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DICTIONNAIRE Arménien occidental-Anglais

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Mot Arménien occidental - Հայերէն բառ: Keyboard interface

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Arménien occidental - Հայերէն
Translittération phonétique
Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն
Anglais - Անգլերէն
խ Խ (գ.)Kh Khthirteenth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 40 n.
խաբ (գ.)Khap1) Deceit, fraud,
2) cheating, knavery n.
խաբեբայ (գ.)Khapepayknave, swindler, deceiver, imposter, fraud, liar, cheat n.
խաբեբայութիւն (գ.)KhapepayootyoonDeception, cheating, deceit, trick, imposture, swindling, fraud, trickery at play n.
խաբել (բայ)KhapelTo deceive, to cheat, to fraud, to dupe, to beguile, to trick, to swindle, to delude v.
խաբեպատիր (ած.)Khapebadir1) Imposturous, delusive, false,
2) deceitful, beguiling, illusive, fraudulent adj.
խաբէական (ած.)Khapeagan1) Fraudulent,
2) deceitful, false, illusory, insidious, sophistical adj.
խաբէութիւն (գ.)KhapeootyoonDeception, cheating, deceit, trick, imposture, swindling, fraud, trickery at play n.
խաբկանք (գ.)KhapgankIllusion, self-deception, delusion, fraud n.
խաբուիլ (բայ)KhapvilTo be deceived, cheated v.
խաբուսիկ (ած.)KhapoosigCheating, deceitful, fallacious, false adj.
խադ (գ.)KhatTwo-edged sword n.
խազ (գ.)Khaz1) Note,
2) line, letter, notch n.
խազագրութիւն (գ.)Khazak’rootyoonnotation (musical) n.
խազել (բայ)KhazelTo mark up with chalk, to roll, to brand v.
խազերգ (գ.)Khazerksolfege, solfeggio n.
խազերգութիւն (գ.)KhazerkootyoonSolfeggio, solfaing n.
խազմ (գ.)KhazmQuarrel, row, dispute, brawl n.
Խազմագործ (գ.)KhazmakorDzQuarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n.
Խազմառու (գ.)KhazmaRoo Quarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n.
խազմարար (ած.)KhazmararQuarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n.
խազմուզ (գ.)KhazmoozMust, new wine n.
խաթարել (բայ)KhatarelTo deteriorate, to spoil, to degrade, to crumple, to destroy, to shatter, to rumple v.
խաթարուիլ (բայ)Khatarvilto deteriorate, to become impaired, to be defaced, to be damaged, to be corrupted, to be tainted, to be degraded v.
խաթարում (գ.)KhataroomDegradation, deterioration n.
խաժ (ած.)KhaZhAspirate, rude, glaucous, sky-coloured adj.
խաժակ (ած.)KhaZhagbluish-green, sea-green eyed adj.
խաժամուժ (գ.)KhaZhamooZhLow, vulgar n.
խալ (գ.)KhalBeauty spot, sunburn, freckle n.
խալխալ (գ.)KhalKhal1) Silver ring, link,
2) corin sieve n.
խախալ (գ.)KhaKhal1) Sieve, sifter, strainer,
2) corn sieve n.
խախալել (բայ)KhaKhalelTo sift, to bolt, to strain v.
խախանջել (բայ)KhaKhanChelTo cry loudly, to vociferate, to yell v.
խախաց (գ.)KhaKhaTs1) Runnet, rennet,
2) chyle n.
խախուտ (ած.)KhaKhood1) Instable,
2) uncertain, ill-built, weak adj.
խախտել (բայ)KhaKhdel1) To remove, to displace,
2) to dislodge, to move v.
խախտում (գ.)KhaKhdoomdisarrangement, displacement, dislocation, disturbance, upset, breach, violation, infringement n.
խած (գ.)KhaDzMaturity, ripeness, mellowness, completion n.
խածան (ած.)KhaDzanMordant, biting, pungent adj.
խածնել (բայ)KhaDznelTo bite, to chew, to nibble, to sting v.
խածուածք (գ.)KhaDzvaDzkBites, biting, sting n.
խակ (ած.)KhagUnripe, immature, green, ignorant, sour n.
խակութիւն (գ.)Khagootyoon1) Unripeness, greenness, crudity,
2) sourness n.
խահ (գ.)KhahDish, food, viande, mess, meat n.
խահագործական (ած.)KhahakorDzaganCulinary adj.
խահագործել (բայ)KhahakorDzelTo cook, to dress victuals v.
խահարան (գ.)KhaharanKitchen, cookery n.
խահարար (գ.)KhahararCook, head cook n.
խահարարուհի (գ.)Khahararoohi1) Cook,
2) cook-maid n.
խաղ (գ.)KhaGh1) Play, game, recreation, sport,
2) trick song n.
խաղադաշտ (գ.)KhaGhataShdstadium, playground, playing field n.
խաղաթուղթ (գ.)KhaGhatooGhtplaying card n.
խաղալիկ (գ.)KhaGhaligPlay, toy, play thing, trifle, knick-knack, trinket, game, trash n.
խաղալիք (գ.)KhaGhalikArticle, articulation, joint, socket n.
խաղախ (գ.)KhaGhaKh1) Lighter,
2) barge,
3) hide, skin n.
խաղախորդ (գ.)KhaGhaKhortCurrier, tanner, leather-dresser n.
խաղախորդարան (գ.)KhaGhaKhortaranTan yard, tannery n.
խաղակից (գ.)KhaGhagiTsPlay fellow, playmate n.
խաղաղ (ած.)KhaGhaGhCalm, peaceful, quiet, still, serene adj.
խաղաղական (ած.)KhaGhaGhaganPacific adj.
խաղաղամիտ (ած.)KhaGhaGhamid Peaceful, peaceable, tranquil, quiet, mild, unwarlike, placid, serene, peace-loving, fond of peace adj.
խաղաղասէր (ած.)KhaGhaGhaserPeaceful, peaceable, tranquil, quiet, mild, unwarlike, placid, serene, peace-loving, fond of peace adj.
խաղաղասիրութիւն (գ.)KhaGhaGhasirootyoonLove of peace, peacefulness, moderation n.
խաղաղարար (ած.)KhaGhaGhararPacificator, peace-maker, reconciler, peace-making, compounder, arbitrator, pacifier n.
խաղաղարար (գ.)KhaGhaGhararPacificator, peace-maker, reconciler, peace-making, compounder, arbitrator, pacifier n.
խաղաղել (բայ)KhaGhaGhelTo pacify, to calm, to quiet, to appease, to allay v.
խաղաղեցնել (բայ)KhaGhaGheTs’nel1) to pacify, to appease, to calm, to conciliate, to quieten, to appease,
2) to suppress, to put down v.
խաղաղեցնել (բայ)KhaGhaGheTs’nel1) to pacify, to appease, to calm, to conciliate, to quieten, to appease,
2) to suppress, to put down v.
խաղաղիլ (բայ)KhaGhaGhilTo become calm, to be tranquillized v.
խաղաղութիւն (գ.)KhaGhaGhootyoonPeace, calmness, quietness, quiet, rest, pacification n.
խաղամոլ (ած.)KhaGhamolgamester, gambler, player adj.
խաղավայր (գ.)KhaGhavayrplayground n.
խաղարան (գ.)KhaGharan1) Gaming-house,
2) house of ill fame n.
խաղարկութիւն (գ.)KhaGhargootyoon1) Representation,
2) play,
3) diversion, sport n.
խաղացանկ (գ.)KhaGhaTsangrepertoire, repertory n.
խաղընկեր (գ.)KhaGhUngerPartner (at cards or dancing) n.
խաղող (գ.)KhaGhoGhGrape n.
խաղողօրհնէք (գ.)KhaGhoGhorhnekblessing, benediction of grapes n.
խաղցնել (բայ)KhaGhTs’nelTo make to play, to make to dance v.
խաղք (ած.)KhaGhkRidicule, ridiculousness, infamy n.
խաղքութիւն (գ.)KhaGhkootyoonRidiculous thing, infamy, baseness n.
խամաճիկ (գ.)KhamaDjigPuppet n.
խամրել (բայ)Khamrel To cause to fade, to tarnish, to kill, to wither, to weaken, to stunt, to spoil v.
խամրեցնել (բայ)KhamreTs’nelTo cause to fade, to tarnish, to kill, to wither, to weaken, to stunt, to spoil v.
խամրիլ (բայ)KhamrilPuppet n.
խամրում (գ.)KhamroomCarbunculation n.
խայթ (գ.)Khayt1) Sting, goad, spur, prickle,
2) incentive n.
խայթել (բայ)KhaytelTo bite, to sting, to prick, to pique v.
խայթիչ (բայ)KhaytiCh1) Biting, mordant, stinger,
2) piquant adj.
խայթող (ած.)KhaytoGh1) Biting, mordant, stinger,
2) piquant adj.
խայթոց (գ.)KhaytoTs1) Goad, sting, incentive, stimulus,
2) motive,
3) aculeus n.
խայթոց (գ.)KhaytoTs 1) Sting, goad, spur, prickle,
2) incentive n.
խայթուած (գ.)Khayt’vaDz Pricking, puncture, biting, bite, sting, insect-bite n.
խայթուածք (գ.)KhaytvaDzkPricking, puncture, biting, bite, sting, insect-bite n.
խայծ (գ.)KhayDz1) Bit, bait,
2) fragrant,
3) allurement, enticement,
4) speckle, spot n.
խայծիլ (բայ)KhayDzilTo mark with spots, to speckle v.
խայծղան (գ.)KhayDzGhanTar n.
խայտ (գ.)Khayd1) Speckled, spotted, dappled, variegated,
2) pied adj.
խայտաբղէտ (ած.)KhaydapGhed1) Spotted, dappled, variegated,
2) pied adj.
խայտալ (բայ)KhaydalTo leap for joy, to be in ecstasy, to frolic v.
խայտաճամուկ (ած.)KhaydaDjamoogSpotted, speckled, marked adj.
խայտանք (գ.)KhaydankEcstasy, transport, frolic n.
խայտառակ (ած.)KhaydaRagInfamous, shameful, disgraceful, ignominious adj.
խայտառակել (բայ)KhaydaRagelTo dishonour, to make ashamed, to violate, to defame, to traduce, to shame, to blast v.
խայտառակութիւն (գ.)KhaydaRagootyoonShame, disgrace, infamy, dishonour, ignominy, opprobrium, turpitude n.
խայտառակուիլ (բայ)KhaydaRagvilto be scoffed, to be gibed at, to be dishonored, to be disgraced, to be discredited, to be shamed, to be bring shame upon oneself v.
խայտիտ (գ.)KhaydidFinch, chaffinch n.
խայտուց (գ.)KhaydooTsspeckle, spot, fleck, mark «bigarrure» իմաստով չեմ գտներ հայերէն բառարաններուն մէջ n.
խայրի (գ.)KhayriFruit, production, produce, offering n.
խան (գ.)Khanbasket, hamper, pannier, tea tray, tray n.
խանգարել (բայ)KhankarelTo disturb, to confuse, to derange, to disconcert, to disorder, to confound, to spoil, to mar, to break, to ruin, to corrupt v.
խանգարիլ (բայ)Khankaril To become impaired, to be disordered, to get out of order, to be spoiled v.
խանգարիչ (ած.)KhankariChDetracter, traducer, disturber, seducer adj.
խանգարուիլ (բայ)KhankarvilTo become impaired, to be disordered, to get out of order, to be spoiled v.
խանգարում (գ.)Khankaroom1) Derangement, disturbance, confusion, impairing,
2) psyconeurosis n.
խանդ (գ.)KhantEnthusiasm, inspiration, exaltation, wish, desire n.
խանդակաթ (ած.)KhantagatTender, affectionate, compassionate adj.
խանդաղատանք (գ.)KhantaGhadankTenderness, fondness, pity, affection, compassion, sensibility, relenting n.
խանդաղատիլ (բայ)KhantaGhadil1) To grow tender, to be moved, to pity, to implore,
2) to soften,
3) to entreat, to supplicate v.
խանդավառ (ած.)KhantavaREnthusiast, enthusiastic adj.
խանդավառել (բայ)KhantavaRelto enthuse, to inspire, to inspirit v.
խանդավառութիւն (գ.)KhantavaRootyoonEnthusiasm, frenzy, transport n.
խանդավառուիլ (բայ)KhantavaRvilto be enthused, to be inspired, to be nspirited v.
խանծ (գ.)KhanDzBait, lure n.
խանծել (բայ)KhanDzelTo burn, to consume by fire v.
խանծիլ (բայ)KhanDzilTo burn oneself, to scorch v.
խանծող (գ.)KhanDzoGhburning, branding, scorching n.
խանձ (գ.)KhanTs1) Bait, lure, decoy,
2) morsel, snareadjective burning, scorching,
3) empyreumatic n.
խանձել (բայ)KhanTselTo burn, to parch, to scorch, to singe, to set fire to, to consume by fire, to roast v.
խանձիլ (բայ)KhanTsilWild garlic n.
խանձող (գ.)KhanTsoGhBrand, firebrand n.
խանութ (գ.)Khanoot1) Shop, store, magazine,
2) warehouse n.
խանութիւն (գ.)Khanootyoonkhanate n.
խանութպան (գ.)KhanootbanShop-keeper, retailer, tradesman n.
խանչաձուկ (գ.)KhanChaTsoog1) Red gurnet, elleck
2) gurnard (fish) n.
խանչել (բայ)KhanChelTo roar, to bellow, to grunt, to bray v.
խանչիւն (գ.)KhanChyoonRoaring, bellowing, grunting, braying n.
խաշ (գ.)KhaSh1) Pudding grass, blister,
2) force meat,
3) phlyotis n.
խաշել (բայ)KhaShelTo boil v.
խաշիլ (բայ)KhaShilto boil, to stew, to be cooked, to be steamed, to be scalded v.
խաշինք (գ.)KhaShinkherd, drove, pack, flock n.
խաշխաշ (գ.)KhaShKhaShPoppy, opium poppy n.
խաշն (գ.)KhaShnSheep, flock of sheep n.
խաշնամահ (գ.)KhaShnamah1) Rot, scab of sheep,
2) murrain n.
խաշնարած (գ.)KhaShnaraDzShepherd n.
խաշնարօտ (գ.)KhaShnarodShepherd n.
խաշոց (գ.)KhaShoTsBoiled beef or mutton n.
խաշում (գ.)KhaShoomBaking, boiling, roasting, elixation n.
խաչ (գ.)KhaCh1) Cross, crucifix,
2) affliction, tribulation n.
խաչագող (ած.)KhaChakoGhcanter, racketeer, sharper adj.
խաչադրոշմ (գ.)KhaChatroShmcross-shaped n.
խաչադրօշ (գ.)KhaChatroShGonfalon n.
խաչակիր (ած.)KhaChagir1) cross-bearer,
2) cruciferous adj.
խաչակնքել (բայ)KhaChag’nkelTo cross, to make the sign of the cross v.
խաչակրութիւն (գ.)KhaChagrootyoonCrusade n.
խաչաձեւ (ած.)KhaChaTsyevCruciform, crossed, crosswise adj.
խաչաձեւել (բայ)KhaChaTsevelto cross v.
խաչաձեւում (գ.)KhaChaTsevoomcrossing n.
խաչանիշ (գ.)KhaChaniShasterisknsign of cross, cruciform, crossed n.
խաչանշան (գ.)KhaChanShanSign of the cross n.
խաչապաշտ (գ.)KhaChabaShdWorshipper of Christ, christian n.
խաչափայտ (գ.)KhaChapaydCross, the cross, the Holy Rood, crucifix n.
խաչբառ (գ.)KhaChpaRCrossword puzzle n.
խաչբուռ (գ.)KhaChpooRCross-wise ornament made of spikes n.
խաչեալ (ած.)KhaChyalCrucified adj.
խաչեալ (գ.)KhaChyalCrucified adj.
խաչել (բայ)KhaChelTo crucify, to fix on the cross v.
խաչելութիւն (գ.)KhaChelootyoonCrucifixion n.
խաչեղբայր (գ.)KhaCheGhpayrcross-bearing witness at a wedding n.
խաչեցեալ (ած.)KhaCheTsyalCrucified adj.
խաչուղի (գ.)KhaChooGhicrossroad, intersection n.
խաչվառ (գ.)KhaChvaRGonfalon, holy standard n.
խաչվերաց (գ.)KhaChveraTsExaltation of the Holy Cross n.
խաչքար (գ.)KhaChkarMemorial cross n.
խառան (գ.)KhaRan1) Iron collar,
2) rope, cord, string n.
խառատել (բայ)KhaRadelTo corrode, to nibble, to bite off, to destroy, to eat into, to gnaw v.
խառատում (գ.)KhaRadoomCorrosion, dissolution, destruction n.
խառել (բայ)KhaRelTo twist, to wring, to wring out, to wrench v.
խառն (ած.)KhaRnconfusedly, vaguely, conjointly, unitedly adv.
խառնակ (ած.)KhaRnag1) Mixed, confused, embroiled,
2) complicated,
3) promiscuous,
4) obscene, impure,
5) immodest adj.
խառնակեաց (ած.)KhaRnageaTsProfligate, debauchée, rakish, unruly, irregular, libertine adj.
խառնակել (բայ)KhaRnagelTo mix, to mingle, to perplex, to blend v.
խառնակիլ (բայ)KhaRnagil1) To be mixed, confused,
2) to be confounded,
3) to complicate v.
խառնակիչ (ած.)KhaRnagiChIntriguer, disturber adj.
խառնակիչ (գ.)KhaRnagiChIntriguer, disturber adj.
խառնակութիւն (գ.)KhaRnagootyoon1) perplexity, derangement, medley, tumult, confusion, embarrassment, disorder, chaos, disturbance, profanation,
2) coition, copulati n.
խառնաշփոթ (ած.)KhaRnaShpotPromiscuous, confused adj.
խառնաշփոթութիւն (գ.)KhaRnaShpotootyoonConfusion, complication, jumble disorder, disturbance n.
խառնարան (գ.)KhaRnaran1) Crater,
2) vase n.
խառնել (բայ)KhaRnelTo mingle, to mix, to compose, to mix up, to blend, to join, to unite, to amalgamate v.
խառնիխուռն (մկբ.)KhaRniKhooRn1) Confusedly, pell-mell,
2) at random adv.
խառնիճ (գ.)KhaRniDjLocust, grasshopper n.
խառնիճաղանճ (գ.)KhaRniDjaGhanDj1) Multitude, crowd, mob,
2) rabbleadjective confused, disordered, ruffled, in disorder, in flutter n.
խառնիչ (գ.)KhaRniChImplement for breaking up eggs, implement for stirring lime, spatula, mixer, poker for furnace n.
խառնուածք (գ.)KhaRn’vaDzk1) Temper, temperament, composition, concert, harmony, disposition, constitution,
2) humour n.
խառնուիլ (բայ)KhaRn’vilTo mingle, to blend, to intermingle, to meddle, to interfere, to get entangled v.
խառնուրդ (գ.)KhaRnoort1) Mixture, jumble, medley, compound,
2) close fight,
3) mingling, blending, intermixture n.
խատուտիկ (ած.)Khadoodig1) Dapple, speckled,
2) spotted, cunning, sly n.
խար (գ.)KharCabling, teasel n.
խարաբուզ (գ.)KharapoozJointing plane, plane n.
խարազան (գ.)KharazanWhip, lash, rod, switch, knout, scourge n.
խարազանել (բայ)KharazanelTo whip, to lash, to scourge, to thrash v.
խարազն (ած.)KharaznCilice, hair-shirt, hair-cloth, sack-clothadjective rude, hard, tough, harsh n.
խարազն (գ.)KharaznCilice, hair-shirt, hair-cloth, sack-clothadjective rude, hard, tough, harsh n.
խարակ (գ.)KharagRock, crag, stony mass n.
խարան (գ.)Kharan1) Cautery, issue,
2) brand iron,
3) stigma n.
խարանել (բայ)KharanelTo mark, to stamp, to brand v.
խարանում (գ.)KharanoomCauterization, vesication n.
խարբալ (գ.)KharpalSieve, cribble, riddle, bolter n.
խարբալել (բայ)Kharpalel1) To sift, to riddle, to bolt,
2) to tempt v.
խարդախ (ած.)KhartaKhFraudulent, knavish, trickster, perfidious, roguish, adulterated adj.
խարդախ (գ.)KhartaKhFraudulent, knavish, trickster, perfidious, roguish, adulterated adj.
խարդախել (բայ)KhartaKhelTo falsify, to cheat, to counterfeit, to forge, to trick, to adulterate v.
խարդախութիւն (գ.)KhartaKhootyoon1) Fraud, knavery, forgery,
2) rape,
3) chicanery, falsification,
4) adulteration, trickery n.
խարդաւանանք (գ.)Khartavanankdeceit, cheating, double-crossing, plot, conspiracy n.
խարել (բայ)Kharel1) To cauterize, to brand,
2) to stamp v.
խարիսխ (գ.)KharisKh1) anchor,
2) basis, base, legs n.
խարխափել (բայ)KharKhapel1) To grope along,
2) to fumble,
3) to shake v.
խարխափում (գ.)KharKhapoomGroping n.
խարխլել (բայ)KharKhlelTo ruin, to destroy, to loosen v.
խարխլիլ (բայ)KharKhlilTo totter, to fall into ruin or decay v.
խարխուլ (ած.)KharKhool1) Decrepit, decayed, falling, broken-down, frail,
2) crazy adj.
խարխուր (ած.)KharKhoor 1) Decrepit, decayed, falling, broken-down, frail,
2) crazy adj.
խարկել (բայ)KhargelTo parch, to cauterize v.
խարշափ (գ.)KharShapRustling, murmur n.
խարշափել (բայ)KharShapelTo rustle v.
խարոյկ (գ.)Kharooyg1) Wood pile, pyre, woodhouse, stake,
2) fire adj.
խարսխել (բայ)KharsKhelTo cast anchor, to base, to fix, to ground v.
խարտ (գ.)KhardFiling n.
խարտաձուկ (գ.)KhardaTsoogdab, flatfish, flounder n.
խարտեաշ (ած.)KhardyaSh1) Fair, light, tawny, blond, flaxen,
2) fallow adj.
խարտել (բայ)KhardelTo file, to smooth, to polish, to finish v.
խարտոց (գ.)KhardoTsFile n.
խարտոցել (բայ)KhardoTselto file v.
խարտոցել (բայ)KhardoTselto file v.
խարտուք (գ.)KhardookFilings n.
խաւ (գ.)KhavStratum, layer, couch, cot, bed, fold n.
խաւարակուռ (ած.)KhavaragooRTenebrous, gloomy, utterly dark adj.
խաւարամիտ (ած.)KhavaramidObscurant, ignorant adj.
խաւարիլ (բայ)KhavarilTo become obscure, dark, to be darkened v.
խաւարծի (գ.)KhavarDziShoot, tendril of plants n.
խաւարծիլ (գ.)KhavarDzilRhubarb n.
խաւարում (գ.)KhavaroomDarkening, obscuration, eclipse n.
խաւարտ (գ.)KhavardGreens, vegetables, legumes, garden-stuff n.
խաւաքարտ (գ.)KhavakardPasteboard, card, cardboard n.
խաւիծ (գ.)KhaviDzGruel, hasty-pudding n.
խափանարար (գ.)Khapanarar1) Cumbering, encumbering, cumbersome,
2) abrogativen saboteur, obstructionist adj.
խափանարարութիւն (գ.)KhapanararootyoonSabotage, obstruction, stoppage n.
խափանել (բայ)KhapanelTo hinder, to stop, to impede, to embarrass, to obstruct, to encumber, to destroy, to annul, to abolish, to shackle, to tramm v.
խափանում (գ.)Khapanoomannulment, suppression, abrogation, abolition n.
խափշիկ (գ.)Khap’ShigSambo, negro, blackamoor n.
խափշիկուհի (գ.)Khap’ShigoohiNegress n.
խեդ (ած.)Khet Squint-eyed, squinting, short-sighted, dim or blear-eyed adj.
խեթ (գ.)KhetSquint-eyed, squinting, short-sighted, dim or blear-eyed adj.
խեթալ (բայ)KhetalTo glance at someone (jealously), to envy, to hate v.
խեթել (բայ)Khetel1) To push, to thrust, to drive on,
2) to sink v.
խեթկել (բայ)Khetgel1) To strike, to hit, to knock against,
2) to vex, to clash, to hit against, to combat, to shock v.
խել (գ.)Khelstern, poop n.
խելաբերիլ (բայ)Khelaperil1) to sober down, to settle down, to become reasonable,
2) to regain consciousness v.
խելագար (ած.)KhelakarMad, crazy, insane, foolish, senseless, silly, lunatic adj.
խելագարիլ (բայ)KhelakarilTo become crazy, insane, mad v.
խելագարութիւն (գ.)Khelakarootyoon1) Dementedness, insanity, paranoia, craziness, psycopathy,
2) amentia n.
խելակորոյս (ած.)KhelagorooysDistracted, bewildered, aghast adj.
խելահաս (ած.)KhelahasIntelligent, adult, grown-up adj.
խելամուտ (ած.)Khelamood1) Instructed, trained, intelligent,
2) aware adj.
խելայեղ (ած.)KhelayeGhHare-brained, cracked, foolish, lunatic, giddy-patted adj.
խելապատակ (գ.)Khelabadag1) Pericranium, brain box,
2) meninx adj.
խելառ (ած.)KhelaRInsane, mad, foolish, senseless, fool, madman, madwoman, maniac adj.
խելատար (ած.)Kheladar Insane, mad, foolish, senseless, fool, madman, madwoman, maniac adj.
խելացի (ած.)KhelaTsiIntelligent, wise, sage, skilful, prudent adj.
խելացիութիւն (գ.)KhelaTsiootyoonintelligence, wisdom n.
խելացնոր (ած.)KhelaTs’norFrenetic, delirious, raving, mad, frantic adj.
խելացութիւն (գ.)KhelaTsootyoon1) Prudence, intelligence, wisdom, discretion, steadiness, sobriety,
2) delirium n.
խելք (գ.)Khelk1) Stern, poop,
2) nBrain, mind,
3) sense, understanding, intelligence n.
խելօք (ած.)Khelok1) Sage, wise, discreet, quiet,
2) skillfully adj.
խելօքնալ (բայ)Khelok’nalTo become wise v.
խեղ (ած.)KheGh1) Crippled,
2) maimed, impotent, disabled, infirm, helpless adj.
խեղաթիւրել (բայ)KheGhatyoorelTo forge, to alter, to pervert, to discolor, to distort v.
խեղաթիւրում (գ.)KheGhatyooroom1) Distortion, the act of distorting,
2) perversion n.
խեղանդամ (ած.)KheGhantamCrippled, maimed, disabled adj.
խեղդ (գ.)KheGhtnoose, knot n.
խեղդամահ (ած.)KheGhtamahStrangled, suffocated adj.
խեղդել (բայ)KheGhtelTo strangle, to suffocate, to choke v.
խեղդուիլ (բայ)KheGhtvilTo be strangled, choked v.
խեղել (բայ)KheGhelTo cripple, to lame, to disable v.
խեղկատակ (գ.)KheGhgadagBuffoon, jester, mimic, punch, punchinello, mocker, banterer, wag n.
խեղկատակութիւն (գ.)KheGhgadagootyoon1) Drollery, jesting, skylarking,
2) Pasquinade,
3) lampoon, buffoonery, bantering,
4) mockery n.
խեղճ (ած.)KheGhDj1) Poor,
2) wretched, unfortunate, unlucky adj.
խեղճանալ (բայ)KheGhDjanalto become poor, to become impoverished, to become wretched v.
խեղճացնել (բայ)KheGhDjaTs’nelto make poor, to make impoverished, to make wretched v.
խեղճութիւն (գ.)KheGhDjootyoonPoverty, wretchedness, unhappiness, misfortune, mischance, mishap, ill-luck n.
խեղճուկրակ (ած.)KheGhDjoogragPitiful, pitiable, piteous adj.
խեղութիւն (գ.)KheGhootyoon1) Mutilation, impotence, lameness,
2) palsy n.
խենդութիւն (գ.)Khentootyoon Folly, foolishness, madness, frenzy, dementedness, insanity n.
խենէշ (ած.)KheneShvoluptuous, sensualist, debauched, profligate, rake, wanton adj.
խենէշութիւն (գ.)KheneShootyoonvoluptuousness, debauchery, profligacy, wantonness n.
խենթ (գ.)Khentfool, madman, lunatic, maniac, idiot n.
խենթանալ (բայ)KhentanalTo become foolish, senseless, mad v.
խենթանոց (գ.)KhentanoTsMadhouse n.
խենթացնել (բայ)KhentaTs’nelto drive mad, to drive insane, to drive crazy, to madden v.
խենթութիւն (գ.)KhentootyoonFolly, foolishness, madness, frenzy, dementedness, insanity n.
խենթուկ (ած.)Khentoog1) Crazy,
2) foolish, playful n.
խեշերանք (գ.)KheSherank1) Trash,
2) rubbish, parings, trifles, chaff n.
խեչակ (գ.)KheChagProp, support n.
խեչափառ (գ.)KheChapaRCrab, cray-fish n.
խեռ (գ.)KheR1) rebel, insurgent, recalcitrant,
2) contrariness, opposition, resistence, spite, rancor, vexation, annoyance,
3) penis, phallus n.
խեռ (մկբ.)KheRrebeliously, disobediantly, recalcitrantly adv.
խեռութիւն (գ.)KheRootyoonInsubordination, obstinacy, indocility n.
խեցբեկ (ած.)KheTspegGibberish, badly pronounced adj.
խեցգետին (գ.)KheTskedinCrawfish, crab (ast) cancer n.
խեցգետնիկ (գ.)KheTskedniglobster, crayfish, crawfish, crab, cancer n.
խեցեգործ (գ.)KheTsekorDzCeramist, potter, pot-man, earthenware manufacturer, crockery-ware-man n.
խեցեգործութիւն (գ.)KheTsekorDzootyoonpottery, earthenware, ceramics n.
խեցեղէն (գ.)KheTseGhenpottery, earthenware, ceramics, crockery n.
խեցեմորթ (գ.)KheTsemorttestacean n.
խեցի (գ.)KheTsi1) Brick, tile, pottery, crockery, porcelain,
2) china-ware,
3) shell-fish, conch n.
խեւ (ած.)Khyevcrazy, cracked, daft, dotty, balmy, batty, nuts, madman, lunatic adj.
խեփոր (գ.)Khepor1) Shell, scale, oyster-shell, bivalve-shell,
2) scallop n.
խզել (բայ)KhzelTo cut, to cut off, to break off v.
խզում (գ.)KhzoomBreaking, rupture, cassation, castration n.
խէթ (ած.)Khet1) Suspicion, scrupulousness,
2) obstacle, knock, blow, obstruction,
3) conscience,
4) hate, ill-will n.
խէժ (գ.)KheZhGum n.
խթան (գ.)Khtan1) Spur, goad,
2) incentive n.
խթանել (բայ)Khtanel1) To spur, to goad, to prick,
2) to incite v.
խթել (բայ)KhtelTo spur, to prick, to goad v.
խթում (գ.)Khtoom1) Easter-eve,
2) vigil, fast-day with milk food n.
խժաբանութիւն (գ.)KhZhapanootyoonSolecism, barbarism n.
խժդժութիւն (գ.)KhZhtZhootyoonRudeness, savageness, barbarity n.
խժդուժ (ած.)KhZhtooZhBarbarous, fierce, ferocious, savage, rude, harsh adj.
խիզախ (ած.)KhizaKhCourageous, brave, bold, hardy, daring, manly, audacious, impudent, presumptuous adj.
խիզախել (բայ)KhizaKhelTo hector, to swagger, to take courage, to face, to brave, to attack boldly, to risk v.
խիզախութիւն (գ.)KhizaKhootyoonBoldness, audacity, fearlessness, bravery, temerity, hardihood, effrontery n.
խիզախում (գ.)KhizaKhoom1) Impudence,
2) assurance, audacity, precipitancy,
3) assault, hardihood n.
խիթ (գ.)Khit1) Colic, belly-ache, gripes, tormina,
2) rock, reef, sand-bank n.
խիժաբեր (ած.)KhiZhaperGummy, gummiferous n.
խիժաներկ (գ.)KhiZhanerggouache, body-color n.
խիժանկար (գ.)KhiZhangarWater colours, gouache, body colour n.
խիղճ (գ.)KhiGhDj1) Conscience, scruple,
2) morality n.
խիճ (գ.)KhiDjPebble, gravel n.
խինդ (գ.)KhintMirth, joy, gaiety, cheerfulness n.
խիշտ (գ.)KhiShdLance, spear, staff n.
խիպ (գ.)KhibShame, disgrace, discredit, reproach n.
խիստ (ած.)Khisd1) Hard, stiff, harsh, sharp, severe, rigorous,
2) rigid,
3) violent,
4) difficult,
5) tough, unkind, hard-hearted, unfeeling, merciless, obdurat adj.
խիստ (մկբ.)Khisd1) Hard, stiff, harsh, sharp, severe, rigorous,
2) rigid,
3) violent,
4) difficult,
5) tough, unkind, hard-hearted, unfeeling, merciless, obdurat adj.
խիտ (ած.)KhidThick, tufted, bushy, dense adj.
խից (գ.)KhiTsCork, plug, stopper, valve, bung n.
խիւս (գ.)Khyoos1) Pap, pulp, cataplasm,
2) poultice, gruel, starch n.
խլանալ (բայ)Kh’lanalTo grow deaf, to be made deaf v.
խլացնել (բայ)Kh’laTs’nelTo deafen, to stun v.
խլացնող (ած.)Kh’laTs’noGh Deafening, stunning adj.
խլացուցիչ (ած.)Kh’laTsooTsiChDeafening, stunning adj.
խլեակ (գ.)Kh’lyagWreck, stray, flotsam, jetsam n.
խլել (բայ)Kh’lelTo pluck up, to root out, to extirpate v.
խլէզ (գ.)Kh’lezLizard n.
խլինք (գ.)Kh’linkSnot, nasal mucus, mucus n.
խլիրդ (գ.)Kh’lirt1) Cancer, malignant disease,
2) a sly one n.
խլիրտ (գ.)Kh’lird1) agitation, motion,
2) commotion, disturbance n.
խլութիւն (գ.)Kh’lootyoonSurdity, deafness n.
խլում (գ.)Kh’loompicking, digging out n.m.
խլուրդ (գ.)Kh’loortMole n.
խլրդային (ած.)Kh’l’rtayinOccult, hidden, secret, underhand adj.
խլրտալ (բայ)Kh’l’rdalTo move, to stir, to rouse, to wave, to toss v.
խլրտել (բայ)Kh’l’rdelTo move, to rouse, to turn up v.
խլրտիլ (բայ)Kh’l’rdilTo be moved v.
խլրտում (գ.)Kh’l’rdoom1) Movement, moving motion,
2) agitation n.
խխնջել (բայ)Kh’Kh’nChelTo neigh, to utter the cry of a horse v.
խխնջիւն (գ.)Kh’Kh’nChyoonMurex n.
խխում (ած.)Kh’Khoom1) Wet,
2) moistened adj.
խխունջ (գ.)Kh’KhoonChsnail, helix n.
խծբծանք (գ.)Kh’DzpDzankmalevolent criticism, picking on n.
խծբծել (բայ)Kh’DzpDzel1) To criticize, to censure, to blame,
2) to debate, to sift v.
խծիպ (գ.)Kh’DzibHem n.
խծուծ (գ.)Kh’DzooDzCodilla, tow n.
խղայթ (գ.)Kh’Ghaytabscess n.
խղճալ (բայ)Kh’GhDjal1) To have pity, compassion,
2) to scruple, to mistrust v.
խղճալի (ած.)Kh’GhDjali1) Poor, pitiable, piteous, miserable,
2) paltry adj.
խղճահար (ած.)Kh’GhDjaharRemorseful, conscientious, scrupulous adj.
խղճահարիլ (բայ)Kh’GhDjaharilTo become conscientious, scrupulous v.
խղճահարութիւն (գ.)Kh’GhDjaharootyoonScrupulousness, scruple, compunction n.
խղճամիտ (ած.)Kh’GhDjamidOver-scrupulous, conscientious, meticulous, over-nice adj.
խղճմտանք (գ.)Kh’GhDjmdankConscience, consciousness, perception n.
խղճմտութիւն (գ.)Kh’GhDjmdootyoon1) Scruple, scrupulosity,
2) conscience n.
խճանկար (գ.)Kh’Djangarmosaic n.
խճաքար (գ.)Kh’DjakarCobble-stone, grit-stone, sand-stone n.
խճողել (բայ)Kh’DjoGhel1) To fill, to heap up, to stuff, to cram,
2) to crowd, to throng, to fill again v.
խճողում (գ.)Kh’DjoGhoom1) Filling up, infilling,
2) padding n.
խճուղի (գ.)Kh’DjooGhiCause-way, road n.
խման (գ.)Kh’manDrunkard, drinker, toper adj.
խմբագիր (գ.)Kh’mpakirEditor, writer, compiler, journalist n.
խմբագրական (ած.)Kh’mpak’raganEditorial, leading article n.
խմբագրական (գ.)Kh’mpak’raganEditorial, leading article n.
խմբագրապետ (գ.)Kh’mpak’rabedChief editor n.
խմբագրատուն (գ.)Kh’mpak’radooneditorial office, editing house n.
խմբագրել (բայ)Kh’mpak’relTo edit, to write out, to compile v.
խմբագրութիւն (գ.)Kh’mpak’rootyoonEditorship, editing, compilation n.
խմբակ (գ.)Kh’mpagGroup, small group n.
խմբակցութիւն (գ.)Kh’mpagTsootyoonGrouping, class, assemblage n.
խմբանկար (գ.)Kh’mpangarGroup picture n.
խմբապար (գ.)Kh’mpabarround dance n.
խմբապետ (գ.)Kh’mpabedRingmaster, brigade master n.
խմբավար (գ.)Kh’mpavarconductor, choir master n.
խմբաւորել (բայ)Kh’mpavorelto group, to assemble, to convoke v.
խմբաւորում (գ.)Kh’mpavoroomGrouping n.
խմբել (բայ)Kh’mpelTo group, to assemble, to convoke, to bring together, to rally v.
խմբերգ (գ.)Kh’mperkChorus, choir n.
խմբուիլ (բայ)Kh’mpvilChorus, choir n.
խմել (բայ)Kh’mel1) To drink,
2) to absorb, to suck up v.
խմի (գ.)Kh’miangelica n.
խմիչք (գ.)Kh’miChkdrink, liquor, beverage n.
խմոր (գ.)Kh’morLeaven, yeast, ferment, paste, dough n.
Խմոր (բայ)Khmor Dough, paste, mass, mixture, mole, amalgam v.
խմորատիպ (գ.)Kh’moradibCollograph, collotype n.
խմորել (բայ)Kh’morelTo ferment, to cause to ferment v.
խմորեղէն (գ.)Kh’moreGhenOf pastry adj.
խմորում (գ.)Kh’moroom1) fermentation, agitation,
2) kneading, leavening n.
խնամակալ (գ.)Kh’namagal1) Protector, guardian,
2) curator, tutelar, regent n.
խնամակալութիւն (գ.)Kh’namagalootyoon1) Tutelage,
2) protection, guardianship, care, attention, regency, trusteeship n.
խնամել (բայ)Kh’namelTo attend, to take care of v.
խնամի (գ.)Kh’nami1) One related by marriage,
2) relation, kindred, relative, kinsman, kinswoman n.
խնամք (գ.)Kh’namkCare, solicitude, attention n.
խնայասէր (ած.)Kh’nayasereconomical, thrifty, sparing adj.
խնայասիրութիւն (գ.)Kh’nayasirootyoon1) Economy, saving,
2) sparingness n.
խնայել (բայ)Kh’nayel1) To spare,
2) to save, to economize, to be thrifty v.
խնայողական (ած.)Kh’nayoGhaganEconomic adj.
խնայողութիւն (գ.)Kh’nayoGhootyoon1) Economy,
2) thriftiness,
3) sparingness, saving, thrift,
4) parsimony,
5) frugality n.
խնայութիւն (գ.)Kh’nayootyoon 1) Economy,
2) thriftiness,
3) sparingness, saving, thrift,
4) parsimony,
5) frugality n.
խնդալ (բայ)Kh’ntalTo laugh, to rejoice, to be glad, to be delighted v.
խնդալիք (ած.)Kh’ntalikRisible, comical, laughable adj.
խնդակցիլ (բայ)Kh’ntagTsilTo felicitate, to congratulate, to compliment v.
խնդակցութիւն (գ.)Kh’ntagTsootyooncongratulation, rejoicing together n.
խնդացնել (բայ)Kh’ntaTs’nelTo gladden, to make to laugh, to divert v.
խնդիր (գ.)Kh’ntir1) Question,
2) demand,
3) request,
4) petition,
5) examination, inquiry,
6) problem,
7) object, discussion n.
խնդիրք (գ.)Kh’ntirkprayer, orison, entreaty, solicitation, supplication, petition, appeal, request, application n.
խնդութիւն (գ.)Kh’ntootyoonJoy, mirth, gaiety, cheerfulness, merriment n.
խնդուք (գ.)Kh’ntookLaughter n.
խնդրագիր (գ.)Kh’ntrakir1) Request, demand,
2) petition, application n.
խնդրական (ած.)Kh’ntraganProblematic, dubious, uncertain adj.
խնդրակատար (գ.)Kh’ntragadarwish-granting saint n.
խնդրանք (գ.)Kh’ntrankDemand, petition, solicitation, entreaty n.
խնդրառութիւն (գ.)Kh’ntraRootyoonthe agreement, governance between a verb and the declension of its complement n.
խնդրարկու (ած.)Kh’ntrargoo1) Solicitor,
2) entreater n.
խնդրել (բայ)Kh’ntrel1) To ask, to solicit,
2) to implore, to demand, to request, to entreat, to search for v.
խնդրուած (գ.)Kh’ntr’vaDz Prayer, supplication, demand, request, petition, requisition n.
խնդրուածք (գ.)Kh’ntrvaDzkPrayer, supplication, demand, request, petition, requisition n.
խնծիղ (գ.)Kh’nDziGhecstasy, rapture, transport, exuberance, rejoice n.
խնծղալ (բայ)Kh’nDzGhalTo laugh, to rejoice, to gladden, to cheer v.
խնկաբոյր (ած.)Kh’ngapooyrscented, incense-smelling, perfumed, fragrant, sweet-smelling adj.
խնկալի (ած.)Kh’ngali1) Odoriferous, full of incense,
2) praiseworthy adj.
խնկալից (ած.)Kh’ngaliTs1) Full of incense,
2) drunk with incense adj.
խնկածաղիկ (գ.)Kh’ngaDzaGhigSweet marjoram n.
խնկաման (գ.)Kh’ngamanIncense box, censer, incenser, thurible n.
խնկանոց (գ.)Kh’nganoTs Incense box, censer, incenser, thurible n.
խնկարկել (բայ)Kh’ngargelTo perfume with frankincense, to incense, to embalm v.
խնկարկու (ած.)Kh’ngargoo1) Incense-bearer, thurifer,
2) flatterer n.
խնկարկու (գ.)Kh’ngargoo1) Incense-bearer, thurifer,
2) flatterer n.
խնկարկութիւն (գ.)Kh’ngargootyoonIncensing, praising, flattery n.
խնկաւէտ (ած.)Kh’ngavedOdoriferous, fragrant adj.
խնկել (բայ)Kh’ngelTo incense, to embalm, to perfume v.
խնկելի (ած.)Kh’ngeliPraiseworthy, honourable, worthy to be incensed adj.
խնկենի (գ.)Kh’ngeniElemi gum tree, incense tree n.
խնկունի (գ.)Kh’ngooniRosemary n.
խնձոր (գ.)Kh’nTsorapple n.
խնձորագինի (գ.)Kh’nTsorakinicider, apple brandy n.
խնձորենի (գ.)Kh’nTsoreniapple-tree n.
խնձորի կամ տանծի երիտասարդ վայրի ծառ (գ.)Kh’nTzori gam danDzi yeridasart vayri DzaR n.m.
խնձորօղի (գ.)Kh’nTsoroGhiCider, apple-jack, apple-brandy n.
խնճոյք (գ.)Kh’nDjooyk1) Feast, banquet, entertainment, rejoicing,
2) company n.
խնոցի (գ.)Kh’noTsiChurn n.
խնչել (բայ)Kh’nChel To blow the nose, to grunt v.
խնջել (բայ)Kh’nChelTo blow the nose, to grunt v.
խշշոց (գ.)KhShShoTsrustle, murmur (water) n.
խշտեակ (գ.)KhShdyag1) Pallet, stump, bedstead, mattress,
2) halting n.
խշրտուք (գ.)KhShrdookMurmur, grumbling, whispering, hum n.
խոզ (գ.)KhozPig, swine, pork n.
խոզակ (գ.)KhozagFruit of cypress, plane tree n.
խոզան (գ.)KhozanStubble, stubble field n.
խոզանակ (գ.)KhozanagBrush, duster, dusting brush, whisk n.
խոզանակել (բայ)KhozanagelTo brush, to dust v.
խոզանոց (գ.)KhozanoTsPig-sty, piggery, hog-sty n.
խոզապուխտ (գ.)KhozabooKhdJamon n.
խոզարած (գ.)KhozaraDzSwine-herd, pig driver n.
խոզենի (գ.)Khozeni1) Pork, brawn,
2) swinish, hoggish n.
խոզկաղին (գ.)KhozgaGhinPig-nut, earth-chestnut n.
խոզտանձենի (գ.)KhozdanTseniwild pear n.
խոզտի (գ.)KhozdiLard n.
խոթ (ած.)KhotKing fisher, halcyon n.
խոթանալ (բայ)Khotanalto become sick, to become unwell (mentally) v.
խոթել (բայ)Khotel1) To put in, to push in, to dip,
2) to sink v.
խոժոռ (մկբ.)KhoZhoRharshly, threateningly, hideously, dreadfully, grimly, sulkily, wildly, fiercely, sullenly, unsociablely, coarsely, grossly, gloomily adv.
խոժոռադէմ (ած.)KhoZhoRatemGruff-looking, surly-looking, scowling, frowning, sulky, sullen, crabfaced adj.
խոժոռիլ (բայ)KhoZhoRilTo frown, to scowl, to be sulky, cross v.
խոժոռութիւն (գ.)KhoZhoRootyoonFrown, scowling, pouting, sulkiness, wry face, scowl, knitting of the brows, wrinkle n.
խոլոր (ած.)Kholor1) Obliquely,
2) frowning, wild, fierce adv.
խոխոմ (գ.)KhoKhom1) Ravine, mountain torrent, gully,
2) forest n.
խոխոջ (գ.)KhoKhoChsame as ։ n.
խոխոջել (բայ)KhoKhoChelTo babble, to gurgle, to grumble, to murmur v.
խոխոջիւն (գ.)KhoKhoChyoonMurmuring, babbling, gurgling n.
խոկալ (բայ)KhogalTo meditate, to contemplate, to think over v.
խոկում (գ.)Khogoommeditation, cogitation, rumination, musing, contemplation, reflection n.
խոհ (գ.)Khoh1) Meat, victuals, food,
2) reflection, meditation, thought, contemplation n.
խոհալք (գ.)KhohalkPenetration, profundity of (thought) n.
խոհական (ած.)KhohaganPrudent, sage, discreet, wise, cautious, provident, circumspect, thoughtful adj.
խոհականութիւն (գ.)KhohaganootyoonPrudence, wisdom, discretion, good sense, wariness, circumspection, cautiousness n.
խոհանոց (գ.)KhohanoTsKitchen, galley n.
խոհարար (բայ)KhohararCook, cook man n.
խոհարարական (ած.)KhohararaganCulinary adj.
խոհարարութիւն (գ.)Khohararootyooncookery, cooking, culinary arts n.
խոհարարուհի (գ.)KhohararoohiWoman cook, maid-cook n.
խոհեմ (ած.)KhohemCautious, discreet, prudent, provident adj.
խոհեմութիւն (գ.)KhohemootyoonPrudence, precaution, sober-mindedness n.
խոհեմտութիւն (գ.)Khohemdootyoon Prudence, precaution, sober-mindedness n.
խոհուն (ած.)KhohoonThinking, pensive, thoughtful adj.
խողխողել (բայ)KhoGhKhoGhelTo butcher, to kill, to slaughter v.
խողխողում (գ.)KhoGhKhoGhoomSlaughter, carnage, butchery, massacre n.
խողովակ (գ.)KhoGhovagPipe, tube, conduit, gutter, canal n.
խոճկոր (գ.)KhoDjgor1) Sucking-pig,
2) porker n.
խոյ (գ.)Kho1) Ram,
2) aries n.
խոյակ (գ.)KhoyagCapital n.
խոյանալ (բայ)KhoyanalTo rush, to bound, to dart, to spring, to fall on v.
խոյանք (գ.)KhoyankStart, bound, dash, flight, burst, elan n.
խոյզ (գ.)KhooyzSearch, investigation, inquest, research, examination n.
խոյլ (գ.)Khooylswelling, scrofula, struma, goiter n.
խոյս (գ.)KhooysFlight, running away n.
խոյր (գ.)KhooyrTiara, mitre, diadem, crown, cap, headband, fillet n.
խոնարհ (ած.)Khonarh1) Humble, low, meek, submissive, respectful,
2) lower, feeble, weak adj.
խոնարհել (բայ)KhonarhelTo conjugate vs v.
խոնարհիլ (բայ)KhonarhilTo be humble, to descend, to deign, to acquiesce, to come down, to yield, to lean, to decline v.
խոնարհութիւն (գ.)Khonarhootyoon1) Humility, submission, abasement, humbleness, inclination,
2) reverence, deference n.
խոնարհում (գ.)Khonarhoom1) humiliation, humbling, abasement, submission,
2) conjugation, declension n.
խոնաւ (ած.)KhonavDamp, humid, moist adj.
խոնաւաչափ (գ.)KhonavaChap1) Hygrometer,
2) decremeter (radio) n.
խոնաւնալ (բայ)Khonavnalto become humid, to become wet, to become damp, to become dank, to become muggy, to become moist, to become watery (eye) v.
խոնաւութիւն (գ.)KhonavootyoonHumidity, moisture, dampness, damp n.
խոնաւցնել (բայ)KhonavTs’nelTo wet, to moisten, to damp v.
խոնջ (ած.)KhonChtired, weary, fatigued, worn out, exhausted adj.
խոնջէնք (գ.)KhonChenkfatigue, weariness, tiredness, lassitude, languor, exhaustion n.
խոնջիլ (բայ)KhonChilto get tired, to get fatigued, to get weary, to get exhausted, to get worn out v.
խոնջութիւն (գ.)KhonChootyoonFatigue, lassitude, weariness n.
խոշոր (ած.)KhoShorStout, gross, big, large, thick, coarse, bulky adj.
խոշորացոյց (գ.)KhoShoraTsooyTsMicroscope, magnifying glass n.
խոշորացում (գ.)KhoShoraTsoomEnlargement, making larger, bigger n.
խոշորնալ (բայ)KhoShor’nalTo grow up, to increase in size v.
խոշորութիւն (գ.)KhoShorootyoonLargeness, bulk, bigness, grossness, want of politeness, size, hugeness, swelling, rudeness n.
խոշորցնել (բայ)KhoShorTs’nelTo magnify, to enlarge, to make larger v.
խոշտանգել (բայ)KhoShdankel1) To torture, to torment,
2) to pain, to thrash v.
խոշտանգում (գ.)KhoShdankoomtorture, torment, ill-treatment n.
խոչ (գ.)KhoChObstacle, impediment, hindrance, hitch, clog n.
խոչընդոտ (գ.)KhoChUntodObstacle, impediment, hindrance, embarrassment, stop n.
խոչոտն (գ.)KhoChodn Obstacle, impediment, hindrance, embarrassment, stop n.
խոպ (գ.)KhobTress, plait, braid n.
խոպան (ած.)KhobanWaste, uncultivated, desert, incult adj.
խոպանանալ (բայ)KhobananalTo become desert, uncultivated v.
խոպոպ (գ.)KhobobBeaucatcher n.
խոպոպել (բայ)KhobobelTo frizzle, to crisp, to curl v.
խոպոպիք (գ.)KhobobikBuckle, curl, curling, curls n.
խոռել (բայ)KhoRelTo dig, to hollow out, to curtail, to lessen v.
խոռոչ (գ.)KhoRoChCavity, hollow, atrium, antrum adj.
խոռում (գ.)KhoRoomexcavation n.
խոստանալ (բայ)KhosdanalTo promise v.
խոստմնադրուժ (ած.)KhosdmnatrooZhPerjurer, perfidious adj.
խոստմնադրուժ (գ.)KhosdmnatrooZhPerjurer, perfidious adj.
խոստմնալից (ած.)KhosdmnaliTspromising, full of promise, likely adj.
խոստովանահայր (գ.)KhosdovanahayrConfessor n.
խոստովանանք (գ.)KhosdovanankConfession n.
խոստովանարան (գ.)KhosdovanaranConfessional, confessionary n.
խոստովանիլ (բայ)Khosdovanil1) To confess, to avow, to aver,
2) to disclose v.
խոստովանութիւն (գ.)Khosdovanootyoonavowal, confession, profession n.
խոստում (գ.)KhosdoomPromise, engagement, word, obligation n.
խոտ (գ.)KhodGrass, herbage, turf n.
խոտակեր (գ.)Khodager1) herbivore,
2) herbivorous animal n.
խոտան (ած.)Khodanabject, vile, base, mean, worthless, bad adj.
խոտան (գ.)Khodanabject, vile, base, mean, worthless, bad adj.
խոտաւէտ (ած.)KhodavedHerbous, grassy, herbescent adj.
խոտել (բայ)KhodelTo despise, to scorn, to disdain v.
խոտելի (ած.)Khodelicondemnable, contemptible, despicable adj.
խոտոր (ած.)KhodorOblique, crooked, indirect, deluded, strayed adj.
խոտորիլ (բայ)KhodorilTo deviate, to go astray, to digress, to swerve v.
խոտորնակ (ած.)Khodor’nagOblique, transversal, indirect, aslope, out of the way, slanting, transverse, crooked, athwart adj.
խոտորնակի (մկբ.)Khodor’nagiObliquely, transversely, indirectly, at random adv.
խոտորութիւն (գ.)Khodorootyoon1) Deviation, going astray,
2) perversity, crookedness, obliquity, inclination,
3) deflexion n.
խոր (ած.)Khordepth, abyss n.
խորագէտ (ած.)Khoraked1) Sagacious, fine, ingenious,
2) cunning, wary, sly, artful, shrewd, prudent, cautious, crafty adj.
խորագիտութիւն (գ.)KhorakidootyoonIngenuity, sagacity, craft, cunning, shrewdness, knaving, cheating, deceit, prudence n.
խորագիր (գ.)KhorakirTitle (of a book) n.
խորազնին (ած.)KhorazninScrutinizing, meticulous adj.
խորազննութիւն (գ.)KhoraznnootyoonProfound observation, inscrutable investigation n.
խորաթափանց (ած.)KhoratapanTsKeen, penetrating, piercing, sharp adj.
խորախորհուրդ (ած.)KhoraKhorhoort1) Mysterious, acute,
2) penetrating adj.
խորամանկ (ած.)KhoramangCunning, sly, crafty, artful, deceitful, wily, roguish, fraudulent, malignant, malicious adj.
խորամանկութիւն (գ.)Khoramangootyoonartifice, quibble, roguery, malice, guile, cunning, craft, knavery, ruse, imposture, finesse, cheating, deceit n.
խորամուխ (ած.)KhoramooKhProfound, piercing, acute, deep adj.
խորան (գ.)Khoran1) Tent, tabernacle, altar,
2) pavillion, dwelling n.
խորանազարդ (ած.)Khoranazartbuilt apse-wise, vaulted, curved, arched adj.
խորանալ (բայ)KhoranalTo become deeper v.
խորանարդ (ած.)Khoranart1) Cubic, cube,
2) vaulted, hexahedral adj.
խորանարդ (գ.)Khoranart1) Cubic, cube,
2) vaulted, hexahedral adj.
խորաչափ (գ.)KhoraChap1) Bathometer, plummet,
2) sounding line n.
խորաչափել (բայ)KhoraChapelto sound, to test, to ascertain, to take the soundings, to measure the depth of v.
խորաչափում (գ.)KhoraChapoomsounding, testing, probing, poll, survey n.
խորասոյզ (ած.)KhorasooyzImmersed, dipped, sunk deeply adj.
խորասուզուիլ (բայ)Khorasoozvil1) to plunge, to dive, to be submerged, to go under,
2) to penetrate, to sink deeper, to disappear into, to bury oneself in, to be engulfed, to be absorbed in v.
խորացնել (բայ)KhoraTs’nelDeep, profound adj.
խորաքանդակ (գ.)KhorakantagBass-relief, intaglio, basso-relievo n.
խորաքնին (ած.)Khorak’ninProfound, investigating, scrutinizing, recondite adj.
խորաքննութիւն (գ.)Khorak’nnootyoonclose examination n.
խորգ (գ.)KhorkCilice, hair-cloth, fustian, sackcloth n.
խորդ (գ.)KhortCrane n.
խորդալ (բայ)KhortalTo snore v.
խորդաձուկ (գ.)KhortaTsoogPike n.
խորել (բայ)Khorel1) To take away, to purloin, to embezzle,
2) to withhold, to misappropriate, to deter, to peculate v.
խորթ (ած.)KhortSpurious, illegitimate, bastardnstep-son, step-daughter adj.
խորթանալ (բայ)KhortanalTo degenerate v.
խորթութիւն (գ.)Khortootyoon1) Spuriousness, bastardy, adulteration,
2) degeneracy, corruption, decay n.
խորին (ած.)KhorinDeep, profound, sound, hidden adj.
խորիսխ (գ.)KhorisKh1) Honey-comb, wafer,
2) honey-cake n.
խորխ (գ.)KhorKh1) Cast of skin or hide, skin, slough, shell, bark,
2) indusium n.
խորխատել (բայ)KhorKhadelTo shell, to husk v.
խորխորատ (գ.)KhorKhoradabyss, gulf, precipice, chasm n.
խորհ (գ.)KhorhThought, opinion, idea, notion, conception n.
խորհելակերպ (գ.)KhorhelagerbThinking n.
խորհող (ած.)KhorhoGhthinking, thinker adj.
խորհուրդ (գ.)Khorhoort1) Thought,
2) design, idea, opinion, advice, conception, council, consultation,
3) soviet, sacrament n.
խորհրդաժողով (գ.)KhorhrtaZhoGhovcongress, conference, consultations, meeting n.
խորհրդածել (բայ)KhorhrtaDzelTo reflect, to ponder, to think, to revolve v.
խորհրդածութիւն (գ.)KhorhrtaDzootyoonReflection, meditation, thought, secret, consideration, deliberation, mystery n.
խորհրդական (գ.)Khorhrtagan1) nadviser,
2) counsellor,
3) councillor, councilman adj.
խորհրդակից (գ.)KhorhrtagiTsadviser, counsellor, confident adj.
խորհրդակցիլ (բայ)KhorhrtagTsilTo consult, to confer v.
խորհրդակցութիւն (գ.)KhorhrtagTsootyoon1) Consultation, conference, parley, counsel, deliberation,
2) advice, opinion n.
խորհրդային (ած.)KhorhrtayinSovietic, soviet, communist adj.
խորհրդայնացում (գ.)KhorhrtaynaTsoomsovietization n.
խորհրդանիշ (գ.)KhorhrtaniShsymbol, emblem n.
խորհրդանշական (ած.)KhorhrtanShagansymbolic(al), emblematic adj.
խորհրդանշան (գ.)KhorhrtanShanSymbol, emblem n.
խորհրդանշել (բայ)KhorhrtanShelTo symbolize v.
խորհրդապահ (ած.)KhorhrtabahDiscreet, secret adj.
խորհրդապահութիւն (գ.)KhorhrtabahootyoonDiscretion, secretness n.
խորհրդապաշտ (գ.)KhorhrtabaShdSymbolist, mystic n.
խորհրդապաշտութիւն (գ.)KhorhrtabaShdootyoonSymbolism n.
խորհրդատետր (գ.)KhorhrtadedrMass book, missal n.
խորհրդատու (ած.)Khorhrtadoo1) consulting, soliciting, advising, counseling,
2) adviser, counsellor adj.
խորհրդարան (գ.)Khorhrtaran1) Chamber of deputies, parliament,
2) offering-place n.
խորհրդարանական (գ.)Khorhrtaranaganparliamentarian n.
խորհրդաւոր (ած.)KhorhrtavorMystical, symbolical, sacramental, arcane, emblematical adj.
խորշ (գ.)KhorSh1) Corner,
2) compartment,
3) division, cavity, cell,
4) niche n.
խորշադարան (գ.)KhorShataran1) Rack,
2) set of pigeon-holes n.
խորշակահար (ած.)KhorShagahar1) Sun-burnt,
2) parched by excessive heat adj.
խորշակառ (ած.)KhorShagaR1) Sun-burnt,
2) parched by excessive heat adj.
խորշանք (գ.)KhorShankaversion, antipathy, repugnance n.
խորշիլ (բայ)KhorShilTo be repugnant, to loathe, to shun, to avoid, to abhor, to flee, to eschew v.
խորշոմ (գ.)KhorShomWrinkle, ripple, sulcus n.
խորշոմել (բայ)KhorShomelTo wrinkle, to shrivel v.
խորշոմել (բայ)KhorShomel To wrinkle, to shrivel v.
խորշոմիլ (բայ)KhorShomilTo wrinkle, to shrivel v.
խորշոմիլ (բայ)KhorShomil To wrinkle, to shrivel v.
խորշոմութիւն (գ.)KhorShomootyoon Wrinkle, ripple, sulcus n.
խորշում (գ.)KhorShoomaversion, repugnance, dislike, abhorrence n.
խորոպ (գ.)KhorobMaidenhood, virginity, hymen n.
խորոված (ած.)KhorovaDzRoasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj.
խորոված (գ.)KhorovaDzRoasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj.
խորովանք (գ.)KhorovankEntreaty, solicitation, request, prayer n.
խորովեալ (ած.)KhorovyalRoasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj.
խորովել (բայ)KhorovelTo roast, to brown, to toast, to torrefy v.
խորովուիլ (բայ)Khorovvil1) to be roasted, to be fried, to be broiled, to be grilled, to be browned,
2) to suffer, to be concerned for v.
խորոտ (ած.)Khorodpretty, nice, good looking, fine adj.
խորոտիկ (ած.)Khorodigpretty, nice, good looking, fine adj.
խորութիւն (գ.)KhorootyoonProfoundness, deepness, depth n.
խորունկ (ած.)KhoroongDeep, profound adj.
խորուտք (գ.)KhoroodkDepth, bottom, lowest part n.
խորտակել (բայ)KhordagelTo shatter, to smash, to crush, to knock up, to bruise, to break to pieces, to crack v.
խորտակիլ (բայ)Khordagil To break, to dash to pieces, to be broken to pieces, to be defeated v.
խորտակուիլ (բայ)KhordagvilTo break, to dash to pieces, to be broken to pieces, to be defeated v.
խորտակում (գ.)KhordagoomFracture, break, breaking, demolition n.
խորտընկէց (գ.)KhordUngeTsMachine gun n.
խորտիկ (գ.)KhordigDish (food), food, viands n.
խորտուբորտ (ած.)Khordoopord1) Rough, uneven,
2) scabrous, rugged adj.
խորք (գ.)KhorkDepth, abyss n.
խորք (գ.)Khork depth, abyss n.
խոց (գ.)KhoTsSore, wound, ulcer, hurt, injury n.
խոցել (բայ)KhoTselTo wound, to pierce, to stab, to cut, to hurt v.
խոցելի (ած.)KhoTselivulnerable adj.
խոցոտել (բայ)KhoTsodelTo wound, to stab, to pierce, to cut v.
խոցտուկ (գ.)KhoTsdoogColic, gripes n.
խուզակ (գ.)Khoozag1) Garden-shears, ferreter,
2) scrutinizing n.
խուզարկել (բայ)KhoozargelTo search, to investigate, to search for, to enquire into, to scrutinize, to fathom, to probe v.
խուզարկու (ած.)Khoozargoo1) Seeker, searcher, explorator,
2) pryer, busy inquirer, censurer, investigator, scrutinizer n.
խուզարկու (գ.)Khoozargoo1) Seeker, searcher, explorator,
2) pryer, busy inquirer, censurer, investigator, scrutinizer n.
խուզարկութիւն (գ.)KhoozargootyoonInvestigation, search, quest, perquisition, inquiry, examination, scrutiny n.
խուզել (բայ)Khoozel1) To search, to seek, to pry, to look for,
2) to shear, to clip, to cut off v.
խուզում (գ.)KhoozoomTonsure, clipping, sheep-shearing n.
խութ (գ.)KhootObstacle, hinderance n.
խուժ (ած.)KhooZhCruel, rude, barbarous, wild adj.
խուժան (գ.)KhooZhanCrowd, multitude, mob, populace n.
խուժդուժ (ած.)KhooZhtooZhCruel, rude, barbarous, wild adj.
խուժել (բայ)KhooZhelTo invade, to rush upon, to throw oneself, to overrun, to encroach upon v.
խուժում (գ.)KhooZhoomrush, onrush, drive, invasion, inroad, encroachment, incursion, intrusion n.
խուլ (գ.)Khool1) deaf (person)
2) boil n.
խուլնալ (բայ)KhoolnalTo grow deaf v.
խուլութիւն (գ.)KhoolootyoonDeafness n.
խուլցնել (բայ)KhoolTs’nelTo deafen, to stun v.
խուխ (գ.)KhooKhPhlegm, pituite n.
խուղ (գ.)KhooGhCot, hut, cottage n.
խուղակ (գ.)KhooGhagPipette n.
խուճապ (գ.)KhooDjab1) Rout, defeatnalarm,
2) fright, terror, haste, dread n.
խուճապահար (ած.)KhooDjabaharFrightened, terrified adj.
խումբ (գ.)KhoompGroup, party, band, troop, detachment n.
խունկ (գ.)Khoong1) Incense, frankincense,
2) aroma,
3) flattery n.
խուռն (ած.)KhooRndense, close, thick, compact, serried adj.
խուռներամ (ած.)KhooRneramIn large numbers, in many flocks adj.
խուռներամ (մկբ.)KhooRneramIn large numbers, in many flocks adj.
խուսալ (բայ)Khoosal To escape, to get away v.
խուսափիլ (բայ)KhoosapilTo escape, to flee, to get away, to take to flight, to shun v.
խուսափողական (ած.)KhoosapoGhaganEvasive adj.
խուսափում (գ.)Khoosapoomevasion, escape, flight, shift n.
խուսել (բայ)KhooselTo escape, to get away v.
խուրձ (գ.)KhoorTsBundle, fagot, bunch, package, packet n.
խուրտել (բայ)KhoordelTo change (money) v.
խուց (գ.)KhooTsChamber, room, cell n.
խուփ (ած.)Khoop1) Cover, lid,
2) cap-head n.
խուփ (գ.)Khoop1) Cover, lid,
2) cap-head n.
խոփ (գ.)Khop1) Earth-board,
2) coulter, ploughshare n.
խպիպ (գ.)Kh’bib1) Wen, goitre,
2) bronchocele n.
խպնիլ (բայ)Kh’bnilTo be ashamed v.
խպնոտ (ած.)Kh’bnodTimid, shy, bashful, timorous adj.
խռիկ (գ.)Kh’RigFish-gill n.
խռիւ (ած.)Kh’RivDry bush, brushwood, underwood n.
խռիւ (գ.)Kh’RivDry bush, brushwood, underwood n.
խռծիկ (գ.)Kh’RDzigDoll, puppet n.
խռկալ (բայ)Kh’RgalTo snore, to snort (of horse) v.
խռմփալ (բայ)Kh’Rmpalto snore, to snort (horse) v.
խռնել (բայ)Kh’RnelTo assemble, to collect, to gather, to crowd v.
խռնուիլ (բայ)Kh’Rn’vilTo reassemble, to muster, to flock together v.
խռնջայլ (գ.)Kh’RnChaylSnail n.
խռնջող (գ.)Kh’RnChoGhSnail n.
խռով (ած.)Kh’RovTroubled, confounded, agitatednTrouble, agitation, tumult, uproar adj.
խռովախուժ (ած.)Kh’RovaKhooZh Turbulent, clamorous, tumultuous adj.
խռովայոյզ (ած.)Kh’RovayooyzTurbulent, clamorous, tumultuous adj.
խռովասէր կին կին (գ.)Kh’Rovaser gin gin Shrew n.
խռովարար (գ.)Kh’Rovararagitator, turbulent, ring-leader, trouble-maker adj.
խռովել (բայ)Kh’Rovel1) To trouble, to agitate, to disturb, to upset,
2) to perturb, to perplex v.
խռովիլ (բայ)Kh’RovilTo become agitated, to become confused, to be disconcerted, to be uneasy, to alarm oneself v.
խռովիչ (գ.)Kh’RoviChdisturber, trouble-maker, agitator, upsetter n.
խռովութիւն (գ.)Kh’Rovootyoon1) Trouble, agitation, turbulence, bustle, confusion, perturbation, disturbance,
2) mutiny n.
խռովք (գ.)Kh’Rovk1) anxiety, disturbance, agitation, restlessness, inquietude, uneasiness, qualms, misgivings, turmoil,
2) mutiny, revolt, riot, discord n.
խռչակ (գ.)Kh’RChagLarynx, laryng n.
խռչափող (գ.)Kh’RChapoGhLarynx, esophagus, gullet n.
խռպոտ (ած.)Kh’Rbod1) Hoarse, disagreeable,
2) unpleasant, strident adj.
խռֆած (ած.)Kh’RfaDzdottering, senile, dotard adj.
խռֆիլ (բայ)Kh’Rfilto become senile v.
խսիր (գ.)Kh’sirMat, matting, straw-mat n.
խստաբարոյ (ած.)Kh’sdaparoSevere, harsh, hard, hard-hearted adj.
խստակրօն (ած.)Kh’sdagron1) Rigorous,
2) oversevere, austere adj.
խստամբակ (ած.)Kh’sdampagRestive, stubborn, awkward to deal with adj.
խստամբակութիւն (գ.)Kh’sdampagootyoonObstinacy, stubbornness, willfulness n.
խստամբեր (ած.)Kh’sdamper1) austere, severe,
2) stern, relentless, rigid adj.
խստամբերութիւն (գ.)Kh’sdamperootyoon1) austerity,
2) severity, sternness n.
խստանալ (բայ)Kh’sdanalTo harden, to be severe, rigorous, austere v.
խստաշունչ (ած.)Kh’sdaShoonChBoisterous, impetuous, violent (wind) adj.
խստապահանջ (ած.)Kh’sdabahanChStringent, hard to please, rigid adj.
խստասիրտ (ած.)Kh’sdasirdHard-hearted, merciless, inflexible, pitiless, marble-hearted adj.
խստացնել (բայ)Kh’sdaTs’nel1) To harden,
2) to render obdurate,
3) to make hard, to indurate v.
խստիւ (մկբ.)Kh’sdiv1) Hardly, harshly,
2) severely, rigorously, rigidly, strictly, cruelly adv.
խստոր (գ.)Kh’sdorGarlic n.
խստութիւն (գ.)Kh’sdootyoon1) Stringency, rigidity, rigour,
2) severity, hardness,
3) stiffness, austerity, toughness n.
խտածոյ (գ.)Kh’daDzoconcentrate n.
խտածոյ (ած.)Kh’daDzocondensed, concentrated adj.
խտանալ (բայ)Kh’danalTo condense v.
խտաչափ (գ.)Kh’daChapDensimeter, volumometer n.
խտացնել (բայ)Kh’daTs’nelTo condense, to condensate v.
խտացում (գ.)Kh’daTsoomCondensation, coagulation, concretion n.
խտիղ (գ.)Kh’diGh1) Tickling, titillation,
2) delectation n.
խտիր (գ.)Kh’dirDifference, distinction, faint difference, partiality, variety, disparity, disproportion n.
խտղտանք (գ.)Kh’dGhdank1) Tickling, titillation,
2) delectation n.
խտղտել (բայ)Kh’dGhdel1) To tickle, to titillate,
2) to dazzle v.
խտութիւն (գ.)Kh’dootyoonDensity, condensity, thickness n.
խտրական (ած.)Kh’draganCeremonial adj.
խտրականութիւն (գ.)Kh’draganootyoon1) Party, side, siding,
2) difference, partiality n.
խտրել (բայ)Kh’drelTo distinguish, to discern, to prohibit v.
խտրութիւն (գ.)Kh’drootyoon1) Difference, distinction, imparity,
2) augury n.
խրախ (ած.)Kh’raKh1) Gay, joyful, merry, cheerful,
2) merriment adj.
խրախճանութիւն (գ.)Kh’raKhDjanootyoon Feast, banquet, entertainment, festivity, rejoicing, public joy n.
խրախճանք (գ.)Kh’raKhDjankFeast, banquet, entertainment, festivity, rejoicing, public joy n.
խրախոյս (գ.)Kh’raKhooysEncouragement n.
խրախուսանք (գ.)Kh’raKhoosankExhortation n.
խրախուսել (բայ)Kh’raKhoosel1) To encourage, to stimulate,
2) to support v.
խրամ (գ.)Kh’ram1) Trench,
2) fosse, ditch n.
խրամատ (գ.)Kh’ramad1) Breach, gap, ditch, rupture,
2) trench n.
խրասախ (գ.)Kh’rasaKhLeague (4 kilometers, 25 miles English) n.
խրատ (գ.)Kh’rad1) advice,
2) counsel, warning, caution, instruction, correction, reprimand, reproach n.
խրատատու (գ.)Kh’radadooadviser, admonisher, instructor n.
խրատել (բայ)Kh’radel1) To advise, to admonish,
2) to warn, to counsel, to excite to, to recommend v.
խրաց (գ.)Kh’raTslace n.
խրել (բայ)Kh’relTo strand, to run aground, to thrust in v.
խրթին (ած.)Kh’rtinHard, obscure, difficult, undecipherable adj.
խրթնաբան (ած.)Kh’rtnapanObscure, difficult language n.
խրթնաբանութիւն (գ.)Kh’rtnapanootyoonDifficulty, obscurity of language n.
խրիլ (բայ)Kh’rilTo run aground, to be stranded v.
խրխինջ (գ.)Kh’rKhinChwhinny, neigh n.
խրխնջել (բայ)Kh’rKh’nChelTo neigh v.
խրխնջիւն (գ.)Kh’rKh’nChyoonNeigh, neighing n.
խրճիթ (գ.)Kh’rDjitCot, hut, cottage, shed, cabin, cell n.
խրոխտ (ած.)Kh’roKhd1) Imperious,
2) haughty, insolent, proud, fearless, arrogant, bold, daring, intrepid, braggart adj.
խրոխտալ (բայ)Kh’roKhdalTo hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v.
խրոխտալ (բայ)Kh’roKhdal To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v.
խրոխտանալ (բայ)Kh’roKhdanalTo hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v.
խրոխտանալ (բայ)Kh’roKhdanal To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v.
խրոխտապանծ (ած.)Kh’roKhdabanDz1) Hector, arrogant,
2) proud,
3) haughty n.
խրոխտութիւն (գ.)Kh’roKhdootyoonpride, arrogance, haughtiness, presumption, bravado, gasconade n.
խրում (գ.)Kh’roomdriving, sinking into, running aground, being bogged down, involvement n.
խրուտ (գ.)Kh’rood1) Shallow, reef,
2) sandpit, gravel pit n.
խրտեցնել (բայ)Kh’rdeTs’nel To scare, to startle, to fright away, to flurry, to frighten v.
խրտուիլ (գ.)Kh’rdvil Cow-catcher, scare-crow, bug-bear n.
խրտուիլակ (գ.)Kh’rdvilagCow-catcher, scare-crow, bug-bear n.
խրտչեցնել (բայ)Kh’rdCheTs’nelTo scare, to startle, to fright away, to flurry, to frighten v.
խրտչիլ (բայ)Kh’rdChil1) Shallow, reef,
2) sandpit, gravel pit n.
խցահան (գ.)Kh’TsahanCork-screw n.
խցան (գ.)Kh’TsanCork, plug, stopper, buffer n.
խցանել (բայ)Kh’Tsanel1) To stop, to choke, to shut up,
2) to obstruct v.
խցել (բայ)Kh’Tselto clog up, to block up, to choke up, to plug up, to cork up, to cram, to jam, to obstruct, to stop v.
խցել (բայ)Kh’Tselto clog up, block up, to choke up, to plug up, to cork up, to cram, to jam, to obstruct, to stop v.
խցիկ (գ.)Kh’Tsig1) Little room, cell,
2) (phys) cellule n.
խցում (գ.)Kh’Tsoom1) Stoppage,
2) obstruction, stopping up,
3) congestion, infarction n.
խփել (բայ)KhpelTo shut, to close, to seal up v.
խօթ (ած.)KhotSick, sickly, unhealthy, infirm adj.
խօթութիւն (գ.)KhotootyoonSickness, illness, indisposition, infirmity n.
խօլ (մկբ.)Kholfoolishly, stupidly, senselessly, rashly, wildly, recklessly, madly adv.
խօլական (ած.)KholaganFoolish, blockhead, stupid, senseless adj.
խօլապար (գ.)Kholabarmad, reckless dance n.
խօլիլ (բայ)Kholilgo, to become mad, insane v.
խօլութիւն (գ.)KholootyoonFoolishness, nonsense, folly n.
խօնասէր (գ.)KhonaserGourmet, epicure, fond of refined living n.
խօշիւն (գ.)KhoShyoonNoise, murmuring, rustling noise n.
խօսակից (գ.)KhosagiTsInterlocutor n.
խօսակցիլ (բայ)KhosagTsilTo converse with, to talk, to discuss v.
խօսակցութիւն (գ.)KhosagTsootyoon1) Conversation, talk,
2) dialogue, intercourse n.
խօսարան (գ.)Khosaran1) Mouth, tongue, parlour,
2) living room n.
խօսափող (գ.)KhosapoGh1) hand microphone,
2) mouth-piece, spokesman n.
խօսել (բայ)Khosel 1) To speak, to talk,
2) to discourse, to converse,
3) to confer, to treat, to negotiate v.
խօսեցեալ (գ.)KhoseTsyalBetrothed, engaged n.
խօսեցնել (բայ)KhoseTs’nelTo cause to talk v.
խօսիլ (բայ)Khosil1) To speak, to talk,
2) to discourse, to converse,
3) to confer, to treat, to negotiate v.
խօսնակ (գ.)KhosnagMediator, intercessor, messenger, announcer, speaker n.
խօսնայր (գ.)KhosnayrBetrothed, affianced man, intended n.
խօսուածք (գ.)KhosooaDzk1) Delivery, utterance,
2) manner of speech n.
խօսուն (ած.)Khosoon1) Speaking,
2) loquacious,
3) rational adj.
խօսք (գ.)Khosk1) Word, speech,
2) language,
3) saying, promise, talk, utterance, conversation n.
խօսքկապ (գ.)KhoskgabWedding ring n.