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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ:

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Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
ց Ց (գ.)Ts Tsthirty-third letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 6000 n.
ցաթել (բայ)TsatelTo dawn, to break, to appear v.
ցախ (գ.)TsaKh1) Maple tree, master tree,
2) branches,
3) furze,
4) birch tree, brushwood n.
ցախաւել (գ.)TsaKhavelSmall heath, birch broom n.
ցախսարիկ (գ.)TsaKhsarigwren n.
ցած (ած.)TsaDzLow, vile, mean, abject, servile, humble, despicable adj.
ցածնալ (բայ)TsaDznal1) to fall away, to slope to downward, to incline, to sink low,
2) to be humbled, to be abased, to humble oneself,
3) to stoop to v.
ցածոգի (ած.)TsaDzokiHumble, modest, moderate, meek adj.
ցածորակ (ած.)TsaDzoraglow-quality, low-grade, inferior adj.
ցածութիւն (գ.)TsaDzootyoonabasement, lowering, baseness, meanness, vileness, lowness, servileness n.
ցածցնել (բայ)TsaDzTs’nelTo lower, to let down, to stoop, to debase v.
ցամաքակղզի (գ.)TsamakagGhziPeninsula n.
ցամաքահանում (գ.)Tsamakahanoomlanding, disembarkation n.
ցամաքամաս (գ.)Tsamakamascontinent, mainland n.
ցամաքային (ած.)TsamakayinContinental, terrestrial, dry adj.
ցամաքութիւն (գ.)TsamakootyoonDryness, barrenness, aridity, siccity, draining, drying up n.
ցամքեցնել (բայ)TsamkeTs’nelTo desiccate, to drain, to dry up v.
ցամքիլ (բայ)TsamkilTo dry up, to wither, to waste away v.
ցամքոց (գ.)TsamkoTspeignoir, negligee, bathrobe n.
ցայգ (գ.)TsaykNight, night time n.
ցայգազգեստ (գ.)TsaykazkesdNightdress, evening dress n.
ցայգաթիթեռ (գ.)TsaykatiteRLepidopter, nocturnal butterfly n.
ցայգահանդէս (գ.)TsaykahantesEvening party n.
ցայգային (ած.)Tsaykayinnocturnal, nightly adj.
ցայգանուագ (գ.)Tsaykan’vakserenade, nocturne n.
ցայգաշրջիկ (գ.)TsaykaShrChigNoctambulist, a somnam, bulist n.
ցայգերգ (գ.)TsaykerkEvensong, nocturne, serenata n.
ցայել (բայ)TsayelTo water linen in cold water, to rinse v.
ցայլոջիլ (գ.)TsayloChilCrab louse n.
ցայլք (գ.)TsaylkGroin, inguen n.
ցայտաղբիւր (գ.)TsaydaGhpyoorGeyser n.
ցայտել (բայ)TsaydelTo gush, to spout, to spurt, to gush out, to issue forth suddenly v.
ցայտեցնել (բայ)TsaydeTs’nelTo spurt out, to make to gush v.
ցայտիլ (բայ)Tsaydil To gush, to spout, to spurt, to gush out, to issue forth suddenly v.
ցայտուկք (գ.)Tsaydoogk Splash of mud, splash, spurt n.
ցայտում (գ.)TsaydoomGushing, spouting, springing, flashing n.
ցայտուն (ած.)Tsaydoon1) Gushing out, spouting out,
2) salient, top-ranking, outstanding adj.
ցայտք (գ.)TsaydkSplash of mud, splash, spurt n.
ցան (գ.)Tsan1) Sowing,
2) dispersion n.
ցան(ք) (գ.)Tsan(k)sowing n.
ցանել (բայ)TsanelTo sow (ground), to scatter, to spread, to sprinkle, to strew, to besprinkle v.
ցանկ (գ.)TsangDesire, longing, cupidity, lust, covetousness, concupiscence n.
ցանկագրել (բայ)Tsangak’relTo catalogue v.
ցանկալ (բայ)TsangalTo desire, to wish, to envy, to covet, to long for v.
ցանկալի (ած.)TsangaliDesirable, covetable, to be wished for adj.
ցանկամոլ (ած.)TsangamolLustful, libidinous adj.
ցանկայարոյց (ած.)TsangayarooyTserotic, sexy, tempting adj.
ցանկապատ (ած.)TsangabadEnclosed, surrounded with hedges adj.
ցանկապատ (գ.)TsangabadEnclosed, surrounded with hedges adj.
ցանկասէր (ած.)TsangaserLewd, sensual, lecherous, voluptuous, libidinous adj.
ցանկութիւն (գ.)TsangootyoonDesire, longing, cupidity, covetousness, lust, concupiscence n.
ցանուցիր (ած.)TsanooTsirScattered about, dispersed adj.
ցանց (գ.)TsanTsNet, seine, network, netting, snare n.
ցանցառ (ած.)TsanTsaRScarce, light, thin, loose, slack, sparse adj.
ցանցենի (գ.)TsanTseniRetina n.
ցասկոտ (ած.)Tsasgod1) Passionate, choleric, irascible,
2) hasty adj.
ցասում (գ.)Tsasoomanger, passion, indignation, fit of passion, vexation, outburst, resentment n.
ցատկ (գ.)Tsadgleap, bound, jump, spring, hop n.
ցատկել (բայ)TsadgelTo gush, to spout, to gush out, to cut a caper v.
ցատկեցնել (բայ)TsadgeTs’nelTo gush, to spout, to spurt v.
ցատկռտել (բայ)TsadgRdelTo hop, to jump, to skip, to jump about v.
ցատկռտուք (գ.)TsadgRdookHopping, skipping n.
ցար (գ.)TsarCzar n.
ցարասի (գ.)TsarasiHeather, birch tree n.
ցարդ (մկբ.)Tsartuntil now, yet, still adv.
ցարուհի (գ.)TsaroohiCzarina n.
ցաւ (գ.)Tsav1) Pain, ache, suffering, anguish, pang, grief, sorrow, regret, affliction, woe, disease, illness, grievance,
2) algia n.
ցաւագար (ած.)TsavakarInfirm, weak, feeble, unwell, sickly, unhealthy, broken down adj.
ցաւագարութիւն (գ.)Tsavakarootyoon1) malady,
2) epilepsy n.
ցաւալի (ած.)TsavaliPainful, sorrowful, afflicting, doleful, grievous, sad, woeful adj.
ցաւալից (ած.)TsavaliTs Painful, sorrowful, afflicting, doleful, grievous, sad, woeful adj.
ցաւակից (գ.)TsavagiTspartner of sorrow, condoler, sympathizer n.
ցաւակցիլ (բայ)TsavagTsilTo condole, to pity, to compassionate, to commiserate v.
ցաւակցութիւն (գ.)TsavagTsootyoonCondolence, condolement, compassion, sympathy n.
ցաւոտ (ած.)TsavodPainful, aching, suffering, unwell, infirm, weak, feeble adj.
ցաւցնել (բայ)TsavTs’nelto hurt, to pain, to make sore, to make ache v.
ցաքան (գ.)TsakanScarificator, harrow, scarifier n.
ցաքանել (բայ)TsakanelTo scarify, to harrow v.
ցաքանում (գ.)TsakanoomScarification n.
ցել (գ.)Tselcrack, split, fissure, cleavage n.
ցելել (բայ)TselelTo rend, to cleave, to break, to split v.
ցեխ (գ.)TseKhMud, mire, dirt n.
ցեխոտ (ած.)TseKhodMuddy, miry, dirty adj.
ցեղ (գ.)TseGhTribe, caste, race, branch (of a family), stock n.
ցեղաբան (գ.)TseGhapanEthnologist, ethnographer n.
ցեղաբանութիւն (գ.)TseGhapanootyoon1) Ethnology, ethnography,
2) cormophyly n.
ցեղագիր (գ.)TseGhakirEthnographer n.
ցեղագրութիւն (գ.)TseGhak’rootyoonEthnography n.
ցեղախումբ (գ.)TseGhaKhoompTribe n.
ցեղային (ած.)TseGhayinRacial, tribal, ethnic adj.
ցեղապաշտ (ած.)TseGhabaShdracist adj.
ցեղապետ (գ.)TseGhabedChieftain, chief of a tribe, or clan, patriarch n.
ցեղապետութիւն (գ.)TseGhabedootyoonClanship, patriarchship n.
ցեղասպան (ած.)TseGhasbangenocide adj.
ցեղասպանութիւն (գ.)TseGhasbanootyoonGenocide n.
ցերեկ (մկբ.)Tsereg during the day, by day adv.
ցերեկօթիկ (ած.)TseregotigDay school n.
ցեց (գ.)TseTsWorm, maggot, clothes moth, mite, ringworm n.
ցեցակեր (ած.)TseTsagerWorm eaten, moth-eaten adj.
ցեցակերեալ (ած.)TseTsageryal Worm eaten, moth-eaten adj.
ցին (գ.)Tsin1) Kite, glede, buzzard, elanet,
2) bee hawk n.
ցիռ (գ.)TsiROnager or ghor-khar, wild ass n.
ցիր (ած.)TsirDispersion, dispersing, scattering, open space n.
ցիրեւցան (ած.)TsirevTsanDispersed, scattered, strewed about adj.
ցիրուցան (ած.)TsirooTsanDispersed, scattered, strewed about adj.
ցից (գ.)TsiTsPale, stake, pile, peg, pin, upright, erect, straight, sharp n.
ցլամարտ (գ.)Ts’lamard1) Bull-baiting, bullfight,
2) matador, bullfighter n.
ցլամարտիկ (գ.)Ts’lamardigtoreador, matador, bullfighter n.
ցլամարտութիւն (գ.)Ts’lamardootyoonBullfighting n.
ցլաշուն (գ.)Ts’laShoonBulldog n.
ցկնիլ (բայ)Tsg’nilTo pup, to cub, to litter (of animals) v.
ցնդած (ած.)Ts’ntaDzDecrepit, dotard, driveller, bestraught adj.
ցնդել (բայ)Ts’ntel To volatilize, to evaporate, to dissipate, to disperse, to exhale v.
ցնդեցնել (բայ)Ts’nteTs’nelTo volatilize, to evaporate, to dissipate, to disperse, to exhale v.
ցնդիլ (բայ)Ts’ntilTo vanish, to be volatilized, to be exhaled, to be evaporated, to dote v.
ցնծագին (ած.)Ts’nDzakinGleeful, merry, joyous adj.
ցնծագին (մկբ.)Ts’nDzakinGleeful, merry, joyous adj.
ցնծալ (բայ)Ts’nDzal1) to rejoice,
2) to thrill with joy v.
ցնծերգ (գ.)Ts’nDzerkallegro, a lively tune or melody n.
ցնծղի (գ.)Ts’nDzGhiCommon service tree n.
ցնծութիւն (գ.)Ts’nDzootyoonJoy, joyfulness, mirth, exultation, social merriment, exhilaration n.
ցնծուհի (գ.)Ts’nDzoohiProstitute, woman of easy virtue n.
ցնծում (գ.)Ts’nDzoom Joy, joyfulness, mirth, exultation, social merriment, exhilaration n.
ցնծուն (ած.)Ts’nDzoonGay, merry, mirthful, cheerful adj.
ցնկնիլ (բայ)Ts’ng’nilTo pup, to cub, to litter v.
ցնորած (ած.)Ts’noraDzDemented, giddy, decrepit, dotard, driveller adj.
ցնորած (գ.)Ts’noraDzDemented, giddy, decrepit, dotard, driveller adj.
ցնորական (ած.)Ts’noraganIllusory, chimerical, imaginary, vertiginous, subject to giddiness adj.
ցնորամիտ (ած.)Ts’noramidVisionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj.
ցնորամիտ (գ.)Ts’noramidVisionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj.
ցնորատես (ած.)Ts’norades Visionary, delirious, frenzied, utopian, drevil adj.
ցնորիլ (բայ)Ts’norilTo rave, to become delirious, to be crazy, to fall into a revery v.
ցնորք (գ.)Ts’norkRevery, delirium, musing, raving, vision, delusion, illusion, imagination, phantom, transport, shadow, chimera, hallucination n.
ցնցարգել (գ.)Ts’nTsarkelair-cushion n.
ցնցել (բայ)Ts’nTselTo shake, to jolt, to jog, to shock, to throw off v.
ցնցիչ (ած.)Ts’nTsiChsensational, shocking, impressive, startling, staggering adj.
ցնցղատապ (գ.)Ts’nTsGhadabBronchitis n.
ցնցոտի (գ.)Ts’nTsodiRag, tatter, rubbish, trifle, trinket, frippery n.
ցնցոտիք (գ.)Ts’nTsodik Rag, tatter, rubbish, trifle, trinket, frippery n.
ցնցուղ (գ.)Ts’nTsooGh1) Watering pot,
2) bronchus duct n.
ցնցում (գ.)Ts’nTsoomShake, shock, succussion, jog, jolt, jerk, blow, concussion, commotion n.
ցոլալ (բայ)Tsolal1) to shine, to scintillate, to glitter, to twinkle,
2) to be reflected v.
ցոլանալ (բայ)TsolanalTo reflect, to be reflected, to flash, to cast a reflection v.
ցոլարան (գ.)TsolaranReflector n.
ցոլացնել (բայ)TsolaTs’nelTo reflect, to throw back, to reverberate, to make to flash v.
ցոլացում (գ.)TsolaTsoomReflection, reflex (of light) n.
ցոլք (գ.)TsolkReflections, reflex (of light, of colours), flashes n.
ցոյց (գ.)TsuyTs1) Show, parade, indication, mark, demonstration, ostentation, sign, proof, action of showing, lying out,
2) sample, testimonial n.
ցորեան (գ.)Tsorian(bot) Common wheat, wheat, corn, grain n.
ցորեն (գ.)TsorenCommon wheat, wheat, corn, grain n.
ցորենազգի (գ.)TsorenazkiFrumentaceous adj.
ցուլ (գ.)TsoolTaurus, tho Bull n.
ցում (գ.)Tsoompus, matter n.
ցունց (գ.)TsoonTsShake, shock, blow, concussion, toss, twitching n.
ցուպ (գ.)TsoobCrook, sheep hook, staff, cudgel, rod, stick, wand n.
ցուրտ (ած.)TsoordCold, coldness, chilliness, unconcern, feeling of cold, dullness, algid n.
ցուրտ (գ.)TsoordCold, coldness, chilliness, unconcern, feeling of cold, dullness, algid n.
ցուցադրել (բայ)TsooTsatrelTo expose v.
ցուցադրութիւն (գ.)TsooTsatrootyoonExposition, laying out, exhibition n.
ցուցակ (գ.)TsooTsagDial plate n.
ցուցակագրել (բայ)TsooTsagak’relTo inventory, to schedule, to catalogue v.
ցուցակագրում (գ.)TsooTsagak’roominventory, stock-taking, listing n.
ցուցական (ած.)TsooTsaganDemonstrative, indicative adj.
ցուցահանդէս (գ.)TsooTsahantesExhibition, show, the faire n.
ցուցամատ (գ.)TsooTsamadindex, fore finger n.
ցուցամոլ (ած.)TsooTsamolOstentatious, fop, dandy, buck fever adj.
ցուցամոլութիւն (գ.)TsooTsamolootyoonOstentation, vainglory, Ostentatiousness n.
ցուցանակ (գ.)TsooTsanag1) Index,
2) token, sign n.
ցուցանիշ (գ.)TsooTsaniSh1) Cockade, rosette,
2) thumb index n.
ցուցանմոյշ (գ.)TsooTsanmooShsample, demo, show piece, exhibit n.
ցուցանք (գ.)TsooTsankMonster n.
ցուցասրահ (գ.)TsooTsasrahexhibit(ion) hall, pavilion, show room n.
ցուցատախտակ (գ.)TsooTsadaKhdagsign, sign-board n.
ցուցարար (գ.)TsooTsararDemonstrator adj.
ցուցափեղկ (գ.)TsooTsapeGhgShop-window, show-case n.
ցուցիչ (գ.)TsooTsiChIndicative, indicating, demonstrativenIndex, indicator adj.
ցուցնել (բայ)TsooTs’nelTo show, to indicate, to point out, to exhibit, to let see, to prove, to demonstrate, to give proofs v.
ցուցում (գ.)TsooTsoomIndication, demonstration, proof, argument, exposition n.
ցոփ (ած.)Tsop1) Blackguard, lewd, dissolute,
2) sybarite, epicure,
3) debauched, licentious,
4) glib, ithyphallic adj.
ցոփութիւն (գ.)TsopootyoonLechery, dissoluteness, lewdness, erotomania, licentiousness, profligacy, debauchery n.
ցպիկ (գ.)Ts’big1) a little stick,
2) n.
ցռկանաւ (գ.)Ts’RganavGalley, galleon, rostral n.
ցռուկ (գ.)Ts’Roog1) Muzzle, snout, nose,
2) cutwater, prow n.
ցտեսութիւն (գ.)Ts’dyesootyoonGood-bye for the present n.
ցրել (բայ)Ts’relTo break away, to subvert, to disperse, to scatter v.
ցրիւ (ած.)Ts’rivDispersedly, broken away, here and there adv.
ցրուած (ած.)Ts’r’vaDzScattered, dispersed adj.
ցրուեալ (ած.)Ts’rveal Scattered, dispersed adj.
ցրուել (բայ)Ts’rvelTo disperse, to dispel, to scatter, to dispread, to disseminate, to strew about v.
ցրուիլ (բայ)Ts’rvilTo be dispersed, to be scattered, to spread about, to divert, to dispel, to be dispelled, to be dissipated v.
ցրուիչ (գ.)Ts’rviCh1) Foot post, postman,
2) disperser n.
ցրուում (գ.)Ts’rvovm Dispersion, dispersing, scattering, open space n.
ցրտահար (ած.)Ts’rdaharFrost-bitten, struck with cold adj.
ցրտանալ (բայ)Ts’rdanal1) To cool, to become cold, to grow cold, to grow cool,
2) to catch cold v.
ցրտաշունչ (ած.)Ts’rdaShoonChCold, glacial, chilly, blowing cold, frosty, sharp, biting adj.
ցրտացնել (բայ)Ts’rdaTs’nelTo cool, to chill, to freeze v.
ցրտել (բայ)Ts’rdelto get cold, to get chilly v.
ցրտին (ած.)Ts’rdinCold, chilly, coldish adj.
ցրտութիւն (գ.)Ts’rdootyoonCold, coldness, chilliness, coolness, chill, indifference, lukewarmness n.
ցրւում (գ.)Ts’rvoomDispersion n.
ցրօնք (գ.)Ts’ronkDispersion n.
ցցապատնէշ (գ.)Ts’TsabadneShPalisade, stockade n.
ցցել (բայ)Ts’TselTo thrust down, to drive in, to break in, to sink to the bottom v.
ցցուածք (գ.)Ts’TsvaDzkErection, erecting, protuberance n.
ցցուիլ (բայ)Ts’TsvilTo stand erect, to bristle up, to stand on end, to sprout, to pullulate v.
ցցուն (ած.)Ts’TsoonSalient adj.
ցցունք (գ.)Ts’Tsoonkapophysis n.
ցփսի (գ.)Ts’psi1) Mohair,
2) serge, camlet n.
ցքահան (գ.)Tskahanalembic, still n.
ցքի (գ.)Tskialcohol, spirits of wine, arrack n.
ցօղ (գ.)TsoGhDew, cool n.
ցօղաթուրմ (ած.)TsoGhatoormdewy, wet adj.
ցօղել (բայ)TsoGhelTo bedew, to wet, to sprinkle, to water v.
ցօղեղեամ (գ.)TsoGheGhyamrime, hoar-frost n.
ցօղուել (բայ)TsoGhvelTo rinse, to wash, to cleanse v.
ցօղուն (ած.)TsoGhoondewy, dew-besprent adj.