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Arménien occidental - ՀայերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - ԱնգլերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
ճ Ճ (գ.) | Dj Dj | nineteenth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 100 n. |
ճագար (գ.) | Djakar | Rabbit, coney n. |
ճագարանոց (գ.) | DjakaranoTs | Warren, hutch for rabbits n. |
ճաթած (ած.) | DjataDz | Cracked adj. |
ճաթեցնել (բայ) | DjateTs’nel | To crack, to chap, to break, to rend, to split v. |
ճաթիլ (բայ) | Djatil | To crack, to chap, to burst v. |
ճաթռտիլ (բայ) | DjatRdil | To crack, to split, to gape, to crackle, to chap, to creak, to crunch v. |
ճախարակ (գ.) | DjaKharag | 1) Pulley, 2) block n. |
ճախճախուտ (ած.) | DjaKhDjaKhood | Marshy, fenny, boggy, swampy adj. |
ճախճախուտ (գ.) | DjaKhDjaKhood | Marshy, fenny, boggy, swampy adj. |
ճախր (գ.) | DjaKhr | Flight, soaring, soar n. |
ճախրանք (գ.) | DjaKhrank | Flight, soaring, swing, soar n. |
ճախրել (բայ) | DjaKhrel | To soar, to take wings, to fly about v. |
ճակաճան (ած.) | DjagaDjan | Lewd person, whoremonger, bawd, wanton adj. |
ճակաճանութիւն (գ.) | DjagaDjanootyoon | 1) Lagnosis, lewdness, 2) satyriasis, fornication n. |
ճակատ (գ.) | Djagad | 1) Brow, forehead, face, 2) front, facade n. |
ճակատագիր (գ.) | Djagadakir | Destiny, predestination, fate, fatality, doom, star n. |
ճակատագրական (գ.) | Djagadak’ragan | fatalist n. |
ճակատագրականութիւն (գ.) | Djagadak’raganootyoon | Fatalism n. |
ճակատագրապաշտ (գ.) | Djagadak’rabaShd | fatalist n. |
ճակատագրապաշտ (ած.) | Djagadak’rabaShd | fatalistic adj. |
ճակատագրապաշտութիւն (գ.) | Djagadak’rabaShdootyoon | Fatalism n. |
ճակատամարտ (գ.) | Djagadamard | Fighting, battle, pitched battle, troops in battle array, combat, fight, general engagement n. |
ճակատամարտիլ (բայ) | Djagadamardil | To combat, to fight, to strive against, to wage war against v. |
ճակատիլ (բայ) | Djagadil | 1) To face, to come face to face, 2) to resist, to set oneself against, to front the enemy v. |
ճակատում (գ.) | Djagadoom | Confrontation n. |
ճակնդեղ (գ.) | Djag’nteGh | Beet, beet-root n. |
ճահ (ած.) | Djah | Fit, proper, convenient, suitable, becoming adj. |
ճահիճ (գ.) | DjahiDj | Marsh, fen, bog, swamp, morass, slough n. |
ճահճային (ած.) | DjahDjayin | Paludal, marshy adj. |
ճահճանալ (բայ) | DjahDjanal | to stagnate v. |
ճահճատենդ (գ.) | DjahDjadent | Marsh-fever, paludal fever n. |
ճահճացում (գ.) | DjahDjaTsoom | stagnation n. |
ճահուկ (գ.) | Djahoog | 1) Flock, herd, drove, 2) troop n. |
ճաղ (գ.) | DjaGh | 1) Coffin, bier, 2) looper n. |
ճաղատ (ած.) | DjaGhad | Bald adj. |
ճաղատութիւն (գ.) | DjaGhadootyoon | Baldness, calvity, loss of hair n. |
ճաճանչ (գ.) | DjaDjanCh | Ray, beam, nimbus, aureola n. |
ճաճանչագեղ (ած.) | DjaDjanChakeGh | Radiant, brilliant, shining, sparkling adj. |
ճաճանչել (բայ) | DjaDjanChel | To radiate, to sparkle, to beam v. |
ճամարտակ (ած.) | Djamardag | Declaimer, quack, charlatan, braggart adj. |
ճամարտակ (գ.) | Djamardag | Declaimer, quack, charlatan, braggart adj. |
ճամարտակութիւն (գ.) | Djamardagootyoon | Bragging, declamation, charlatanism n. |
ճամբայ (գ.) | Djampay | 1) Way, road, path, track, avenue, 2) means, way, manner, method n. |
ճամբար (գ.) | Djampar | army, camp, encamping, encampment n. |
ճամբել (բայ) | Djampel | To send away, to send back, to put off v. |
ճամբորդ (ած.) | Djamport | Traveller, passenger n. |
ճամբորդ (գ.) | Djamport | Traveller, passenger n. |
ճամբորդատար (գ.) | Djamportadar | travel car, vehicle n. |
ճամբորդել (բայ) | Djamportel | To travel, to voyage v. |
ճամբորդութիւն (գ.) | Djamportootyoon | Journey, travel, travelling, trip n. |
ճամուկ (գ.) | Djamoog | Embroidery, embellishment, decoration n. |
ճայթեցնել (բայ) | DjayteTs’nel | To burst, to crack, to chap, to split, to detonate v. |
ճայթիլ (բայ) | Djaytil | To burst, to crack, to crackle, to split, to detonate v. |
ճայթիւն (գ.) | Djaytyoon | 1) Detonation, crackling, explosion, decrepitation, explosion, 2) crick-crack n. |
ճայթռիկ (գ.) | DjaytRig | Petard, cracker n. |
ճայիկ (գ.) | Djayig | Mare n. |
ճայրոտ (ած.) | Djayrod | obscure, abstruse, recondite adj. |
ճան (գ.) | Djan | Bloatedness, swelling, tumor n. |
ճանակ (գ.) | Djanag | Bezel of a ring n. |
ճանաչելի (ած.) | DjanaCheli | Easily known, recognizable, cognoscible adj. |
ճանաչողական (ած.) | DjanaChoGhagan | Discretionary adj. |
ճանաչողութիւն (գ.) | DjanaChoGhootyoon | Knowledge, acquaintance, understanding n. |
ճանապարհ (գ.) | Djanabarh | 1) Way, road, path, track, avenue, 2) means, way, manner, method n. |
ճանապարհածախս (գ.) | DjanabarhaDzaKhs | Journey, travel expenses n. |
ճանապարհական (ած.) | Djanabarhagan | Pertaining to roads adj. |
ճանապարհորդ (ած.) | Djanabarhort | Traveller, passenger, wayfarer n. |
ճանապարհորդ (գ.) | Djanabarhort | Traveller, passenger, wayfarer n. |
ճանապարհորդութիւն (գ.) | Djanabarhortootyoon | Travel, journey, trip n. |
ճանթ (գ.) | Djant | pedestal n. |
ճանկ (գ.) | Djang | Rose of Jericho n. |
ճանկել (բայ) | Djangel | To claw, to scratch v. |
ճանկռտել (բայ) | DjangRdel | to scratch, to graze, to claw, to scrape v. |
ճանկռտուք (գ.) | DjangRdook | scratch, scrape, abrasion n. |
ճանճ (գ.) | DjanDj | Fly n. |
ճանճորս (գ.) | DjanDjors | Kingbird, scissortail, fly-catcher n. |
ճանչել (բայ) | DjanChel | To know, to recognize, to appreciate, to understand, to be aware of, to perceive, to acknowledge v. |
ճանչնալ (բայ) | DjanChnal | To know, to recognize, to appreciate, to understand, to be aware of, to perceive, to acknowledge v. |
ճանչուոր (գ.) | DjanChvor | acquaintance n. |
ճանչցնել (բայ) | DjanChTs’nel | To make to know, to make to recognize, to acknowledge, to introduce v. |
ճաշ (գ.) | DjaSh | Dinner, meal, repast, noonday meal n. |
ճաշակ (գ.) | DjaShag | Communion n. |
ճաշակել (բայ) | DjaShagel | To taste, to relish, to savour, to sip v. |
ճաշակելիք (գ.) | DjaShagelik | 1) Taste, 2) palate of the mouth n. |
ճաշակում (գ.) | DjaShagoom | Tasting, action of tasting n. |
ճաշասենեակ (գ.) | DjaShasenyag | Dining-room, refectory n. |
ճաշարան (գ.) | DjaSharan | Restaurant, eating-house n. |
ճաշել (բայ) | DjaShel | To dine, to eat, to have dinner, to take the noonday meal v. |
ճաշկերոյթ (գ.) | DjaShgerooyt | Feast, dinner, treat, dinner party n. |
ճաշոց (գ.) | DjaShoTs | Mass-book, missal, lectionary n. |
ճապաղ (ած.) | DjabaGh | 1) Diffuse, diffused, prolix, long-winded, unintelligible, obscure, dispersed, 2) expatiatory adj. |
ճապաղիլ (բայ) | DjabaGhil | To become obscure, to grow dim, to be scattered v. |
ճապաղիք (գ.) | DjabaGhik | Effusion, pouring out, shedding, overflowing n. |
ճապաղութիւն (գ.) | DjabaGhootyoon | platitude, unintelligibility, banality n. |
ճապուկ (ած.) | Djaboog | Pliable, pliant, flexible, creeping, crawling adj. |
ճապուռ (գ.) | DjabooR | Carum, common caraway n. |
ճառ (գ.) | DjaR | 1) Speech, discourse, address, allocution, harangue, oration, sermon, 2) dissertation, narration n. |
ճառագայթ (գ.) | DjaRakayt | 1) Beam, ray, gleam, light, brightness, 2) radius n. |
ճառագայթել (բայ) | DjaRakaytel | To radiate, to beam, to gleam v. |
ճառագայթում (գ.) | DjaRakaytoom | Radiation, irradiation, radiant, lustre, glare, effulgence, splendor n. |
ճառախօս (գ.) | DjaRaKhos | orator, (public) speaker n. |
ճառախօսել (բայ) | DjaRaKhosel | To discourse, to dissert v. |
ճառախօսութիւն (գ.) | DjaRaKhosootyoon | Discourse, speech n. |
ճառել (բայ) | DjaRel | To discourse, to treat, to make a discourse, to deliver an address v. |
ճառընտիր (գ.) | DjaRUndir | Choice speeches, collection of sermons n. |
ճատրակ (գ.) | Djadrag | Chess n. |
ճար (գ.) | Djar | 1) Means, way, 2) remedy, expedient n. |
ճարակ (գ.) | Djarag | 1) Food, pasture, aliment, nourishment, 2) prey n. |
ճարակիլ (բայ) | Djaragil | 1) Food, pasture, aliment, nourishment, 2) prey n. |
ճարակում (գ.) | Djaragoom | 1) grazing, pasturage, 2) spreading (fire, epidemic), propagation, rolling out n. |
ճարահատ (ած.) | Djarahad | Impotent, ineffectual, powerless, unable adj. |
ճարել (բայ) | Djarel | To obtain, to procure, to get v. |
ճարճատիլ (բայ) | DjarDjadil | to crack, to crackle v. |
ճարճատիւն (գ.) | DjarDjadyoon | Crepitation, crack, cracking noise, crash, burst, creaking noise, sistrum, crick-crack n. |
ճարմանդ (գ.) | Djarmant | Clasp, buckle, hasp, button, loop n. |
ճարպ (գ.) | Djarb | Fat, grease, tallow, oil n. |
ճարպաթաղանթ (գ.) | DjarbataGhant | tripe (offal, giblets) n. |
ճարպային (ած.) | Djarbayin | 1) Stearin, greasy, 2) fatty, sebaceous adj. |
ճարպիկ (ած.) | Djarbig | able, clever, ingenious, skillful, sharp, expert, quick, adroit adj. |
ճարպիկութիւն (գ.) | Djarbigootyoon | Cleverness, ability, skill, dexterity n. |
ճարպոտ (ած.) | Djarbod | 1) Stearin, greasy, 2) fatty, sebaceous adj. |
ճարպոտել (բայ) | Djarbodel | To grease, to make greasy v. |
ճարտասան (ած.) | Djardasan | Orator, rhetorician, eloquent person n. |
ճարտասան (գ.) | Djardasan | Orator, rhetorician, eloquent person n. |
ճարտասանական (ած.) | Djardasanagan | Oratorial, rhetorical, oratorical adj. |
ճարտասանութիւն (գ.) | Djardasanootyoon | Rhetoric, oratory, eloquence n. |
ճարտար (ած.) | Djardar | Dexterous, handy, ingenious, clever, skillful, industrious, expert, intelligent, artful adj. |
ճարտարագէտ (գ.) | Djardaraked | 1) Engineer, 2) very skilful, clever n. |
ճարտարագիտութիւն (գ.) | Djardarakidootyoon | Engineering n. |
ճարտարապետ (գ.) | Djardarabed | 1) architect, 2) constructor, builder, 3) master n. |
ճարտարապետական (ած.) | Djardarabedagan | architectural, architectonic adj. |
ճարտարապետութիւն (գ.) | Djardarabedootyoon | architecture, architectonics, the art of applying beauty, utility and emotional expression to building n. |
ճարտարարուեստ (գ.) | Djardararvesd | Manufacture, industry n. |
ճարտարարուեստական (գ.) | Djardararvesdagan | manufacturer n. |
ճարտարութիւն (գ.) | Djardarootyoon | 1) Industry, art, skill, dexterity, ability, cleverness, ingenuity, craft, 2) artifice n. |
ճարտուկ (ած.) | Djardoog | Piebald, parti-coloured, dapple-grey n. |
ճարտուկ (գ.) | Djardoog | Piebald, parti-coloured, dapple-grey n. |
ճափոնուհի (գ.) | Djaponoohi | Japanese (female) n. |
ճափոնցի (գ.) | DjaponTsi | Japanese n. |
ճգնաժամ (գ.) | Dj’knaZham | Crisis, acme n. |
ճգնաժամային (ած.) | Dj’knaZhamayin | critical, crucial, decisive, emergency, trying (situation), crisis adj. |
ճգնարան (գ.) | Dj’knaran | Hermitage n. |
ճգնաւոր (գ.) | Dj’knavor | 1) ascetic, hermit, anchorite, 2) recluse n. |
ճգնաւորութիւն (գ.) | Dj’knavorootyoon | ascetism n. |
ճգնիլ (բայ) | Dj’knil | 1) to mortify oneself, to torment oneself, to macerate oneself, 2) to exert, to strive, to struggle, to endeavor, to labor, to make an effort v. |
ճգնութիւն (գ.) | Dj’knootyoon | 1) Fatigue, hard toil, hardship, mortification, effort, 2) pain, labour, maceration n. |
ճեղք (գ.) | DjeGhk | Gap, breakthrough n. |
ճեղքել (բայ) | DjeGhkel | To cleave, to split, to rive, to rend, to divide, to cut open, to separate, to part v. |
ճեղքուիլ (բայ) | DjeGhkvil | To cleave, to split, to slit, to chap, to fall off, to chink, to rive, to become fissured v. |
ճեմ (գ.) | Djem | Bridle, bridle-rein, check, curb n. |
ճեմասրահ (գ.) | Djemasrah | Gallery, place for walk n. |
ճեմարան (գ.) | Djemaran | 1) academy, seminary, 2) lyceum, college, 3) institute n. |
ճեմարանաւարտ (գ.) | Djemaranavard | graduate of an academy, lyceum, college n. |
ճեմարանաւարտ (ած.) | Djemaranavard | graduated from an academy, lyceum or college adj. |
ճեմել (բայ) | Djemel | To walk, to promenade, to take a walk v. |
ճեմիշ (գ.) | DjemiSh | Water-closet, cloaca n. |
ճենապակի (գ.) | Djenabagi | Porcelain, chinaware n. |
ճենճ (գ.) | DjenDj | 1) The smoke or the reek of cooked meat or grease, 2) froth n. |
ճենճեր (գ.) | DjenDjer | 1) Flavour of meat, smoke of cooking meat, 2) victim, holocaust n. |
ճենճերիլ (բայ) | DjenDjeril | to emit smoke while being scorched or singed, to be consumed (by fire, emotions) v. |
ճեպ (գ.) | Djeb | Hurry, haste, speed, promptness, eagerness n. |
ճեպանկար (գ.) | Djebangar | sketch, draft, outline, study n. |
ճեպել (բայ) | Djebel | To hasten, to urge on, to hurry on v. |
ճեպընթաց (ած.) | DjebUntaTs | running, express, quick, fleet, hasty, expeditious adj. |
ճետ (գ.) | Djed | 1) Race, stock, breed, 2) descendants, posterity n. |
ճերմակ (ած.) | Djermag | White adj. |
ճերմակ սունկ (գ.) | Djermag soong | champignon de Paris n. |
ճերմակեղէն (գ.) | DjermageGhen | 1) Linen, 2) cloth n. |
ճերմակութիւն (գ.) | Djermagootyoon | Whiteness n. |
ճերմկիլ (բայ) | Djermgil | To whiten, to grow white v. |
ճերմկուց (գ.) | DjermgooTs | egg white n. |
ճզմել (բայ) | Djzmel | To press, to crush, to bruise, to squeeze, to squash v. |
ճզմուածք (գ.) | DjzmvaDzk | Sprain, strain, crushings, bruisings n. |
ճզմում (գ.) | Djzmoom | 1) Crush, crushing, bruising, 2) squashing n. |
ճիգ (գ.) | Djik | Effort, endeavour, attempt, exertion, work n. |
ճիշդ (ած.) | DjiSht | Just, exact, precise, strict, punctual, accurate adj. |
ճիչ (գ.) | DjiCh | Cry, scream, shriek, screaming, squeak n. |
ճիպռ (գ.) | DjibR | Blearedness n. |
ճիռ (գ.) | DjiR | Small bunch of grapes n. |
ճիտ (գ.) | Djid | Neck n. |
ճիրան (գ.) | Djiran | 1) Claw, fang, talon, 2) pounce, 3) nail, paw n. |
ճիւ (գ.) | Djiv | 1) Tiny foot, 2) leg, foot, paw n. |
ճիւաղ (գ.) | DjyooaGh | 1) Monster, spectre, phantom, 2) nightmare n. |
ճիւաղային (ած.) | DjyooaGhayin | Monstrous adj. |
ճիւաղութիւն (գ.) | DjyooaGhootyoon | Monstruosity, anomaly, monstrosity n. |
ճիւղ (գ.) | DjyooGh | 1) Branch, bough, 2) line, 3) stump, stock, stem n. |
ճիւղագրական (ած.) | DjyooGhak’ragan | Genealogical adj. |
ճիւղագրութիւն (գ.) | DjyooGhak’rootyoon | Genealogy n. |
ճիւղաւոր (ած.) | DjyooGhavor | Branchy, ramous, bifurcated adj. |
ճիւղաւորուիլ (բայ) | DjyooGhavorvil | to ramify, to branch out, to fork, to divide v. |
ճիւղաւորում (գ.) | DjyooGhavoroom | Ramification n. |
ճկել (բայ) | Dj’gel | To make supple, to curve, to bend, to warp v. |
ճկիլ (բայ) | Dj’gil | To stoop, to bow down, to be bent v. |
ճկոյթ (գ.) | Dj’gooyt | Ear-finger, the little finger n. |
ճկուն (ած.) | Dj’goon | Pliant, pliable, flexible, supple adj. |
ճկունութիւն (գ.) | Dj’goonootyoon | Pliantness, suppleness, flexibility n. |
ճղել (բայ) | Dj’Ghel | To chirp, to warble, to twitter v. |
ճղճասիրտ (ած.) | Dj’GhDjasird | 1) Niggard, sordid, mean, 2) shabby, stingy, covetous, scurvy adj. |
ճղճիմ (ած.) | Dj’GhDjim | 1) Niggard, sordid, mean, 2) shabby, stingy, covetous, scurvy adj. |
ճղուղ (գ.) | Dj’GhooGh | Spoke of a wheel, tackle n. |
ճճի (գ.) | Dj’Dji | Worm, maggot n. |
ճմլել (բայ) | Dj’m’lel | To bruise, to squeeze, to contuse, to press, to compress, to trample, to crush v. |
ճմլուիլ (բայ) | Dj’m’lvil | to get crushed, to get flattened, to get ground, to get mashed, to get pounded, to get squashed, to get squeezed, to get trampled, to get crumpled, to get compressed v. |
ճմլում (գ.) | Dj’m’loom | crumpling, crushing, flattening, grounding, mashing, compression, trampling, squeezing, squashing, pounding n. |
ճմռթկել (բայ) | Dj’m’Rtgel | To rumple, to wrinkle v. |
ճնկել (բայ) | Dj’ngel | to empty one's glass, to drain one's glass v. |
ճնճղուկ (գ.) | Dj’nDjGhoog | Sparrow n. |
ճնշել (բայ) | Dj’nShel | To press, to oppress, to compress, to squeeze, to depress, to weigh upon v. |
ճնշեփ (գ.) | Dj’nShep | pressure cooker n. |
ճնշիչ (ած.) | Dj’nShiCh | Compressor n. |
ճնշիչ (գ.) | Dj’nShiCh | Compressor n. |
ճնշում (գ.) | Dj’nShoom | 1) Compression, oppression, 2) depression, 3) pressure n. |
ճշգրիտ (ած.) | Dj’Shk’rid | Exact, just, punctual, precise, strict adj. |
ճշգրտել (բայ) | Dj’Shk’rdel | To verify, to specify, to state precisely v. |
ճշգրտութիւն (գ.) | Dj’Shk’rdootyoon | Precision, justness, exactness, truth n. |
ճշգրտում (գ.) | Dj’Shk’rdoom | 1) Verification, 2) exactitude n. |
ճշդապահ (ած.) | Dj’Shtabah | Punctual, exact, prompt adj. |
ճշդել (բայ) | Dj’Shtel | To adjust, to verify, to precise, to justify, to settle v. |
ճշդութիւն (գ.) | Dj’Shtootyoon | Exactness, punctuality, accuracy, rigour n. |
ճշդում (գ.) | Dj’Shtoom | rectification, correction, straightening, adjustment n. |
ճշմարիտ (մկբ.) | Dj’Shmarid | truly, certainly, indeed, really, verily, in truth, rightly, correctly adv. |
ճշմարտել (բայ) | Dj’Shmardel | To verify, to confirm, to certify v. |
ճշմարտութիւն (գ.) | Dj’Shmardootyoon | Truth, veracity, exactness, truthfulness, accuracy, credibility n. |
ճոթ (գ.) | Djot | End, extremity, summit, point n. |
ճոլոթ (գ.) | Djolot | Quail n. |
ճոլոկ (գ.) | Djolog | Turkey-cock n. |
ճոխ (ած.) | DjoKh | 1) Opulent, rich, wealthy, copious, plentiful, abundant, 2) great, ample adj. |
ճոխաբան (ած.) | DjoKhapan | Eloquent, fluent adj. |
ճոխանալ (բայ) | DjoKhanal | To grow opulent, rich, to thrive, to grow rich, to enrich oneself, to prevail, to rule over, to signiorize, to be proud, to b v. |
ճոխացնել (բայ) | DjoKhaTs’nel | To enrich, to make wealthy, to gift, to endow v. |
ճոխացում (գ.) | DjoKhaTsoom | enrichment, exaggeration n. |
ճոխութիւն (գ.) | DjoKhootyoon | 1) Opulence, richness, 2) abundance, sway, gorgeousness, pomp, show, ostentation n. |
ճոկան (գ.) | Djogan | Crosier (of bishops), cane, stick, baton n. |
ճողիլ (բայ) | DjoGhil | 1) To burst, to split, to break open, 2) to die, to expire, to perish adj. |
ճողոպրիլ (բայ) | DjoGhobril | To escape, to evade, to run away, to abscond, to slip away, to rid oneself, to get clear v. |
ճողփիւն (գ.) | DjoGhpyoon | splash n. |
ճոպան (գ.) | Djoban | 1) Cord, rope, twine, 2) halter n. |
ճոպանուղի (գ.) | DjobanooGhi | cable, rope way, funicular n. |
ճոռոմ (ած.) | DjoRom | Declamatory, emphatic, bombastic adj. |
ճոռոմաբան (ած.) | DjoRomapan | bombastic, pompous, high-flown, grandeloquent adj. |
ճոռոմաբանութիւն (գ.) | DjoRomapanootyoon | Bombast, declamation, harangue n. |
ճորճրալ (բայ) | DjorDjral | To waddle, to strut, to slouch v. |
ճորտ (գ.) | Djord | Vassal, serf, bordar, bordman, boy, domestic n. |
ճորտութիւն (գ.) | Djordootyoon | Vassalage, bordage n. |
ճուալ (բայ) | Djval | To bawl, to cry v. |
ճութ (գ.) | Djoot | Walnut n. |
ճուճ (գ.) | DjooDj | Penis n. |
ճուռ (գ.) | DjooR | Ischium n. |
ճուտ (գ.) | Djood | Chick, chicken just hatched n. |
ճչալ (բայ) | Dj’Chal | to scream, to screech, to squeal, to shriek, to yell, to shout, to cry, to shrill, to bawl, to squall v. |
ճչակ (գ.) | Dj’Chag | horn, Klaxon, hooter n. |
ճպոտ (գ.) | Dj’bod | Bow n. |
ճպուռ (գ.) | Dj’booR | Cicada n. |
ճպռոտ (ած.) | Dj’b’Rod | Blear-eyed adj. |
ճռալ (բայ) | Dj’Ral | 1) To cry, to creak, to croak, 2) to grate (of a door) v. |
ճռաքաղ (գ.) | Dj’RakaGh | Grape-gleaner n. |
ճռզած (ած.) | Dj’RzaDz | Stunted, skimpy, puny adj. |
ճռզիլ (բայ) | Dj’Rzil | To grow stunted, to waste away v. |
ճռինչ (գ.) | Dj’RinCh | 1) Creaking, noise, 2) screaking n. |
ճռնչել (բայ) | Dj’RnChel | To grate (of a door), to creak, to screak, to clatter, to rustle v. |
ճռնչիւն (գ.) | Dj’RnChyoon | 1) Cry, 2) noise, creaking, grating, clattering n. |
ճռուղել (բայ) | Dj’RooGhel | To warble, to twitter, to chirp, to pip, to chirrup, to sing v. |
ճռուողել (բայ) | Dj’RvoGhel | To warble, to twitter, to chirp, to pip, to chirrup, to sing v. |
ճռուողիւն (գ.) | Dj’RvoGhyoon | Chirping, twittering, warbling, purling, singing of birds n. |
ճռուողում (գ.) | Dj’RvoGhoom | Chirping, twittering, warbling, purling, singing of birds n. |
ճրագ (գ.) | Dj’rak | Candle, lamp, light, flambeau, taper n. |
ճրագալոյց (գ.) | Dj’rakalooyTs | Lamplighter, Easter eve n. |
ճրագարան (գ.) | Dj’rakaran | Chandelier, flambeau, torch, candelabrum n. |
ճրագու (գ.) | Dj’rakoo | Tallow, candle-grease, suet n. |
ճօճ (գ.) | DjoDj | Oscillation, vibration n. |
ճօճական (ած.) | DjoDjagan | Oscillatory, oscillating, balancing adj. |
ճօճանակ (գ.) | DjoDjanag | Pendulum, balance n. |
ճօճել (բայ) | DjoDjel | To swing, to oscillate, to vibrate, to balance v. |
ճօճուիլ (բայ) | DjoDjvil | to sway, to swing, to rock, to oscillate, to reel, to stagger v. |
ճօճում (գ.) | DjoDjoom | Oscillation, swinging, vibration, fluctuation, balancing, rocking, dangling n. |
ճօճք (գ.) | DjoDjk | Swing, hammock, see-saw, whirligig n. |
ճօշ (գ.) | DjoSh | Breast-plate, armour plate, cuirass, leather cuirass n. |
ճօշալ (բայ) | DjoShal | To defame, to slander, to speak ill of v. |
ճօշան (գ.) | DjoShan | Breast-plate, armour plate, cuirass, leather cuirass n. |