռնել (բայ)UmpRnel1) To comprehend, to catch hold of, to grapple, to conceive, to embrace,
2) to take v.
ըմբռնելի (ած.)UmpRneliComprehensible, apprehensible, conceivable adj.
ըմբռնում (գ.)UmpRnoomPerception, comprehension, conception, retention, deprehension, capture, hold n.
ըմպակ (գ.)UmbagLarge beer-glass, mug of beer, cup, drinking glass n.
ըմպաձողիկ (գ.)UmbaTsoGhigstraw n.
ըմպան (գ.)Umbanpharynx n.
ըմպան (գ.)Umbanpharynx n.
ըմպանակ (գ.)UmbanagCup, bowl, drinking glass n.
ըմպանոց (գ.)UmbanoTs Large beer-glass, mug of beer, cup, drinking glass n.
ըմպել (բայ)UmbelTo drink v.
ըմպելի (ած.)UmbeliPotable, drinkable, fit to drink adj.
ըմպելի (գ.)UmbeliPotable, drinkable, fit to drink adj.
ընգղայ (գ.)UnkGhayfury, harpie n.
ընդ (նխդր.)Unt1) To, to the, on, over, by, about, in, with,
2) at, under, beneath, amongst, forunder prep.
ընդածին (ած.)UntaDzinNative, natural, habitual, innate adj.
ընդակեր (ած.)UntagerFrugivorous, granivorous n.
ընդակեր (գ.)UntagerFrugivorous, granivorous n.
ընդառաջ (բայ)UntaRaChTo meet, to face, to affront, to go to meet v.
ընդառաջ (մկբ.)UntaRaChIn front, ahead, before adv.
ընդառաջել (բայ)UntaRaChelTo meet, to face, to affront, to go to meet v.
ընդարձակ (ած.)UntarTsagWide, vasty, ample, spacious, large, free, boundless, huge, capacious, roomy, extensive adj.
ընդարձակել (բայ)UntarTsagelTo expand, to extend, to enlarge, to widen, to spread, to stretch, to dilate v.
ընդարձակիլ (բայ)UntarTsagil To extend, to lengthen, to grow out, to grow vasty, to dilate v.
ընդարձակութիւն (գ.)UntarTsagootyoonVastness, ampleness, wideness, amplification, amplitude, scope, extent, greatness, size, enlargement, capacity n.
ընդարձակուիլ (բայ)UntarTsagvilTo extend, to lengthen, to grow out, to grow vasty, to dilate v.
ընդարձակում (գ.)UntarTsagoomDilatation, extension, enlargement n.
ընդարմանալ (բայ)UntarmanalTo grow drowsy, to fall asleep, to grow numb v.
ընդարմացնել (բայ)UntarmaTs’nelTo make drowsy, to be numb, to lull asleep, to stun, to stupefy, to enervate v.
ընդարմացում (գ.)UntarmaTsoom1) Drowsiness, numbness, inaction, torpor, torpidness,
2) stupor n.
ընդգծել (բայ)Untk’DzelTo underline v.
ընդգրկել (բայ)Untk’rgel1) to encompass, to cover,
2) to comprise, to include v.
ընդդէմ (նխդր.)UnttemAgainst, contrary to, opposite to, opposed prep.
ընդդիմաբան (գ.)UnttimapanContradictor, opposer, opponent n.
ընդդիմաբանել (բայ)UnttimapanelTo object, to contradict, to oppose, to contest v.
ընդդիմաբանութիւն (գ.)UnttimapanootyoonContradiction, disputation, antiphrasis n.
ընդդիմադիր (գ.)UnttimatirOpponent, adversary, opposedadjective Opposable, opposing, contrary, opposite n.
ընդդիմադրութիւն (գ.)UnttimatrootyoonOpposition, resistance, objection, contrast, impediment n.
ընդդիմախօս (գ.)UnttimaKhosContradictor, opposer, opponent n.
ընդդիմախօսել (բայ)UnttimaKhoselto contradict, to oppose v.
ընդդիմախօսութիւն (գ.)UnttimaKhosootyoonContradiction, disputation, antiphrasis n.
ընդելուզանել (բայ)Unteloozanel To enchase, to insert, to set in, to fit in, to encase, to mount v.
ընդելուզել (բայ)UnteloozelTo enchase, to insert, to set in, to fit in, to encase, to mount v.
ընդելուզուած (գ.)UnteloozvaDz 1) Mounting, setting, insertion, joint, socket, juncture,
2) web n.
ընդելուզուիլ (բայ)Unteloozvilto be enlaced, to be encased, ti be embedded v.
ընդելուզում (գ.)Unteloozoom1) Mounting, setting, insertion, joint, socket, juncture,
2) web n.
ընդեղէն (գ.)UnteGhenLeguminous adj.
ընդերկար (մկբ.)UntergarA long while, at length, long time adv.
ընդերք (գ.)Unterk1) Intestines, entrails, bowels, cæcum,
2) guts, blindgut, tripe,
3) tripe (offal, giblets) n.
ընդլայնել (բայ)UntlaynelTo amplify, to enlarge, to dilate v.
ընդլայնում (գ.)UntlaynoomDilatation, amplification, macrosis, enlargement, magnification n.
ընդծովեայ (ած.)UntDzovyaSubmarine n.
ընդծովեայ (գ.)UntDzovyaSubmarine n.
ընդհակառակն (մկբ.)UnthagaRag’n1) Contrary, opposite, adverse,
2) discordant, repugnant, contradictory,
3) incompatible, inimical adj.
ընդհանուր (ած.)UnthanoorGeneral adj.
ընդհանրական (ած.)UnthanraganGeneral, universal, public adj.
ընդհանրանալ (բայ)UnthanranalTo be generalized, to become general v.
ընդհանրացնել (բայ)UnthanraTs’nelTo generalize v.
ընդհանրացում (գ.)UnthanraTsoomGeneralization n.
ընդհանրութիւն (գ.)UnthanrootyoonGenerality, universality n.
ընդհատ (ած.)Unthad1) Discontinued, interrupted,
2) interval adj.
ընդհատել (բայ)UnthadelTo discontinue, to cease, to leave off v.
ընդհատուիլ (բայ)Unthadvilto be interrupted v.
ընդհատում (գ.)Unthadoom1) interruption, break,
2) stoppage n.
ընդհարիլ (բայ)UntharilTo strike against one another, to clash, to come into collision, to knock against each other v.
ընդհարում (գ.)UntharoomCollision, blow, shock, knock, bruise(mil) engagement, collision, blow, shock, knock, bruise n.
ընդհուպ (մկբ.)UnthoobNear, nigh, close, adjacent adj.
ընդմէջ (նխդր.)UntmeChBetween prep.
ընդմիշտ (մկբ.)UntmiShdfor good, ever, all time, eternity adv.
ընդմիջել (բայ)UntmiChelTo interrupt, to discontinue, to cut off, to hinder v.
ընդմիջում (գ.)UntmiChoomInterruption, nonsuit n.
ընդյատակեայ (ած.)Untyadagya1) clandestine, secret,
2) underground, subterranean adj.
ընդոստ (մկբ.)UntosdJumping, starting, that leaps, that bounds adv.
ընդոտնել (բայ)UntodnelTo trample on, to tread, to crush, to walk on, to knock down, to beat down v.
ընդունակ (ած.)UntoonagCapable, apt, susceptible, proper, acceptable, agreeable adj.
ընդունակութիւն (գ.)UntoonagootyoonCapableness, aptitude, capacity, acceptance, reach, participation n.
ընդունայն (ած.)UntoonaynVain, frivolous, void, useless, indolent adj.
ընդունայն (մկբ.)UntoonaynVain, frivolous, void, useless, indolent adj.
ընդունարան (գ.)Untoonaran1) Receptacle, recipient, reservoir, vase, vessel, shelter,
2) asylum, salon,
3) receiver n.
ընդունելի (ած.)UntooneliAcceptable, receivable, admissible adj.
ընդունելութիւն (գ.)Untoonelootyoon1) Receivability, admissibility,
2) reception, acceptance, acceptation, obtaining, admission, receipt, taking(gram) particip n.
ընդունիլ (բայ)UntoonilTo accept, to agree to v.
ընդունուիլ (բայ)Untoon’vilTo be received, to be accepted v.
ընդվզիլ (բայ)UntvzilTo revolt, to rebel, to resist, to rise in insurrection v.
ընդվզում (գ.)UntvzoomRevolt, rebellion, mutiny, riot, rising, outbreak n.
ընդօրինակել (բայ)Untorinagel1) To copy,
2) to imitate, to copy out, to transcribe v.
ընդօրինակութիւն (գ.)Untorinagootyoon1) Copy, imitation, transcript,
2) perspective n.
ընդօրինակում (գ.)UntorinagoomCopy n.
ընել (բայ)UnelTo do, to make, to create, to work, to render, to practice, to exercise, to commit, to convert, to occasion, to deal v.
Ընել (բայ)Unel To tread, to trample upon, to trample under foot, to stamp on, to throw under the feet v.
ընթանալ (բայ)UntanalTo run, to run to, to flow, to go, to walk, to run over, to traverse, to go through v.
ընթացակարգ (գ.)UntaTsagarkprocedure, proceedings n.
ընթացաւարտ (գ.)UntaTsavardGraduate n.
ընթացիկ (ած.)UntaTsig1) Current, running, usual, present,
2) slider adj.
ընթացք (գ.)UntaTskCourse, conduct, pace, way of walking, manner, behaviour, proceeding, race, movement n.
ընթեռնել (բայ)UnteRnelto read v.
ընթեռնելի (ած.)UnteRneliReadable, that may be read, legible adj.
ընթերցանութիւն (գ.)UnterTsanootyoonReading, perusal, lecture n.
ընթերցասէր (գ.)UnterTsaserStudious, lover of reading, reader, that loves study, well-read adj.
ընթերցասրահ (գ.)UnterTsasrahReading room, reading hall n.
ընթերցարան (գ.)UnterTsaran1) Reading room,
2) reading book n.
ընթերցել (բայ)UnterTselto read v.
ընթերցող (գ.)UnterTsoGhPerson who reads, reader n.
ընթերցուած (գ.)UnterTs’vaDzLection, reading, lesson-lecture, story n.
ընթերցում (գ.)UnterTsoomReading, lection, perusal, lecture, reading or playing at sight n.
ընթրիք (գ.)UntrikDinner, supper n.
ընծայարան (գ.)UnDzayaranPlace of offering, altar n.
ընծայել (բայ)UnDzayelTo present, to offer, to give, to dedicate v.
ընծայուիլ (բայ)UnDzayvilTo offer oneself, to offer v.
ընծայում (գ.)UnDzayoomOffering, dedication, act of offering n.
ընկալագիր (գ.)UngalakirReceipt n.
ընկալեալ (ած.)UngalyalReceived, accepted adj.
ընկալուչ (գ.)UngalooCh1) Betrothed, fiancé, pretended, supposed,
2) receiver, receiving instrument n.
ընկեր (գ.)UngerFellow, companion, comrade, associate, partaker, consort, partner n.
ընկերաբան (գ.)UngerapanSociologist n.
ընկերաբանական (ած.)UngerapanaganSociological adj.
ընկերաբանութիւն (գ.)UngerapanootyoonSociology n.
ընկերական (ած.)UngeraganSocial, sociable adj.
ընկերակից (գ.)UngeragiTsCo-mate, chamber-fellow, associate, colleague, partner, fellow-member n.
ընկերակցիլ (բայ)UngeragTsilTo associate, to consort, to keep company with v.
ընկերակցութիւն (գ.)UngeragTsootyoonAssociation, society, company n.
ընկերային (ած.)UngerayinSocial adj.
ընկերանալ (բայ)UngeranalTo join, to associate, to go with v.
ընկերութիւն (գ.)Ungerootyoon1) Society, company, association, corporation, partnership,
2) congregation, order,
3) democracy n.
ընկերուհի (գ.)UngeroohiPartner, female companion n.
ընկերվար (ած.)Ungervarsocialist adj.
ընկերվարական (ած.)UngervaraganSocialist n.
ընկերվարականութիւն (գ.)Ungervaraganootyoon Socialism n.
ընկերվարութիւն (գ.)UngervarootyoonSocialism n.
ընկեցիկ (գ.)UngeTsigRejected, deject, cast-off, abandoned adj.
ընկլուզել (բայ)Ungloozelto engulf, to swallow, to submerge v.
ընկղմել (բայ)UngGhmelTo immerse, to dip, to dive in, to plunge, to submerge, to ingulf, to whelm, to sink v.
ընկղմիլ (բայ)UngGhmilTo sink, to merge, to be plunged v.
ընկճել (բայ)UngDjelTo oppress, to overcome, to crush, to subdue, to overwhelm, to suppress, to bring down v.
ընկճիլ (բայ)UngDjil To succumb, to be overcome, to fall, to fail, to yield v.
ընկճուիլ (բայ)UngDjvilTo succumb, to be overcome, to fall, to fail, to yield v.
ընկճում (գ.)UngDjoom1) Yielding, oppression,
2) discouragement, athymia, repression, prostration n.
ընկողմանիլ (բայ)UngoGhmanilTo lie down, to couch, to lay oneself down, to stretch out v.
ընկոյզ (գ.)UngooyzWalnut n.
ընկուզենի (գ.)UngoozeniWalnut tree n.
ընկուզի (գ.)Ungoozi Walnut tree n.
ընկրկիլ (բայ)Ungrgilto retreat, to fall back, to yield v.
ընկրկում (գ.)UngrgoomBackdown n.
ընձառիւծ (գ.)UnTsaRyooDzLeopard n.
ընձենի (գ.)UnTseniLeopard skin n.
ընձեռել (բայ)UnTseRelTo offer, to afford, to furnish, to transmit, to supply, to award, to consign v.
ընձիւղ (գ.)UnTsyooGhShoot, germ, sprout, spring, button, gem n.
ընձիւղել (բայ)UnTsyooGhelTo shoot, to sprout, to bud, to germinate v.
ընձիւղիլ (բայ)UnTsyooGhilto sprout, to burgeon, to bud, to shoot, to grow, to branch v.
ընձուղտ (գ.)UnTsooGhdGiraffe, cameleopard n.
ընչաբաղձ (ած.)UnChapaGhTscovetous, greedy, grasping, voracious adj.
ընչազուրկ (ած.)UnChazoorgProletary, proletarian adj.
ընչազուրկ (գ.)UnChazoorgProletary, proletarian adj.
ընչասէր (ած.)UnChaserIron-fisted, greedy, avaricious, covetous, loving riches adj.
ընչասիրութիւն (գ.)UnChasirootyoonAvarice, covetousness, avidity, cupidity, stinginess n.
ընչատուփ (գ.)UnChadoopSnuffbox n.
ընչեղ (ած.)UnCheGhRich, opulent, monied, loaded with riches adj.
ընպան (գ.)Unban Fauces, pharynx, throat n.
ընտանեկան (ած.)UndaneganFamiliar adj.
ընտանենալ (բայ)UndanenalTo become intimate, to be familiarized with, to become acquainted with v.
ընտանեցնել (բայ)UndaneTs’nel1) To familiarize, to tame (animals), to make sociable persons, to domesticate, to render familiar, to civilize,
2) to accustom, v.
ընտանի (ած.)UndaniFamiliar, domestic, intimate, tamed adj.
ընտանիք (գ.)UndanikFamily, household, house, kin n.
ընտանութիւն (գ.)UndanootyoonFamiliarity, acquaintance n.
ընտել (ած.)UndelFamiliar, accustomed, intimate adj.
ընտելանալ (բայ)Undelanal1) To be accustomed, familiarized,
2) to become tamed (animals) v.
ընտելացնել (բայ)UndelaTs’nelTo accustom, to habituate, to tame, to domesticate v.
Ընտերք (գ.)Underk1) Intestines, entrails, bowels, cæcum,
2) guts, blindgut, tripe n.
ընտիր (ած.)UndirFine, elegant, exquisite, superb, chosen, worthy adj.
ընտրական (ած.)Undragan1) Elective, electoral, eligible,
2) better adj.
ընտրանի (գ.)Undranielite, select, choice n.
ընտրանք (գ.)UndrankChoice, election, prime n.
ընտրապայքար (գ.)Undrabaykarelectoral campaign n.
ընտրել (բայ)UndrelTo elect, to choose, to adopt, to select, to prefer, to sort, to cull, to discern, to pick v.
ընտրելի (գ.)Undrelicandidate n.
ընտրիչ (գ.)UndriCh Elector, selector, prudent, wiseadjective choosing, electing n.
ընտրող (գ.)UndroGhElector, selector, prudent, wiseadjective choosing, electing n.
ընտրուած (ած.)Undr’vaDzchosen, selected adj.
ընտրութիւն (գ.)Undrootyoon1) Election, choice, discernment, option, arbitration, selection, decision, choosing,
2) distinction n.
ըսել (բայ)UselTo say, to tell, to speak v.
ըստ (նխդր.)UsdAccording to, in the opinion of, as for prep.