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Arménien occidental - ՀայերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - ԱնգլերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
ձ Ձ (գ.) | Ts Ts | seventeenth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 80 n. |
ձաբռտել (բայ) | TsapRdel | To daub, to scrawl, to mumble, to tremble with age v. |
ձաբռտուք (գ.) | TsapRdook | Daub, scrawl, scribble n. |
ձագ (գ.) | Tsak | 1) The young of any animal, 2) young bird n. |
ձագար (գ.) | Tsakar | 1) Funnel, 2) tun-dish n. |
ձագերամ (գ.) | Tsakeram | Nestful (of young bird) n. |
ձագուկ (գ.) | Tsakoog | Brat, youngster, urchin n. |
ձախ (ած.) | TsaKh | 1) Left, 2) sinister, left-handed adj. |
ձախակողմեան (ած.) | TsaKhagoGhmian | 1) Of the left side, 2) left adj. |
ձախակողմեան (գ.) | TsaKhagoGhmian | 1) Of the left side, 2) left adj. |
ձախաւեր (ած.) | TsaKhaver | awkward, clumsy, unskillful, stupid adj. |
ձախաւերութիւն (գ.) | TsaKhaverootyoon | awkwardness, clumsiness, unskillfulness, blunder n. |
ձախող (ած.) | TsaKhoGh | Unfavourable, unlucky, sinistrous, bad adj. |
ձախողանք (գ.) | TsaKhoGhank | 1) Misfortune, reverse, tribulation, mischance, disaster, adversity, 2) disgrace, 3) reversal n. |
ձախողանք (գ.) | TsaKhoGhank | 1) Misfortune, reverse, tribulation, mischance, disaster, adversity, 2) disgrace, 3) reversal n. |
ձախողութիւն (գ.) | TsaKhoGhootyoon | 1) Misfortune, reverse, tribulation, mischance, disaster, adversity, 2) disgrace, 3) reversal n. |
ձախողութիւն (գ.) | TsaKhoGhootyoon | 1) Misfortune, reverse, tribulation, mischance, disaster, adversity, 2) disgrace, 3) reversal n. |
ձախորդ (ած.) | TsaKhort | Unfavourable, unlucky, sinistrous, bad adj. |
ձախորդութիւն (գ.) | TsaKhortootyoon | adversity, misfortune, traverse, reverse, fall, tribulation, ill-luck, mishap, mischance n. |
ձաղ (գ.) | TsaGh | Derision, mockery, ridicule, jeering n. |
ձաղել (բայ) | TsaGhel | To mock, to scoff at, to jeer, to laugh at v. |
ձաղկ (գ.) | TsaGhg | 1) Rod, switch, stick, 2) flagellum n. |
ձաղկանք (գ.) | TsaGhgank | Flagellation, whipping, scourging, flogging n. |
ձաղկել (բայ) | TsaGhgel | 1) To flagellate, to scourge, to whip, to clog, to lash with words, 2) to discipline v. |
ձաղկում (գ.) | TsaGhgoom | severe criticism, fustigation n. |
ձայն (գ.) | Tsayn | 1) Voice, sound, shout, cry, tone, 2) opinion n. |
ձայնագիր (գ.) | Tsaynakir | Phonograph, phonautograph n. |
ձայնագրել (բայ) | Tsaynak’rel | to record, to tape v. |
ձայնագրութիւն (գ.) | Tsaynak’rootyoon | Phonography n. |
ձայնագրում (գ.) | Tsaynak’room | recording, phonography, taping n. |
ձայնազուրկ (ած.) | Tsaynazoorg | 1) voiceless, 2) deprived of voting rights adj. |
ձայնալար (գ.) | Tsaynalar | vocal chord n. |
ձայնակից (գ.) | TsaynagiTs | Unanimous, consonant, agreeing adj. |
ձայնակցիլ (բայ) | TsaynagTsil | To agree, to be of one voice, to be of one mind, to accompany v. |
ձայնակցութիւն (գ.) | TsaynagTsootyoon | agreement, consent, concert, unanimity, harmony, accompanying, symphony n. |
ձայնամարզութիւն (գ.) | Tsaynamarzootyoon | voice training n. |
ձայնանիշ (գ.) | TsaynaniSh | Keynote, note n. |
ձայնաշար (գ.) | TsaynaShar | Diapason, gamut, entire range n. |
ձայնաչափ (գ.) | TsaynaChap | Phonometer, sonometer, concert-pitch n. |
ձայնաչափութիւն (գ.) | TsaynaChapootyoon | phonometry n. |
ձայնապնակ (գ.) | Tsaynabnag | Record n. |
ձայնասփիւռ (գ.) | TsaynaspyooR | Radio n. |
ձայնասփռել (բայ) | TsaynaspRel | to broadcast, to air, to radio v. |
ձայնասփռում (գ.) | TsaynaspRoom | broadcast, airing, radio transmission n. |
ձայնատար (գ.) | Tsaynadar | Speaking-trumpet n. |
ձայնարկութիւն (գ.) | Tsaynargootyoon | Cry, interj, sound, exclamation n. |
ձայնաւոր (գ.) | Tsaynavor | Vocal, phonetic adj. |
ձայնել (բայ) | Tsaynel | To pronounce, to call, to call up, to utter v. |
ձայնեղ (ած.) | TsayneGh | Deep-toned, sonorous, emphatic, harmonious, sweet-voiced n. |
ձայներանգ (գ.) | Tsaynerank | sound timbre, quality, tone, quality of one's voice, nuance n. |
ձայներիզ (գ.) | Tsayneriz | tape n. |
ձայնորդ (գ.) | Tsaynort | 1) Diapason, 2) consonant n. |
ձանձիր (գ.) | TsanTsir | Tedious, dull, tiresome, annoying adj. |
ձանձրալի (ած.) | TsanTsrali | Tiresome, annoying, tedious, wearisome, importunate, troublesome, disgusting adj. |
ձանձրանալ (բայ) | TsanTsranal | To become annoyed, to grow tired, to become wearied, disgusted, to feel dull, to be bored, to tire, to be fatigued v. |
ձանձրացնել (բայ) | TsanTsraTs’nel | To annoy, to trouble, to bother, to tease, to tire v. |
ձանձրացուցիչ (ած.) | TsanTsraTsooTsiCh | annoying, tiresome, troublesome, importunate, annoyer adj. |
ձանձրոյթ (գ.) | TsanTsrooyt | Ennui, boredom, weariness, tediousness, annoyance, tedium n. |
ձանձրութիւն (գ.) | TsanTsrootyoon | Weariness, tediousness, annoyance, irksomeness, tedium, vexation, ennui n. |
ձառ (ած.) | TsaR | 1) Hideous, frightful, shocking, 2) ill-made, rough adj. |
ձառադէմ (ած.) | TsaRatem | Frowning, sulky, of horrible looking, grim-faced adj. |
ձար (գ.) | Tsar | Czar n. |
ձարի (ած.) | Tsari | Hairy, shaggy adj. |
ձարուհի (գ.) | Tsaroohi | Czarina n. |
ձաւար (գ.) | Tsavar | Cleansed and cracked wheat n. |
ձգաբանութիւն (գ.) | Ts’kapanootyoon | Ballistics n. |
ձգախէժ (գ.) | Ts’kaKheZh | rubber n. |
ձգական (ած.) | Ts’kagan | attractive, elastic, alluring, engaging adj. |
ձգականութիւն (գ.) | Ts’kaganootyoon | attraction, elasticity, springiness n. |
ձգան (գ.) | Ts’kan | 1) Trigger of a gun, 2) tensor n. |
ձգափոկ (գ.) | Ts’kapog | Strap, braces n. |
ձգել (բայ) | Ts’kel | To cast, to stretch, to strain, to spread, to expand, to throw down, to drop, to let, to lengthen, to trail, to allow, to leave, v. |
ձգեռտ (գ.) | Ts’keRd | Belch, eructation n. |
ձգձգել (բայ) | Ts’kTskel | 1) To draw, to pull, to drag, to haul about, 2) to twitch, 3) to loiter, to dawdle v. |
ձգձգում (գ.) | Ts’kTskoom | extension, adjournment, postponement, deferment, delay, procrastination n. |
ձգողական (ած.) | Ts’koGhagan | attractive adj. |
ձգողականութիւն (գ.) | Ts’koGhaganootyoon | 1) attraction, 2) gravitation n. |
ձգողութիւն (գ.) | Ts’koGhootyoon | attraction, gravitation n. |
ձգոց (գ.) | Ts’koTs | Drawer n. |
ձգռտալ (բայ) | Ts’kRdal | To belch, to eruct v. |
ձգտիլ (բայ) | Ts’kdil | To tend, to be stretched, to strain, to extend v. |
ձգտում (գ.) | Ts’kdoom | Tension, tendency, extension, distention n. |
ձգտումնաւոր (ած.) | Ts’kdoomnavor | tendentious, intentional adj. |
ձեղնայարկ (գ.) | TseGhnayarg | Loft, cockloft n. |
ձեղուն (գ.) | TseGhoon | Ceiling n. |
ձեռագիր (ած.) | TseRakir | Manuscript, signature, handwriting n. |
ձեռագիր (գ.) | TseRakir | Manuscript, signature, handwriting n. |
ձեռագործ (գ.) | TseRakorDz | Handiwork, handicraft, manufacture, handmade n. |
ձեռագրատուն (գ.) | TseRak’radoon | Place for manuscript materials n. |
ձեռակերտ (գ.) | TseRagerd | Handmade, handicraft adj. |
ձեռաձիր (գ.) | TseRaTsir | Drink-money n. |
ձեռամբարձ (ած.) | TseRamparTs | 1) arm-held, 2) carried, carrying on outstretched arms adj. |
ձեռային (ած.) | TseRayin | manual adj. |
ձեռատետր (գ.) | TseRadedr | Journal, waste-book n. |
ձեռարուեստ (գ.) | TseRarvesd | 1) artisan, artist, 2) manual n. |
ձեռն (գ.) | TseRn | 1) Hand, power, 2) fist, 2) arm n. |
ձեռնագնդակ (գ.) | TseRnak’ntag | handball n. |
ձեռնադաշնակ (գ.) | TseRnataShnag | accordion, concertina, harmonica n. |
ձեռնադրել (բայ) | TseRnatrel | 1) To ordain, to confer the orders, 2) to crown v. |
ձեռնադրութիւն (գ.) | TseRnatrootyoon | Ordination, laying on of hands, ordination ceremony n. |
ձեռնածալ (ած.) | TseRnaDzal | 1) cross-armed, 2) inactive, idle adj. |
ձեռնածու (գ.) | TseRnaDzoo | Juggler, locus-pocus, mountebank n. |
ձեռնածութիւն (գ.) | TseRnaDzootyoon | Sophistry, jugglery, juggle, legerdemain, sleight-of-hand n. |
ձեռնակապ (գ.) | TseRnagab | Handcuff, manacles n. |
ձեռնամուխ (ած.) | TseRnamooKh | 1) enterprising, undertaking, attempting, 2) implicated, involved adj. |
ձեռնառումբ (գ.) | TseRnaRoomp | Hand-grenade n. |
ձեռնասուն (ած.) | TseRnasoon | nourished, brought up by hand adj. |
ձեռնատ (ած.) | TseRnad | One-handed, one-armed adj. |
ձեռնատ (գ.) | TseRnad | One-handed, one-armed adj. |
ձեռնարկ (գ.) | TseRnarg | 1) Undertaking, entreprise, 2) subscription n. |
ձեռնարկել (բայ) | TseRnargel | To undertake, to attempt, to try, to take in hand, to make an attempt v. |
ձեռնարկու (գ.) | TseRnargoo | Contractor, undertaker n. |
ձեռնարկութիւն (գ.) | TseRnargootyoon | Undertaking, enterprise, attempt, contract, concern, establishment n. |
ձեռնարկում (գ.) | TseRnargoom | Undertaking, enterprise, attempt, contract, concern, establishment n. |
ձեռնել (բայ) | TseRnel | to touch, to handle v. |
ձեռներէց (ած.) | TseRnereTs | Hardy, enterprising, audacious, daring adj. |
ձեռներէցութիւն (գ.) | TseRnereTsootyoon | 1) enterprising spirit, 2) boldness, daring, pluck, audacity n. |
ձեռնթափութիւն (գ.) | TseRntapootyoon | Defection, desistance, cession n. |
ձեռնհաս (ած.) | TseRnhas | Competent, able, capable adj. |
ձեռնհասութիւն (գ.) | TseRnhasootyoon | 1) Competence, 2) competency, ability, capacity n. |
ձեռնոց (գ.) | TseRnoTs | Glove, gauntlet n. |
ձեռնոցավաճառ (գ.) | TseRnoTsavaDjaR | Glover, glove-seller n. |
ձեռնպահ (ած.) | TseRnbah | abstaining, neutral adj. |
ձեռնպահ (գ.) | TseRnbah | abstentionist, neutral n. |
ձեռնպահութիւն (գ.) | TseRnbahootyoon | abstention n. |
ձեռնտու (գ.) | TseRndoo | favourer n. |
ձեռնտու (մկբ.) | TseRndoo | advantageously, profitably adv. |
ձեռք (գ.) | TseRk | Hand n. |
ձետ (գ.) | Tsed | Tail, end, extremity n. |
ձեր (ած.) | Tser | Your |
ձերբազատ (ած.) | Tserpazad | 1) Emancipated, set free, 2) major, of age adj. |
ձերբազատել (բայ) | Tserpazadel | To disenslave, to emancipate, to set free v. |
ձերբազատիլ (բայ) | Tserpazadil | To emancipate oneself, to set free v. |
ձերբակալ (ած.) | Tserpagal | arrested, stopped, caught, taken, captive adj. |
ձերբակալել (բայ) | Tserpagalel | To arrest, to stop, to capture, to seize, to take into custody v. |
ձերբակալութիւն (գ.) | Tserpagalootyoon | 1) arrest, arrestation, 2) custody n. |
ձերբակալուիլ (բայ) | Tserpagalvil | to get arrested v. |
ձեւ (գ.) | Tsyev | Form, shape, figure, mode, formula, make, fashion, manner, mould, model, plan n. |
ձեւաբանական (ած.) | Tsevapanagan | morphologic(al) adj. |
ձեւաբանութիւն (գ.) | Tsevapanootyoon | Morphology n. |
ձեւազերծ (ած.) | TsevazerDz | deformed, distorted, warped, mangled adj. |
ձեւազերծել (բայ) | TsevazerDzel | to deform, to distort, to warp, to mangle v. |
ձեւազերծում (գ.) | TsevazerDzoom | deformation, distortion n. |
ձեւական (ած.) | Tsevagan | 1) Formal, 2) assumed, pro forma adj. |
ձեւականութիւն (գ.) | Tsevaganootyoon | 1) Formality, 2) formation, form, 3) modality, configuration n. |
ձեւակերպել (բայ) | Tsevagerbel | To form, to figure, to give a form to, to give a shape to, to fashion v. |
ձեւակերպութիւն (գ.) | Tsevagerbootyoon | 1) Formality, 2) formation, form, 3) modality, configuration n. |
ձեւակերպում (գ.) | Tsevagerboom | 1) formulation, wording, 2) (official) registration n. |
ձեւանալ (բայ) | Tsevanal | To be made, to be bred, to be formed, to assume a form, to come to some shape v. |
ձեւապաշտ (ած.) | TsevabaShd | Formalist n. |
ձեւապաշտ (գ.) | TsevabaShd | Formalist n. |
ձեւապաշտութիւն (գ.) | TsevabaShdootyoon | 1) Formalism, 2) ceremoniousness n. |
ձեւացնել (բայ) | TsevaTs’nel | 1) To form, to figure, to affect, to assume, to bring up, to fashion, to feign, to simulate, to sham, to pretend, 2) to imagine v. |
ձեւացում (գ.) | TsevaTsoom | 1) pretence, simulation, 2) feigning, affectation n. |
ձեւափոխել (բայ) | TsevapoKhel | To transform, to transmute v. |
ձեւափոխուիլ (բայ) | TsevapoKhvil | To be transformed v. |
ձեւափոխում (գ.) | TsevapoKhoom | transformation, conversion, alteration, metamorphosis, transmutation, modification n. |
ձեւել (բայ) | Tsevel | To form, to figure, to cut, to fashion, to cut out, to model, to shape, to cross v. |
ձեւիչ (գ.) | TseviCh | 1) Cutter of dresses, 2) scissors, ploughshare n. |
ձեւող (գ.) | TsevoGh | 1) Cutter of dresses, 2) scissors, ploughshare n. |
ձէթ (գ.) | Tset | Oil, olive-oil, olive n. |
ձի (գ.) | Tsi | Horse n. |
ձիաբոյժ (գ.) | TsiapooyZh | Veterinary surgeon, veterinarian n. |
ձիաբոյծ (գ.) | TsiapooyDz | Horse-breeder n. |
ձիադարման (գ.) | Tsiatarman | Horse-groom n. |
ձիախաղութիւն (գ.) | TsiaKhaGhootyoon | Tournament, tilting-match n. |
ձիաձուկ (գ.) | TsiaTsoog | Scup, dragoon-fish, seahorse, halibut (fish) n. |
ձիապան (գ.) | Tsiaban | Groom, horse-driver, horse-boy, stable-boy, ostler n. |
ձիավաճառ (գ.) | TsiavaDjaR | Horse-dealer, horse-jockey n. |
ձիավար (գ.) | Tsiavar | 1) Rider, jockey, 2) postillion n. |
ձիավարել (բայ) | Tsiavarel | To ride, to mount a horse v. |
ձիավարութիւն (գ.) | Tsiavarootyoon | Riding, equitation n. |
ձիարձակ (մկբ.) | TsiarTsag | at full speed adj. |
ձիարձակարան (գ.) | TsiarTsagaran | Circus, hippodrome, race-ground n. |
ձիարշաւ (գ.) | TsiarShav | Horse-races, horse racing n. |
ձիարշաւարան (գ.) | TsiarShavaran | The turf, racecourse n. |
ձիաւոր (գ.) | Tsiavor | Cavalier, horseman, rider n. |
ձիգ (ած.) | Tsik | Shooting, projectile n. |
ձիթագործարան (գ.) | TsitakorDzaran | Oil manufactory, oil works n. |
ձիթապտուղ (գ.) | TsitabdooGh | Olive n. |
ձիթենի (գ.) | Tsiteni | Olive tree n. |
ձիթհան (գ.) | Tsithan | oil-press, mill n. |
ձիր (գ.) | Tsir | Gift, grace, donation, favour, talent, ability, power, endowment, aptitude, boon, advantage n. |
ձիր (գ.) | Tsir | Gift, grace, donation, favour, talent, ability, power, endowment, aptitude, boon, advantage n. |
ձիրք (գ.) | Tsirk | Gift, grace, donation, favour, talent, ability, power, endowment, aptitude, boon, advantage n. |
ձիրք (գ.) | Tsirk | Gift, grace, donation, favour, talent, ability, power, endowment, aptitude, boon, advantage n. |
ձիւթ (գ.) | Tsyoot | pitch, wax, tar, resin n. |
ձիւթապատ (ած.) | Tsyootabad | pitched, waxed, tarred adj. |
ձիւթապատել (բայ) | Tsyootabadel | to pitch, to wax, to tar, to resin v. |
ձիւթապատում (գ.) | Tsyootabadoom | pitching, waxing, tarring n. |
ձիւն (գ.) | Tsyoon | Snow n. |
ձիւնաբեր (ած.) | Tsyoonaper | Snowy adj. |
ձիւնագնացութիւն (գ.) | Tsyoonak’naTsootyoon | snow trip n. |
ձիւնագնդակ (գ.) | Tsyoonak’ntag | Snowball n. |
ձիւնագունդ (գ.) | Tsyoonakoont | Snowball n. |
ձիւնաթոյր (ած.) | Tsyoonatooyr | Full of snow, snowy adj. |
ձիւնածաղիկ (գ.) | TsyoonaDzaGhig | 1) Spring snowflake, 2) meadow saffron n. |
ձիւնամարդ (գ.) | Tsyoonamart | snowman n. |
ձիւնամրրիկ (գ.) | Tsyoonamrrig | snowstorm, blizzard n. |
ձիւնասունկ (գ.) | Tsyoonasoong | mushroom, champignon, fungus n. |
ձիւնել (բայ) | Tsyoonel | To snow v. |
ձիւնհալ (գ.) | Tsyoonhal | Thaw n. |
ձկնաբան (գ.) | Tsg’napan | Ichthyologist n. |
ձկնաբանական (ած.) | Tsg’napanagan | Ichthyological adj. |
ձկնաբանութիւն (գ.) | Tsg’napanootyoon | 1) Ichthyology, halieutics, 2) piscatology n. |
ձկնաբոյծ (գ.) | Tsg’napooyDz | Pisciculturist n. |
ձկնաբուծարան (գ.) | Tsg’napooDzaran | fish farm n. |
ձկնաբուծութիւն (գ.) | Tsg’napooDzootyoon | Fish-culture, pisciculture n. |
ձկնագէտ (գ.) | Tsg’naked | Ichthyologist n. |
ձկնագիր (գ.) | Tsg’nakir | fish-form letter, character n. |
ձկնաշատ (ած.) | Tsg’naShad | abounding in fish adj. |
ձկնավաճառ (գ.) | Tsg’navaDjaR | Fish-monger n. |
ձկնավաճառուհի (գ.) | Tsg’navaDjaRoohi | Fishwife, fishwoman n. |
ձկնարան (գ.) | Tsg’naran | Fishpond, fishery, fish market n. |
ձկնաւէտ (ած.) | Tsg’naved | abounding in fish adj. |
ձկնաքաղ (գ.) | Tsg’nakaGh | 1) Diomedea, 2) albatross n. |
ձկնկիթ (գ.) | Tsg’ngit | Caviar, botargo, spawn n. |
ձկնկուլ (գ.) | Tsg’ngool | Heron, albatross, bald-buzzard n. |
ձկնորս (գ.) | Tsg’nors | Fisher, fisherman, angler n. |
ձկնորսական (ած.) | Tsg’norsagan | Halieutic, piscatory, fishing adj. |
ձկնորսարան (գ.) | Tsg’norsaran | Fishing ground, fishery, fishpond n. |
ձկնորսութիւն (գ.) | Tsg’norsootyoon | Fishing, angling, fishery n. |
ձմեռ (գ.) | Ts’meR | 1) Winter, wintertime, 2) tempest, storm n. |
ձմեռնային (ած.) | Ts’meRnayin | Wintery, hyemal, hibernal adj. |
ձմեռնաքուն (գ.) | Ts’meRnakoon | hibernation n. |
ձմերել (բայ) | Ts’merel | To winter, to hibernate, to pass or spend the winter, to lodge in barracks v. |
ձմերոց (գ.) | Ts’meroTs | 1) Barracks, 2) wintering place, winter quarters n. |
ձմերուկ (գ.) | Ts’meroog | Watermelon n. |
ձնծաղիկ (գ.) | Ts’nDzaGhig | 1) Spring snowflake, 2) meadow saffron n. |
ձող (գ.) | TsoGh | Stanghetto n. |
ձողաձուկ (գ.) | TsoGhaTsoog | perch (fish) n. |
ձողանշան (գ.) | TsoGhanShan | Sea-mark, pole marking the course of canal etc n. |
ձողանշել (բայ) | TsoGhanShel | to buoy out, to mark out, to landmark v. |
ձողաչափ (գ.) | TsoGhaChap | Gauge-rod, fathom, fathom measure n. |
ձողաչափել (բայ) | TsoGhaChapel | To measure with perch, to measure v. |
ձոյլ (գ.) | Tsooyl | font, cast, mass, ingot, wedge n. |
ձոր (գ.) | Tsor | Vale, valley, dale n. |
ձորակ (գ.) | Tsorag | Dale, small valley n. |
ձորձ (գ.) | TsorTs | Coat, dress, clothes, apparel, garb n. |
ձորձակալ (գ.) | TsorTsagal | Coat-peg, coat-stand n. |
ձորձապատ (ած.) | TsorTsabad | Covered with clothes adj. |
ձորձապատել (բայ) | TsorTsabadel | To muffle up, to cover with clothes v. |
ձու (գ.) | Tsoo | Egg n. |
ձուածեղ (գ.) | TsvaDzeGh | omelet, fried eggs n. |
ձուածին (գ.) | TsvaDzin | oviparous animal n. |
ձուաձեւ (ած.) | TsvaTsyev | Oviform, egg-shaped adj. |
ձուարան (գ.) | Tsvaran | Ovary, ovarium n. |
ձուիկ (գ.) | Tsvig | Ovule, ovulum n. |
ձուլագործ (գ.) | TsoolakorDz | Founder, smelter, melter n. |
ձուլագործական (ած.) | TsoolakorDzagan | related to the foundry, smelting-house trade, craft, business, occupation adj. |
ձուլագործարան (գ.) | TsoolakorDzaran | foundry, smelting-house n. |
ձուլագործութիւն (գ.) | TsoolakorDzootyoon | Foundry, melting-house, smelting house n. |
ձուլարան (գ.) | Tsoolaran | 1) Smelting-house, melting house, foundry, 2) crucible n. |
ձուլել (բայ) | Tsoolel | To found, to cast, to smelt, to freeze, to harden, to indurate v. |
ձուլիլ (բայ) | Tsoolil | To be cast, to be smelted v. |
ձուլուիլ (բայ) | Tsoolvil | To be cast, to be smelted v. |
ձուլում (գ.) | Tsooloom | Casting, fusion, smelting, blending n. |
ձուկ (գ.) | Tsoog | 1) Fish, 2) (ast) Pisces n. |
ձրի (մկբ.) | Ts’ri | free, gratis, gratuitousl adv. |
ձրիաբար (մկբ.) | Ts’riapar | Free, gratuitously, for nothing adv. |
ձրիակեր (գ.) | Ts’riager | Sinecure n. |
ձրիավարժ (գ.) | Ts’riavarZh | Foundation scholar n. |
ձօն (գ.) | Tson | Dedication, present, gift n. |
ձօնել (բայ) | Tsonel | To dedicate, to present, to consecrate, to offer v. |
ձօներգ (գ.) | Tsonerk | ode n. |
ձօնի (գ.) | Tsoni | Dedication, present, gift n. |
ձօնում (գ.) | Tsonoom | 1) Dedication, 2) offering, gift, oblation, consecration, ordination n. |
ձօնումն (գ.) | Tsonoomn | 1) Dedication, 2) offering, gift, oblation, consecration, ordination n. |