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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ:

Veuillez saisir un mot ! - Հաճեցէ՛ք բառ մը գրել

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Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
ճ Ճ (գ.)Dj Djnineteenth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 100 n.
ճագար (գ.)DjakarRabbit, coney n.
ճագարանոց (գ.)DjakaranoTsWarren, hutch for rabbits n.
ճաթած (ած.)DjataDzCracked adj.
ճաթեցնել (բայ)DjateTs’nelTo crack, to chap, to break, to rend, to split v.
ճաթիլ (բայ)DjatilTo crack, to chap, to burst v.
ճաթռտիլ (բայ)DjatRdilTo crack, to split, to gape, to crackle, to chap, to creak, to crunch v.
ճախարակ (գ.)DjaKharag1) Pulley,
2) block n.
ճախճախուտ (ած.)DjaKhDjaKhoodMarshy, fenny, boggy, swampy adj.
ճախճախուտ (գ.)DjaKhDjaKhoodMarshy, fenny, boggy, swampy adj.
ճախր (գ.)DjaKhrFlight, soaring, soar n.
ճախրանք (գ.)DjaKhrankFlight, soaring, swing, soar n.
ճախրել (բայ)DjaKhrelTo soar, to take wings, to fly about v.
ճակաճան (ած.)DjagaDjanLewd person, whoremonger, bawd, wanton adj.
ճակաճանութիւն (գ.)DjagaDjanootyoon1) Lagnosis, lewdness,
2) satyriasis, fornication n.
ճակատ (գ.)Djagad1) Brow, forehead, face,
2) front, facade n.
ճակատագիր (գ.)DjagadakirDestiny, predestination, fate, fatality, doom, star n.
ճակատագրական (գ.)Djagadak’raganfatalist n.
ճակատագրականութիւն (գ.)Djagadak’raganootyoon Fatalism n.
ճակատագրապաշտ (գ.)Djagadak’rabaShdfatalist n.
ճակատագրապաշտ (ած.)Djagadak’rabaShdfatalistic adj.
ճակատագրապաշտութիւն (գ.)Djagadak’rabaShdootyoonFatalism n.
ճակատամարտ (գ.)DjagadamardFighting, battle, pitched battle, troops in battle array, combat, fight, general engagement n.
ճակատամարտիլ (բայ)DjagadamardilTo combat, to fight, to strive against, to wage war against v.
ճակատիլ (բայ)Djagadil1) To face, to come face to face,
2) to resist, to set oneself against, to front the enemy v.
ճակատում (գ.)DjagadoomConfrontation n.
ճակնդեղ (գ.)Djag’nteGhBeet, beet-root n.
ճահ (ած.)DjahFit, proper, convenient, suitable, becoming adj.
ճահիճ (գ.)DjahiDjMarsh, fen, bog, swamp, morass, slough n.
ճահճային (ած.)DjahDjayinPaludal, marshy adj.
ճահճանալ (բայ)DjahDjanalto stagnate v.
ճահճատենդ (գ.)DjahDjadentMarsh-fever, paludal fever n.
ճահճացում (գ.)DjahDjaTsoomstagnation n.
ճահուկ (գ.)Djahoog1) Flock, herd, drove,
2) troop n.
ճաղ (գ.)DjaGh1) Coffin, bier,
2) looper n.
ճաղատ (ած.)DjaGhadBald adj.
ճաղատութիւն (գ.)DjaGhadootyoonBaldness, calvity, loss of hair n.
ճաճանչ (գ.)DjaDjanChRay, beam, nimbus, aureola n.
ճաճանչագեղ (ած.)DjaDjanChakeGhRadiant, brilliant, shining, sparkling adj.
ճաճանչել (բայ)DjaDjanChelTo radiate, to sparkle, to beam v.
ճամարտակ (ած.)DjamardagDeclaimer, quack, charlatan, braggart adj.
ճամարտակ (գ.)DjamardagDeclaimer, quack, charlatan, braggart adj.
ճամարտակութիւն (գ.)DjamardagootyoonBragging, declamation, charlatanism n.
ճամբայ (գ.)Djampay1) Way, road, path, track, avenue,
2) means, way, manner, method n.
ճամբար (գ.)Djampararmy, camp, encamping, encampment n.
ճամբել (բայ)DjampelTo send away, to send back, to put off v.
ճամբորդ (ած.)DjamportTraveller, passenger n.
ճամբորդ (գ.)DjamportTraveller, passenger n.
ճամբորդատար (գ.)Djamportadartravel car, vehicle n.
ճամբորդել (բայ)DjamportelTo travel, to voyage v.
ճամբորդութիւն (գ.)DjamportootyoonJourney, travel, travelling, trip n.
ճամուկ (գ.)DjamoogEmbroidery, embellishment, decoration n.
ճայթեցնել (բայ)DjayteTs’nelTo burst, to crack, to chap, to split, to detonate v.
ճայթիլ (բայ)DjaytilTo burst, to crack, to crackle, to split, to detonate v.
ճայթիւն (գ.)Djaytyoon1) Detonation, crackling, explosion, decrepitation, explosion,
2) crick-crack n.
ճայթռիկ (գ.)DjaytRigPetard, cracker n.
ճայիկ (գ.)DjayigMare n.
ճայրոտ (ած.)Djayrodobscure, abstruse, recondite adj.
ճան (գ.)DjanBloatedness, swelling, tumor n.
ճանակ (գ.)DjanagBezel of a ring n.
ճանաչելի (ած.)DjanaCheliEasily known, recognizable, cognoscible adj.
ճանաչողական (ած.)DjanaChoGhaganDiscretionary adj.
ճանաչողութիւն (գ.)DjanaChoGhootyoonKnowledge, acquaintance, understanding n.
ճանապարհ (գ.)Djanabarh1) Way, road, path, track, avenue,
2) means, way, manner, method n.
ճանապարհածախս (գ.)DjanabarhaDzaKhsJourney, travel expenses n.
ճանապարհական (ած.)DjanabarhaganPertaining to roads adj.
ճանապարհորդ (ած.)DjanabarhortTraveller, passenger, wayfarer n.
ճանապարհորդ (գ.)DjanabarhortTraveller, passenger, wayfarer n.
ճանապարհորդութիւն (գ.)DjanabarhortootyoonTravel, journey, trip n.
ճանթ (գ.)Djantpedestal n.
ճանկ (գ.)DjangRose of Jericho n.
ճանկել (բայ)DjangelTo claw, to scratch v.
ճանկռտել (բայ)DjangRdelto scratch, to graze, to claw, to scrape v.
ճանկռտուք (գ.)DjangRdookscratch, scrape, abrasion n.
ճանճ (գ.)DjanDjFly n.
ճանճորս (գ.)DjanDjorsKingbird, scissortail, fly-catcher n.
ճանչել (բայ)DjanChel To know, to recognize, to appreciate, to understand, to be aware of, to perceive, to acknowledge v.
ճանչնալ (բայ)DjanChnalTo know, to recognize, to appreciate, to understand, to be aware of, to perceive, to acknowledge v.
ճանչուոր (գ.)DjanChvoracquaintance n.
ճանչցնել (բայ)DjanChTs’nelTo make to know, to make to recognize, to acknowledge, to introduce v.
ճաշ (գ.)DjaShDinner, meal, repast, noonday meal n.
ճաշակ (գ.)DjaShagCommunion n.
ճաշակել (բայ)DjaShagelTo taste, to relish, to savour, to sip v.
ճաշակելիք (գ.)DjaShagelik1) Taste,
2) palate of the mouth n.
ճաշակում (գ.)DjaShagoomTasting, action of tasting n.
ճաշասենեակ (գ.)DjaShasenyagDining-room, refectory n.
ճաշարան (գ.)DjaSharanRestaurant, eating-house n.
ճաշել (բայ)DjaShelTo dine, to eat, to have dinner, to take the noonday meal v.
ճաշկերոյթ (գ.)DjaShgerooytFeast, dinner, treat, dinner party n.
ճաշոց (գ.)DjaShoTsMass-book, missal, lectionary n.
ճապաղ (ած.)DjabaGh1) Diffuse, diffused, prolix, long-winded, unintelligible, obscure, dispersed,
2) expatiatory adj.
ճապաղիլ (բայ)DjabaGhilTo become obscure, to grow dim, to be scattered v.
ճապաղիք (գ.)DjabaGhikEffusion, pouring out, shedding, overflowing n.
ճապաղութիւն (գ.)DjabaGhootyoonplatitude, unintelligibility, banality n.
ճապուկ (ած.)DjaboogPliable, pliant, flexible, creeping, crawling adj.
ճապուռ (գ.)DjabooRCarum, common caraway n.
ճառ (գ.)DjaR1) Speech, discourse, address, allocution, harangue, oration, sermon,
2) dissertation, narration n.
ճառագայթ (գ.)DjaRakayt1) Beam, ray, gleam, light, brightness,
2) radius n.
ճառագայթել (բայ)DjaRakaytelTo radiate, to beam, to gleam v.
ճառագայթում (գ.)DjaRakaytoomRadiation, irradiation, radiant, lustre, glare, effulgence, splendor n.
ճառախօս (գ.)DjaRaKhosorator, (public) speaker n.
ճառախօսել (բայ)DjaRaKhoselTo discourse, to dissert v.
ճառախօսութիւն (գ.)DjaRaKhosootyoonDiscourse, speech n.
ճառել (բայ)DjaRelTo discourse, to treat, to make a discourse, to deliver an address v.
ճառընտիր (գ.)DjaRUndirChoice speeches, collection of sermons n.
ճատրակ (գ.)DjadragChess n.
ճար (գ.)Djar1) Means, way,
2) remedy, expedient n.
ճարակ (գ.)Djarag1) Food, pasture, aliment, nourishment,
2) prey n.
ճարակիլ (բայ)Djaragil1) Food, pasture, aliment, nourishment,
2) prey n.
ճարակում (գ.)Djaragoom1) grazing, pasturage,
2) spreading (fire, epidemic), propagation, rolling out n.
ճարահատ (ած.)DjarahadImpotent, ineffectual, powerless, unable adj.
ճարել (բայ)DjarelTo obtain, to procure, to get v.
ճարճատիլ (բայ)DjarDjadilto crack, to crackle v.
ճարճատիւն (գ.)DjarDjadyoonCrepitation, crack, cracking noise, crash, burst, creaking noise, sistrum, crick-crack n.
ճարմանդ (գ.)DjarmantClasp, buckle, hasp, button, loop n.
ճարպ (գ.)DjarbFat, grease, tallow, oil n.
ճարպաթաղանթ (գ.)DjarbataGhanttripe (offal, giblets) n.
ճարպային (ած.)Djarbayin1) Stearin, greasy,
2) fatty, sebaceous adj.
ճարպիկ (ած.)Djarbigable, clever, ingenious, skillful, sharp, expert, quick, adroit adj.
ճարպիկութիւն (գ.)DjarbigootyoonCleverness, ability, skill, dexterity n.
ճարպոտ (ած.)Djarbod1) Stearin, greasy,
2) fatty, sebaceous adj.
ճարպոտել (բայ)DjarbodelTo grease, to make greasy v.
ճարտասան (ած.)DjardasanOrator, rhetorician, eloquent person n.
ճարտասան (գ.)DjardasanOrator, rhetorician, eloquent person n.
ճարտասանական (ած.)DjardasanaganOratorial, rhetorical, oratorical adj.
ճարտասանութիւն (գ.)DjardasanootyoonRhetoric, oratory, eloquence n.
ճարտար (ած.)DjardarDexterous, handy, ingenious, clever, skillful, industrious, expert, intelligent, artful adj.
ճարտարագէտ (գ.)Djardaraked1) Engineer,
2) very skilful, clever n.
ճարտարագիտութիւն (գ.)DjardarakidootyoonEngineering n.
ճարտարապետ (գ.)Djardarabed1) architect,
2) constructor, builder,
3) master n.
ճարտարապետական (ած.)Djardarabedaganarchitectural, architectonic adj.
ճարտարապետութիւն (գ.)Djardarabedootyoonarchitecture, architectonics, the art of applying beauty, utility and emotional expression to building n.
ճարտարարուեստ (գ.)DjardararvesdManufacture, industry n.
ճարտարարուեստական (գ.)Djardararvesdaganmanufacturer n.
ճարտարութիւն (գ.)Djardarootyoon1) Industry, art, skill, dexterity, ability, cleverness, ingenuity, craft,
2) artifice n.
ճարտուկ (ած.)DjardoogPiebald, parti-coloured, dapple-grey n.
ճարտուկ (գ.)DjardoogPiebald, parti-coloured, dapple-grey n.
ճափոնուհի (գ.)DjaponoohiJapanese (female) n.
ճափոնցի (գ.)DjaponTsiJapanese n.
ճգնաժամ (գ.)Dj’knaZhamCrisis, acme n.
ճգնաժամային (ած.)Dj’knaZhamayincritical, crucial, decisive, emergency, trying (situation), crisis adj.
ճգնարան (գ.)Dj’knaranHermitage n.
ճգնաւոր (գ.)Dj’knavor1) ascetic, hermit, anchorite,
2) recluse n.
ճգնաւորութիւն (գ.)Dj’knavorootyoonascetism n.
ճգնիլ (բայ)Dj’knil1) to mortify oneself, to torment oneself, to macerate oneself,
2) to exert, to strive, to struggle, to endeavor, to labor, to make an effort v.
ճգնութիւն (գ.)Dj’knootyoon1) Fatigue, hard toil, hardship, mortification, effort,
2) pain, labour, maceration n.
ճեղք (գ.)DjeGhkGap, breakthrough n.
ճեղքել (բայ)DjeGhkelTo cleave, to split, to rive, to rend, to divide, to cut open, to separate, to part v.
ճեղքուիլ (բայ)DjeGhkvilTo cleave, to split, to slit, to chap, to fall off, to chink, to rive, to become fissured v.
ճեմ (գ.)DjemBridle, bridle-rein, check, curb n.
ճեմասրահ (գ.)DjemasrahGallery, place for walk n.
ճեմարան (գ.)Djemaran1) academy, seminary,
2) lyceum, college,
3) institute n.
ճեմարանաւարտ (գ.)Djemaranavardgraduate of an academy, lyceum, college n.
ճեմարանաւարտ (ած.)Djemaranavardgraduated from an academy, lyceum or college adj.
ճեմել (բայ)DjemelTo walk, to promenade, to take a walk v.
ճեմիշ (գ.)DjemiShWater-closet, cloaca n.
ճենապակի (գ.)DjenabagiPorcelain, chinaware n.
ճենճ (գ.)DjenDj1) The smoke or the reek of cooked meat or grease,
2) froth n.
ճենճեր (գ.)DjenDjer1) Flavour of meat, smoke of cooking meat,
2) victim, holocaust n.
ճենճերիլ (բայ)DjenDjerilto emit smoke while being scorched or singed, to be consumed (by fire, emotions) v.
ճեպ (գ.)DjebHurry, haste, speed, promptness, eagerness n.
ճեպանկար (գ.)Djebangarsketch, draft, outline, study n.
ճեպել (բայ)DjebelTo hasten, to urge on, to hurry on v.
ճեպընթաց (ած.)DjebUntaTsrunning, express, quick, fleet, hasty, expeditious adj.
ճետ (գ.)Djed1) Race, stock, breed,
2) descendants, posterity n.
ճերմակ (ած.)DjermagWhite adj.
ճերմակ սունկ (գ.)Djermag soongchampignon de Paris n.
ճերմակեղէն (գ.)DjermageGhen1) Linen,
2) cloth n.
ճերմակութիւն (գ.)DjermagootyoonWhiteness n.
ճերմկիլ (բայ)DjermgilTo whiten, to grow white v.
ճերմկուց (գ.)DjermgooTsegg white n.
ճզմել (բայ)DjzmelTo press, to crush, to bruise, to squeeze, to squash v.
ճզմուածք (գ.)DjzmvaDzkSprain, strain, crushings, bruisings n.
ճզմում (գ.)Djzmoom1) Crush, crushing, bruising,
2) squashing n.
ճիգ (գ.)DjikEffort, endeavour, attempt, exertion, work n.
ճիշդ (ած.)DjiShtJust, exact, precise, strict, punctual, accurate adj.
ճիչ (գ.)DjiChCry, scream, shriek, screaming, squeak n.
ճիպռ (գ.)DjibRBlearedness n.
ճիռ (գ.)DjiRSmall bunch of grapes n.
ճիտ (գ.)DjidNeck n.
ճիրան (գ.)Djiran1) Claw, fang, talon,
2) pounce,
3) nail, paw n.
ճիւ (գ.)Djiv1) Tiny foot,
2) leg, foot, paw n.
ճիւաղ (գ.)DjyooaGh1) Monster, spectre, phantom,
2) nightmare n.
ճիւաղային (ած.)DjyooaGhayinMonstrous adj.
ճիւաղութիւն (գ.)DjyooaGhootyoonMonstruosity, anomaly, monstrosity n.
ճիւղ (գ.)DjyooGh1) Branch, bough,
2) line,
3) stump, stock, stem n.
ճիւղագրական (ած.)DjyooGhak’raganGenealogical adj.
ճիւղագրութիւն (գ.)DjyooGhak’rootyoonGenealogy n.
ճիւղաւոր (ած.)DjyooGhavorBranchy, ramous, bifurcated adj.
ճիւղաւորուիլ (բայ)DjyooGhavorvilto ramify, to branch out, to fork, to divide v.
ճիւղաւորում (գ.)DjyooGhavoroomRamification n.
ճկել (բայ)Dj’gelTo make supple, to curve, to bend, to warp v.
ճկիլ (բայ)Dj’gilTo stoop, to bow down, to be bent v.
ճկոյթ (գ.)Dj’gooytEar-finger, the little finger n.
ճկուն (ած.)Dj’goonPliant, pliable, flexible, supple adj.
ճկունութիւն (գ.)Dj’goonootyoonPliantness, suppleness, flexibility n.
ճղել (բայ)Dj’GhelTo chirp, to warble, to twitter v.
ճղճասիրտ (ած.)Dj’GhDjasird 1) Niggard, sordid, mean,
2) shabby, stingy, covetous, scurvy adj.
ճղճիմ (ած.)Dj’GhDjim1) Niggard, sordid, mean,
2) shabby, stingy, covetous, scurvy adj.
ճղուղ (գ.)Dj’GhooGhSpoke of a wheel, tackle n.
ճճի (գ.)Dj’DjiWorm, maggot n.
ճմլել (բայ)Dj’m’lelTo bruise, to squeeze, to contuse, to press, to compress, to trample, to crush v.
ճմլուիլ (բայ)Dj’m’lvilto get crushed, to get flattened, to get ground, to get mashed, to get pounded, to get squashed, to get squeezed, to get trampled, to get crumpled, to get compressed v.
ճմլում (գ.)Dj’m’loomcrumpling, crushing, flattening, grounding, mashing, compression, trampling, squeezing, squashing, pounding n.
ճմռթկել (բայ)Dj’m’RtgelTo rumple, to wrinkle v.
ճնկել (բայ)Dj’ngelto empty one's glass, to drain one's glass v.
ճնճղուկ (գ.)Dj’nDjGhoogSparrow n.
ճնշել (բայ)Dj’nShelTo press, to oppress, to compress, to squeeze, to depress, to weigh upon v.
ճնշեփ (գ.)Dj’nSheppressure cooker n.
ճնշիչ (ած.)Dj’nShiChCompressor n.
ճնշիչ (գ.)Dj’nShiChCompressor n.
ճնշում (գ.)Dj’nShoom1) Compression, oppression,
2) depression,
3) pressure n.
ճշգրիտ (ած.)Dj’Shk’ridExact, just, punctual, precise, strict adj.
ճշգրտել (բայ)Dj’Shk’rdelTo verify, to specify, to state precisely v.
ճշգրտութիւն (գ.)Dj’Shk’rdootyoonPrecision, justness, exactness, truth n.
ճշգրտում (գ.)Dj’Shk’rdoom1) Verification,
2) exactitude n.
ճշդապահ (ած.)Dj’ShtabahPunctual, exact, prompt adj.
ճշդել (բայ)Dj’ShtelTo adjust, to verify, to precise, to justify, to settle v.
ճշդութիւն (գ.)Dj’ShtootyoonExactness, punctuality, accuracy, rigour n.
ճշդում (գ.)Dj’Shtoomrectification, correction, straightening, adjustment n.
ճշմարիտ (մկբ.)Dj’Shmaridtruly, certainly, indeed, really, verily, in truth, rightly, correctly adv.
ճշմարտել (բայ)Dj’ShmardelTo verify, to confirm, to certify v.
ճշմարտութիւն (գ.)Dj’ShmardootyoonTruth, veracity, exactness, truthfulness, accuracy, credibility n.
ճոթ (գ.)DjotEnd, extremity, summit, point n.
ճոլոթ (գ.)DjolotQuail n.
ճոլոկ (գ.)DjologTurkey-cock n.
ճոխ (ած.)DjoKh1) Opulent, rich, wealthy, copious, plentiful, abundant,
2) great, ample adj.
ճոխաբան (ած.)DjoKhapanEloquent, fluent adj.
ճոխանալ (բայ)DjoKhanalTo grow opulent, rich, to thrive, to grow rich, to enrich oneself, to prevail, to rule over, to signiorize, to be proud, to b v.
ճոխացնել (բայ)DjoKhaTs’nelTo enrich, to make wealthy, to gift, to endow v.
ճոխացում (գ.)DjoKhaTsoomenrichment, exaggeration n.
ճոխութիւն (գ.)DjoKhootyoon1) Opulence, richness,
2) abundance, sway, gorgeousness, pomp, show, ostentation n.
ճոկան (գ.)DjoganCrosier (of bishops), cane, stick, baton n.
ճողիլ (բայ)DjoGhil1) To burst, to split, to break open,
2) to die, to expire, to perish adj.
ճողոպրիլ (բայ)DjoGhobrilTo escape, to evade, to run away, to abscond, to slip away, to rid oneself, to get clear v.
ճողփիւն (գ.)DjoGhpyoonsplash n.
ճոպան (գ.)Djoban1) Cord, rope, twine,
2) halter n.
ճոպանուղի (գ.)DjobanooGhicable, rope way, funicular n.
ճոռոմ (ած.)DjoRomDeclamatory, emphatic, bombastic adj.
ճոռոմաբան (ած.)DjoRomapanbombastic, pompous, high-flown, grandeloquent adj.
ճոռոմաբանութիւն (գ.)DjoRomapanootyoonBombast, declamation, harangue n.
ճորճրալ (բայ)DjorDjralTo waddle, to strut, to slouch v.
ճորտ (գ.)DjordVassal, serf, bordar, bordman, boy, domestic n.
ճորտութիւն (գ.)DjordootyoonVassalage, bordage n.
ճուալ (բայ)DjvalTo bawl, to cry v.
ճութ (գ.)DjootWalnut n.
ճուճ (գ.)DjooDjPenis n.
ճուռ (գ.)DjooRIschium n.
ճուտ (գ.)DjoodChick, chicken just hatched n.
ճչալ (բայ)Dj’Chalto scream, to screech, to squeal, to shriek, to yell, to shout, to cry, to shrill, to bawl, to squall v.
ճչակ (գ.)Dj’Chaghorn, Klaxon, hooter n.
ճպոտ (գ.)Dj’bodBow n.
ճպուռ (գ.)Dj’booRCicada n.
ճպռոտ (ած.)Dj’b’RodBlear-eyed adj.
ճռալ (բայ)Dj’Ral1) To cry, to creak, to croak,
2) to grate (of a door) v.
ճռաքաղ (գ.)Dj’RakaGhGrape-gleaner n.
ճռզած (ած.)Dj’RzaDzStunted, skimpy, puny adj.
ճռզիլ (բայ)Dj’RzilTo grow stunted, to waste away v.
ճռինչ (գ.)Dj’RinCh1) Creaking, noise,
2) screaking n.
ճռնչել (բայ)Dj’RnChelTo grate (of a door), to creak, to screak, to clatter, to rustle v.
ճռնչիւն (գ.)Dj’RnChyoon1) Cry,
2) noise, creaking, grating, clattering n.
ճռուղել (բայ)Dj’RooGhel To warble, to twitter, to chirp, to pip, to chirrup, to sing v.
ճռուողել (բայ)Dj’RvoGhelTo warble, to twitter, to chirp, to pip, to chirrup, to sing v.
ճռուողիւն (գ.)Dj’RvoGhyoonChirping, twittering, warbling, purling, singing of birds n.
ճռուողում (գ.)Dj’RvoGhoom Chirping, twittering, warbling, purling, singing of birds n.
ճրագ (գ.)Dj’rakCandle, lamp, light, flambeau, taper n.
ճրագալոյց (գ.)Dj’rakalooyTsLamplighter, Easter eve n.
ճրագարան (գ.)Dj’rakaranChandelier, flambeau, torch, candelabrum n.
ճրագու (գ.)Dj’rakooTallow, candle-grease, suet n.
ճօճ (գ.)DjoDjOscillation, vibration n.
ճօճական (ած.)DjoDjaganOscillatory, oscillating, balancing adj.
ճօճանակ (գ.)DjoDjanagPendulum, balance n.
ճօճել (բայ)DjoDjelTo swing, to oscillate, to vibrate, to balance v.
ճօճուիլ (բայ)DjoDjvilto sway, to swing, to rock, to oscillate, to reel, to stagger v.
ճօճում (գ.)DjoDjoomOscillation, swinging, vibration, fluctuation, balancing, rocking, dangling n.
ճօճք (գ.)DjoDjkSwing, hammock, see-saw, whirligig n.
ճօշ (գ.)DjoSh Breast-plate, armour plate, cuirass, leather cuirass n.
ճօշալ (բայ)DjoShalTo defame, to slander, to speak ill of v.
ճօշան (գ.)DjoShanBreast-plate, armour plate, cuirass, leather cuirass n.