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Arménien occidental - ՀայերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - ԱնգլերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
ց Ց (գ.) | Ts Ts | thirty-third letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 6000 n. |
ցաթել (բայ) | Tsatel | To dawn, to break, to appear v. |
ցախ (գ.) | TsaKh | 1) Maple tree, master tree, 2) branches, 3) furze, 4) birch tree, brushwood n. |
ցախաւել (գ.) | TsaKhavel | Small heath, birch broom n. |
ցախսարիկ (գ.) | TsaKhsarig | wren n. |
ցած (ած.) | TsaDz | Low, vile, mean, abject, servile, humble, despicable adj. |
ցածնալ (բայ) | TsaDznal | 1) to fall away, to slope to downward, to incline, to sink low, 2) to be humbled, to be abased, to humble oneself, 3) to stoop to v. |
ցածոգի (ած.) | TsaDzoki | Humble, modest, moderate, meek adj. |
ցածորակ (ած.) | TsaDzorag | low-quality, low-grade, inferior adj. |
ցածութիւն (գ.) | TsaDzootyoon | abasement, lowering, baseness, meanness, vileness, lowness, servileness n. |
ցածցնել (բայ) | TsaDzTs’nel | To lower, to let down, to stoop, to debase v. |
ցամաքակղզի (գ.) | TsamakagGhzi | Peninsula n. |
ցամաքահանում (գ.) | Tsamakahanoom | landing, disembarkation n. |
ցամաքամաս (գ.) | Tsamakamas | continent, mainland n. |
ցամաքային (ած.) | Tsamakayin | Continental, terrestrial, dry adj. |
ցամաքութիւն (գ.) | Tsamakootyoon | Dryness, barrenness, aridity, siccity, draining, drying up n. |
ցամքեցնել (բայ) | TsamkeTs’nel | To desiccate, to drain, to dry up v. |
ցամքիլ (բայ) | Tsamkil | To dry up, to wither, to waste away v. |
ցամքոց (գ.) | TsamkoTs | peignoir, negligee, bathrobe n. |
ցայգ (գ.) | Tsayk | Night, night time n. |
ցայգազգեստ (գ.) | Tsaykazkesd | Nightdress, evening dress n. |
ցայգաթիթեռ (գ.) | TsaykatiteR | Lepidopter, nocturnal butterfly n. |
ցայգահանդէս (գ.) | Tsaykahantes | Evening party n. |
ցայգային (ած.) | Tsaykayin | nocturnal, nightly adj. |
ցայգանուագ (գ.) | Tsaykan’vak | serenade, nocturne n. |
ցայգաշրջիկ (գ.) | TsaykaShrChig | Noctambulist, a somnam, bulist n. |
ցայգերգ (գ.) | Tsaykerk | Evensong, nocturne, serenata n. |
ցայել (բայ) | Tsayel | To water linen in cold water, to rinse v. |
ցայլոջիլ (գ.) | TsayloChil | Crab louse n. |
ցայլք (գ.) | Tsaylk | Groin, inguen n. |
ցայտաղբիւր (գ.) | TsaydaGhpyoor | Geyser n. |
ցայտել (բայ) | Tsaydel | To gush, to spout, to spurt, to gush out, to issue forth suddenly v. |
ցայտեցնել (բայ) | TsaydeTs’nel | To spurt out, to make to gush v. |
ցայտիլ (բայ) | Tsaydil | To gush, to spout, to spurt, to gush out, to issue forth suddenly v. |
ցայտուկք (գ.) | Tsaydoogk | Splash of mud, splash, spurt n. |
ցայտում (գ.) | Tsaydoom | Gushing, spouting, springing, flashing n. |
ցայտուն (ած.) | Tsaydoon | 1) Gushing out, spouting out, 2) salient, top-ranking, outstanding adj. |
ցայտք (գ.) | Tsaydk | Splash of mud, splash, spurt n. |
ցան (գ.) | Tsan | 1) Sowing, 2) dispersion n. |
ցան(ք) (գ.) | Tsan(k) | sowing n. |
ցանել (բայ) | Tsanel | To sow (ground), to scatter, to spread, to sprinkle, to strew, to besprinkle v. |
ցանկ (գ.) | Tsang | Desire, longing, cupidity, lust, covetousness, concupiscence n. |
ցանկագրել (բայ) | Tsangak’rel | To catalogue v. |
ցանկալ (բայ) | Tsangal | To desire, to wish, to envy, to covet, to long for v. |
ցանկալի (ած.) | Tsangali | Desirable, covetable, to be wished for adj. |
ցանկամոլ (ած.) | Tsangamol | Lustful, libidinous adj. |
ցանկայարոյց (ած.) | TsangayarooyTs | erotic, sexy, tempting adj. |
ցանկապատ (ած.) | Tsangabad | Enclosed, surrounded with hedges adj. |
ցանկապատ (գ.) | Tsangabad | Enclosed, surrounded with hedges adj. |
ցանկասէր (ած.) | Tsangaser | Lewd, sensual, lecherous, voluptuous, libidinous adj. |
ցանկութիւն (գ.) | Tsangootyoon | Desire, longing, cupidity, covetousness, lust, concupiscence n. |
ցանուցիր (ած.) | TsanooTsir | Scattered about, dispersed adj. |
ցանց (գ.) | TsanTs | Net, seine, network, netting, snare n. |
ցանցառ (ած.) | TsanTsaR | Scarce, light, thin, loose, slack, sparse adj. |
ցանցենի (գ.) | TsanTseni | Retina n. |
ցասկոտ (ած.) | Tsasgod | 1) Passionate, choleric, irascible, 2) hasty adj. |
ցասում (գ.) | Tsasoom | anger, passion, indignation, fit of passion, vexation, outburst, resentment n. |
ցատկ (գ.) | Tsadg | leap, bound, jump, spring, hop n. |
ցատկել (բայ) | Tsadgel | To gush, to spout, to gush out, to cut a caper v. |
ցատկեցնել (բայ) | TsadgeTs’nel | To gush, to spout, to spurt v. |
ցատկռտել (բայ) | TsadgRdel | To hop, to jump, to skip, to jump about v. |
ցատկռտուք (գ.) | TsadgRdook | Hopping, skipping n. |
ցար (գ.) | Tsar | Czar n. |
ցարասի (գ.) | Tsarasi | Heather, birch tree n. |
ցարդ (մկբ.) | Tsart | until now, yet, still adv. |
ցարուհի (գ.) | Tsaroohi | Czarina n. |
ցաւ (գ.) | Tsav | 1) Pain, ache, suffering, anguish, pang, grief, sorrow, regret, affliction, woe, disease, illness, grievance, 2) algia n. |
ցաւագար (ած.) | Tsavakar | Infirm, weak, feeble, unwell, sickly, unhealthy, broken down adj. |
ցաւագարութիւն (գ.) | Tsavakarootyoon | 1) malady, 2) epilepsy n. |
ցաւալի (ած.) | Tsavali | Painful, sorrowful, afflicting, doleful, grievous, sad, woeful adj. |
ցաւալից (ած.) | TsavaliTs | Painful, sorrowful, afflicting, doleful, grievous, sad, woeful adj. |
ցաւակից (գ.) | TsavagiTs | partner of sorrow, condoler, sympathizer n. |
ցաւակցիլ (բայ) | TsavagTsil | To condole, to pity, to compassionate, to commiserate v. |
ցաւակցութիւն (գ.) | TsavagTsootyoon | Condolence, condolement, compassion, sympathy n. |
ցաւոտ (ած.) | Tsavod | Painful, aching, suffering, unwell, infirm, weak, feeble adj. |
ցաւցնել (բայ) | TsavTs’nel | to hurt, to pain, to make sore, to make ache v. |
ցաքան (գ.) | Tsakan | Scarificator, harrow, scarifier n. |
ցաքանել (բայ) | Tsakanel | To scarify, to harrow v. |
ցաքանում (գ.) | Tsakanoom | Scarification n. |
ցել (գ.) | Tsel | crack, split, fissure, cleavage n. |
ցելել (բայ) | Tselel | To rend, to cleave, to break, to split v. |
ցեխ (գ.) | TseKh | Mud, mire, dirt n. |
ցեխոտ (ած.) | TseKhod | Muddy, miry, dirty adj. |
ցեղ (գ.) | TseGh | Tribe, caste, race, branch (of a family), stock n. |
ցեղաբան (գ.) | TseGhapan | Ethnologist, ethnographer n. |
ցեղաբանութիւն (գ.) | TseGhapanootyoon | 1) Ethnology, ethnography, 2) cormophyly n. |
ցեղագիր (գ.) | TseGhakir | Ethnographer n. |
ցեղագրութիւն (գ.) | TseGhak’rootyoon | Ethnography n. |
ցեղախումբ (գ.) | TseGhaKhoomp | Tribe n. |
ցեղային (ած.) | TseGhayin | Racial, tribal, ethnic adj. |
ցեղապաշտ (ած.) | TseGhabaShd | racist adj. |
ցեղապետ (գ.) | TseGhabed | Chieftain, chief of a tribe, or clan, patriarch n. |
ցեղապետութիւն (գ.) | TseGhabedootyoon | Clanship, patriarchship n. |
ցեղասպան (ած.) | TseGhasban | genocide adj. |
ցեղասպանութիւն (գ.) | TseGhasbanootyoon | Genocide n. |
ցերեկ (մկբ.) | Tsereg | during the day, by day adv. |
ցերեկօթիկ (ած.) | Tseregotig | Day school n. |
ցեց (գ.) | TseTs | Worm, maggot, clothes moth, mite, ringworm n. |
ցեցակեր (ած.) | TseTsager | Worm eaten, moth-eaten adj. |
ցեցակերեալ (ած.) | TseTsageryal | Worm eaten, moth-eaten adj. |
ցին (գ.) | Tsin | 1) Kite, glede, buzzard, elanet, 2) bee hawk n. |
ցիռ (գ.) | TsiR | Onager or ghor-khar, wild ass n. |
ցիր (ած.) | Tsir | Dispersion, dispersing, scattering, open space n. |
ցիրեւցան (ած.) | TsirevTsan | Dispersed, scattered, strewed about adj. |
ցիրուցան (ած.) | TsirooTsan | Dispersed, scattered, strewed about adj. |
ցից (գ.) | TsiTs | Pale, stake, pile, peg, pin, upright, erect, straight, sharp n. |
ցլամարտ (գ.) | Ts’lamard | 1) Bull-baiting, bullfight, 2) matador, bullfighter n. |
ցլամարտիկ (գ.) | Ts’lamardig | toreador, matador, bullfighter n. |
ցլամարտութիւն (գ.) | Ts’lamardootyoon | Bullfighting n. |
ցլաշուն (գ.) | Ts’laShoon | Bulldog n. |
ցկնիլ (բայ) | Tsg’nil | To pup, to cub, to litter (of animals) v. |
ցնդած (ած.) | Ts’ntaDz | Decrepit, dotard, driveller, bestraught adj. |
ցնդել (բայ) | Ts’ntel | To volatilize, to evaporate, to dissipate, to disperse, to exhale v. |
ցնդեցնել (բայ) | Ts’nteTs’nel | To volatilize, to evaporate, to dissipate, to disperse, to exhale v. |
ցնդիլ (բայ) | Ts’ntil | To vanish, to be volatilized, to be exhaled, to be evaporated, to dote v. |
ցնծագին (ած.) | Ts’nDzakin | Gleeful, merry, joyous adj. |
ցնծագին (մկբ.) | Ts’nDzakin | Gleeful, merry, joyous adj. |
ցնծալ (բայ) | Ts’nDzal | 1) to rejoice, 2) to thrill with joy v. |
ցնծերգ (գ.) | Ts’nDzerk | allegro, a lively tune or melody n. |
ցնծղի (գ.) | Ts’nDzGhi | Common service tree n. |
ցնծութիւն (գ.) | Ts’nDzootyoon | Joy, joyfulness, mirth, exultation, social merriment, exhilaration n. |
ցնծուհի (գ.) | Ts’nDzoohi | Prostitute, woman of easy virtue n. |
ցնծում (գ.) | Ts’nDzoom | Joy, joyfulness, mirth, exultation, social merriment, exhilaration n. |
ցնծուն (ած.) | Ts’nDzoon | Gay, merry, mirthful, cheerful adj. |
ցնկնիլ (բայ) | Ts’ng’nil | To pup, to cub, to litter v. |
ցնորած (ած.) | Ts’noraDz | Demented, giddy, decrepit, dotard, driveller adj. |
ցնորած (գ.) | Ts’noraDz | Demented, giddy, decrepit, dotard, driveller adj. |
ցնորական (ած.) | Ts’noragan | Illusory, chimerical, imaginary, vertiginous, subject to giddiness adj. |
ցնորամիտ (ած.) | Ts’noramid | Visionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj. |
ցնորամիտ (գ.) | Ts’noramid | Visionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj. |
ցնորատես (ած.) | Ts’norades | Visionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj. |
ցնորիլ (բայ) | Ts’noril | To rave, to become delirious, to be crazy, to fall into a revery v. |
ցնորք (գ.) | Ts’nork | Revery, delirium, musing, raving, vision, delusion, illusion, imagination, phantom, transport, shadow, chimera, hallucination n. |
ցնցարգել (գ.) | Ts’nTsarkel | air-cushion n. |
ցնցել (բայ) | Ts’nTsel | To shake, to jolt, to jog, to shock, to throw off v. |
ցնցիչ (ած.) | Ts’nTsiCh | sensational, shocking, impressive, startling, staggering adj. |
ցնցղատապ (գ.) | Ts’nTsGhadab | Bronchitis n. |
ցնցոտի (գ.) | Ts’nTsodi | Rag, tatter, rubbish, trifle, trinket, frippery n. |
ցնցոտիք (գ.) | Ts’nTsodik | Rag, tatter, rubbish, trifle, trinket, frippery n. |
ցնցուղ (գ.) | Ts’nTsooGh | 1) Watering pot, 2) bronchus duct n. |
ցնցում (գ.) | Ts’nTsoom | Shake, shock, succussion, jog, jolt, jerk, blow, concussion, commotion n. |
ցոլալ (բայ) | Tsolal | 1) to shine, to scintillate, to glitter, to twinkle, 2) to be reflected v. |
ցոլանալ (բայ) | Tsolanal | To reflect, to be reflected, to flash, to cast a reflection v. |
ցոլարան (գ.) | Tsolaran | Reflector n. |
ցոլացնել (բայ) | TsolaTs’nel | To reflect, to throw back, to reverberate, to make to flash v. |
ցոլացում (գ.) | TsolaTsoom | Reflection, reflex (of light) n. |
ցոլք (գ.) | Tsolk | Reflections, reflex (of light, of colours), flashes n. |
ցոյց (գ.) | TsuyTs | 1) Show, parade, indication, mark, demonstration, ostentation, sign, proof, action of showing, lying out, 2) sample, testimonial n. |
ցորեան (գ.) | Tsorian | (bot) Common wheat, wheat, corn, grain n. |
ցորեն (գ.) | Tsoren | Common wheat, wheat, corn, grain n. |
ցորենազգի (գ.) | Tsorenazki | Frumentaceous adj. |
ցուլ (գ.) | Tsool | Taurus, tho Bull n. |
ցում (գ.) | Tsoom | pus, matter n. |
ցունց (գ.) | TsoonTs | Shake, shock, blow, concussion, toss, twitching n. |
ցուպ (գ.) | Tsoob | Crook, sheep hook, staff, cudgel, rod, stick, wand n. |
ցուրտ (ած.) | Tsoord | Cold, coldness, chilliness, unconcern, feeling of cold, dullness, algid n. |
ցուրտ (գ.) | Tsoord | Cold, coldness, chilliness, unconcern, feeling of cold, dullness, algid n. |
ցուցադրել (բայ) | TsooTsatrel | To expose v. |
ցուցադրութիւն (գ.) | TsooTsatrootyoon | Exposition, laying out, exhibition n. |
ցուցակ (գ.) | TsooTsag | Dial plate n. |
ցուցակագրել (բայ) | TsooTsagak’rel | To inventory, to schedule, to catalogue v. |
ցուցակագրում (գ.) | TsooTsagak’room | inventory, stock-taking, listing n. |
ցուցական (ած.) | TsooTsagan | Demonstrative, indicative adj. |
ցուցահանդէս (գ.) | TsooTsahantes | Exhibition, show, the faire n. |
ցուցամատ (գ.) | TsooTsamad | index, fore finger n. |
ցուցամոլ (ած.) | TsooTsamol | Ostentatious, fop, dandy, buck fever adj. |
ցուցամոլութիւն (գ.) | TsooTsamolootyoon | Ostentation, vainglory, Ostentatiousness n. |
ցուցանակ (գ.) | TsooTsanag | 1) Index, 2) token, sign n. |
ցուցանիշ (գ.) | TsooTsaniSh | 1) Cockade, rosette, 2) thumb index n. |
ցուցանմոյշ (գ.) | TsooTsanmooSh | sample, demo, show piece, exhibit n. |
ցուցանք (գ.) | TsooTsank | Monster n. |
ցուցասրահ (գ.) | TsooTsasrah | exhibit(ion) hall, pavilion, show room n. |
ցուցատախտակ (գ.) | TsooTsadaKhdag | sign, sign-board n. |
ցուցարար (գ.) | TsooTsarar | Demonstrator adj. |
ցուցափեղկ (գ.) | TsooTsapeGhg | Shop-window, show-case n. |
ցուցիչ (գ.) | TsooTsiCh | Indicative, indicating, demonstrativenIndex, indicator adj. |
ցուցնել (բայ) | TsooTs’nel | To show, to indicate, to point out, to exhibit, to let see, to prove, to demonstrate, to give proofs v. |
ցուցում (գ.) | TsooTsoom | Indication, demonstration, proof, argument, exposition n. |
ցոփ (ած.) | Tsop | 1) Blackguard, lewd, dissolute, 2) sybarite, epicure, 3) debauched, licentious, 4) glib, ithyphallic adj. |
ցոփութիւն (գ.) | Tsopootyoon | Lechery, dissoluteness, lewdness, erotomania, licentiousness, profligacy, debauchery n. |
ցպիկ (գ.) | Ts’big | 1) a little stick, 2) n. |
ցռկանաւ (գ.) | Ts’Rganav | Galley, galleon, rostral n. |
ցռուկ (գ.) | Ts’Roog | 1) Muzzle, snout, nose, 2) cutwater, prow n. |
ցտեսութիւն (գ.) | Ts’dyesootyoon | Good-bye for the present n. |
ցրել (բայ) | Ts’rel | To break away, to subvert, to disperse, to scatter v. |
ցրիւ (ած.) | Ts’riv | Dispersedly, broken away, here and there adv. |
ցրուած (ած.) | Ts’r’vaDz | Scattered, dispersed adj. |
ցրուեալ (ած.) | Ts’rveal | Scattered, dispersed adj. |
ցրուել (բայ) | Ts’rvel | To disperse, to dispel, to scatter, to dispread, to disseminate, to strew about v. |
ցրուիլ (բայ) | Ts’rvil | To be dispersed, to be scattered, to spread about, to divert, to dispel, to be dispelled, to be dissipated v. |
ցրուիչ (գ.) | Ts’rviCh | 1) Foot post, postman, 2) disperser n. |
ցրուում (գ.) | Ts’rvovm | Dispersion, dispersing, scattering, open space n. |
ցրտահար (ած.) | Ts’rdahar | Frost-bitten, struck with cold adj. |
ցրտանալ (բայ) | Ts’rdanal | 1) To cool, to become cold, to grow cold, to grow cool, 2) to catch cold v. |
ցրտաշունչ (ած.) | Ts’rdaShoonCh | Cold, glacial, chilly, blowing cold, frosty, sharp, biting adj. |
ցրտացնել (բայ) | Ts’rdaTs’nel | To cool, to chill, to freeze v. |
ցրտել (բայ) | Ts’rdel | to get cold, to get chilly v. |
ցրտին (ած.) | Ts’rdin | Cold, chilly, coldish adj. |
ցրտութիւն (գ.) | Ts’rdootyoon | Cold, coldness, chilliness, coolness, chill, indifference, lukewarmness n. |
ցրւում (գ.) | Ts’rvoom | Dispersion n. |
ցրօնք (գ.) | Ts’ronk | Dispersion n. |
ցցապատնէշ (գ.) | Ts’TsabadneSh | Palisade, stockade n. |
ցցել (բայ) | Ts’Tsel | To thrust down, to drive in, to break in, to sink to the bottom v. |
ցցուածք (գ.) | Ts’TsvaDzk | Erection, erecting, protuberance n. |
ցցուիլ (բայ) | Ts’Tsvil | To stand erect, to bristle up, to stand on end, to sprout, to pullulate v. |
ցցուն (ած.) | Ts’Tsoon | Salient adj. |
ցցունք (գ.) | Ts’Tsoonk | apophysis n. |
ցփսի (գ.) | Ts’psi | 1) Mohair, 2) serge, camlet n. |
ցքահան (գ.) | Tskahan | alembic, still n. |
ցքի (գ.) | Tski | alcohol, spirits of wine, arrack n. |
ցօղ (գ.) | TsoGh | Dew, cool n. |
ցօղաթուրմ (ած.) | TsoGhatoorm | dewy, wet adj. |
ցօղել (բայ) | TsoGhel | To bedew, to wet, to sprinkle, to water v. |
ցօղեղեամ (գ.) | TsoGheGhyam | rime, hoar-frost n. |
ցօղուել (բայ) | TsoGhvel | To rinse, to wash, to cleanse v. |
ցօղուն (ած.) | TsoGhoon | dewy, dew-besprent adj. |