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Arménien occidental - Հայերէն Abréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - Անգլերէն Abréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
խ Խ (գ.) | Kh Kh | thirteenth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 40 n. |
խաբ (գ.) | Khap | 1) Deceit, fraud, 2) cheating, knavery n. |
խաբեբայ (գ.) | Khapepay | knave, swindler, deceiver, imposter, fraud, liar, cheat n. |
խաբեբայութիւն (գ.) | Khapepayootyoon | Deception, cheating, deceit, trick, imposture, swindling, fraud, trickery at play n. |
խաբել (բայ) | Khapel | To deceive, to cheat, to fraud, to dupe, to beguile, to trick, to swindle, to delude v. |
խաբեպատիր (ած.) | Khapebadir | 1) Imposturous, delusive, false, 2) deceitful, beguiling, illusive, fraudulent adj. |
խաբէական (ած.) | Khapeagan | 1) Fraudulent, 2) deceitful, false, illusory, insidious, sophistical adj. |
խաբէութիւն (գ.) | Khapeootyoon | Deception, cheating, deceit, trick, imposture, swindling, fraud, trickery at play n. |
խաբկանք (գ.) | Khapgank | Illusion, self-deception, delusion, fraud n. |
խաբուիլ (բայ) | Khapvil | To be deceived, cheated v. |
խաբուսիկ (ած.) | Khapoosig | Cheating, deceitful, fallacious, false adj. |
խադ (գ.) | Khat | Two-edged sword n. |
խազ (գ.) | Khaz | 1) Note, 2) line, letter, notch n. |
խազագրութիւն (գ.) | Khazak’rootyoon | notation (musical) n. |
խազել (բայ) | Khazel | To mark up with chalk, to roll, to brand v. |
խազերգ (գ.) | Khazerk | solfege, solfeggio n. |
խազերգութիւն (գ.) | Khazerkootyoon | Solfeggio, solfaing n. |
խազմ (գ.) | Khazm | Quarrel, row, dispute, brawl n. |
Խազմագործ (գ.) | KhazmakorDz | Quarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n. |
Խազմառու (գ.) | KhazmaRoo | Quarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n. |
խազմարար (ած.) | Khazmarar | Quarreller, wrangler, warrior, fighting man n. |
խազմուզ (գ.) | Khazmooz | Must, new wine n. |
խաթարել (բայ) | Khatarel | To deteriorate, to spoil, to degrade, to crumple, to destroy, to shatter, to rumple v. |
խաթարուիլ (բայ) | Khatarvil | to deteriorate, to become impaired, to be defaced, to be damaged, to be corrupted, to be tainted, to be degraded v. |
խաթարում (գ.) | Khataroom | Degradation, deterioration n. |
խաժ (ած.) | KhaZh | Aspirate, rude, glaucous, sky-coloured adj. |
խաժակ (ած.) | KhaZhag | bluish-green, sea-green eyed adj. |
խաժամուժ (գ.) | KhaZhamooZh | Low, vulgar n. |
խալ (գ.) | Khal | Beauty spot, sunburn, freckle n. |
խալխալ (գ.) | KhalKhal | 1) Silver ring, link, 2) corin sieve n. |
խախալ (գ.) | KhaKhal | 1) Sieve, sifter, strainer, 2) corn sieve n. |
խախալել (բայ) | KhaKhalel | To sift, to bolt, to strain v. |
խախանջել (բայ) | KhaKhanChel | To cry loudly, to vociferate, to yell v. |
խախաց (գ.) | KhaKhaTs | 1) Runnet, rennet, 2) chyle n. |
խախուտ (ած.) | KhaKhood | 1) Instable, 2) uncertain, ill-built, weak adj. |
խախտել (բայ) | KhaKhdel | 1) To remove, to displace, 2) to dislodge, to move v. |
խախտում (գ.) | KhaKhdoom | disarrangement, displacement, dislocation, disturbance, upset, breach, violation, infringement n. |
խած (գ.) | KhaDz | Maturity, ripeness, mellowness, completion n. |
խածան (ած.) | KhaDzan | Mordant, biting, pungent adj. |
խածնել (բայ) | KhaDznel | To bite, to chew, to nibble, to sting v. |
խածուածք (գ.) | KhaDzvaDzk | Bites, biting, sting n. |
խակ (ած.) | Khag | Unripe, immature, green, ignorant, sour n. |
խակութիւն (գ.) | Khagootyoon | 1) Unripeness, greenness, crudity, 2) sourness n. |
խահ (գ.) | Khah | Dish, food, viande, mess, meat n. |
խահագործական (ած.) | KhahakorDzagan | Culinary adj. |
խահագործել (բայ) | KhahakorDzel | To cook, to dress victuals v. |
խահարան (գ.) | Khaharan | Kitchen, cookery n. |
խահարար (գ.) | Khaharar | Cook, head cook n. |
խահարարուհի (գ.) | Khahararoohi | 1) Cook, 2) cook-maid n. |
խաղ (գ.) | KhaGh | 1) Play, game, recreation, sport, 2) trick song n. |
խաղադաշտ (գ.) | KhaGhataShd | stadium, playground, playing field n. |
խաղաթուղթ (գ.) | KhaGhatooGht | playing card n. |
խաղալիկ (գ.) | KhaGhalig | Play, toy, play thing, trifle, knick-knack, trinket, game, trash n. |
խաղալիք (գ.) | KhaGhalik | Article, articulation, joint, socket n. |
խաղախ (գ.) | KhaGhaKh | 1) Lighter, 2) barge, 3) hide, skin n. |
խաղախորդ (գ.) | KhaGhaKhort | Currier, tanner, leather-dresser n. |
խաղախորդարան (գ.) | KhaGhaKhortaran | Tan yard, tannery n. |
խաղակից (գ.) | KhaGhagiTs | Play fellow, playmate n. |
խաղաղ (ած.) | KhaGhaGh | Calm, peaceful, quiet, still, serene adj. |
խաղաղական (ած.) | KhaGhaGhagan | Pacific adj. |
խաղաղամիտ (ած.) | KhaGhaGhamid | Peaceful, peaceable, tranquil, quiet, mild, unwarlike, placid, serene, peace-loving, fond of peace adj. |
խաղաղասէր (ած.) | KhaGhaGhaser | Peaceful, peaceable, tranquil, quiet, mild, unwarlike, placid, serene, peace-loving, fond of peace adj. |
խաղաղասիրութիւն (գ.) | KhaGhaGhasirootyoon | Love of peace, peacefulness, moderation n. |
խաղաղարար (ած.) | KhaGhaGharar | Pacificator, peace-maker, reconciler, peace-making, compounder, arbitrator, pacifier n. |
խաղաղարար (գ.) | KhaGhaGharar | Pacificator, peace-maker, reconciler, peace-making, compounder, arbitrator, pacifier n. |
խաղաղել (բայ) | KhaGhaGhel | To pacify, to calm, to quiet, to appease, to allay v. |
խաղաղեցնել (բայ) | KhaGhaGheTs’nel | 1) to pacify, to appease, to calm, to conciliate, to quieten, to appease, 2) to suppress, to put down v. |
խաղաղեցնել (բայ) | KhaGhaGheTs’nel | 1) to pacify, to appease, to calm, to conciliate, to quieten, to appease, 2) to suppress, to put down v. |
խաղաղիլ (բայ) | KhaGhaGhil | To become calm, to be tranquillized v. |
խաղաղութիւն (գ.) | KhaGhaGhootyoon | Peace, calmness, quietness, quiet, rest, pacification n. |
խաղամոլ (ած.) | KhaGhamol | gamester, gambler, player adj. |
խաղավայր (գ.) | KhaGhavayr | playground n. |
խաղարան (գ.) | KhaGharan | 1) Gaming-house, 2) house of ill fame n. |
խաղարկութիւն (գ.) | KhaGhargootyoon | 1) Representation, 2) play, 3) diversion, sport n. |
խաղացանկ (գ.) | KhaGhaTsang | repertoire, repertory n. |
խաղընկեր (գ.) | KhaGhUnger | Partner (at cards or dancing) n. |
խաղող (գ.) | KhaGhoGh | Grape n. |
խաղողօրհնէք (գ.) | KhaGhoGhorhnek | blessing, benediction of grapes n. |
խաղցնել (բայ) | KhaGhTs’nel | To make to play, to make to dance v. |
խաղք (ած.) | KhaGhk | Ridicule, ridiculousness, infamy n. |
խաղքութիւն (գ.) | KhaGhkootyoon | Ridiculous thing, infamy, baseness n. |
խամաճիկ (գ.) | KhamaDjig | Puppet n. |
խամրել (բայ) | Khamrel | To cause to fade, to tarnish, to kill, to wither, to weaken, to stunt, to spoil v. |
խամրեցնել (բայ) | KhamreTs’nel | To cause to fade, to tarnish, to kill, to wither, to weaken, to stunt, to spoil v. |
խամրիլ (բայ) | Khamril | Puppet n. |
խամրում (գ.) | Khamroom | Carbunculation n. |
խայթ (գ.) | Khayt | 1) Sting, goad, spur, prickle, 2) incentive n. |
խայթել (բայ) | Khaytel | To bite, to sting, to prick, to pique v. |
խայթիչ (բայ) | KhaytiCh | 1) Biting, mordant, stinger, 2) piquant adj. |
խայթող (ած.) | KhaytoGh | 1) Biting, mordant, stinger, 2) piquant adj. |
խայթոց (գ.) | KhaytoTs | 1) Goad, sting, incentive, stimulus, 2) motive, 3) aculeus n. |
խայթոց (գ.) | KhaytoTs | 1) Sting, goad, spur, prickle, 2) incentive n. |
խայթուած (գ.) | Khayt’vaDz | Pricking, puncture, biting, bite, sting, insect-bite n. |
խայթուածք (գ.) | KhaytvaDzk | Pricking, puncture, biting, bite, sting, insect-bite n. |
խայծ (գ.) | KhayDz | 1) Bit, bait, 2) fragrant, 3) allurement, enticement, 4) speckle, spot n. |
խայծիլ (բայ) | KhayDzil | To mark with spots, to speckle v. |
խայծղան (գ.) | KhayDzGhan | Tar n. |
խայտ (գ.) | Khayd | 1) Speckled, spotted, dappled, variegated, 2) pied adj. |
խայտաբղէտ (ած.) | KhaydapGhed | 1) Spotted, dappled, variegated, 2) pied adj. |
խայտալ (բայ) | Khaydal | To leap for joy, to be in ecstasy, to frolic v. |
խայտաճամուկ (ած.) | KhaydaDjamoog | Spotted, speckled, marked adj. |
խայտանք (գ.) | Khaydank | Ecstasy, transport, frolic n. |
խայտառակ (ած.) | KhaydaRag | Infamous, shameful, disgraceful, ignominious adj. |
խայտառակել (բայ) | KhaydaRagel | To dishonour, to make ashamed, to violate, to defame, to traduce, to shame, to blast v. |
խայտառակութիւն (գ.) | KhaydaRagootyoon | Shame, disgrace, infamy, dishonour, ignominy, opprobrium, turpitude n. |
խայտառակուիլ (բայ) | KhaydaRagvil | to be scoffed, to be gibed at, to be dishonored, to be disgraced, to be discredited, to be shamed, to be bring shame upon oneself v. |
խայտիտ (գ.) | Khaydid | Finch, chaffinch n. |
խայտուց (գ.) | KhaydooTs | speckle, spot, fleck, mark «bigarrure» իմաստով չեմ գտներ հայերէն բառարաններուն մէջ n. |
խայրի (գ.) | Khayri | Fruit, production, produce, offering n. |
խան (գ.) | Khan | basket, hamper, pannier, tea tray, tray n. |
խանգարել (բայ) | Khankarel | To disturb, to confuse, to derange, to disconcert, to disorder, to confound, to spoil, to mar, to break, to ruin, to corrupt v. |
խանգարիլ (բայ) | Khankaril | To become impaired, to be disordered, to get out of order, to be spoiled v. |
խանգարիչ (ած.) | KhankariCh | Detracter, traducer, disturber, seducer adj. |
խանգարուիլ (բայ) | Khankarvil | To become impaired, to be disordered, to get out of order, to be spoiled v. |
խանգարում (գ.) | Khankaroom | 1) Derangement, disturbance, confusion, impairing, 2) psyconeurosis n. |
խանդ (գ.) | Khant | Enthusiasm, inspiration, exaltation, wish, desire n. |
խանդակաթ (ած.) | Khantagat | Tender, affectionate, compassionate adj. |
խանդաղատանք (գ.) | KhantaGhadank | Tenderness, fondness, pity, affection, compassion, sensibility, relenting n. |
խանդաղատիլ (բայ) | KhantaGhadil | 1) To grow tender, to be moved, to pity, to implore, 2) to soften, 3) to entreat, to supplicate v. |
խանդավառ (ած.) | KhantavaR | Enthusiast, enthusiastic adj. |
խանդավառել (բայ) | KhantavaRel | to enthuse, to inspire, to inspirit v. |
խանդավառութիւն (գ.) | KhantavaRootyoon | Enthusiasm, frenzy, transport n. |
խանդավառուիլ (բայ) | KhantavaRvil | to be enthused, to be inspired, to be nspirited v. |
խանծ (գ.) | KhanDz | Bait, lure n. |
խանծել (բայ) | KhanDzel | To burn, to consume by fire v. |
խանծիլ (բայ) | KhanDzil | To burn oneself, to scorch v. |
խանծող (գ.) | KhanDzoGh | burning, branding, scorching n. |
խանձ (գ.) | KhanTs | 1) Bait, lure, decoy, 2) morsel, snareadjective burning, scorching, 3) empyreumatic n. |
խանձել (բայ) | KhanTsel | To burn, to parch, to scorch, to singe, to set fire to, to consume by fire, to roast v. |
խանձիլ (բայ) | KhanTsil | Wild garlic n. |
խանձող (գ.) | KhanTsoGh | Brand, firebrand n. |
խանութ (գ.) | Khanoot | 1) Shop, store, magazine, 2) warehouse n. |
խանութիւն (գ.) | Khanootyoon | khanate n. |
խանութպան (գ.) | Khanootban | Shop-keeper, retailer, tradesman n. |
խանչաձուկ (գ.) | KhanChaTsoog | 1) Red gurnet, elleck 2) gurnard (fish) n. |
խանչել (բայ) | KhanChel | To roar, to bellow, to grunt, to bray v. |
խանչիւն (գ.) | KhanChyoon | Roaring, bellowing, grunting, braying n. |
խաշ (գ.) | KhaSh | 1) Pudding grass, blister, 2) force meat, 3) phlyotis n. |
խաշել (բայ) | KhaShel | To boil v. |
խաշիլ (բայ) | KhaShil | to boil, to stew, to be cooked, to be steamed, to be scalded v. |
խաշինք (գ.) | KhaShink | herd, drove, pack, flock n. |
խաշխաշ (գ.) | KhaShKhaSh | Poppy, opium poppy n. |
խաշն (գ.) | KhaShn | Sheep, flock of sheep n. |
խաշնամահ (գ.) | KhaShnamah | 1) Rot, scab of sheep, 2) murrain n. |
խաշնարած (գ.) | KhaShnaraDz | Shepherd n. |
խաշնարօտ (գ.) | KhaShnarod | Shepherd n. |
խաշոց (գ.) | KhaShoTs | Boiled beef or mutton n. |
խաշում (գ.) | KhaShoom | Baking, boiling, roasting, elixation n. |
խաչ (գ.) | KhaCh | 1) Cross, crucifix, 2) affliction, tribulation n. |
խաչագող (ած.) | KhaChakoGh | canter, racketeer, sharper adj. |
խաչադրոշմ (գ.) | KhaChatroShm | cross-shaped n. |
խաչադրօշ (գ.) | KhaChatroSh | Gonfalon n. |
խաչակիր (ած.) | KhaChagir | 1) cross-bearer, 2) cruciferous adj. |
խաչակնքել (բայ) | KhaChag’nkel | To cross, to make the sign of the cross v. |
խաչակրութիւն (գ.) | KhaChagrootyoon | Crusade n. |
խաչաձեւ (ած.) | KhaChaTsyev | Cruciform, crossed, crosswise adj. |
խաչաձեւել (բայ) | KhaChaTsevel | to cross v. |
խաչաձեւում (գ.) | KhaChaTsevoom | crossing n. |
խաչանիշ (գ.) | KhaChaniSh | asterisknsign of cross, cruciform, crossed n. |
խաչանշան (գ.) | KhaChanShan | Sign of the cross n. |
խաչապաշտ (գ.) | KhaChabaShd | Worshipper of Christ, christian n. |
խաչափայտ (գ.) | KhaChapayd | Cross, the cross, the Holy Rood, crucifix n. |
խաչբառ (գ.) | KhaChpaR | Crossword puzzle n. |
խաչբուռ (գ.) | KhaChpooR | Cross-wise ornament made of spikes n. |
խաչեալ (ած.) | KhaChyal | Crucified adj. |
խաչեալ (գ.) | KhaChyal | Crucified adj. |
խաչել (բայ) | KhaChel | To crucify, to fix on the cross v. |
խաչելութիւն (գ.) | KhaChelootyoon | Crucifixion n. |
խաչեղբայր (գ.) | KhaCheGhpayr | cross-bearing witness at a wedding n. |
խաչեցեալ (ած.) | KhaCheTsyal | Crucified adj. |
խաչուղի (գ.) | KhaChooGhi | crossroad, intersection n. |
խաչվառ (գ.) | KhaChvaR | Gonfalon, holy standard n. |
խաչվերաց (գ.) | KhaChveraTs | Exaltation of the Holy Cross n. |
խաչքար (գ.) | KhaChkar | Memorial cross n. |
խառան (գ.) | KhaRan | 1) Iron collar, 2) rope, cord, string n. |
խառատել (բայ) | KhaRadel | To corrode, to nibble, to bite off, to destroy, to eat into, to gnaw v. |
խառատում (գ.) | KhaRadoom | Corrosion, dissolution, destruction n. |
խառել (բայ) | KhaRel | To twist, to wring, to wring out, to wrench v. |
խառն (ած.) | KhaRn | confusedly, vaguely, conjointly, unitedly adv. |
խառնակ (ած.) | KhaRnag | 1) Mixed, confused, embroiled, 2) complicated, 3) promiscuous, 4) obscene, impure, 5) immodest adj. |
խառնակեաց (ած.) | KhaRnageaTs | Profligate, debauchée, rakish, unruly, irregular, libertine adj. |
խառնակել (բայ) | KhaRnagel | To mix, to mingle, to perplex, to blend v. |
խառնակիլ (բայ) | KhaRnagil | 1) To be mixed, confused, 2) to be confounded, 3) to complicate v. |
խառնակիչ (ած.) | KhaRnagiCh | Intriguer, disturber adj. |
խառնակիչ (գ.) | KhaRnagiCh | Intriguer, disturber adj. |
խառնակութիւն (գ.) | KhaRnagootyoon | 1) perplexity, derangement, medley, tumult, confusion, embarrassment, disorder, chaos, disturbance, profanation, 2) coition, copulati n. |
խառնաշփոթ (ած.) | KhaRnaShpot | Promiscuous, confused adj. |
խառնաշփոթութիւն (գ.) | KhaRnaShpotootyoon | Confusion, complication, jumble disorder, disturbance n. |
խառնարան (գ.) | KhaRnaran | 1) Crater, 2) vase n. |
խառնել (բայ) | KhaRnel | To mingle, to mix, to compose, to mix up, to blend, to join, to unite, to amalgamate v. |
խառնիխուռն (մկբ.) | KhaRniKhooRn | 1) Confusedly, pell-mell, 2) at random adv. |
խառնիճ (գ.) | KhaRniDj | Locust, grasshopper n. |
խառնիճաղանճ (գ.) | KhaRniDjaGhanDj | 1) Multitude, crowd, mob, 2) rabbleadjective confused, disordered, ruffled, in disorder, in flutter n. |
խառնիչ (գ.) | KhaRniCh | Implement for breaking up eggs, implement for stirring lime, spatula, mixer, poker for furnace n. |
խառնուածք (գ.) | KhaRn’vaDzk | 1) Temper, temperament, composition, concert, harmony, disposition, constitution, 2) humour n. |
խառնուիլ (բայ) | KhaRn’vil | To mingle, to blend, to intermingle, to meddle, to interfere, to get entangled v. |
խառնուրդ (գ.) | KhaRnoort | 1) Mixture, jumble, medley, compound, 2) close fight, 3) mingling, blending, intermixture n. |
խատուտիկ (ած.) | Khadoodig | 1) Dapple, speckled, 2) spotted, cunning, sly n. |
խար (գ.) | Khar | Cabling, teasel n. |
խարաբուզ (գ.) | Kharapooz | Jointing plane, plane n. |
խարազան (գ.) | Kharazan | Whip, lash, rod, switch, knout, scourge n. |
խարազանել (բայ) | Kharazanel | To whip, to lash, to scourge, to thrash v. |
խարազն (ած.) | Kharazn | Cilice, hair-shirt, hair-cloth, sack-clothadjective rude, hard, tough, harsh n. |
խարազն (գ.) | Kharazn | Cilice, hair-shirt, hair-cloth, sack-clothadjective rude, hard, tough, harsh n. |
խարակ (գ.) | Kharag | Rock, crag, stony mass n. |
խարան (գ.) | Kharan | 1) Cautery, issue, 2) brand iron, 3) stigma n. |
խարանել (բայ) | Kharanel | To mark, to stamp, to brand v. |
խարանում (գ.) | Kharanoom | Cauterization, vesication n. |
խարբալ (գ.) | Kharpal | Sieve, cribble, riddle, bolter n. |
խարբալել (բայ) | Kharpalel | 1) To sift, to riddle, to bolt, 2) to tempt v. |
խարդախ (ած.) | KhartaKh | Fraudulent, knavish, trickster, perfidious, roguish, adulterated adj. |
խարդախ (գ.) | KhartaKh | Fraudulent, knavish, trickster, perfidious, roguish, adulterated adj. |
խարդախել (բայ) | KhartaKhel | To falsify, to cheat, to counterfeit, to forge, to trick, to adulterate v. |
խարդախութիւն (գ.) | KhartaKhootyoon | 1) Fraud, knavery, forgery, 2) rape, 3) chicanery, falsification, 4) adulteration, trickery n. |
խարդաւանանք (գ.) | Khartavanank | deceit, cheating, double-crossing, plot, conspiracy n. |
խարել (բայ) | Kharel | 1) To cauterize, to brand, 2) to stamp v. |
խարիսխ (գ.) | KharisKh | 1) anchor, 2) basis, base, legs n. |
խարխափել (բայ) | KharKhapel | 1) To grope along, 2) to fumble, 3) to shake v. |
խարխափում (գ.) | KharKhapoom | Groping n. |
խարխլել (բայ) | KharKhlel | To ruin, to destroy, to loosen v. |
խարխլիլ (բայ) | KharKhlil | To totter, to fall into ruin or decay v. |
խարխուլ (ած.) | KharKhool | 1) Decrepit, decayed, falling, broken-down, frail, 2) crazy adj. |
խարխուր (ած.) | KharKhoor | 1) Decrepit, decayed, falling, broken-down, frail, 2) crazy adj. |
խարկել (բայ) | Khargel | To parch, to cauterize v. |
խարշափ (գ.) | KharShap | Rustling, murmur n. |
խարշափել (բայ) | KharShapel | To rustle v. |
խարոյկ (գ.) | Kharooyg | 1) Wood pile, pyre, woodhouse, stake, 2) fire adj. |
խարսխել (բայ) | KharsKhel | To cast anchor, to base, to fix, to ground v. |
խարտ (գ.) | Khard | Filing n. |
խարտաձուկ (գ.) | KhardaTsoog | dab, flatfish, flounder n. |
խարտեաշ (ած.) | KhardyaSh | 1) Fair, light, tawny, blond, flaxen, 2) fallow adj. |
խարտել (բայ) | Khardel | To file, to smooth, to polish, to finish v. |
խարտոց (գ.) | KhardoTs | File n. |
խարտոցել (բայ) | KhardoTsel | to file v. |
խարտոցել (բայ) | KhardoTsel | to file v. |
խարտուք (գ.) | Khardook | Filings n. |
խաւ (գ.) | Khav | Stratum, layer, couch, cot, bed, fold n. |
խաւարակուռ (ած.) | KhavaragooR | Tenebrous, gloomy, utterly dark adj. |
խաւարամիտ (ած.) | Khavaramid | Obscurant, ignorant adj. |
խաւարիլ (բայ) | Khavaril | To become obscure, dark, to be darkened v. |
խաւարծի (գ.) | KhavarDzi | Shoot, tendril of plants n. |
խաւարծիլ (գ.) | KhavarDzil | Rhubarb n. |
խաւարում (գ.) | Khavaroom | Darkening, obscuration, eclipse n. |
խաւարտ (գ.) | Khavard | Greens, vegetables, legumes, garden-stuff n. |
խաւաքարտ (գ.) | Khavakard | Pasteboard, card, cardboard n. |
խաւիծ (գ.) | KhaviDz | Gruel, hasty-pudding n. |
խափանարար (գ.) | Khapanarar | 1) Cumbering, encumbering, cumbersome, 2) abrogativen saboteur, obstructionist adj. |
խափանարարութիւն (գ.) | Khapanararootyoon | Sabotage, obstruction, stoppage n. |
խափանել (բայ) | Khapanel | To hinder, to stop, to impede, to embarrass, to obstruct, to encumber, to destroy, to annul, to abolish, to shackle, to tramm v. |
խափանում (գ.) | Khapanoom | annulment, suppression, abrogation, abolition n. |
խափշիկ (գ.) | Khap’Shig | Sambo, negro, blackamoor n. |
խափշիկուհի (գ.) | Khap’Shigoohi | Negress n. |
խեդ (ած.) | Khet | Squint-eyed, squinting, short-sighted, dim or blear-eyed adj. |
խեթ (գ.) | Khet | Squint-eyed, squinting, short-sighted, dim or blear-eyed adj. |
խեթալ (բայ) | Khetal | To glance at someone (jealously), to envy, to hate v. |
խեթել (բայ) | Khetel | 1) To push, to thrust, to drive on, 2) to sink v. |
խեթկել (բայ) | Khetgel | 1) To strike, to hit, to knock against, 2) to vex, to clash, to hit against, to combat, to shock v. |
խել (գ.) | Khel | stern, poop n. |
խելաբերիլ (բայ) | Khelaperil | 1) to sober down, to settle down, to become reasonable, 2) to regain consciousness v. |
խելագար (ած.) | Khelakar | Mad, crazy, insane, foolish, senseless, silly, lunatic adj. |
խելագարիլ (բայ) | Khelakaril | To become crazy, insane, mad v. |
խելագարութիւն (գ.) | Khelakarootyoon | 1) Dementedness, insanity, paranoia, craziness, psycopathy, 2) amentia n. |
խելակորոյս (ած.) | Khelagorooys | Distracted, bewildered, aghast adj. |
խելահաս (ած.) | Khelahas | Intelligent, adult, grown-up adj. |
խելամուտ (ած.) | Khelamood | 1) Instructed, trained, intelligent, 2) aware adj. |
խելայեղ (ած.) | KhelayeGh | Hare-brained, cracked, foolish, lunatic, giddy-patted adj. |
խելապատակ (գ.) | Khelabadag | 1) Pericranium, brain box, 2) meninx adj. |
խելառ (ած.) | KhelaR | Insane, mad, foolish, senseless, fool, madman, madwoman, maniac adj. |
խելատար (ած.) | Kheladar | Insane, mad, foolish, senseless, fool, madman, madwoman, maniac adj. |
խելացի (ած.) | KhelaTsi | Intelligent, wise, sage, skilful, prudent adj. |
խելացիութիւն (գ.) | KhelaTsiootyoon | intelligence, wisdom n. |
խելացնոր (ած.) | KhelaTs’nor | Frenetic, delirious, raving, mad, frantic adj. |
խելացութիւն (գ.) | KhelaTsootyoon | 1) Prudence, intelligence, wisdom, discretion, steadiness, sobriety, 2) delirium n. |
խելք (գ.) | Khelk | 1) Stern, poop, 2) nBrain, mind, 3) sense, understanding, intelligence n. |
խելօք (ած.) | Khelok | 1) Sage, wise, discreet, quiet, 2) skillfully adj. |
խելօքնալ (բայ) | Khelok’nal | To become wise v. |
խեղ (ած.) | KheGh | 1) Crippled, 2) maimed, impotent, disabled, infirm, helpless adj. |
խեղաթիւրել (բայ) | KheGhatyoorel | To forge, to alter, to pervert, to discolor, to distort v. |
խեղաթիւրում (գ.) | KheGhatyooroom | 1) Distortion, the act of distorting, 2) perversion n. |
խեղանդամ (ած.) | KheGhantam | Crippled, maimed, disabled adj. |
խեղդ (գ.) | KheGht | noose, knot n. |
խեղդամահ (ած.) | KheGhtamah | Strangled, suffocated adj. |
խեղդել (բայ) | KheGhtel | To strangle, to suffocate, to choke v. |
խեղդուիլ (բայ) | KheGhtvil | To be strangled, choked v. |
խեղել (բայ) | KheGhel | To cripple, to lame, to disable v. |
խեղկատակ (գ.) | KheGhgadag | Buffoon, jester, mimic, punch, punchinello, mocker, banterer, wag n. |
խեղկատակութիւն (գ.) | KheGhgadagootyoon | 1) Drollery, jesting, skylarking, 2) Pasquinade, 3) lampoon, buffoonery, bantering, 4) mockery n. |
խեղճ (ած.) | KheGhDj | 1) Poor, 2) wretched, unfortunate, unlucky adj. |
խեղճանալ (բայ) | KheGhDjanal | to become poor, to become impoverished, to become wretched v. |
խեղճացնել (բայ) | KheGhDjaTs’nel | to make poor, to make impoverished, to make wretched v. |
խեղճութիւն (գ.) | KheGhDjootyoon | Poverty, wretchedness, unhappiness, misfortune, mischance, mishap, ill-luck n. |
խեղճուկրակ (ած.) | KheGhDjoograg | Pitiful, pitiable, piteous adj. |
խեղութիւն (գ.) | KheGhootyoon | 1) Mutilation, impotence, lameness, 2) palsy n. |
խենդութիւն (գ.) | Khentootyoon | Folly, foolishness, madness, frenzy, dementedness, insanity n. |
խենէշ (ած.) | KheneSh | voluptuous, sensualist, debauched, profligate, rake, wanton adj. |
խենէշութիւն (գ.) | KheneShootyoon | voluptuousness, debauchery, profligacy, wantonness n. |
խենթ (գ.) | Khent | fool, madman, lunatic, maniac, idiot n. |
խենթանալ (բայ) | Khentanal | To become foolish, senseless, mad v. |
խենթանոց (գ.) | KhentanoTs | Madhouse n. |
խենթացնել (բայ) | KhentaTs’nel | to drive mad, to drive insane, to drive crazy, to madden v. |
խենթութիւն (գ.) | Khentootyoon | Folly, foolishness, madness, frenzy, dementedness, insanity n. |
խենթուկ (ած.) | Khentoog | 1) Crazy, 2) foolish, playful n. |
խեշերանք (գ.) | KheSherank | 1) Trash, 2) rubbish, parings, trifles, chaff n. |
խեչակ (գ.) | KheChag | Prop, support n. |
խեչափառ (գ.) | KheChapaR | Crab, cray-fish n. |
խեռ (գ.) | KheR | 1) rebel, insurgent, recalcitrant, 2) contrariness, opposition, resistence, spite, rancor, vexation, annoyance, 3) penis, phallus n. |
խեռ (մկբ.) | KheR | rebeliously, disobediantly, recalcitrantly adv. |
խեռութիւն (գ.) | KheRootyoon | Insubordination, obstinacy, indocility n. |
խեցբեկ (ած.) | KheTspeg | Gibberish, badly pronounced adj. |
խեցգետին (գ.) | KheTskedin | Crawfish, crab (ast) cancer n. |
խեցգետնիկ (գ.) | KheTskednig | lobster, crayfish, crawfish, crab, cancer n. |
խեցեգործ (գ.) | KheTsekorDz | Ceramist, potter, pot-man, earthenware manufacturer, crockery-ware-man n. |
խեցեգործութիւն (գ.) | KheTsekorDzootyoon | pottery, earthenware, ceramics n. |
խեցեղէն (գ.) | KheTseGhen | pottery, earthenware, ceramics, crockery n. |
խեցեմորթ (գ.) | KheTsemort | testacean n. |
խեցի (գ.) | KheTsi | 1) Brick, tile, pottery, crockery, porcelain, 2) china-ware, 3) shell-fish, conch n. |
խեւ (ած.) | Khyev | crazy, cracked, daft, dotty, balmy, batty, nuts, madman, lunatic adj. |
խեփոր (գ.) | Khepor | 1) Shell, scale, oyster-shell, bivalve-shell, 2) scallop n. |
խզել (բայ) | Khzel | To cut, to cut off, to break off v. |
խզում (գ.) | Khzoom | Breaking, rupture, cassation, castration n. |
խէթ (ած.) | Khet | 1) Suspicion, scrupulousness, 2) obstacle, knock, blow, obstruction, 3) conscience, 4) hate, ill-will n. |
խէժ (գ.) | KheZh | Gum n. |
խթան (գ.) | Khtan | 1) Spur, goad, 2) incentive n. |
խթանել (բայ) | Khtanel | 1) To spur, to goad, to prick, 2) to incite v. |
խթել (բայ) | Khtel | To spur, to prick, to goad v. |
խթում (գ.) | Khtoom | 1) Easter-eve, 2) vigil, fast-day with milk food n. |
խժաբանութիւն (գ.) | KhZhapanootyoon | Solecism, barbarism n. |
խժդժութիւն (գ.) | KhZhtZhootyoon | Rudeness, savageness, barbarity n. |
խժդուժ (ած.) | KhZhtooZh | Barbarous, fierce, ferocious, savage, rude, harsh adj. |
խիզախ (ած.) | KhizaKh | Courageous, brave, bold, hardy, daring, manly, audacious, impudent, presumptuous adj. |
խիզախել (բայ) | KhizaKhel | To hector, to swagger, to take courage, to face, to brave, to attack boldly, to risk v. |
խիզախութիւն (գ.) | KhizaKhootyoon | Boldness, audacity, fearlessness, bravery, temerity, hardihood, effrontery n. |
խիզախում (գ.) | KhizaKhoom | 1) Impudence, 2) assurance, audacity, precipitancy, 3) assault, hardihood n. |
խիթ (գ.) | Khit | 1) Colic, belly-ache, gripes, tormina, 2) rock, reef, sand-bank n. |
խիժաբեր (ած.) | KhiZhaper | Gummy, gummiferous n. |
խիժաներկ (գ.) | KhiZhanerg | gouache, body-color n. |
խիժանկար (գ.) | KhiZhangar | Water colours, gouache, body colour n. |
խիղճ (գ.) | KhiGhDj | 1) Conscience, scruple, 2) morality n. |
խիճ (գ.) | KhiDj | Pebble, gravel n. |
խինդ (գ.) | Khint | Mirth, joy, gaiety, cheerfulness n. |
խիշտ (գ.) | KhiShd | Lance, spear, staff n. |
խիպ (գ.) | Khib | Shame, disgrace, discredit, reproach n. |
խիստ (ած.) | Khisd | 1) Hard, stiff, harsh, sharp, severe, rigorous, 2) rigid, 3) violent, 4) difficult, 5) tough, unkind, hard-hearted, unfeeling, merciless, obdurat adj. |
խիստ (մկբ.) | Khisd | 1) Hard, stiff, harsh, sharp, severe, rigorous, 2) rigid, 3) violent, 4) difficult, 5) tough, unkind, hard-hearted, unfeeling, merciless, obdurat adj. |
խիտ (ած.) | Khid | Thick, tufted, bushy, dense adj. |
խից (գ.) | KhiTs | Cork, plug, stopper, valve, bung n. |
խիւս (գ.) | Khyoos | 1) Pap, pulp, cataplasm, 2) poultice, gruel, starch n. |
խլանալ (բայ) | Kh’lanal | To grow deaf, to be made deaf v. |
խլացնել (բայ) | Kh’laTs’nel | To deafen, to stun v. |
խլացնող (ած.) | Kh’laTs’noGh | Deafening, stunning adj. |
խլացուցիչ (ած.) | Kh’laTsooTsiCh | Deafening, stunning adj. |
խլեակ (գ.) | Kh’lyag | Wreck, stray, flotsam, jetsam n. |
խլել (բայ) | Kh’lel | To pluck up, to root out, to extirpate v. |
խլէզ (գ.) | Kh’lez | Lizard n. |
խլինք (գ.) | Kh’link | Snot, nasal mucus, mucus n. |
խլիրդ (գ.) | Kh’lirt | 1) Cancer, malignant disease, 2) a sly one n. |
խլիրտ (գ.) | Kh’lird | 1) agitation, motion, 2) commotion, disturbance n. |
խլութիւն (գ.) | Kh’lootyoon | Surdity, deafness n. |
խլում (գ.) | Kh’loom | picking, digging out n.m. |
խլուրդ (գ.) | Kh’loort | Mole n. |
խլրդային (ած.) | Kh’l’rtayin | Occult, hidden, secret, underhand adj. |
խլրտալ (բայ) | Kh’l’rdal | To move, to stir, to rouse, to wave, to toss v. |
խլրտել (բայ) | Kh’l’rdel | To move, to rouse, to turn up v. |
խլրտիլ (բայ) | Kh’l’rdil | To be moved v. |
խլրտում (գ.) | Kh’l’rdoom | 1) Movement, moving motion, 2) agitation n. |
խխնջել (բայ) | Kh’Kh’nChel | To neigh, to utter the cry of a horse v. |
խխնջիւն (գ.) | Kh’Kh’nChyoon | Murex n. |
խխում (ած.) | Kh’Khoom | 1) Wet, 2) moistened adj. |
խխունջ (գ.) | Kh’KhoonCh | snail, helix n. |
խծբծանք (գ.) | Kh’DzpDzank | malevolent criticism, picking on n. |
խծբծել (բայ) | Kh’DzpDzel | 1) To criticize, to censure, to blame, 2) to debate, to sift v. |
խծիպ (գ.) | Kh’Dzib | Hem n. |
խծուծ (գ.) | Kh’DzooDz | Codilla, tow n. |
խղայթ (գ.) | Kh’Ghayt | abscess n. |
խղճալ (բայ) | Kh’GhDjal | 1) To have pity, compassion, 2) to scruple, to mistrust v. |
խղճալի (ած.) | Kh’GhDjali | 1) Poor, pitiable, piteous, miserable, 2) paltry adj. |
խղճահար (ած.) | Kh’GhDjahar | Remorseful, conscientious, scrupulous adj. |
խղճահարիլ (բայ) | Kh’GhDjaharil | To become conscientious, scrupulous v. |
խղճահարութիւն (գ.) | Kh’GhDjaharootyoon | Scrupulousness, scruple, compunction n. |
խղճամիտ (ած.) | Kh’GhDjamid | Over-scrupulous, conscientious, meticulous, over-nice adj. |
խղճմտանք (գ.) | Kh’GhDjmdank | Conscience, consciousness, perception n. |
խղճմտութիւն (գ.) | Kh’GhDjmdootyoon | 1) Scruple, scrupulosity, 2) conscience n. |
խճանկար (գ.) | Kh’Djangar | mosaic n. |
խճաքար (գ.) | Kh’Djakar | Cobble-stone, grit-stone, sand-stone n. |
խճողել (բայ) | Kh’DjoGhel | 1) To fill, to heap up, to stuff, to cram, 2) to crowd, to throng, to fill again v. |
խճողում (գ.) | Kh’DjoGhoom | 1) Filling up, infilling, 2) padding n. |
խճուղի (գ.) | Kh’DjooGhi | Cause-way, road n. |
խման (գ.) | Kh’man | Drunkard, drinker, toper adj. |
խմբագիր (գ.) | Kh’mpakir | Editor, writer, compiler, journalist n. |
խմբագրական (ած.) | Kh’mpak’ragan | Editorial, leading article n. |
խմբագրական (գ.) | Kh’mpak’ragan | Editorial, leading article n. |
խմբագրապետ (գ.) | Kh’mpak’rabed | Chief editor n. |
խմբագրատուն (գ.) | Kh’mpak’radoon | editorial office, editing house n. |
խմբագրել (բայ) | Kh’mpak’rel | To edit, to write out, to compile v. |
խմբագրութիւն (գ.) | Kh’mpak’rootyoon | Editorship, editing, compilation n. |
խմբակ (գ.) | Kh’mpag | Group, small group n. |
խմբակցութիւն (գ.) | Kh’mpagTsootyoon | Grouping, class, assemblage n. |
խմբանկար (գ.) | Kh’mpangar | Group picture n. |
խմբապար (գ.) | Kh’mpabar | round dance n. |
խմբապետ (գ.) | Kh’mpabed | Ringmaster, brigade master n. |
խմբավար (գ.) | Kh’mpavar | conductor, choir master n. |
խմբաւորել (բայ) | Kh’mpavorel | to group, to assemble, to convoke v. |
խմբաւորում (գ.) | Kh’mpavoroom | Grouping n. |
խմբել (բայ) | Kh’mpel | To group, to assemble, to convoke, to bring together, to rally v. |
խմբերգ (գ.) | Kh’mperk | Chorus, choir n. |
խմբուիլ (բայ) | Kh’mpvil | Chorus, choir n. |
խմել (բայ) | Kh’mel | 1) To drink, 2) to absorb, to suck up v. |
խմի (գ.) | Kh’mi | angelica n. |
խմիչք (գ.) | Kh’miChk | drink, liquor, beverage n. |
խմոր (գ.) | Kh’mor | Leaven, yeast, ferment, paste, dough n. |
Խմոր (բայ) | Khmor | Dough, paste, mass, mixture, mole, amalgam v. |
խմորատիպ (գ.) | Kh’moradib | Collograph, collotype n. |
խմորել (բայ) | Kh’morel | To ferment, to cause to ferment v. |
խմորեղէն (գ.) | Kh’moreGhen | Of pastry adj. |
խմորում (գ.) | Kh’moroom | 1) fermentation, agitation, 2) kneading, leavening n. |
խնամակալ (գ.) | Kh’namagal | 1) Protector, guardian, 2) curator, tutelar, regent n. |
խնամակալութիւն (գ.) | Kh’namagalootyoon | 1) Tutelage, 2) protection, guardianship, care, attention, regency, trusteeship n. |
խնամել (բայ) | Kh’namel | To attend, to take care of v. |
խնամի (գ.) | Kh’nami | 1) One related by marriage, 2) relation, kindred, relative, kinsman, kinswoman n. |
խնամք (գ.) | Kh’namk | Care, solicitude, attention n. |
խնայասէր (ած.) | Kh’nayaser | economical, thrifty, sparing adj. |
խնայասիրութիւն (գ.) | Kh’nayasirootyoon | 1) Economy, saving, 2) sparingness n. |
խնայել (բայ) | Kh’nayel | 1) To spare, 2) to save, to economize, to be thrifty v. |
խնայողական (ած.) | Kh’nayoGhagan | Economic adj. |
խնայողութիւն (գ.) | Kh’nayoGhootyoon | 1) Economy, 2) thriftiness, 3) sparingness, saving, thrift, 4) parsimony, 5) frugality n. |
խնայութիւն (գ.) | Kh’nayootyoon | 1) Economy, 2) thriftiness, 3) sparingness, saving, thrift, 4) parsimony, 5) frugality n. |
խնդալ (բայ) | Kh’ntal | To laugh, to rejoice, to be glad, to be delighted v. |
խնդալիք (ած.) | Kh’ntalik | Risible, comical, laughable adj. |
խնդակցիլ (բայ) | Kh’ntagTsil | To felicitate, to congratulate, to compliment v. |
խնդակցութիւն (գ.) | Kh’ntagTsootyoon | congratulation, rejoicing together n. |
խնդացնել (բայ) | Kh’ntaTs’nel | To gladden, to make to laugh, to divert v. |
խնդիր (գ.) | Kh’ntir | 1) Question, 2) demand, 3) request, 4) petition, 5) examination, inquiry, 6) problem, 7) object, discussion n. |
խնդիրք (գ.) | Kh’ntirk | prayer, orison, entreaty, solicitation, supplication, petition, appeal, request, application n. |
խնդութիւն (գ.) | Kh’ntootyoon | Joy, mirth, gaiety, cheerfulness, merriment n. |
խնդուք (գ.) | Kh’ntook | Laughter n. |
խնդրագիր (գ.) | Kh’ntrakir | 1) Request, demand, 2) petition, application n. |
խնդրական (ած.) | Kh’ntragan | Problematic, dubious, uncertain adj. |
խնդրակատար (գ.) | Kh’ntragadar | wish-granting saint n. |
խնդրանք (գ.) | Kh’ntrank | Demand, petition, solicitation, entreaty n. |
խնդրառութիւն (գ.) | Kh’ntraRootyoon | the agreement, governance between a verb and the declension of its complement n. |
խնդրարկու (ած.) | Kh’ntrargoo | 1) Solicitor, 2) entreater n. |
խնդրել (բայ) | Kh’ntrel | 1) To ask, to solicit, 2) to implore, to demand, to request, to entreat, to search for v. |
խնդրուած (գ.) | Kh’ntr’vaDz | Prayer, supplication, demand, request, petition, requisition n. |
խնդրուածք (գ.) | Kh’ntrvaDzk | Prayer, supplication, demand, request, petition, requisition n. |
խնծիղ (գ.) | Kh’nDziGh | ecstasy, rapture, transport, exuberance, rejoice n. |
խնծղալ (բայ) | Kh’nDzGhal | To laugh, to rejoice, to gladden, to cheer v. |
խնկաբոյր (ած.) | Kh’ngapooyr | scented, incense-smelling, perfumed, fragrant, sweet-smelling adj. |
խնկալի (ած.) | Kh’ngali | 1) Odoriferous, full of incense, 2) praiseworthy adj. |
խնկալից (ած.) | Kh’ngaliTs | 1) Full of incense, 2) drunk with incense adj. |
խնկածաղիկ (գ.) | Kh’ngaDzaGhig | Sweet marjoram n. |
խնկաման (գ.) | Kh’ngaman | Incense box, censer, incenser, thurible n. |
խնկանոց (գ.) | Kh’nganoTs | Incense box, censer, incenser, thurible n. |
խնկարկել (բայ) | Kh’ngargel | To perfume with frankincense, to incense, to embalm v. |
խնկարկու (ած.) | Kh’ngargoo | 1) Incense-bearer, thurifer, 2) flatterer n. |
խնկարկու (գ.) | Kh’ngargoo | 1) Incense-bearer, thurifer, 2) flatterer n. |
խնկարկութիւն (գ.) | Kh’ngargootyoon | Incensing, praising, flattery n. |
խնկաւէտ (ած.) | Kh’ngaved | Odoriferous, fragrant adj. |
խնկել (բայ) | Kh’ngel | To incense, to embalm, to perfume v. |
խնկելի (ած.) | Kh’ngeli | Praiseworthy, honourable, worthy to be incensed adj. |
խնկենի (գ.) | Kh’ngeni | Elemi gum tree, incense tree n. |
խնկունի (գ.) | Kh’ngooni | Rosemary n. |
խնձոր (գ.) | Kh’nTsor | apple n. |
խնձորագինի (գ.) | Kh’nTsorakini | cider, apple brandy n. |
խնձորենի (գ.) | Kh’nTsoreni | apple-tree n. |
խնձորի կամ տանծի երիտասարդ վայրի ծառ (գ.) | Kh’nTzori gam danDzi yeridasart vayri DzaR | n.m. |
խնձորօղի (գ.) | Kh’nTsoroGhi | Cider, apple-jack, apple-brandy n. |
խնճոյք (գ.) | Kh’nDjooyk | 1) Feast, banquet, entertainment, rejoicing, 2) company n. |
խնոցի (գ.) | Kh’noTsi | Churn n. |
խնչել (բայ) | Kh’nChel | To blow the nose, to grunt v. |
խնջել (բայ) | Kh’nChel | To blow the nose, to grunt v. |
խշշոց (գ.) | KhShShoTs | rustle, murmur (water) n. |
խշտեակ (գ.) | KhShdyag | 1) Pallet, stump, bedstead, mattress, 2) halting n. |
խշրտուք (գ.) | KhShrdook | Murmur, grumbling, whispering, hum n. |
խոզ (գ.) | Khoz | Pig, swine, pork n. |
խոզակ (գ.) | Khozag | Fruit of cypress, plane tree n. |
խոզան (գ.) | Khozan | Stubble, stubble field n. |
խոզանակ (գ.) | Khozanag | Brush, duster, dusting brush, whisk n. |
խոզանակել (բայ) | Khozanagel | To brush, to dust v. |
խոզանոց (գ.) | KhozanoTs | Pig-sty, piggery, hog-sty n. |
խոզապուխտ (գ.) | KhozabooKhd | Jamon n. |
խոզարած (գ.) | KhozaraDz | Swine-herd, pig driver n. |
խոզենի (գ.) | Khozeni | 1) Pork, brawn, 2) swinish, hoggish n. |
խոզկաղին (գ.) | KhozgaGhin | Pig-nut, earth-chestnut n. |
խոզտանձենի (գ.) | KhozdanTseni | wild pear n. |
խոզտի (գ.) | Khozdi | Lard n. |
խոթ (ած.) | Khot | King fisher, halcyon n. |
խոթանալ (բայ) | Khotanal | to become sick, to become unwell (mentally) v. |
խոթել (բայ) | Khotel | 1) To put in, to push in, to dip, 2) to sink v. |
խոժոռ (մկբ.) | KhoZhoR | harshly, threateningly, hideously, dreadfully, grimly, sulkily, wildly, fiercely, sullenly, unsociablely, coarsely, grossly, gloomily adv. |
խոժոռադէմ (ած.) | KhoZhoRatem | Gruff-looking, surly-looking, scowling, frowning, sulky, sullen, crabfaced adj. |
խոժոռիլ (բայ) | KhoZhoRil | To frown, to scowl, to be sulky, cross v. |
խոժոռութիւն (գ.) | KhoZhoRootyoon | Frown, scowling, pouting, sulkiness, wry face, scowl, knitting of the brows, wrinkle n. |
խոլոր (ած.) | Kholor | 1) Obliquely, 2) frowning, wild, fierce adv. |
խոխոմ (գ.) | KhoKhom | 1) Ravine, mountain torrent, gully, 2) forest n. |
խոխոջ (գ.) | KhoKhoCh | same as ։ n. |
խոխոջել (բայ) | KhoKhoChel | To babble, to gurgle, to grumble, to murmur v. |
խոխոջիւն (գ.) | KhoKhoChyoon | Murmuring, babbling, gurgling n. |
խոկալ (բայ) | Khogal | To meditate, to contemplate, to think over v. |
խոկում (գ.) | Khogoom | meditation, cogitation, rumination, musing, contemplation, reflection n. |
խոհ (գ.) | Khoh | 1) Meat, victuals, food, 2) reflection, meditation, thought, contemplation n. |
խոհալք (գ.) | Khohalk | Penetration, profundity of (thought) n. |
խոհական (ած.) | Khohagan | Prudent, sage, discreet, wise, cautious, provident, circumspect, thoughtful adj. |
խոհականութիւն (գ.) | Khohaganootyoon | Prudence, wisdom, discretion, good sense, wariness, circumspection, cautiousness n. |
խոհանոց (գ.) | KhohanoTs | Kitchen, galley n. |
խոհարար (բայ) | Khoharar | Cook, cook man n. |
խոհարարական (ած.) | Khohararagan | Culinary adj. |
խոհարարութիւն (գ.) | Khohararootyoon | cookery, cooking, culinary arts n. |
խոհարարուհի (գ.) | Khohararoohi | Woman cook, maid-cook n. |
խոհեմ (ած.) | Khohem | Cautious, discreet, prudent, provident adj. |
խոհեմութիւն (գ.) | Khohemootyoon | Prudence, precaution, sober-mindedness n. |
խոհեմտութիւն (գ.) | Khohemdootyoon | Prudence, precaution, sober-mindedness n. |
խոհուն (ած.) | Khohoon | Thinking, pensive, thoughtful adj. |
խողխողել (բայ) | KhoGhKhoGhel | To butcher, to kill, to slaughter v. |
խողխողում (գ.) | KhoGhKhoGhoom | Slaughter, carnage, butchery, massacre n. |
խողովակ (գ.) | KhoGhovag | Pipe, tube, conduit, gutter, canal n. |
խոճկոր (գ.) | KhoDjgor | 1) Sucking-pig, 2) porker n. |
խոյ (գ.) | Kho | 1) Ram, 2) aries n. |
խոյակ (գ.) | Khoyag | Capital n. |
խոյանալ (բայ) | Khoyanal | To rush, to bound, to dart, to spring, to fall on v. |
խոյանք (գ.) | Khoyank | Start, bound, dash, flight, burst, elan n. |
խոյզ (գ.) | Khooyz | Search, investigation, inquest, research, examination n. |
խոյլ (գ.) | Khooyl | swelling, scrofula, struma, goiter n. |
խոյս (գ.) | Khooys | Flight, running away n. |
խոյր (գ.) | Khooyr | Tiara, mitre, diadem, crown, cap, headband, fillet n. |
խոնարհ (ած.) | Khonarh | 1) Humble, low, meek, submissive, respectful, 2) lower, feeble, weak adj. |
խոնարհել (բայ) | Khonarhel | To conjugate vs v. |
խոնարհիլ (բայ) | Khonarhil | To be humble, to descend, to deign, to acquiesce, to come down, to yield, to lean, to decline v. |
խոնարհութիւն (գ.) | Khonarhootyoon | 1) Humility, submission, abasement, humbleness, inclination, 2) reverence, deference n. |
խոնարհում (գ.) | Khonarhoom | 1) humiliation, humbling, abasement, submission, 2) conjugation, declension n. |
խոնաւ (ած.) | Khonav | Damp, humid, moist adj. |
խոնաւաչափ (գ.) | KhonavaChap | 1) Hygrometer, 2) decremeter (radio) n. |
խոնաւնալ (բայ) | Khonavnal | to become humid, to become wet, to become damp, to become dank, to become muggy, to become moist, to become watery (eye) v. |
խոնաւութիւն (գ.) | Khonavootyoon | Humidity, moisture, dampness, damp n. |
խոնաւցնել (բայ) | KhonavTs’nel | To wet, to moisten, to damp v. |
խոնջ (ած.) | KhonCh | tired, weary, fatigued, worn out, exhausted adj. |
խոնջէնք (գ.) | KhonChenk | fatigue, weariness, tiredness, lassitude, languor, exhaustion n. |
խոնջիլ (բայ) | KhonChil | to get tired, to get fatigued, to get weary, to get exhausted, to get worn out v. |
խոնջութիւն (գ.) | KhonChootyoon | Fatigue, lassitude, weariness n. |
խոշոր (ած.) | KhoShor | Stout, gross, big, large, thick, coarse, bulky adj. |
խոշորացոյց (գ.) | KhoShoraTsooyTs | Microscope, magnifying glass n. |
խոշորացում (գ.) | KhoShoraTsoom | Enlargement, making larger, bigger n. |
խոշորնալ (բայ) | KhoShor’nal | To grow up, to increase in size v. |
խոշորութիւն (գ.) | KhoShorootyoon | Largeness, bulk, bigness, grossness, want of politeness, size, hugeness, swelling, rudeness n. |
խոշորցնել (բայ) | KhoShorTs’nel | To magnify, to enlarge, to make larger v. |
խոշտանգել (բայ) | KhoShdankel | 1) To torture, to torment, 2) to pain, to thrash v. |
խոշտանգում (գ.) | KhoShdankoom | torture, torment, ill-treatment n. |
խոչ (գ.) | KhoCh | Obstacle, impediment, hindrance, hitch, clog n. |
խոչընդոտ (գ.) | KhoChUntod | Obstacle, impediment, hindrance, embarrassment, stop n. |
խոչոտն (գ.) | KhoChodn | Obstacle, impediment, hindrance, embarrassment, stop n. |
խոպ (գ.) | Khob | Tress, plait, braid n. |
խոպան (ած.) | Khoban | Waste, uncultivated, desert, incult adj. |
խոպանանալ (բայ) | Khobananal | To become desert, uncultivated v. |
խոպոպ (գ.) | Khobob | Beaucatcher n. |
խոպոպել (բայ) | Khobobel | To frizzle, to crisp, to curl v. |
խոպոպիք (գ.) | Khobobik | Buckle, curl, curling, curls n. |
խոռել (բայ) | KhoRel | To dig, to hollow out, to curtail, to lessen v. |
խոռոչ (գ.) | KhoRoCh | Cavity, hollow, atrium, antrum adj. |
խոռում (գ.) | KhoRoom | excavation n. |
խոստանալ (բայ) | Khosdanal | To promise v. |
խոստմնադրուժ (ած.) | KhosdmnatrooZh | Perjurer, perfidious adj. |
խոստմնադրուժ (գ.) | KhosdmnatrooZh | Perjurer, perfidious adj. |
խոստմնալից (ած.) | KhosdmnaliTs | promising, full of promise, likely adj. |
խոստովանահայր (գ.) | Khosdovanahayr | Confessor n. |
խոստովանանք (գ.) | Khosdovanank | Confession n. |
խոստովանարան (գ.) | Khosdovanaran | Confessional, confessionary n. |
խոստովանիլ (բայ) | Khosdovanil | 1) To confess, to avow, to aver, 2) to disclose v. |
խոստովանութիւն (գ.) | Khosdovanootyoon | avowal, confession, profession n. |
խոստում (գ.) | Khosdoom | Promise, engagement, word, obligation n. |
խոտ (գ.) | Khod | Grass, herbage, turf n. |
խոտակեր (գ.) | Khodager | 1) herbivore, 2) herbivorous animal n. |
խոտան (ած.) | Khodan | abject, vile, base, mean, worthless, bad adj. |
խոտան (գ.) | Khodan | abject, vile, base, mean, worthless, bad adj. |
խոտաւէտ (ած.) | Khodaved | Herbous, grassy, herbescent adj. |
խոտել (բայ) | Khodel | To despise, to scorn, to disdain v. |
խոտելի (ած.) | Khodeli | condemnable, contemptible, despicable adj. |
խոտոր (ած.) | Khodor | Oblique, crooked, indirect, deluded, strayed adj. |
խոտորիլ (բայ) | Khodoril | To deviate, to go astray, to digress, to swerve v. |
խոտորնակ (ած.) | Khodor’nag | Oblique, transversal, indirect, aslope, out of the way, slanting, transverse, crooked, athwart adj. |
խոտորնակի (մկբ.) | Khodor’nagi | Obliquely, transversely, indirectly, at random adv. |
խոտորութիւն (գ.) | Khodorootyoon | 1) Deviation, going astray, 2) perversity, crookedness, obliquity, inclination, 3) deflexion n. |
խոր (ած.) | Khor | depth, abyss n. |
խորագէտ (ած.) | Khoraked | 1) Sagacious, fine, ingenious, 2) cunning, wary, sly, artful, shrewd, prudent, cautious, crafty adj. |
խորագիտութիւն (գ.) | Khorakidootyoon | Ingenuity, sagacity, craft, cunning, shrewdness, knaving, cheating, deceit, prudence n. |
խորագիր (գ.) | Khorakir | Title (of a book) n. |
խորազնին (ած.) | Khoraznin | Scrutinizing, meticulous adj. |
խորազննութիւն (գ.) | Khoraznnootyoon | Profound observation, inscrutable investigation n. |
խորաթափանց (ած.) | KhoratapanTs | Keen, penetrating, piercing, sharp adj. |
խորախորհուրդ (ած.) | KhoraKhorhoort | 1) Mysterious, acute, 2) penetrating adj. |
խորամանկ (ած.) | Khoramang | Cunning, sly, crafty, artful, deceitful, wily, roguish, fraudulent, malignant, malicious adj. |
խորամանկութիւն (գ.) | Khoramangootyoon | artifice, quibble, roguery, malice, guile, cunning, craft, knavery, ruse, imposture, finesse, cheating, deceit n. |
խորամուխ (ած.) | KhoramooKh | Profound, piercing, acute, deep adj. |
խորան (գ.) | Khoran | 1) Tent, tabernacle, altar, 2) pavillion, dwelling n. |
խորանազարդ (ած.) | Khoranazart | built apse-wise, vaulted, curved, arched adj. |
խորանալ (բայ) | Khoranal | To become deeper v. |
խորանարդ (ած.) | Khoranart | 1) Cubic, cube, 2) vaulted, hexahedral adj. |
խորանարդ (գ.) | Khoranart | 1) Cubic, cube, 2) vaulted, hexahedral adj. |
խորաչափ (գ.) | KhoraChap | 1) Bathometer, plummet, 2) sounding line n. |
խորաչափել (բայ) | KhoraChapel | to sound, to test, to ascertain, to take the soundings, to measure the depth of v. |
խորաչափում (գ.) | KhoraChapoom | sounding, testing, probing, poll, survey n. |
խորասոյզ (ած.) | Khorasooyz | Immersed, dipped, sunk deeply adj. |
խորասուզուիլ (բայ) | Khorasoozvil | 1) to plunge, to dive, to be submerged, to go under, 2) to penetrate, to sink deeper, to disappear into, to bury oneself in, to be engulfed, to be absorbed in v. |
խորացնել (բայ) | KhoraTs’nel | Deep, profound adj. |
խորաքանդակ (գ.) | Khorakantag | Bass-relief, intaglio, basso-relievo n. |
խորաքնին (ած.) | Khorak’nin | Profound, investigating, scrutinizing, recondite adj. |
խորաքննութիւն (գ.) | Khorak’nnootyoon | close examination n. |
խորգ (գ.) | Khork | Cilice, hair-cloth, fustian, sackcloth n. |
խորդ (գ.) | Khort | Crane n. |
խորդալ (բայ) | Khortal | To snore v. |
խորդաձուկ (գ.) | KhortaTsoog | Pike n. |
խորել (բայ) | Khorel | 1) To take away, to purloin, to embezzle, 2) to withhold, to misappropriate, to deter, to peculate v. |
խորթ (ած.) | Khort | Spurious, illegitimate, bastardnstep-son, step-daughter adj. |
խորթանալ (բայ) | Khortanal | To degenerate v. |
խորթութիւն (գ.) | Khortootyoon | 1) Spuriousness, bastardy, adulteration, 2) degeneracy, corruption, decay n. |
խորին (ած.) | Khorin | Deep, profound, sound, hidden adj. |
խորիսխ (գ.) | KhorisKh | 1) Honey-comb, wafer, 2) honey-cake n. |
խորխ (գ.) | KhorKh | 1) Cast of skin or hide, skin, slough, shell, bark, 2) indusium n. |
խորխատել (բայ) | KhorKhadel | To shell, to husk v. |
խորխորատ (գ.) | KhorKhorad | abyss, gulf, precipice, chasm n. |
խորհ (գ.) | Khorh | Thought, opinion, idea, notion, conception n. |
խորհելակերպ (գ.) | Khorhelagerb | Thinking n. |
խորհող (ած.) | KhorhoGh | thinking, thinker adj. |
խորհուրդ (գ.) | Khorhoort | 1) Thought, 2) design, idea, opinion, advice, conception, council, consultation, 3) soviet, sacrament n. |
խորհրդաժողով (գ.) | KhorhrtaZhoGhov | congress, conference, consultations, meeting n. |
խորհրդածել (բայ) | KhorhrtaDzel | To reflect, to ponder, to think, to revolve v. |
խորհրդածութիւն (գ.) | KhorhrtaDzootyoon | Reflection, meditation, thought, secret, consideration, deliberation, mystery n. |
խորհրդական (գ.) | Khorhrtagan | 1) nadviser, 2) counsellor, 3) councillor, councilman adj. |
խորհրդակից (գ.) | KhorhrtagiTs | adviser, counsellor, confident adj. |
խորհրդակցիլ (բայ) | KhorhrtagTsil | To consult, to confer v. |
խորհրդակցութիւն (գ.) | KhorhrtagTsootyoon | 1) Consultation, conference, parley, counsel, deliberation, 2) advice, opinion n. |
խորհրդային (ած.) | Khorhrtayin | Sovietic, soviet, communist adj. |
խորհրդայնացում (գ.) | KhorhrtaynaTsoom | sovietization n. |
խորհրդանիշ (գ.) | KhorhrtaniSh | symbol, emblem n. |
խորհրդանշական (ած.) | KhorhrtanShagan | symbolic(al), emblematic adj. |
խորհրդանշան (գ.) | KhorhrtanShan | Symbol, emblem n. |
խորհրդանշել (բայ) | KhorhrtanShel | To symbolize v. |
խորհրդապահ (ած.) | Khorhrtabah | Discreet, secret adj. |
խորհրդապահութիւն (գ.) | Khorhrtabahootyoon | Discretion, secretness n. |
խորհրդապաշտ (գ.) | KhorhrtabaShd | Symbolist, mystic n. |
խորհրդապաշտութիւն (գ.) | KhorhrtabaShdootyoon | Symbolism n. |
խորհրդատետր (գ.) | Khorhrtadedr | Mass book, missal n. |
խորհրդատու (ած.) | Khorhrtadoo | 1) consulting, soliciting, advising, counseling, 2) adviser, counsellor adj. |
խորհրդարան (գ.) | Khorhrtaran | 1) Chamber of deputies, parliament, 2) offering-place n. |
խորհրդարանական (գ.) | Khorhrtaranagan | parliamentarian n. |
խորհրդաւոր (ած.) | Khorhrtavor | Mystical, symbolical, sacramental, arcane, emblematical adj. |
խորշ (գ.) | KhorSh | 1) Corner, 2) compartment, 3) division, cavity, cell, 4) niche n. |
խորշադարան (գ.) | KhorShataran | 1) Rack, 2) set of pigeon-holes n. |
խորշակահար (ած.) | KhorShagahar | 1) Sun-burnt, 2) parched by excessive heat adj. |
խորշակառ (ած.) | KhorShagaR | 1) Sun-burnt, 2) parched by excessive heat adj. |
խորշանք (գ.) | KhorShank | aversion, antipathy, repugnance n. |
խորշիլ (բայ) | KhorShil | To be repugnant, to loathe, to shun, to avoid, to abhor, to flee, to eschew v. |
խորշոմ (գ.) | KhorShom | Wrinkle, ripple, sulcus n. |
խորշոմել (բայ) | KhorShomel | To wrinkle, to shrivel v. |
խորշոմել (բայ) | KhorShomel | To wrinkle, to shrivel v. |
խորշոմիլ (բայ) | KhorShomil | To wrinkle, to shrivel v. |
խորշոմիլ (բայ) | KhorShomil | To wrinkle, to shrivel v. |
խորշոմութիւն (գ.) | KhorShomootyoon | Wrinkle, ripple, sulcus n. |
խորշում (գ.) | KhorShoom | aversion, repugnance, dislike, abhorrence n. |
խորոպ (գ.) | Khorob | Maidenhood, virginity, hymen n. |
խորոված (ած.) | KhorovaDz | Roasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj. |
խորոված (գ.) | KhorovaDz | Roasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj. |
խորովանք (գ.) | Khorovank | Entreaty, solicitation, request, prayer n. |
խորովեալ (ած.) | Khorovyal | Roasted, browned, roast-meat, roast adj. |
խորովել (բայ) | Khorovel | To roast, to brown, to toast, to torrefy v. |
խորովուիլ (բայ) | Khorovvil | 1) to be roasted, to be fried, to be broiled, to be grilled, to be browned, 2) to suffer, to be concerned for v. |
խորոտ (ած.) | Khorod | pretty, nice, good looking, fine adj. |
խորոտիկ (ած.) | Khorodig | pretty, nice, good looking, fine adj. |
խորութիւն (գ.) | Khorootyoon | Profoundness, deepness, depth n. |
խորունկ (ած.) | Khoroong | Deep, profound adj. |
խորուտք (գ.) | Khoroodk | Depth, bottom, lowest part n. |
խորտակել (բայ) | Khordagel | To shatter, to smash, to crush, to knock up, to bruise, to break to pieces, to crack v. |
խորտակիլ (բայ) | Khordagil | To break, to dash to pieces, to be broken to pieces, to be defeated v. |
խորտակուիլ (բայ) | Khordagvil | To break, to dash to pieces, to be broken to pieces, to be defeated v. |
խորտակում (գ.) | Khordagoom | Fracture, break, breaking, demolition n. |
խորտընկէց (գ.) | KhordUngeTs | Machine gun n. |
խորտիկ (գ.) | Khordig | Dish (food), food, viands n. |
խորտուբորտ (ած.) | Khordoopord | 1) Rough, uneven, 2) scabrous, rugged adj. |
խորք (գ.) | Khork | Depth, abyss n. |
խորք (գ.) | Khork | depth, abyss n. |
խոց (գ.) | KhoTs | Sore, wound, ulcer, hurt, injury n. |
խոցել (բայ) | KhoTsel | To wound, to pierce, to stab, to cut, to hurt v. |
խոցելի (ած.) | KhoTseli | vulnerable adj. |
խոցոտել (բայ) | KhoTsodel | To wound, to stab, to pierce, to cut v. |
խոցտուկ (գ.) | KhoTsdoog | Colic, gripes n. |
խուզակ (գ.) | Khoozag | 1) Garden-shears, ferreter, 2) scrutinizing n. |
խուզարկել (բայ) | Khoozargel | To search, to investigate, to search for, to enquire into, to scrutinize, to fathom, to probe v. |
խուզարկու (ած.) | Khoozargoo | 1) Seeker, searcher, explorator, 2) pryer, busy inquirer, censurer, investigator, scrutinizer n. |
խուզարկու (գ.) | Khoozargoo | 1) Seeker, searcher, explorator, 2) pryer, busy inquirer, censurer, investigator, scrutinizer n. |
խուզարկութիւն (գ.) | Khoozargootyoon | Investigation, search, quest, perquisition, inquiry, examination, scrutiny n. |
խուզել (բայ) | Khoozel | 1) To search, to seek, to pry, to look for, 2) to shear, to clip, to cut off v. |
խուզում (գ.) | Khoozoom | Tonsure, clipping, sheep-shearing n. |
խութ (գ.) | Khoot | Obstacle, hinderance n. |
խուժ (ած.) | KhooZh | Cruel, rude, barbarous, wild adj. |
խուժան (գ.) | KhooZhan | Crowd, multitude, mob, populace n. |
խուժդուժ (ած.) | KhooZhtooZh | Cruel, rude, barbarous, wild adj. |
խուժել (բայ) | KhooZhel | To invade, to rush upon, to throw oneself, to overrun, to encroach upon v. |
խուժում (գ.) | KhooZhoom | rush, onrush, drive, invasion, inroad, encroachment, incursion, intrusion n. |
խուլ (գ.) | Khool | 1) deaf (person) 2) boil n. |
խուլնալ (բայ) | Khoolnal | To grow deaf v. |
խուլութիւն (գ.) | Khoolootyoon | Deafness n. |
խուլցնել (բայ) | KhoolTs’nel | To deafen, to stun v. |
խուխ (գ.) | KhooKh | Phlegm, pituite n. |
խուղ (գ.) | KhooGh | Cot, hut, cottage n. |
խուղակ (գ.) | KhooGhag | Pipette n. |
խուճապ (գ.) | KhooDjab | 1) Rout, defeatnalarm, 2) fright, terror, haste, dread n. |
խուճապահար (ած.) | KhooDjabahar | Frightened, terrified adj. |
խումբ (գ.) | Khoomp | Group, party, band, troop, detachment n. |
խունկ (գ.) | Khoong | 1) Incense, frankincense, 2) aroma, 3) flattery n. |
խուռն (ած.) | KhooRn | dense, close, thick, compact, serried adj. |
խուռներամ (ած.) | KhooRneram | In large numbers, in many flocks adj. |
խուռներամ (մկբ.) | KhooRneram | In large numbers, in many flocks adj. |
խուսալ (բայ) | Khoosal | To escape, to get away v. |
խուսափիլ (բայ) | Khoosapil | To escape, to flee, to get away, to take to flight, to shun v. |
խուսափողական (ած.) | KhoosapoGhagan | Evasive adj. |
խուսափում (գ.) | Khoosapoom | evasion, escape, flight, shift n. |
խուսել (բայ) | Khoosel | To escape, to get away v. |
խուրձ (գ.) | KhoorTs | Bundle, fagot, bunch, package, packet n. |
խուրտել (բայ) | Khoordel | To change (money) v. |
խուց (գ.) | KhooTs | Chamber, room, cell n. |
խուփ (ած.) | Khoop | 1) Cover, lid, 2) cap-head n. |
խուփ (գ.) | Khoop | 1) Cover, lid, 2) cap-head n. |
խոփ (գ.) | Khop | 1) Earth-board, 2) coulter, ploughshare n. |
խպիպ (գ.) | Kh’bib | 1) Wen, goitre, 2) bronchocele n. |
խպնիլ (բայ) | Kh’bnil | To be ashamed v. |
խպնոտ (ած.) | Kh’bnod | Timid, shy, bashful, timorous adj. |
խռիկ (գ.) | Kh’Rig | Fish-gill n. |
խռիւ (ած.) | Kh’Riv | Dry bush, brushwood, underwood n. |
խռիւ (գ.) | Kh’Riv | Dry bush, brushwood, underwood n. |
խռծիկ (գ.) | Kh’RDzig | Doll, puppet n. |
խռկալ (բայ) | Kh’Rgal | To snore, to snort (of horse) v. |
խռմփալ (բայ) | Kh’Rmpal | to snore, to snort (horse) v. |
խռնել (բայ) | Kh’Rnel | To assemble, to collect, to gather, to crowd v. |
խռնուիլ (բայ) | Kh’Rn’vil | To reassemble, to muster, to flock together v. |
խռնջայլ (գ.) | Kh’RnChayl | Snail n. |
խռնջող (գ.) | Kh’RnChoGh | Snail n. |
խռով (ած.) | Kh’Rov | Troubled, confounded, agitatednTrouble, agitation, tumult, uproar adj. |
խռովախուժ (ած.) | Kh’RovaKhooZh | Turbulent, clamorous, tumultuous adj. |
խռովայոյզ (ած.) | Kh’Rovayooyz | Turbulent, clamorous, tumultuous adj. |
խռովասէր կին կին (գ.) | Kh’Rovaser gin gin | Shrew n. |
խռովարար (գ.) | Kh’Rovarar | agitator, turbulent, ring-leader, trouble-maker adj. |
խռովել (բայ) | Kh’Rovel | 1) To trouble, to agitate, to disturb, to upset, 2) to perturb, to perplex v. |
խռովիլ (բայ) | Kh’Rovil | To become agitated, to become confused, to be disconcerted, to be uneasy, to alarm oneself v. |
խռովիչ (գ.) | Kh’RoviCh | disturber, trouble-maker, agitator, upsetter n. |
խռովութիւն (գ.) | Kh’Rovootyoon | 1) Trouble, agitation, turbulence, bustle, confusion, perturbation, disturbance, 2) mutiny n. |
խռովք (գ.) | Kh’Rovk | 1) anxiety, disturbance, agitation, restlessness, inquietude, uneasiness, qualms, misgivings, turmoil, 2) mutiny, revolt, riot, discord n. |
խռչակ (գ.) | Kh’RChag | Larynx, laryng n. |
խռչափող (գ.) | Kh’RChapoGh | Larynx, esophagus, gullet n. |
խռպոտ (ած.) | Kh’Rbod | 1) Hoarse, disagreeable, 2) unpleasant, strident adj. |
խռֆած (ած.) | Kh’RfaDz | dottering, senile, dotard adj. |
խռֆիլ (բայ) | Kh’Rfil | to become senile v. |
խսիր (գ.) | Kh’sir | Mat, matting, straw-mat n. |
խստաբարոյ (ած.) | Kh’sdaparo | Severe, harsh, hard, hard-hearted adj. |
խստակրօն (ած.) | Kh’sdagron | 1) Rigorous, 2) oversevere, austere adj. |
խստամբակ (ած.) | Kh’sdampag | Restive, stubborn, awkward to deal with adj. |
խստամբակութիւն (գ.) | Kh’sdampagootyoon | Obstinacy, stubbornness, willfulness n. |
խստամբեր (ած.) | Kh’sdamper | 1) austere, severe, 2) stern, relentless, rigid adj. |
խստամբերութիւն (գ.) | Kh’sdamperootyoon | 1) austerity, 2) severity, sternness n. |
խստանալ (բայ) | Kh’sdanal | To harden, to be severe, rigorous, austere v. |
խստաշունչ (ած.) | Kh’sdaShoonCh | Boisterous, impetuous, violent (wind) adj. |
խստապահանջ (ած.) | Kh’sdabahanCh | Stringent, hard to please, rigid adj. |
խստասիրտ (ած.) | Kh’sdasird | Hard-hearted, merciless, inflexible, pitiless, marble-hearted adj. |
խստացնել (բայ) | Kh’sdaTs’nel | 1) To harden, 2) to render obdurate, 3) to make hard, to indurate v. |
խստիւ (մկբ.) | Kh’sdiv | 1) Hardly, harshly, 2) severely, rigorously, rigidly, strictly, cruelly adv. |
խստոր (գ.) | Kh’sdor | Garlic n. |
խստութիւն (գ.) | Kh’sdootyoon | 1) Stringency, rigidity, rigour, 2) severity, hardness, 3) stiffness, austerity, toughness n. |
խտածոյ (գ.) | Kh’daDzo | concentrate n. |
խտածոյ (ած.) | Kh’daDzo | condensed, concentrated adj. |
խտանալ (բայ) | Kh’danal | To condense v. |
խտաչափ (գ.) | Kh’daChap | Densimeter, volumometer n. |
խտացնել (բայ) | Kh’daTs’nel | To condense, to condensate v. |
խտացում (գ.) | Kh’daTsoom | Condensation, coagulation, concretion n. |
խտիղ (գ.) | Kh’diGh | 1) Tickling, titillation, 2) delectation n. |
խտիր (գ.) | Kh’dir | Difference, distinction, faint difference, partiality, variety, disparity, disproportion n. |
խտղտանք (գ.) | Kh’dGhdank | 1) Tickling, titillation, 2) delectation n. |
խտղտել (բայ) | Kh’dGhdel | 1) To tickle, to titillate, 2) to dazzle v. |
խտութիւն (գ.) | Kh’dootyoon | Density, condensity, thickness n. |
խտրական (ած.) | Kh’dragan | Ceremonial adj. |
խտրականութիւն (գ.) | Kh’draganootyoon | 1) Party, side, siding, 2) difference, partiality n. |
խտրել (բայ) | Kh’drel | To distinguish, to discern, to prohibit v. |
խտրութիւն (գ.) | Kh’drootyoon | 1) Difference, distinction, imparity, 2) augury n. |
խրախ (ած.) | Kh’raKh | 1) Gay, joyful, merry, cheerful, 2) merriment adj. |
խրախճանութիւն (գ.) | Kh’raKhDjanootyoon | Feast, banquet, entertainment, festivity, rejoicing, public joy n. |
խրախճանք (գ.) | Kh’raKhDjank | Feast, banquet, entertainment, festivity, rejoicing, public joy n. |
խրախոյս (գ.) | Kh’raKhooys | Encouragement n. |
խրախուսանք (գ.) | Kh’raKhoosank | Exhortation n. |
խրախուսել (բայ) | Kh’raKhoosel | 1) To encourage, to stimulate, 2) to support v. |
խրամ (գ.) | Kh’ram | 1) Trench, 2) fosse, ditch n. |
խրամատ (գ.) | Kh’ramad | 1) Breach, gap, ditch, rupture, 2) trench n. |
խրասախ (գ.) | Kh’rasaKh | League (4 kilometers, 25 miles English) n. |
խրատ (գ.) | Kh’rad | 1) advice, 2) counsel, warning, caution, instruction, correction, reprimand, reproach n. |
խրատատու (գ.) | Kh’radadoo | adviser, admonisher, instructor n. |
խրատել (բայ) | Kh’radel | 1) To advise, to admonish, 2) to warn, to counsel, to excite to, to recommend v. |
խրաց (գ.) | Kh’raTs | lace n. |
խրել (բայ) | Kh’rel | To strand, to run aground, to thrust in v. |
խրթին (ած.) | Kh’rtin | Hard, obscure, difficult, undecipherable adj. |
խրթնաբան (ած.) | Kh’rtnapan | Obscure, difficult language n. |
խրթնաբանութիւն (գ.) | Kh’rtnapanootyoon | Difficulty, obscurity of language n. |
խրիլ (բայ) | Kh’ril | To run aground, to be stranded v. |
խրխինջ (գ.) | Kh’rKhinCh | whinny, neigh n. |
խրխնջել (բայ) | Kh’rKh’nChel | To neigh v. |
խրխնջիւն (գ.) | Kh’rKh’nChyoon | Neigh, neighing n. |
խրճիթ (գ.) | Kh’rDjit | Cot, hut, cottage, shed, cabin, cell n. |
խրոխտ (ած.) | Kh’roKhd | 1) Imperious, 2) haughty, insolent, proud, fearless, arrogant, bold, daring, intrepid, braggart adj. |
խրոխտալ (բայ) | Kh’roKhdal | To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v. |
խրոխտալ (բայ) | Kh’roKhdal | To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v. |
խրոխտանալ (բայ) | Kh’roKhdanal | To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v. |
խրոխտանալ (բայ) | Kh’roKhdanal | To hector, to bully, to brag, to gasconade, to swagger, to be proud v. |
խրոխտապանծ (ած.) | Kh’roKhdabanDz | 1) Hector, arrogant, 2) proud, 3) haughty n. |
խրոխտութիւն (գ.) | Kh’roKhdootyoon | pride, arrogance, haughtiness, presumption, bravado, gasconade n. |
խրում (գ.) | Kh’room | driving, sinking into, running aground, being bogged down, involvement n. |
խրուտ (գ.) | Kh’rood | 1) Shallow, reef, 2) sandpit, gravel pit n. |
խրտեցնել (բայ) | Kh’rdeTs’nel | To scare, to startle, to fright away, to flurry, to frighten v. |
խրտուիլ (գ.) | Kh’rdvil | Cow-catcher, scare-crow, bug-bear n. |
խրտուիլակ (գ.) | Kh’rdvilag | Cow-catcher, scare-crow, bug-bear n. |
խրտչեցնել (բայ) | Kh’rdCheTs’nel | To scare, to startle, to fright away, to flurry, to frighten v. |
խրտչիլ (բայ) | Kh’rdChil | 1) Shallow, reef, 2) sandpit, gravel pit n. |
խցահան (գ.) | Kh’Tsahan | Cork-screw n. |
խցան (գ.) | Kh’Tsan | Cork, plug, stopper, buffer n. |
խցանել (բայ) | Kh’Tsanel | 1) To stop, to choke, to shut up, 2) to obstruct v. |
խցել (բայ) | Kh’Tsel | to clog up, to block up, to choke up, to plug up, to cork up, to cram, to jam, to obstruct, to stop v. |
խցել (բայ) | Kh’Tsel | to clog up, block up, to choke up, to plug up, to cork up, to cram, to jam, to obstruct, to stop v. |
խցիկ (գ.) | Kh’Tsig | 1) Little room, cell, 2) (phys) cellule n. |
խցում (գ.) | Kh’Tsoom | 1) Stoppage, 2) obstruction, stopping up, 3) congestion, infarction n. |
խփել (բայ) | Khpel | To shut, to close, to seal up v. |
խօթ (ած.) | Khot | Sick, sickly, unhealthy, infirm adj. |
խօթութիւն (գ.) | Khotootyoon | Sickness, illness, indisposition, infirmity n. |
խօլ (մկբ.) | Khol | foolishly, stupidly, senselessly, rashly, wildly, recklessly, madly adv. |
խօլական (ած.) | Kholagan | Foolish, blockhead, stupid, senseless adj. |
խօլապար (գ.) | Kholabar | mad, reckless dance n. |
խօլիլ (բայ) | Kholil | go, to become mad, insane v. |
խօլութիւն (գ.) | Kholootyoon | Foolishness, nonsense, folly n. |
խօնասէր (գ.) | Khonaser | Gourmet, epicure, fond of refined living n. |
խօշիւն (գ.) | KhoShyoon | Noise, murmuring, rustling noise n. |
խօսակից (գ.) | KhosagiTs | Interlocutor n. |
խօսակցիլ (բայ) | KhosagTsil | To converse with, to talk, to discuss v. |
խօսակցութիւն (գ.) | KhosagTsootyoon | 1) Conversation, talk, 2) dialogue, intercourse n. |
խօսարան (գ.) | Khosaran | 1) Mouth, tongue, parlour, 2) living room n. |
խօսափող (գ.) | KhosapoGh | 1) hand microphone, 2) mouth-piece, spokesman n. |
խօսել (բայ) | Khosel | 1) To speak, to talk, 2) to discourse, to converse, 3) to confer, to treat, to negotiate v. |
խօսեցեալ (գ.) | KhoseTsyal | Betrothed, engaged n. |
խօսեցնել (բայ) | KhoseTs’nel | To cause to talk v. |
խօսիլ (բայ) | Khosil | 1) To speak, to talk, 2) to discourse, to converse, 3) to confer, to treat, to negotiate v. |
խօսնակ (գ.) | Khosnag | Mediator, intercessor, messenger, announcer, speaker n. |
խօսնայր (գ.) | Khosnayr | Betrothed, affianced man, intended n. |
խօսուածք (գ.) | KhosooaDzk | 1) Delivery, utterance, 2) manner of speech n. |
խօսուն (ած.) | Khosoon | 1) Speaking, 2) loquacious, 3) rational adj. |
խօսք (գ.) | Khosk | 1) Word, speech, 2) language, 3) saying, promise, talk, utterance, conversation n. |
խօսքկապ (գ.) | Khoskgab | Wedding ring n. |