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Arménien occidental - ՀայերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - ԱնգլերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
յ Յ (գ.) | h Y | twenty-first letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 300 n. |
յաբեթական (ած.) | hapetagan | Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj. |
յաբեթական (ած.) | hapetagan | Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj. |
յաբեթեան (ած.) | hapetian | Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj. |
յաբեթեան (ած.) | hapetian | Japhetic, Japhethite, pertaining to European, Caucasian, Armenian adj. |
յագենալ (բայ) | hakenal | to get sated, to get satiated, to get saturated, to eat to one's fill, to drink to one's fill, to take to one's fill v. |
յագեցնել (բայ) | hakeTs’nel | To sate, to satiate, to cloy, to surfeit v. |
յագեցութիւն (գ.) | hakeTsootyoon | Satiety, surfeit, fullness, repletion, saturation n. |
յագեցում (գ.) | hakeTsoom | Satiety, surfeit, fullness, repletion, saturation n. |
յագութիւն (գ.) | hakootyoon | Satiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n. |
Յագում (գ.) | Yakoom | Satiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n. |
յագուրդ (գ.) | hakoort | Satiety, being satiated, glutting, satisfaction, satiation, surfeit n. |
յախճապակի (գ.) | haKhDjabagi | Porcelain, chinaware n. |
յախուռն (ած.) | haKhooRn | 1) audacious, hardy, rash, imprudent, 2) venturesome, overhasty adj. |
յածանաւ (գ.) | haDzanav | Cruiser n. |
յածանք (գ.) | haDzank | abstraction, wandering, pastime n. |
յածիլ (բայ) | haDzil | To go over, to roam, to rove, to stroll, to ramble, to wander, to promenade v. |
յածում (գ.) | haDzoom | stroll, walk, idling, dawdling n. |
յակինթ (գ.) | hagint | Ruby n. |
յակուրջի (գ.) | hagoorChi | See-saw, swing n. |
յաղագս (նխդր.) | haGhaks | For, on behalf of, in favour of prep. |
յաղթ (ած.) | haGht | Great, grand, enormous, large, huge, gigantic, colossal adj. |
յաղթաբազուկ (ած.) | haGhtapazoog | Robust, vigorous, sturdy, hardy, strong-armed adj. |
յաղթաթուղթ (գ.) | haGhtatooGht | Chance, trumpcard n. |
յաղթակամար (գ.) | haGhtagamar | Triumphal arch n. |
յաղթական (գ.) | haGhtagan | triumpher, conqueror, overcomer, vanquisher, victor, subduer n. |
յաղթական (մկբ.) | haGhtagan | triumphantly adv. |
յաղթահասակ (ած.) | haGhtahasag | Gigantic, colossal, corpulent adj. |
յաղթահարել (բայ) | haGhtaharel | To overcome, to vanquish, to subdue, to conquer, to beat, to knock down, to throw to the ground v. |
յաղթահարուիլ (բայ) | haGhtaharvil | to be defeated, to be vanquished, to be conquered, to be beaten, to be overcome, to be subdued v. |
յաղթահարում (գ.) | haGhtaharoom | 1) defeat, triumph, victory (over), 2) overcoming, surmounting n. |
յաղթամարմին (ած.) | haGhtamarmin | 1) Corpulent, stout, 2) robust, big adj. |
յաղթանակ (գ.) | haGhtanag | 1) Triumph, victory, trophy, laurels, 2) palm n. |
յաղթանակել (բայ) | haGhtanagel | To triumph, to win the victory, to have the advantage, to surpass, to preponderate v. |
յաղթանդամ (ած.) | haGhtantam | Heavy, strong, stout, gigantic adj. |
յաղթել (բայ) | haGhtel | To overcome, to vanquish, to conquer, to excel, to subdue, to subjugate, to surpass v. |
յաղթերգ (գ.) | haGhterk | Paean, song of triumph, triumphal song, epinicion n. |
յաղթութիւն (գ.) | haGhtootyoon | Victory, triumph, conquest, success, state of joy at success n. |
յաղթուիլ (բայ) | haGhtvil | To be conquered, to yield, to be vanquished, to retreat v. |
յաճախ (մկբ.) | haDjaKh | 1) Often, frequently, 2) once and again, 3)adjective frequent, very often, incessant, full, continual adv. |
յաճախադէպ (ած.) | haDjaKhateb | often, frequent, time and again adj. |
յաճախակի (մկբ.) | haDjaKhagi | Time and again adj. |
յաճախանք (գ.) | haDjaKhank | obsession, idée fixe, haunting thought n. |
յաճախապատում (ած.) | haDjaKhabadoom | loquacious adj. |
յաճախավայր (գ.) | haDjaKhavayr | haunt n. |
յաճախել (բայ) | haDjaKhel | To frequent, to resort to, to haunt, to do often, to visit often, to redouble, to augment v. |
յաճախորդ (գ.) | haDjaKhort | Customer, client n. |
յաճախորդութիւն (գ.) | haDjaKhortootyoon | Cliency, clientage, customers, custom, business n. |
յաճախութիւն (գ.) | haDjaKhootyoon | Frequency n. |
յաճախում (գ.) | haDjaKhoom | Frequenting, frequentation n. |
յամ (գ.) | ham | Delay, extention of time n. |
յամայր (մկբ.) | hamayr | Long, a long while adj. |
յամառ (մկբ.) | hamaR | 1) stubbornly, obstinately, eadstrongly, tenaciously, 2) sullenly adv. |
յամառիլ (բայ) | hamaRil | To become stubborn, to be obstinate, to stand to v. |
յամառութիւն (գ.) | hamaRootyoon | Obstinacy, stubbornness, tenacity, infatuation, desperation n. |
յամել (բայ) | hamel | To delay, to retard, to defer, to put off, to wait for, to stay for v. |
յամենալ (բայ) | hamenal | To delay, to retard, to defer, to put off, to wait for, to stay for v. |
յամոյր (գ.) | hamooyr | antelope, gazelle, wild goat n. |
յամուրդ (գ.) | hamoort | delay, prolongation, retardment, lateness, slowness n. |
յամուրդ (գ.) | hamoort | delay, prolongation, retardment, lateness, slowness n. |
յամր (ած.) | hamr | 1) Slow, tardy, easy going, remiss, 2)adv Slowly, softly, tenderly, leisurely(mus) Lento adj. |
յամրանալ (բայ) | hamranal | To slacken pace, to relax, to diminish v. |
յամրաշարժ (ած.) | hamraSharZh | Tardy, slow-moving, tardigrade adj. |
յամրաքայլ (ած.) | hamrakayl | slow-paced, slowly, with slow steps adj. |
յամրութիւն (գ.) | hamrootyoon | 1) Slowness, tardiness delay, 2) idleness n. |
յամրօրէն (մկբ.) | hamroren | slowly, sluggishly, deliberately adv. |
յայտ (ած.) | hayd | Evident, clear, manifest, plain, obvious adj. |
յայտ (գ.) | hayd | Evident, clear, manifest, plain, obvious adj. |
յայտագիր (գ.) | haydakir | Programme, program n. |
յայտարար (ած.) | haydarar | 1) Declaratory, distinctive, 2)n Denominator adj. |
յայտարար (գ.) | haydarar | 1) Declaratory, distinctive, 2)n Denominator adj. |
յայտարարել (բայ) | haydararel | To declare v. |
յայտարարութիւն (գ.) | haydararootyoon | Declaration, advertisement, notification, statement of account, manifest, prospectus, proclamation n. |
յայտնաբերել (բայ) | haydnaperel | to discover, to find, to detect, to discern, to locate, to reveal v. |
յայտնագործութիւն (գ.) | haydnakorDzootyoon | discovery, revealing n. |
յայտնապէս (մկբ.) | haydnabes | Clearly, plainly, distinctly, evidently, publicly, manifestly, openly adv. |
յայտնատեսութիւն (գ.) | haydnadyesootyoon | Intuition, immediate perception n. |
յայտնել (բայ) | haydnel | To reveal, to declare, to manifest, to expose, to express, to explain, to notify, to signify, to make evident v. |
յայտնի (ած.) | haydni | Evident, manifest, clear, explicit, obvious, apparent, visible adj. |
յայտնութիւն (գ.) | haydnootyoon | Manifestation, evidence, enunciation, revelation, disclosure, epiphany, apocalypse n. |
յայրատ (ած.) | hayrad | Lascivious, obscene, lecherous, lewd, unchaste, immodest adj. |
յայրատութիւն (գ.) | hayradootyoon | Lasciviousness, lewdness, lust, impudence, lustfulness, immodesty, effrontery n. |
յանգ (գ.) | hank | 1) Term, termination, finish, end, cadence, completion, finishing, 2) rhyme n. |
յանգարան (գ.) | hankaran | rhyme dictionary n. |
յանգաւար (ած.) | hankavar | rhymed adj. |
յանգել (բայ) | hankel | To finish, to terminate, to rhyme to complete, to end v. |
յանգեցնել (բայ) | hankeTs’nel | To finish, to terminate, to rhyme to complete, to end v. |
յանգիլ (բայ) | hankil | To end, to come to an end, to terminate, to finish v. |
յանգում (գ.) | hankoom | issue, outcome, result, ending, termination, conclusion, effect, materialization n. |
յանդգնիլ (բայ) | hantk’nil | To dare, to venture, to adventure, to be bold enough v. |
յանդգնութիւն (գ.) | hantk’nootyoon | Rashness, boldness, audacity, temerity, audaciousness, arrogance n. |
յանդիման (մկբ.) | hantiman | before, opposite adv. |
յանդիմանական (ած.) | hantimanagan | Reprimanding, expressing reproach, reprehensive adj. |
յանդիմանել (բայ) | hantimanel | To scold, to chide, to reprimand, to reproach v. |
յանդիմանութիւն (գ.) | hantimanootyoon | Reproach, scolding, chiding, reprimand, reproof, rebuke, remonstrance, admonition n. |
յանդուգն (ած.) | hantuk’n | audacious, venturous, rash, determined, adventurous, hardy, resolute(mus) ardito adj. |
յանկարծ (մկբ.) | hangarDz | at once, all at once, suddenly, unexpectedly, unawares adv. |
յանկարծադէպ (ած.) | hangarDzateb | Unexpected, unforeseen, unhoped(mus) accidente adj. |
յանկարծական (ած.) | hangarDzagan | 1) Sudden, unexpected, unthought of, unlooked for, fortuitous, 2)(mus) Attacca subito adj. |
յանկարծամահ (ած.) | hangarDzamah | Sudden, unexpected death, dead suddenly n. |
յանկարծամահ (գ.) | hangarDzamah | Sudden, unexpected death, dead suddenly n. |
յանկերգ (գ.) | hangerk | Slogan, constant theme n. |
յանկուցիչ (ած.) | hangooTsiCh | attractive, engaging, captivating, seductive, winning, charming adj. |
յանձանձել (բայ) | hanTsanTsel | To look after, to take care of, to attend, to be careful of v. |
յանձանձում (գ.) | hanTsanTsoom | Management, administration n. |
յանձնաժողով (գ.) | hanTsnaZhoGhov | Commission, committee n. |
յանձնախումբ (գ.) | hanTsnaKhoomp | Committee, board n. |
յանձնակատար (գ.) | hanTsnagadar | Commissioner, commissary, mandatory, commission agent, factor, agent, acting agent n. |
յանձնապաստան (ած.) | hanTsnabasdan | Self-confident, presumptuous adj. |
յանձնապաստանութիւն (գ.) | hanTsnabasdanootyoon | Presumption, self-confidence, audacity, arrogance n. |
յանձնառու (ած.) | hanTsnaRoo | (one) engaged, involved, pledged, committed, under obligation adj. |
յանձնառութիւն (գ.) | hanTsnaRootyoon | Engagement, undertaking n. |
յանձնարարագիր (գ.) | hanTsnararakir | Letter of recommendation n. |
յանձնարարարութիւն (գ.) | hanTsnarararootyoon | recommendation, commission, mission, errand, assignment, charge, warrant, injunction, instruction n. |
յանձնարարել (բայ) | hanTsnararel | To commend, to recommend, to commission, to commit v. |
յանձնարարուիլ (բայ) | hanTsnararvil | to be recommended, to be commissioned, to be assigned, to be instructed on an errand v. |
յանձնել (բայ) | hanTsnel | To command, to order, to surrender, to confide, to intrust, to remit, to deliver v. |
յանձնուիլ (բայ) | hanTsn’vil | to give, to deliver, to hand oneself up over, to yield, to surrender, to indulge in, to resign (in chess) v. |
յանձնում (գ.) | hanTsnoom | 1) Delivery, 2) giving up, remission, remittance, consignment, abandonment n. |
յանց (գ.) | hanTs | 1) Fault, transgression, offence, sin, 2) crime n. |
յանցանք (գ.) | hanTsank | fault, mistake, defect, error, blunder, sin, crime, wrong, offence, misdeed, transgression, lapse, indiscretion, guilt, culpability, felony n. |
յանցանք (գ.) | hanTsank | fault, mistake, defect, error, blunder, sin, crime, wrong, offence, misdeed, transgression, lapse, indiscretion, guilt, culpability, felony n. |
յանցապարտ (ած.) | hanTsabard | 1) Guilty, culpable, culprit, 2) criminal n. |
յանցապարտութիւն (գ.) | hanTsabardootyoon | Culpability, guiltiness n. |
յանցաւոր (ած.) | hanTsavor | faulty, defective, guilty, culpable, criminal, felonious adj. |
յանցաւոր (ած.) | hanTsavor | faulty, defective, guilty, culpable, criminal, felonious adj. |
յանցաւորութիւն (գ.) | hanTsavorootyoon | Culpability, guiltiness, faultiness n. |
յաշտ (գ.) | haShd | Sacrifice given to idols, oblation n. |
յաչաղանք (գ.) | haChaGhank | Malevolence, envy, jealousy, evil eye n. |
յաչաղել (բայ) | haChaGhel | To be jealous of, to envy v. |
յաչաղկոտ (ած.) | haChaGhgod | Jealous, envious, desirous adj. |
յապաղիլ (բայ) | habaGhil | To delay, to be late, to be long, to temporize v. |
յապաղում (գ.) | habaGhoom | Delay, retardment, procrastination, adjournment, prorogation, extension of time n. |
յապաւել (բայ) | habavel | To castrate, to mutilate, to prune, to retrench, to curtail, to take off, to cut off, to abridge v. |
յապաւում (գ.) | habavoom | 1) Mutilation, 2) suppression, abridging n. |
յաջող (ած.) | haChoGh | Prosperous, propitious, favourable, capable, advantageous adj. |
յաջողակ (ած.) | haChoGhag | 1) adroit, dexterous, able, clever, skillful, 2) expert adj. |
յաջողիլ (բայ) | haChoGhil | To succeed, to prosper, to have success, to be successful v. |
յաջողուած (գ.) | haChoGh’vaDz | Success, successfulness, prosperity, welfare, good luck or fortune n. |
յաջողութիւն (գ.) | haChoGhootyoon | Success, successfulness, prosperity, welfare, good luck or fortune n. |
յաջողցնել (բայ) | haChoGhTs’nel | to realize, to make a success of, to bring (it) off v. |
յաջորդաբար (մկբ.) | haChortapar | 1) Successively, consecutively, on end, 2) off the reel adv. |
յաջորդականութիւն (գ.) | haChortaganootyoon | Right of succession n. |
յաջորդել (բայ) | haChortel | To succeed, to follow v. |
յաջորդութիւն (գ.) | haChortootyoon | Succession, continuation, sequency, order, series, rest, the rest, those that follow, consequence n. |
յառաջ (մկբ) | haRaCh | Onward, forward, on adv. |
յառաջ (նխդր.) | haRaCh | Onward, forward, on adv. |
յառաջաբան (գ.) | haRaChapan | Preface, introduction, preamble, exordium, prologue, prelude n. |
յառաջագոյն (ած.) | haRaChakooyn | Before hand, before, previously, precedently, formerly, heretofore, anterior adv. |
յառաջադէմ (ած.) | haRaChatem | advanced, progressive adj. |
յառաջանալ (բայ) | haRaChanal | To advance, to proceed, to go forward, to get along v. |
յառաջապահ (ած.) | haRaChabah | advanced guard, vanguard, out post n. |
յառաջդիմական (գ.) | haRaChtimagan | progressive n. |
յառաջդիմական (ած.) | haRaChtimagan | progressive, advanced adj. |
յառաջդիմել (բայ) | haRaChtimel | To precede, to forego, to advance, to get before, to march on, to proceed v. |
յառաջդիմութիւն (գ.) | haRaChtimootyoon | advance n. |
յառաջել (բայ) | haRaChel | To precede, to forego, to advance, to get before, to march on, to proceed v. |
յառաջիկայ (ած.) | haRaChigay | next, pending, immediate, ahead, coming, future adj. |
յառաջխաղացք (գ.) | haRaChKhaGhaTsk | advance(ment), progress(ion), lead, moving forward, (military) attack, offensive n. |
յառել (բայ) | haRel | To fasten, to fix, to attach, to push in v. |
յառնել (բայ) | haRnel | To ascend, to rise, to arise, to mount, to get up, to rise from the dead v. |
յառում (գ.) | haRoom | 1) adherence, fixing, fastening, attachment, 2) gazing, stare n. |
յասմիկ (գ.) | hasmig | Jasmin of poetry, white flowered jasmine n. |
յասպիս (գ.) | hasbis | Jasper n. |
յատակ (գ.) | hadag | Bottom, ground, pavement, base, bed n. |
յատակագիծ (գ.) | hadagakiDz | 1) Plan, 2) scheme, project n. |
յատկաբանութիւն (գ.) | hadgapanootyoon | 1) Idiom, 2) idiotism n. |
յատկանիշ (գ.) | hadganiSh | Characteristics, character, sign, mark n. |
յատկանշել (բայ) | hadganShel | to characterize, to particularize, to distinguish, to mark v. |
յատկապէս (մկբ.) | hadgabes | Particularly, especially adv. |
յատկացնել (բայ) | hadgaTs’nel | To appropriate, to adapt, to fit v. |
յատկացում (գ.) | hadgaTsoom | allocation, allowance, appropriation n. |
յատկացուցիչ (գ.) | hadgaTsooTsiCh | 1) appropriator, 2) substantive n. |
յատկութիւն (գ.) | hadgootyoon | 1) Property, quality, 2) qualification, peculiarity, particularity n. |
յատոց (գ.) | hadoTs | Hedge knife, billhook, hedge bill n. |
յատուկ (ած.) | hadoog | Own, proper, peculiar, special, natural, qualified, especial, specific, characteristic, singular, alone of its kind adj. |
յարաբերական (ած.) | haraperagan | Relative adj. |
յարաբերեալ (գ.) | haraperyal | antecedent, preceding n. |
յարաբերիլ (բայ) | haraperil | 1) to have a relationship with, to concern, 2) to have intercourse with v. |
յարաբերութիւն (գ.) | haraperootyoon | Relation, connexion, communication, analogy n. |
յարադաշնակ (գ.) | harataShnag | Harpsichord, clavecin n. |
յարադիր (ած.) | haratir | adjacent, bordering upon adj. |
յարադրեալ (ած.) | haratryal | applied to, affixed to adj. |
յարադրեալ (գ.) | haratryal | Applied to, affixed to adj. |
յարադրել (բայ) | haratrel | To apply, to stick, to insert, to affix v. |
յարաժամ (մկբ.) | haraZham | all the time, always, ever, assiduous, continuous, forever, evermore, continually adv. |
յարալէզ (գ.) | haralez | 1) Bloodsucker, vampire, 2) always licking n. |
յարակայ (ած.) | haragay | Permanent, stable, lasting adj. |
յարակայութիւն (գ.) | haragayootyoon | permanence, perpetuity n. |
յարակատար (գ.) | haragadar | 1) aorist, 2) preterperfect n. |
յարակարծային (ած.) | haragarDzayin | paradox(ic)al, contradictory adj. |
յարակարծիք (գ.) | haragarDzik | Paradox n. |
յարակարծօրէն (մկբ.) | haragarDzoren | paradoxically adv. |
յարակից (ած.) | haragiTs | adjoining, coherent, connected, joined, appurtenance, accessory, additional, connnected adj. |
յարակցել (բայ) | haragTsel | to affix, to append, to conjoin, to unite v. |
յարակցիլ (բայ) | haragTsil | 1) To adhere, 2)v to conjoin, to unite together v. |
յարակցութիւն (գ.) | haragTsootyoon | Cohesion, coherency, connexion, juxtaposition, contingence, affinity n. |
յարաճուն (ած.) | haraDjoon | coercive, increasing, constant growing, progressing, gaining adj. |
յարանուանական (գ.) | haran’vanagan | denominationalist n. |
յարանուանութիւն (գ.) | haran’vanootyoon | 1) Denomination, paronomasia, the act of designating, 2) a sect n. |
յարանուն (գ.) | haranoon | paronym n. |
յարանունութիւն (գ.) | haranoonootyoon | 1) Denomination, paronomasia, the act of designating, 2) a sect n. |
յարաշարժ (ած.) | haraSharZh | always in motion, inconstant adj. |
յարասել (բայ) | harasel | To paraphrase v. |
յարասութիւն (գ.) | harasootyoon | Paraphrase n. |
յարատեւ (ած.) | haradyev | Perseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj. |
յարատեւ (մկբ.) | haradyev | Perseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj. |
յարատեւական (ած.) | haradevagan | Perseverant, perpetual, firm, persevering, steady, resolute adj. |
յարատեւել (բայ) | haradevel | To persevere, to be steadfast, to persist, to stand to v. |
յարատեւութիւն (գ.) | haradevootyoon | Perseverence, assiduity n. |
յարացոյց (գ.) | haraTsooyTs | 1) Paradigm, 2) ideal, 3) example n. |
յարափոփոխ (ած.) | harapopoKh | Ever-changing, inconstant, continually changing adj. |
յարգ (գ.) | hark | Cost, value, worth, estimation, price, esteem, credit, merit, title n. |
յարգանք (գ.) | harkank | Respect, veneration, regard, consideration, deference, compliment, esteem n. |
յարգել (բայ) | harkel | To venerate, to respect, to honour, to appreciate, to estimate v. |
յարգելի (ած.) | harkeli | Venerable, esteemable, estimable adj. |
յարգի (ած.) | harki | 1) Estimable, respectable, honourable, precious, 2) good, reverend adj. |
յարգոյ (ած.) | harko | 1) Estimable, respectable, honourable, precious, 2) good, reverend adj. |
յարգութիւն (գ.) | harkootyoon | Veneration, respect, regard n. |
յարդ (գ.) | hart | 1) Order, arrangement, adjustment, 2) n. |
յարդալից (ած.) | hartaliTs | Full of straw, packed in straw adj. |
յարդանոց (գ.) | hartanoTs | Farmyard, straw yard n. |
յարդարել (բայ) | hartarel | To fit up, to put, to set in order, to arrange, to adjust, to prepare, to make up, to fashion, to adorn, to dispose, to acco v. |
յարդարիչ (ած.) | hartariCh | adapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n. |
յարդարիչ (գ.) | hartariCh | Adapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n. |
յարդարող (գ.) | hartaroGh | adapter, adjuster, arranger, finisher n. |
յարդարում (գ.) | hartaroom | Fitting up, dressing, adjustment, arrangement n. |
յարդգող (գ.) | hart’koGh | The milky way n. |
յարել (բայ) | harel | To attach, to join, to adjoin, to fix together, to connect v. |
յարերգութիւն (գ.) | harerkootyoon | Parody n. |
յարիլ (բայ) | haril | To attach, to hold to, to fasten on, to be joined, to adhere, to be fixed, to have an affection for, to interest oneself in v. |
յարիր (ած.) | harir | consonant, in conformity, corresponding, consistent with, fit(ting), suitable, proper adj. |
յարկ (գ.) | harg | Floor, roof, roofing, panelling, story n. |
յարկաբաժին (գ.) | hargapaZhin | Flat, floor n. |
յարձակիլ (բայ) | harTsagil | To dart, to dash, to rush, to bound v. |
յարձակող (ած.) | harTsagoGh | assailant, attacker, aggressor, stormer n. |
յարձակող (գ.) | harTsagoGh | Assailant, attacker, aggressor, stormer n. |
յարձակում (գ.) | harTsagoom | 1) attack, assault, 2) offensive, 3) invasion, 4) aggression n. |
յարմար (ած.) | harmar | Proper, convenient, suitable, fit, apt, well timed adj. |
յարմարիլ (բայ) | harmaril | 1) to be fit(ting), to be suitable, to be proper, 2) to adapt, to adjust, to conform, to accommodate, to match, to agree, to get accustomed v. |
յարմարութիւն (գ.) | harmarootyoon | aptitude, adjustment, convenience, harmony, proportion, accord, disposition n. |
յարմարում (գ.) | harmaroom | aptitude, adjustment, convenience, harmony, proportion, accord, disposition n. |
յարութիւն (գ.) | harootyoon | resurrection, revival n. |
յարում (գ.) | haroom | 1) adhesion, adherence, accession, 2) propensity, penchant, bias, inclination n. |
յարուցանել (բայ) | harooTsanel | To resuscitate, to raise from the dead, to restore to life v. |
յաւակնիլ (բայ) | havag’nil | To dare, to pretend, to claim, to assume v. |
յաւակնող (ած.) | havag’noGh | pretentious, affected, arrogant, assuming adj. |
յաւակնոտ (ած.) | havag’nod | assuming, arrogant, pretentious, affected, haughty, overbearing adj. |
յաւակնութիւն (գ.) | havag’nootyoon | Pretention, claim, wish, expectation, self-conceit n. |
յաւելուած (գ.) | havel’vaDz | addition, supplement n. |
յաւելուածական (ած.) | havelvaDzagan | additional, supplementary, accessional, extra, supplemental adj. |
յաւելում (գ.) | haveloom | addition, augmentation n. |
յաւերժ (մկբ.) | haverZh | Perpetually, eternally adv. |
յաւերժական (ած.) | haverZhagan | Perpetual, eternal adj. |
յաւերժահարս (գ.) | haverZhahars | Bride, wife, daughter-in-law n. |
յաւերժանալ (բայ) | haverZhanal | To be perpetuated, to be rendered eternal v. |
յաւերժացնել (բայ) | haverZhaTs’nel | To eternize, to perpetuate, to immortalize v. |
յաւերժութիւն (գ.) | haverZhootyoon | Eternity n. |
յաւէտ (ած.) | haved | always, eternal, everlasting, perpetual, endless adj. |
յաւէրժանալ (բայ) | haverZhanal | To be perpetuated, to be rendered eternal v. |
յաւիտեան (մկբ.) | havidian | Eternally, forever adv. |
յաւիտենական (ած.) | havidenagan | Eternal, perpetual, without end adj. |
յաւիտենականութիւն (գ.) | havidenaganootyoon | Eternity n. |
յափափանք (գ.) | hapapank | ravage, despoilment, abduction, kidnap n. |
յափափել (բայ) | hapapel | to ravage, to despoil, to abduct, to kidnap v. |
յափափում (գ.) | hapapoom | ravage, despoilment, abduction, kidnap n. |
յափշտակել (բայ) | hap’Shdagel | To seize, to ravish, to snatch, to accroach, to plunder, to carry off by force, to bear off, to usurp, to rob, to pillage v. |
յափշտակութիւն (գ.) | hap’Shdagootyoon | 1) Rape, rapine, 2) transport, trance, rapture, exstasy, ravage, depredation, 3) usurpation, pillage, rapine, kidnapping, robbery, plun n. |
յափշտակում (գ.) | hap’Shdagoom | 1) pillage, ravage, loot, plunder, 2) rapture, transport, trance, ecstasy, captivation n. |
յափսիթերս (մկբ.) | hapsiters | on four legs, on all fours, on hands and feet adv. |
յափրանալ (բայ) | hapranal | to become sat(iat)ed, to become glutted v. |
յափրանք (գ.) | haprank | 1) Satiety, surfeit, fullness, 2) disrelish n. |
յափրուկ (գ.) | haproog | Reseda n. |
յելուզակ (գ.) | heloozag | Highwayman, freebooter, bandit, assassin, thief, brigand, pirate, robber, ruffian n. |
յելուզակութիւն (գ.) | heloozagootyoon | Highway robbery, brigandage, robbery, act of piracy, plundering n. |
յեղակարծ (ած.) | heGhagarDz | Unforeseen, unexpected, unlooked for adj. |
յեղակարծ (մկբ.) | heGhagarDz | Unforeseen, unexpected, unlooked for adj. |
յեղաշրջել (բայ) | heGhaShrChel | To intervert, to upset, to subvert, to revolution, to overthrow v. |
յեղաշրջում (գ.) | heGhaShrChoom | Revolution, interversion, subversion, transformation, transmutation n. |
յեղափոխ (ած.) | heGhapoKh | Changeable, variable, inconstant, subject to change, mutable, fickle adj. |
յեղափոխել (բայ) | heGhapoKhel | To revolutionize, to transform, to change, to subvert, to upset, to unsettle v. |
յեղափոխութիւն (գ.) | heGhapoKhootyoon | Revolution, transformation, change, conversion n. |
յեղյեղակ (գ.) | heGhyeGhag | solstice n. |
յեղյեղել (բայ) | heGhyeGhel | To repeat over and over, to pass again, to change v. |
յեղյեղուկ (ած.) | heGhyeGhoog | Versatile, variable, fickle, mutable, changeable, inconstant, changing often adj. |
յենակ (գ.) | henag | Pivot, support, stay, strut n. |
յենակէտ (գ.) | henaged | Point of support, fulcrum n. |
յենարան (գ.) | henaran | Prop, support, stay, leaning stock, bridge n. |
յենիլ (բայ) | henil | to prop, to rest, to lean against, to be based on, to rely on, to count on, to depend on v. |
յենորմ (գ.) | henorm | Counterfort, buttress n. |
յենուլ (չբ.) | henool | to lean back on |
յենում (գ.) | henoom | leaning n.m. |
յեռանդ (մկբ.) | heRant | The day before yesterday n. |
յեռուլ (բայ) | heRool | To enchase, to mount, to insert, to joint, to fit in, to set, to clamp v. |
յեռում (գ.) | heRoom | setting, mounting, insertion, embedding, fitting n. |
յեսան (գ.) | hesan | Hone, whetstone, strop, sharpening-tool n. |
յեսանել (բայ) | hesanel | To hone, to sharpen, to whet, to point, to set an edge on v. |
յեսանիչ (գ.) | hesaniCh | Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n. |
յեսանիչ (գ.) | hesaniCh | Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n. |
յեսանող (գ.) | hesanoGh | Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n. |
յեսանող (գ.) | hesanoGh | Whetter, knife grinder, sharpener n. |
յեսանում (գ.) | hesanoom | Whetting, sharpening, grinding, setting, repassing, passing again n. |
յետ (մկբ.) | hed | after, afterwards, back (wards) adv. |
յետագայ (ած.) | hedakay | Next, following, succeeding, posterior, subsequent adj. |
յետադաս (ած.) | hedatas | Consequent n. |
յետադասել (բայ) | hedatasel | to postposition v. |
յետադարձ (ած.) | hedatarTs | Retrograde, retrospective, retroactive, retrocessive adj. |
յետադարձութիւն (գ.) | hedatarTsootyoon | Retrogradation, retroversion, regression, retrocession, retroaction, retrogression n. |
յետադէմ (ած.) | hedatem | Retrograde, late, behind hand, retrogressive, reactive adj. |
յետադիմական (ած.) | hedatimagan | Reactionary n. |
յետադիմական (գ.) | hedatimagan | Reactionary n. |
յետադիմել (բայ) | hedatimel | To retrocede, to retrograde, to go backward, to go back v. |
յետադիմութիւն (գ.) | hedatimootyoon | Retrogradation, retrogression, apparent backward movement n. |
յետադիր (ած.) | hedatir | suffixal, postpositional adj. |
յետազդեցիկ (ած.) | hedazteTsig | Retroactive, retrospective adj. |
յետահայեաց (ած.) | hedahayyaTs | Retrospective adj. |
յետաձգել (բայ) | hedaTskel | To postpone v. |
յետաձգում (գ.) | hedaTskoom | Postponement, delay, retardment n. |
յետամնաց (ած.) | hedamnaTs | In arrears, behind hand, surviving, inheriting adj. |
յետին (ած.) | hedin | Last, ulterior, posterior, extreme n. |
յետինք (գ.) | hedink | Posterity n. |
յետմիջօրէ (գ.) | hedmiChore | afternoon, pm n. |
յետնեալ (ած.) | hednyal | 1) In arrears, 2) behindhand adj. |
յետնորդ (գ.) | hednort | descendant, offspring, scion n. |
յետոյ (մկբ.) | hedo | after, then, afterwards, after that(mus) Poi adv. |
յետոյք (գ.) | hedooyk | 1) Hind, hinderpart, back, fundament, bottom, buttock, breech, 2) arse n. |
յետսապահ (ած.) | hed’sabah | Rear guard n. |
յետսապահ (գ.) | hed’sabah | Rear guard n. |
յերիւրածոյ (ած.) | heryooraDzo | False, untrue, made up adj. |
յերիւրանք (գ.) | heryoorank | 1) invention, fabrication, contrivance, fiction, lie, untruth, falsehood, fib, fallacy, delusion, 2) aspersion, slander n. |
յերիւրել (բայ) | heryoorel | To form, to compose, to make up, to forge, to fabricate, to contrive, to coin v. |
յեց (գ.) | heTs | tire frame n. |
յեցակէտ (գ.) | heTsaged | fulcrum, prop, point of support, foothold n. |
յեցահող (գ.) | heTsahoGh | leaning against n.m. |
յիմարաբանութիւն (գ.) | himarapanootyoon | Silliness, foolishness, folly, nonsense, silly discourse n. |
յիմարաբար (մկբ.) | himarapar | Foolishly, madly, dotingly adv. |
յիմարաբոյժ (գ.) | himarapooyZh | alienist n. |
յիմարանալ (բայ) | himaranal | To become foolish, to be mad, to play the fool v. |
յիմարանոց (գ.) | himaranoTs | 1) Madhouse, 2) lunatic asylum n. |
յիմարութիւն (գ.) | himarootyoon | 1) Folly, alienation of mind, foolishness, insanity, foolery, idiotism, 2) madness, craziness, 3) fury, intoxication n. |
յիշաչար (ած.) | hiShaChar | Rancorous, spiteful, revengeful adj. |
յիշաչարութիւն (գ.) | hiShaCharootyoon | Rancour, spite, grudge, ill-will, revengefulness n. |
յիշատակ (գ.) | hiShadag | Memory, remembrance, reminiscence, recollection, memorial, mention n. |
յիշատակարան (գ.) | hiShadagaran | Monument, memoir, commentary n. |
յիշատակել (բայ) | hiShadagel | To mention, to remember, to memorize, to make mention of, to commemorate, to name, to put in mind v. |
յիշատակելի (ած.) | hiShadageli | Memorable adj. |
յիշատակութիւն (գ.) | hiShadagootyoon | Mentioning, commemoration, memory, remembrance, recollection, quotation n. |
յիշել (բայ) | hiShel | To remember, to call to mind, to remind, to recollect v. |
յիշեցնել (բայ) | hiSheTs’nel | To recall to mind, to make, to remember, to put in mind, to warn to admonish, to remind v. |
յիշեցում (գ.) | hiSheTsoom | reminder, prompting, mention n. |
յիշողութիւն (գ.) | hiShoGhootyoon | Memory, remembrance n. |
յիշոց (գ.) | hiShoTs | Oath, blaspheming, swearing, insuit n. |
յիսնակ (գ.) | hisnag | 1) about fifty, fifty, 2) advent n. |
յիսնամեակ (գ.) | hisnamyag | Of jubilee, fifty years old adj. |
յիսնամեայ (ած.) | hisnamya | Fifty years old, of fifty years adj. |
յիսնապետ (գ.) | hisnabed | Sergeant major n. |
յիսնեակ (գ.) | hisnyag | Fifty, half a hundred adj. |
յիսուն (ած.) | hisoon | Fifty adj. |
յիսուներորդ (ած.) | hisoonerort | fiftieth adj. |
յիսուսեան (գ.) | hisoosian | Jesuit n. |
յիրաւ (մկբ.) | hirav | Justly, truly, certainly, indeed, in truth, deservedly, in fact adv. |
յիրաւի (մկբ.) | hiravi | Justly, truly, certainly, indeed, in truth, deservedly, in fact adv. |
յղանալ (բայ) | h’Ghanal | To conceive, to become, pregnant, to be with child, to be in the family way v. |
յղացում (գ.) | h’GhaTsoom | 1) Conception, 2) apprehension, notion n. |
յղացք (գ.) | h’GhaTsk | concept(ion), idea, notion, formulation n. |
յղել (բայ) | h’Ghel | To send, to forward, to dispatch, to expedite, to address v. |
յղի (ած.) | h’Ghi | Pregnant, in the family way, enceinte adj. |
յղիանալ (բայ) | h’Ghianal | To run over, to overflow, to be filled, to be glutted, to be satisfied v. |
յղկել (բայ) | h’Ghgel | To polish, to smooth, to gloss, to plane, to file, to burnish, to rough-hew v. |
յղկիչ (գ.) | h’GhgiCh | Polisher, planer, moulding, worker, filer, burnisher n. |
յղկող (գ.) | h’GhgoGh | Polisher, planer, moulding, worker, filer, burnisher n. |
յղկութիւն (գ.) | h’Ghgootyoon | Polish, gloss, burnishing, retouche, polishing, abrasion n. |
յղկում (գ.) | h’Ghgoom | Polish, gloss, burnishing, retouche, polishing, abrasion n. |
յղութիւն (գ.) | h’Ghootyoon | Conception, pregnancy n. |
յղում (գ.) | h’Ghoom | Sending, returning, return n. |
յղփանալ (բայ) | h’Ghpanal | 1) to get sated, to get satiated, to get saturated, to get glutted, to get surfeited, 2) to overflow, to flow aver, to brim over v. |
յղփասէր (ած.) | h’Ghpaser | Gluttonous, glutton, gourmand adj. |
յղփացնել (բայ) | h’GhpaTs’nel | To glut, to surfeit, to overflow, to fill up, to gorge v. |
յղփացում (գ.) | h’GhpaTsoom | Satiety, repletion n. |
յոբելեան (գ.) | hopelian | 1) Jubilee, 2) festivity, rejoicing n. |
յոբելեանական (ած.) | hopelyanagan | jubilant, jubilee adj. |
յոբելեար (գ.) | hopelyar | a person of fifty years standing n. |
յոգնաբեկ (ած.) | hok’napeg | too tired, weary, fatigued, overworked, exhausted, worn out adj. |
յոգնախուռն (ած.) | hok’naKhooRn | Much crowded, numerous adj. |
յոգնած (ած.) | hok’naDz | Weary, tired, overworked, fatigued, out of beat adj. |
յոգնակերտ (ած.) | hok’nagerd | plural-forming adj. |
յոգնակի (ած.) | hok’nagi | 1) plural, numerous, 2) many, in the plural number adj. |
յոգնակի (մկբ.) | hok’nagi | in the plural number adv. |
յոգնասպառ (ած.) | hok’nasbaR | Utterly exhausted adj. |
յոգնեցնել (բայ) | hok’neTs’nel | To tire, to harass, to wear v. |
յոգնեցուցիչ (ած.) | hok’neTsooTsiCh | Tiresome, wearisome, fatiguing, toilsome, irksome adj. |
յոգնիլ (բայ) | hok’nil | 1) To grow tired, to tire, to be weary, 2) to fatigue, to overwork v. |
յոգնութիւն (գ.) | hok’nootyoon | Fatigue, lassitude, weariness n. |
յոլով (ած.) | holov | Several, many, a great deal of adj. |
յոլով (մկբ.) | holov | Several, many, a great deal of adj. |
յոլովաբան (ած.) | holovapan | talkative, chatty, loquacious, garrulous, chatterbox adj. |
յոլովածին (ած.) | holovaDzin | Fecund, fruitful, prolific, copious, fertile adj. |
յոլովել (բայ) | holovel | to augment, to increase, to enlarge, to multiply v. |
յոլովեցնել (բայ) | holoveTs’nel | to augment, to increase, to enlarge, to multiply v. |
յոլովիլ (բայ) | holovil | Fecund, fruitful, prolific, copious, fertile adj. |
յոխորտ (ած.) | hoKhord | Proud, haughty adj. |
յոխորտալ (բայ) | hoKhordal | To bully, to bridle up v. |
յոխորտանք (գ.) | hoKhordank | Bravado, hectoring, proud look, bluster, boast, vaunt, brag n. |
յողդողդ (ած.) | hoGhtoGht | Inconstant, fickle, versatile, wavering, vacillating, volatile adj. |
յողդողդել (բայ) | hoGhtoGhtel | To shake, to move, to disturb v. |
յողդողդիլ (բայ) | hoGhtoGhtil | To be shaken, to be disturbed v. |
յոյզ (գ.) | hooyz | 1) Emotion, agitation, trouble, confusion, 2) research, examination n. |
յոյլ (գ.) | hoyl | crowd, mass, multitude, throng, mob n. |
յոյն (գ.) | hoyn | Greek n. |
յոյս (գ.) | hooys | 1) Hope, expectance, confidence, expectation, 2) longing, 3) trust n. |
յոյր (ած.) | hoyr | Big, bulky, fat, fleshy, obese, plump, chubby adj. |
յոպնակ (գ.) | hobnag | Handcart, wheelbarrow, rhæda n. |
յոպոպ (գ.) | hobob | Hoopoe, pewit, lapwing n. |
յոռեգոյն (ած.) | hoRekooyn | Very bad, very evil, worse adj. |
յոռի (ած.) | hoRi | 1) Evil, bad, 2) wretched, worthless, wicked, dishonest adj. |
յովազ (գ.) | hovaz | Panther, puma n. |
յովատակ (գ.) | hovadag | 1) Stalion, 2) entire horse n. |
յոտնկայս (մկբ.) | hodngays | Upright, standing up, risen, on foot adv. |
յորալ (բայ) | horal | To lament, to mourn, to bewail, to fret, to grieve v. |
յորանջ (գ.) | horanCh | Yawning, yawn n. |
յորանջել (բայ) | horanChel | To yawn, to gape v. |
յորդ (ած.) | hort | abundant, copious, plentiful adj. |
յորդաբուխ (ած.) | hortapooKh | too, super abundant, plentiful, profuse, copious, overflowing, outpouring adj. |
յորդառատ (ած.) | hortaRad | 1) Exuberent, superabundant, very copious, 2) in torrents adj. |
յորդեցնել (բայ) | horteTs’nel | to cause to overflow, to cause to boil, to cause to bubble, to cause to brim, to cause to run over v. |
յորդիլ (բայ) | hortil | 1) Exuberent, superabundant, very copious, 2) in torrents adj. |
յորդոր (գ.) | hortor | 1) ardent, diligent, eager, desirousnExhortation, advice, counsel, 2) (mus) andante, prompt adj. |
յորդորակ (գ.) | hortorag | Homily, sermon, exhortation, parenesis(mus) Ardente n. |
յորդորական (ած.) | hortoragan | Exhortative, encouraging adj. |
յորդորել (բայ) | hortorel | To exhort, to induce, to incite v. |
յորդորում (գ.) | hortoroom | Encouragement, exhortation n. |
յորդութիւն (գ.) | hortootyoon | abundance, outflow, affluence, overflowing n. |
յորդում (գ.) | hortoom | Overflowing, overrunning, inundation n. |
յորժամ (մկբ.) | horZham | 1) When, 2)conj since, as adv. |
յորձանք (գ.) | horTsank | Vortex, whirling, eddy, surge n. |
յորջորջել (բայ) | horChorChel | To call, to name, to entitle v. |
յորջորջում (գ.) | horChorChoom | Name, title, denomination n. |
յուդա (գ.) | hoota | Judas, traitor, betrayer n. |
յուդա (ած.) | hoota | treacherous, traitorous adj. |
յուդայական (ած.) | hootayagan | Judaical, Jewish adj. |
յուզակ (ած.) | hoozag | 1) Scrutinizer, agitator, seeker, 2) author, inciter n. |
յուզակ (գ.) | hoozag | 1) Scrutinizer, agitator, seeker, 2) author, inciter n. |
յուզական (ած.) | hoozagan | agitated, troubled, emotional adj. |
յուզականութիւն (գ.) | hoozaganootyoon | emotiveness, emotionalism, emotivity, emotionality n. |
յուզել (բայ) | hoozel | To agitate, to move, to stir up, to put in motion, to disturb, to affect, to provoke v. |
յուզիլ (բայ) | hoozil | To be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v. |
յուզիչ (ած.) | hooziCh | Touching, moving, affecting, stirring, pathetic adj. |
յուզուիլ (բայ) | hoozvil | To be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v. |
յուզում (գ.) | hoozoom | emotion, feeling, agitation, restlessness, fidgetiness, commotion, disturbance, excitement, flurry, stir, incitement, trouble, perturbation n. |
յուլանալ (բայ) | hoolanal | To become slothful, idle, sluggish v. |
յուլիս (գ.) | hoolis | July n. |
յուլութիւն (գ.) | hoolootyoon | Idleness, sloth, indolence n. |
յուլօրէն (մկբ.) | hooloren | To be moved, to be touched, roused, to be stirred up, to rise, to swell v. |
յուղարկ (գ.) | hooGharg | 1) Sending, convoy, 2) funeral, transport n. |
յուղարկաւոր (գ.) | hooGhargavor | attendant, escort, suite, cortege n. |
յուղարկաւորութիւն (գ.) | hooGhargavorootyoon | Funeral procession, funeral, obsequies, burial, funeral train n. |
յունաբան (գ.) | hoonapan | Hellenist n. |
յունաբանութիւն (գ.) | hoonapanootyoon | Hellenism, grecism n. |
յունական (ած.) | hoonagan | Greek, grecian adj. |
յունապ (գ.) | hoonab | Jujube n. |
յունապի (գ.) | hoonabi | Indian jujube, jujube tree n. |
յունասէր (ած.) | hoonaser | Lover of Greece, supporter of the greek cause, philhellene adj. |
յունասէր (գ.) | hoonaser | Lover of Greece, supporter of the greek cause, philhellene adj. |
յունասիրութիւն (գ.) | hoonasirootyoon | Philhellenism n. |
յունարէն (ած.) | hoonaren | in Greek adj. |
յունարէն (մկբ.) | hoonaren | in Greek adv. |
յունիս (գ.) | hoonis | June n. |
յունուար (գ.) | hoon’var | January n. |
յուշ (գ.) | hooSh | Souvenir n. |
յուշագիր (գ.) | hooShakir | memo(randum) n. |
յուշագրութիւն (գ.) | hooShak’rootyoon | Memorabilia n. |
յուշամատեան (գ.) | hooShamadian | commemorative book, album n. |
յուշանուէր (գ.) | hooShan’ver | souvenir, memento, keepsake n. |
յուշատետր (գ.) | hooShadedr | Scrapbook n. |
յուշատօն (գ.) | hooShadon | Memorial day n. |
յուշարար (գ.) | hooSharar | Reminder, monitor(theatr) prompter n. |
յուշարարութիւն (գ.) | hooShararootyoon | cuing, prompting n. |
յուշարձան (գ.) | hooSharTsan | Memoria, monument n. |
յուշել (բայ) | hooShel | to cue, to prompt, to remind, to suggest, to counsel, to summon up, to recall, to dictate v. |
յուշիկ (մկբ.) | hooShig | Slowly, softly, easily, gently(mus) Adagio adv. |
յուշկապարիկ (գ.) | hooShgabarig | Mermaid, seamaid, onocentaur n. |
յուռթի (ած.) | hooRti | Fecund, fruitful, abundant, prolific adj. |
յուռթիանալ (բայ) | hooRtianal | 1) to become fertile, fruitful, 2) to become rich, to become fecund, to become abundant, to become prolific v. |
յուռութ (գ.) | hooRoot | Enchantment, charm, talisman, amulet, witchcraft, sorcery, magic n. |
յուռութք (գ.) | hooRootk | Enchantment, charm, talisman, amulet, witchcraft, sorcery, magic n. |
յուսաբեկ (ած.) | hoosapeg | Hopeless, desperate, disconsolate adj. |
յուսաբեր (ած.) | hoosaper | That which brings or gives hope adj. |
յուսաբեր (գ.) | hoosaper | That which brings or gives hope adj. |
յուսադրել (բայ) | hoosatrel | To give hope, to make hopeful v. |
յուսադրիչ (ած.) | hoosatriCh | encouraging, hope-giving, comforting, reassuring, bolstering, heartening adj. |
յուսադրութիւն (գ.) | hoosatrootyoon | Encouragement, the act of giving hope n. |
յուսազուրկ (ած.) | hoosazoorg | devoid, bereft of hope, promise, hopeless, desperate, disconsolate, discouraged, distressed, despondent, disappointed, despairing, disheartened, disillusioned adj. |
յուսալ (բայ) | hoosal | to (cherish) hope, to expect, to look for, to bank on, to put one's trust in, on v. |
յուսալի (ած.) | hoosali | Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj. |
յուսալի (ած.) | hoosali | Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj. |
յուսալից (ած.) | hoosaliTs | Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj. |
յուսալից (ած.) | hoosaliTs | Hopeful, expectable, full of hope, promising success adj. |
յուսալքուիլ (բայ) | hoosalkvil | to despair, to lose hope, to become desperate, disconsolate, discouraged, distressed, despondent v. |
յուսալքում (գ.) | hoosalkoom | Despair n. |
յուսախաբ (ած.) | hoosaKhap | Hopeless, desperate, in despair adj. |
յուսախաբել (բայ) | hoosaKhapel | To deceive, to disappoint, to mislead v. |
յուսախաբութիւն (գ.) | hoosaKhapootyoon | Disappointment, deception n. |
յուսախաբուիլ (բայ) | hoosaKhapvil | To deceive, to disappoint, to mislead v. |
յուսակտուր (ած.) | hoosagdoor | Disheartened, discouraged, depressed adj. |
յուսահատ (ած.) | hoosahad | Hopeless, desperate, in despair adj. |
յուսահատական (ած.) | hoosahadagan | Discouraging, distressing adj. |
յուսահատեցնել (բայ) | hoosahadeTs’nel | To cause desperation v. |
յուսահատիլ (բայ) | hoosahadil | To despair, to despond, to give up all hope, to get discouraged v. |
յուսահատութիւն (գ.) | hoosahadootyoon | Despair, hopelessness, grief, affliction, desperation, despondency n. |
յուսահատօրէն (մկբ.) | hoosahadoren | Desperately adv. |
յուսատու (ած.) | hoosadoo | Promising hope, success adj. |
յստակ (ած.) | h’sdag | Clear, bright, limpid, pureadv Clearly, distinctly, plainly adj. |
յստակամիտ (ած.) | h’sdagamid | 1) Sincere, open-hearted, ingenuous, 2) candid adj. |
յստականալ (բայ) | h’sdaganal | To clarify, to get clarified v. |
յստակատես (ած.) | h’sdagades | Clear-sighted, discerning, seeing clearly adj. |
յստակատեսութիւն (գ.) | h’sdagadyesootyoon | Clairvoyance, clear-sightedness, sharpness, perspicacity n. |
յստակացնել (բայ) | h’sdagaTs’nel | to clarify, to make clear v. |
յստակութիւն (գ.) | h’sdagootyoon | Clearness, purity, limpidness, candour, limpidity, cleanness, distinctness n. |
յստակօրէն (մկբ.) | h’sdagoren | Clear, bright, limpid, pureadverb Clearly, distinctly, plainly adj. |
յօդ (գ.) | hot | article n. |
յօդագարութիւն (գ.) | hotakarootyoon | arthropathy, arthritis n. |
յօդակապ (գ.) | hotagab | Bond, joining, conj, ligament n. |
յօդատապ (գ.) | hotadab | arthritis, gout n. |
յօդացաւ (գ.) | hotaTsav | arthralgia, arthrodynia, rheumatism n. |
յօդաւոր (ած.) | hotavor | articulate, articulated, jointed adj. |
յօդաւորել (բայ) | hotavorel | To articulate, to join, to combine v. |
յօդաւորում (գ.) | hotavoroom | articulation, joint, connection, attaching, fastening, combining, agglutination n. |
յօդել (բայ) | hotel | To articulate, to join, to combine v. |
յօդուած (գ.) | hot’vaDz | 1) articulation, joint, construction, paragraph, 2) article, clause n. |
յօդուածագիր (գ.) | hot’vaDzakir | a prose composer, writer (articles) n. |
յօդուածաշարք (գ.) | hot’vaDzaShark | series of articles n. |
յօժար (ած.) | hoZhar | Willing, well disposed, inclined, ready adj. |
յօժարաբար (մկբ.) | hoZharapar | Readily, willingly, gladly, with pleasure, with good will, voluntarily, heartily adv. |
յօժարագոյն յօժարակամ (մկբ.) | hoZharakooyn hoZharagam | Readily, willingly, gladly, with pleasure, with good will, voluntarily, heartily adv. |
յօժարամիտ (ած.) | hoZharamid | Well-disposed, affectioned, good-natured, ready to, eager, ardent adj. |
յօժարիլ (բայ) | hoZharil | To be willing, to be disposed, to be inclined to, to lean to v. |
յօժարութիւն (գ.) | hoZharootyoon | Willingness, disposition, inclination, propensity, tendency n. |
յօնք (գ.) | honk | Eyebrow, brow n. |
յօշատել (բայ) | hoShadel | To cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v. |
յօշել (բայ) | hoShel | To cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v. |
յօշոտել (բայ) | hoShodel | to mangle, to shred, to dismember, to lacerate v. |
յօշոտուիլ (բայ) | hoShodvil | to be mangled, to be shredded, to be dismembered, to be lacerated v. |
յօշոտում (գ.) | hoShodoom | mangling, shredding, dismembering, laceration n. |
Յօշօտել (բայ) | YoShodel | To cut to pieces, to pull to pieces, to dismember, to chop, to hew, to hash v. |
յօտանել (բայ) | hodanel | To prune, to lop, to cut down, to curtail v. |
յօտել (բայ) | hodel | To prune, to lop, to cut down, to curtail v. |
յօտոց (գ.) | hodoTs | Garden knife pruning bill n. |
յօտում (գ.) | hodoom | pruning, trimming, lopping n. |
յօրանջ (գ.) | horanCh | To yawn, to gape, to oscitate v. |
յօրանջել (բայ) | horanChel | To yawn, to gape, to oscitate v. |
յօրինել (բայ) | horinel | To make, to fashion, to compose, to form, to prepare, to construct, to invent, to organize v. |
յօրինող (ած.) | horinoGh | inventor, fitter, maker, former, composer (of music) adj. |
յօրինուածք (գ.) | horin’vaDzk | Disposition, composition n. |
յօրինում (գ.) | horinoom | Make, making, structure, preparation, construction n. |