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Arménien occidental - ՀայերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ | Translittération phonétique Հնչաբանական տառադարձութիւն | Anglais - ԱնգլերէնAbréviations Համառօտագրութիւններ |
զ Զ (գ.) | z Z | sixth letter of the Armenian alphabet, consonant, numerical value 6 n. |
զազիր (ած.) | zazir | Ugly, filthy, sordid, soiled, impure adj. |
զազրաբան (գ.) | zazrapan | ribald/filthy/dirty person n. |
զազրաբանութիւն (գ.) | zazrapanootyoon | Evil-speaking, ribaldry, coarse expressions, obscene words n. |
զազրագործ (ած.) | zazrakorDz | Dissolute, profligate, licentious unchaste, lascivious, lewd, wanton adj. |
զազրագործութիւն (գ.) | zazrakorDzootyoon | Lasciviousness, lewdness, turpitude in actions, sensual vice n. |
զազրադէմ (ած.) | zazratem | Hideous, frightful, horrible, shocking, ugly adj. |
զազրաթորմի (ած.) | zazratormi | Disgusting, hideous, nasty, ugly, impure adj. |
զազրելի (ած.) | zazreli | Disgusting, nauseous, detestable adj. |
զազրիլ (բայ) | zazril | to be disgusted, to detest v. |
զազրութիւն (գ.) | zazrootyoon | Dirtiness, filthiness, ribaldry, filth n. |
զակատիլ (բայ) | zagadil | To become excessively affectionate, to get furious, to be extremely fond, to persist in v. |
զակատում (գ.) | zagadoom | Tenacity, desperation, obstruction n. |
զահանդիլ (բայ) | zahantil | To take fright, to take alarm v. |
զաղփաղփուն (ած.) | zaGhpaGhpoon | Frail, faint, weak, delicate, slippery adj. |
զամբիկ (գ.) | zampig | Mare n. |
զամբիւղ (գ.) | zampyooGh | Flat, wide basket, straw bag n. |
զամբիւղագործ (գ.) | zampyooGhakorDz | Basket maker n. |
զամբիւղագործութիւն (գ.) | zampyooGhakorDzootyoon | basket making, weaving n. |
զամբուռ (գ.) | zampooR | Hornet, drone n. |
զայրագին (մկբ.) | zayrakin | 1) madly, furiously, 2) desperately, violently, indignantly, angrily, fiercely, wrathfully, irately adv. |
զայրագնիլ (բայ) | zayrak’nil | To become or to grow exasperated, to be angry, to feel wroth v. |
զայրանալ (բայ) | zayranal | To become indignant, to get anger, to grow angry, to grow exasperated, to be irritated v. |
զայրացկոտ (ած.) | zayraTsgod | Indignant, irritable, wrathful, fiery adj. |
զայրացնել (բայ) | zayraTs’nel | To exasperate, to embitter, to irritate, to enrage, to exacerbate, to infuriate, to vex v. |
զայրացուցիչ (ած.) | zayraTsooTsiCh | Irritant, indignant, vexatious, exasperating, revolting adj. |
զայրոյթ (գ.) | zayrooyt | 1) Passion, wrath, fury, 2) paroxysm, 3) anger, wrath, vexation, indignation, rage n. |
զայրուցք (գ.) | zayrooTsk | 1) Passion, wrath, fury, 2) paroxysm, 3) anger, wrath, vexation, indignation, rage n. |
զանազան (ած.) | zanazan | Different, various, diverse, sundry, distinct adj. |
զանազանակ (ած.) | zanazanag | Different, various, diverse, sundry, distinct adj. |
զանազանել (բայ) | zanazanel | To distinguish, to vary, to diversify, to variegate, to discern v. |
զանազանութիւն (գ.) | zanazanootyoon | Discrimination, distinction, difference, variety, diversity n. |
զանազանուիլ (բայ) | zanazan’vil | to differ, to be differentiated, to be distinguished v. |
զանազանում (գ.) | zanazanoom | Discrimination, distinction, difference, variety, diversity n. |
զանակ (գ.) | zanag | Granulated metal, shot, piece, bit n. |
զանգ (գ.) | zank | 1) bell, 2) door bell, telephone call n. |
զանգակ (գ.) | zankag | Bell n. |
զանգակահար (գ.) | zankagahar | Bell ringer, ringer n. |
զանգակատուն (գ.) | zankagadoon | Campanile, steeple, belfry n. |
զանգահար (գ.) | zankahar | bell-ringer n. |
զանգահարել (բայ) | zankaharel | to ring v. |
զանգել (բայ) | zankel | To knead, to bake, to adhere, to mix v. |
զանգուած (գ.) | zank’vaDz | Dough, paste, mass, mixture, mole, amalgam v. |
Զանկոկած (բայ) | ZangogaDz | Dough, paste, mass, mixture, mole, amalgam v. |
զանցառու (ած.) | zanTsaRoo | Negligent, careless, neglectful, transgressor adj. |
զանցառութիւն (գ.) | zanTsaRootyoon | Omission, paralipsis, negligence, carelessness n. |
զանցում (գ.) | zanTsoom | transgression, violation, disregard, excess n. |
զառ (գ.) | zaR | gold thread n. |
զառածել (բայ) | zaRaDzel | to mislay, to lead astray, to divert, to distract, to alienate v. |
զառածիլ (բայ) | zaRaDzil | to be mislaid, to be led astray, to be diverted, to be distracted, to be alienated v. |
զառածում (գ.) | zaRaDzoom | mislaying, distraction n. |
զառամ (ած.) | zaRam | Decrepit, crazy, broken-down adj. |
զառամիլ (բայ) | zaRamil | to become old, to get old, to become decrepit, to become senile v. |
զառանցանք (գ.) | zaRanTsank | Idle talk, dotage, freak, vagary, decrepitude, delirium, hallucination, raving n. |
զառիթափ (գ.) | zaRitap | 1) Slope, declivity, descent, 2) brow n. |
զառիկ (գ.) | zaRig | Arsenic, arsenicum n. |
զառիվար (գ.) | zaRivar | descent, slope, declivity n. |
զառիվար (գ.) | zaRivar | sloping, downhill n. |
զառքաշ (գ.) | zaRkaSh | Simar, tail coat, trailing gown n. |
զատ (ած.) | zad | 1) Separate, isolated, lonely, apartadv Besides, apart, 2) beyond adj. |
զատել (բայ) | zadel | 1) To separate, to detach, 2) to select, to pick v. |
զատիկ (գ.) | zadig | 1) Ladybird, lady-cow, 2) Easter n. |
զատկական (ած.) | zadgagan | Paschal adj. |
զատուիլ (բայ) | zadvil | To be separated, to be detached v. |
զարգանալ (բայ) | zarkanal | To progress, to grow, to advance, to improve, to profit, to increase v. |
զարգացնել (բայ) | zarkaTs’nel | To make progressive, to improve, to advance, to develop v. |
զարգացում (գ.) | zarkaTsoom | 1) Progress, improvement, development, proficiency, 2) enlargement, growth n. |
զարգուն (ած.) | zarkoon | Pubescent, puberal, nubile, adult, of age adj. |
զարդ (գ.) | zart | 1) Ornament, decoration, adornment, finery, dress, embellishment, furniture, garniture, 2) fringe n. |
զարդագիր (գ.) | zartakir | Flourished, ornamental letter n. |
զարդախուց (գ.) | zartaKhooTs | dressing-room, boudoir n. |
զարդանկար (գ.) | zartangar | Vignette, ornament n. |
զարդանկարել (բայ) | zartangarel | to eadorn, to embellish, to decorate, to illuminate, to illustrate v. |
զարդանկարիչ (գ.) | zartangariCh | 1) decorator, 2) illuminator, miniaturist n. |
զարդասեղ (գ.) | zartaseGh | Breastpin, brooch n. |
զարդասենեակ (գ.) | zartasenyag | Boudoir n. |
զարդասէր (ած.) | zartaser | Dandy, coxcomb, coquettish, that loves ornaments adj. |
զարդասիրութիւն (գ.) | zartasirootyoon | Coquetry, affectation in dress, love of dress n. |
զարդարանք (գ.) | zartarank | 1) Ornament, decoration, 2) embellishment, finery, garniture, adjustment, toilet, garnishment n. |
զարդարել (բայ) | zartarel | To ornament, to adorn, to decorate, to fashion, to adjust, to garnish, to embellish, to deck v. |
զարդարուած (ած.) | zartar’vaDz | Adorned, decorated, ornamented, fine, spruce, smart adj. |
զարդարուիլ (բայ) | zartarvil | To be ornamented, adorned, decorated v. |
զարդարուն (ած.) | zartaroon | Adorned, decorated, ornamented, fine, spruce, smart adj. |
զարդաքանդակ (գ.) | zartakantag | architectural ornament n. |
զարզանդ (գ.) | zarzant | dread, terror, horror, fright n. |
զարթնիլ (բայ) | zartnil | to wake up, to rise, to stir v. |
զարթնուլ (բայ) | zartnool | To awake, to rise, to be sensible of v. |
զարթնում (գ.) | zartnoom | Waking, awaking n. |
զարթուցիչ (ած.) | zartooTsiCh | who awakens or arouses adj. |
զարթօնք (գ.) | zartonk | Waking, awaking, revival n. |
զարկ (գ.) | zarg | 1) Beat, 2) impulse, impulsion, stroke n. |
զարկերակ (գ.) | zargerag | 1) main artery, 2) pulse n. |
զարհուրանք (գ.) | zarhoorank | Horror, terror, dread, awe, fright, fear n. |
զարհուրելի (ած.) | zarhooreli | Hideous, horrible, frightful, dreadful, formidable, tremendous, execrable adj. |
զարհուրիլ (բայ) | zarhooril | To be terrified, frightened, to dread, to be afraid, to be alarmed v. |
զարմ (գ.) | zarm | Race, blood, tribe, family, house, line, nation, stock n. |
զարմանազան (ած.) | zarmanazan | Wonderful, marvellous, admirable adj. |
զարմանալ (բայ) | zarmanal | To wonder, to be surprised, to be enraptured, to admire, to be astonished v. |
զարմանալի (ած.) | zarmanali | 1) Astonishing, admirable, 2) surprising, wonderful, marvellous adj. |
զարմանք (գ.) | zarmank | 1) Astonishment, admiration, wonder, marvel, amazement, 2) miracle n. |
զարմացական (ած.) | zarmaTsagan | 1) Of exclamation, 2) ecstatic, 3) rapturous, of admiration adj. |
զարմացնել (բայ) | zarmaTs’nel | To astonish, to surprise, to amaze v. |
զարմիկ (գ.) | zarmig | Cousin, the son of an uncle n. |
զարմուհի (գ.) | zarmoohi | Cousin, the daughter of an uncle or an aunt n. |
զարնել (բայ) | zar’nel | To strike, to beat, to slap, to hit, to shoot, to swing, to tap v. |
զարնուիլ (բայ) | zar’nvil | 1) to be struck, to be hit, to be knocked against, to collide with, to bump into, 2) to fall in love, to be enamored, to be infatuated v. |
զարտուղի (ած.) | zardooGhi | 1) Indirect, anomalous, 2) irregular, mislead, led astray adj. |
զարտուղիլ (բայ) | zardooGhil | To go astray, to deviate, to swerve, to turn aside, to exorbitate, to diverge from v. |
զարտուղութիւն (գ.) | zardooGhootyoon | 1) Diversion, 2) deviation, irregularity, going astray, aberration, digression, 3) anomaly n. |
զաւակ (գ.) | zavag | 1) Son, infant, child, blood, 2) descendants n. |
զաւեշտ (գ.) | zaveShd | Comedy, farce, low comedy, jest n. |
զաւեշտական (ած.) | zaveShdagan | Humoristic adj. |
զբաղեցնել (բայ) | zpaGheTs’nel | To occupy, to employ, to busy v. |
զբաղիլ (բայ) | zpaGhil | to be occupied, to be entertained v. |
զբաղում (գ.) | zpaGhoom | Business, occupation n. |
զբօսանաւ (գ.) | zposanav | Yacht, paddle ship n. |
զբօսանք (գ.) | zposank | 1) Amusement, pastime, recreation, distraction, diversion, relaxation, 2) occupation n. |
զբօսաշրջիկ (գ.) | zposaShrChig | Tourist, excursionist n. |
զբօսավայր (գ.) | zposavayr | Amusing place, casino, club n. |
զբօսավայր (գ.) | zposavayr | Amusing place, casino, club n. |
զբօսարան (գ.) | zposaran | Amusing place, casino, club n. |
զբօսարան (գ.) | zposaran | Amusing place, casino, club n. |
զբօսնիլ (բայ) | zposnil | 1) to amuse, to divert oneself, 2) to stroll, to saunter v. |
զբօսնուլ (բայ) | zposnool | 1) to amuse, to divert oneself, 2) to stroll, to saunter v. |
զգալ (բայ) | zkal | To feel, to be conscious, to be sensible of, to be sensible, to know, to scent v. |
զգալաբար (մկբ.) | zkalapar | 1) Sensibly, palpably, sensually, materially, 2) openly adv. |
զգալաբար (մկբ.) | zkalapar | 1) Sensibly, palpably, sensually, materially, 2) openly adv. |
զգալապէս (մկբ.) | zkalabes | 1) Sensibly, palpably, sensually, materially, 2) openly adv. |
զգալապէս (մկբ.) | zkalabes | 1) Sensibly, palpably, sensually, materially, 2) openly adv. |
զգալի (ած.) | zkali | Sensible, palpable adj. |
զգածուիլ (բայ) | zkaDzvil | To be affected, to be felt v. |
զգայազիրկ (ած.) | zkayazirg | Insensible, unfeeling, unconscious adj. |
զգայազուրկ (ած.) | zkayazoorg | insensate, numb, insensible adj. |
զգայական (ած.) | zkayagan | 1) Sensual, sensitive, sentimental, 2) discreet, vigilant adj. |
զգայականութիւն (գ.) | zkayaganootyoon | Sensibility, sentimentality n. |
զգայապաշտ (ած.) | zkayabaShd | Sensualist n. |
զգայապաշտ (գ.) | zkayabaShd | Sensualist n. |
զգայապաշտութիւն (գ.) | zkayabaShdootyoon | Sensualism, sensuality n. |
զգայասէր (ած.) | zkayaser | Sensual, carnal adj. |
զգայասիրութիւն (գ.) | zkayasirootyoon | Sensuality, sensualism n. |
զգայարան (գ.) | zkayaran | Sense n. |
զգայացունց (ած.) | zkayaTsoonTs | Amazing, sensation, sensational, fluttering, incredible adj. |
զգայնիկ (ած.) | zkaynig | Sentimental adj. |
զգայնոտ (ած.) | zkaynod | Sensible adj. |
զգայութիւն (գ.) | zkayootyoon | 1) Sentiment, feeling, sensation, touch, 2) reason n. |
զգայուն (ած.) | zkayoon | Sensitive, sensible, sentimental, witty, lively, brisk adj. |
զգայռ (գ.) | zkayR | Belch, eructation n. |
զգայռել (բայ) | zkayRel | To eruct, to belch, to throw up v. |
զգաստ (ած.) | zkasd | 1) Quiet, heedful, 2) rational, 3) prudent, alert, modest, sober, 4) temperate, 5) discreet, moderate adj. |
զգաստանալ (բայ) | zkasdanal | 1) To be prudent, modest, 2) to correct, to amend, 3) to reflect v. |
զգաստացնել (բայ) | zkasdaTs’nel | 1) To disentrance, to render sage, prudent, quiet, 2) to correct, to awake v. |
զգաստացում (գ.) | zkasdaTsoom | sobering n. |
զգաստութիւն (գ.) | zkasdootyoon | Quietness, sageness, discretion, prudence, temperance, sobriety, chastity n. |
զգացական (ած.) | zkaTsagan | sentimental, emotional adj. |
զգացնել (բայ) | zkaTs’nel | To warn, to caution, to inform of, to make one to feel, to announce v. |
զգացում (գ.) | zkaTsoom | 1) Feeling, sensation, sentiment, 2) advice n. |
զգենուլ (բայ) | zkenool | To dress oneself, to dress, to clothe, to put on, to wear v. |
զգեստ (գ.) | zkesd | Garment, dress, vestment, clothes, wearing apparel, clothing n. |
զգեստակալ (գ.) | zkesdagal | Portmanteau, clothes peg n. |
զգեստաւորել (բայ) | zkesdavorel | To clothe, to dress, to array, to put on v. |
զգեստաւորուիլ (բայ) | zkesdavorvil | to be, to get dressed, to be, to get clothed, suited v. |
զգետնել (բայ) | zkednel | To throw down, to overthrow, to beat down, to overturn v. |
զգլխանք (գ.) | zklKhank | Intoxication, unduly excitement n. |
զգլխել (բայ) | zklKhel | to intoxicate, to make one lose their head v. |
զգլխիչ (ած.) | zklKhiCh | Heady adj. |
զգոյշ (ած.) | zkooSh | Careful, heedful, wary, cautious, prudent (mus) take care, abbadare adj. |
զգուշանալ (բայ) | zkooShanal | To be careful, to take heed, to beware, to look out v. |
զգուշացնել (բայ) | zkooShaTs’nel | To warn, to caution, to admonish, to precaution, to forewarn, to secure beforehand v. |
զգուշաւոր (ած.) | zkooShavor | Circumspect, wary, heedful, careful, considerable, discreet, cautious, provident adj. |
զգուշութիւն (գ.) | zkooShootyoon | 1) Carefulness, circumspection, wariness, 2) attention n. |
զգօն (ած.) | zkon | Sage, wise, prudent, rational adj. |
զգօնութիւն (գ.) | zkonootyoon | Wisdom, prudence, sageness, maturity, affability n. |
զեխ (ած.) | zeKh | Lewd, debauched, dissolute adj. |
զեխութիւն (գ.) | zeKhootyoon | debauchery, profligacy, extravagance n. |
զեկոյց (գ.) | zegooyTs | 1) Notice, 2) announcement, advertisement, notification, communication n. |
զեկուցել (բայ) | zegooTsel | to report, to notify, to inform v. |
զեկուցում (գ.) | zegooTsoom | Notification, advertisement, warning, advice, report n. |
զեղել (բայ) | zeGhel | to swamp, to fill, to overflow v. |
զեղխ (ած.) | zeGhKh | Lewd, debauched, dissolute adj. |
զեղծ (ած.) | zeGhDz | 1) Dissolute, corrupted, debauched, indolent, spoiled, bribed, 2) incontinent, wanton adj. |
զեղծանող (գ.) | zeGhDzanoGh | Forgerer, defrauder, falsifier, debaser n. |
զեղծարար (ած.) | zeGhDzarar | Forgerer, defrauder, falsifier, debaser n. |
զեղծարար (գ.) | zeGhDzarar | Forgerer, defrauder, falsifier, debaser n. |
զեղծել (բայ) | zeGhDzel | To corrupt, to spoil, to infect v. |
զեղծում (գ.) | zeGhDzoom | 1) Abuse, 2) disorder n. |
զեղուլ (բայ) | zeGhool | To overflow, to run over, to pour out, to fill up, to abound with v. |
զեղում (գ.) | zeGhoom | 1) Overflowing, pouring out, 2) flood, effusion n. |
զեղուն (ած.) | zeGhoon | Replete, heaped up, full to the top, brimful adj. |
զեղչ (գ.) | zeGhCh | Discount, rebate, deduction n. |
զեղչել (բայ) | zeGhChel | 1) To discount, 2) to retrench, to contract, to darken v. |
զեն (գ.) | zen | Sacrifice, victim n. |
զենարան (գ.) | zenaran | 1) Altar of sacrifice, 2) slaughterhouse, 3) altar adj. |
զենել (բայ) | zenel | to immolate, to sacrifice, to cut the throat, to slaughter v. |
զենիթ (գ.) | zenit | Zenith n. |
զենում (գ.) | zenoom | Immolation, sacrifice n. |
զեռալ (բայ) | zeRal | To creep, to crawl, to swarm v. |
զեռում (գ.) | zeRoom | crawling, swarming n. |
զեռուն (ած.) | zeRoon | Reptile, creeping animal n. |
զեռուն (գ.) | zeRoon | Reptile, creeping animal n. |
զետեղել (բայ) | zedeGhel | To place, to install, to locate, to put, to set, to fix, to instate, to deposit, to dispose, to plant, to establish v. |
զետեղում (գ.) | zedeGhoom | Location, placing, settlement, disposition n. |
զերդ (գ.) | zert | 1) Like, alike, 2) as if, as it were prep. |
զերթ (նխդր.) | zert | 1) Like, alike, 2) as if, as it were prep. |
զերծ (ած.) | zerDz | 1) Exempt, exempted, free from, 2) safe, sure adj. |
զերծանիլ (բայ) | zerDzanil | to escape, to be saved, to be exempt v. |
զերծել (բայ) | zerDzel | to exempt, to free v. |
զերծում (գ.) | zerDzoom | Escape, riddance, deliverance, freedom n. |
Զեփիւռ (Զեփիւռոս) (գ.) | ZepyooR (ZepyooRos) | diety of western winds, zephyrus (myth) n. |
զեփիւռոս (գ.) | zepyooRos | diety of western winds, Zephyr (myth) n. |
զզուանք (գ.) | z’zvank | 1) Distaste, disgust, nausea, 2) detestation, 3) horror, 4) abomination, vexation, aversion, loathing n. |
զզուելի (ած.) | z’zveli | Nauseous, disgusting, detestable, hateful, abominable adj. |
զզուեցնել (բայ) | z’zveTs’nel | To disgust, to nauseate, to abuse, to importune, to persecute v. |
զզուիլ (բայ) | z’zvil | To be disgusted, tired, to dislike, to abhor, to loathe, to abominate, to detest v. |
զէն (գ.) | zen | To be disgusted, tired, to dislike, to abhor, to loathe, to abominate, to detest v. |
զէնիթ (գ.) | zenit | zenith n. |
զէնք (գ.) | zenk | 1) arms, weapon, 2) means n. |
զէնք (գ.) | zenk | 1) arms, weapon, 2) means n. |
զէրոյ (գ.) | zero | Zero (0), nought, cipher n. |
զէրօ (գ.) | zero | Zero (0), nought, cipher n. |
զիլ (ած.) | zil | Soprano n. |
զիղջ (գ.) | ziGhCh | Repentance, penitence, contrition n. |
զինագործ (գ.) | zinakorDz | Gunsmith, armourer n. |
զինագործութիւն (գ.) | zinakorDzootyoon | Fabrication, manufacture of arms, arming, armament n. |
զինադադար (գ.) | zinatatar | 1) Armistice, cessation of arms, 2) truce n. |
զինադուլ (գ.) | zinatool | Truce n. |
զինաթափ (ած.) | zinatap | Disarmed, unarmed adj. |
զինաթափել (բայ) | zinatapel | To disarm v. |
զինաթափութիւն (գ.) | zinatapootyoon | Disarming, disarmament, laying up n. |
զինակիր (գ.) | zinagir | Armour-bearer, warrior n. |
զինակից (գ.) | zinagiTs | Comrade in arms, ally, fellow soldier n. |
զինակոչ (գ.) | zinagoCh | mobilization, conscription n. |
զինակցիլ (բայ) | zinagTsil | 1) To become allied, to join forces, 2) to fight together v. |
զինակցութիւն (գ.) | zinagTsootyoon | Alliance, accompanying in war n. |
զինամթերք (գ.) | zinamterk | Ammunition n. |
զինանշան (գ.) | zinanShan | 1) Coat of arms, 2) hatchment n. |
զինանշանք (գ.) | zinanShank | 1) Coat of arms, 2) hatchment n. |
զինանոց (գ.) | zinanoTs | Arsenal, place or store of arms, dump, magazine of arms n. |
զինավարժութիւն (գ.) | zinavarZhootyoon | Fencing n. |
զինարան (գ.) | zinaran | armory, arsenal n. |
զինարան (գ.) | zinaran | armory, arsenal n. |
զինարան (գ.) | zinaran | Arsenal, place or store of arms, dump, magazine of arms n. |
զինել (բայ) | zinel | To arm, to furnish with arms, to man, to equip v. |
զինկ (գ.) | zing | Zinc n. |
զինկագործ (գ.) | zingakorDz | Zinc-worker n. |
զինկանկար (գ.) | zingangar | zincograph n. |
զինկանկարիչ (գ.) | zingangariCh | Zincographer n. |
զինկանկարչութիւն (գ.) | zingangarChootyoon | Zincography n. |
զինուիլ (բայ) | zin’vil | To arm oneself, to fit oneself out v. |
զինում (գ.) | zinoom | armament, arming n. |
զինուոր (գ.) | zinvor | Soldier n. |
զինուորագրել (բայ) | zinvorak’rel | To enroll, to enlist v. |
զինուորագրութիւն (գ.) | zinvorak’rootyoon | Conscription, enrollment, enlistment n. |
զինուորագրուիլ (բայ) | zinvorak’rvil | to enroll, to enlist v. |
զինուորութիւն (գ.) | zinvorootyoon | Militia, soldiery, arms, profession of war n. |
զիջանել (բայ) | ziChanel | To condescend, to comply, to yield, to decrease, to relent, to grow tranquil v. |
զիջանիլ (բայ) | ziChanil | To condescend, to comply, to yield, to decrease, to relent, to grow tranquil v. |
զիջիլ (բայ) | ziChil | to cede, to concede, to yield, to back down, to surrender v. |
զիջում (գ.) | ziChoom | To condescend, to comply, to yield, to decrease, to relent, to grow tranquil v. |
զիստ (գ.) | zisd | Thigh, (leg of poultry) haunch n. |
զիրկ (ած.) | zirg | 1) Deprived, 2) devoid adj. |
զլանալ (բայ) | z’lanal | 1) To refuse, to retract, to deny, 2) not to accept, to deprive, to disown, to disregard, 3) to retain v. |
զլացողութիւն (գ.) | z’laTsoGhootyoon | Denial, refusal, usurpation, disavowal, retractation n. |
Զլացութիւն (գ.) | ZlaTsootyoon | Denial, refusal, usurpation, disavowal, retractation n. |
զլացում (գ.) | z’laTsoom | Denial, refusal, usurpation, disavowal, retractation n. |
զկեռ (գ.) | ’zg’R | Medlar n. |
զկծանք (գ.) | ’zg’Dzank | Sourness, tartness, mortification, grief, vexation, regret, sorrow, chagrin n. |
զղջալ (բայ) | z’GhChal | 1) to regret, to deplore, 2) to repent v. |
զղջացնել (բայ) | z’GhChaTs’nel | To make to repent, to affect, to move v. |
զղջում (գ.) | z’GhChoom | Repentance, penitence, contrition n. |
զմայ (գ.) | z’may | Asthma n. |
զմայլանք (գ.) | z’maylank | Rapture, ravishment n. |
զմայլիլ (բայ) | z’maylil | To admire, to be charmed, to become ravished v. |
զմայլութիւն (գ.) | z’maylootyoon | 1) Rapture, ecstasy, enchantment, delight, satiety, transport, 2) witchery n. |
զմայլում (գ.) | z’mayloom | 1) Rapture, ecstasy, enchantment, delight, satiety, transport, 2) witchery n. |
զմայոտ (ած.) | z’mayod | Asthmatical adj. |
զմելի (գ.) | z’meli | Penknife, pocketknife n. |
զմուռս (գ.) | z’mooRs | Myrrh n. |
զմռսել (բայ) | z’mRsel | 1) To embalm, 2) to mummify v. |
զմռսում (գ.) | z’mRsoom | Embalming, mummifying n. |
զմրուխտ (գ.) | z’mrooKhd | Emerald n. |
զնգալ (բայ) | z’nkal | 1) to ring, to toll, 2) to jingle, to tinkle, to clink v. |
զնգոց (գ.) | z’nkoTs | 1) ringing, tolling, 2) jingle, tinkle, clink n. |
զնդան (գ.) | z’ntan | Dungeon, prison n. |
զննական (ած.) | z’nnagan | 1) Observable, 2) tangible adj. |
զննել (բայ) | z’nnel | To observe, to inspect, to survey v. |
զննութիւն (գ.) | z’nnootyoon | 1) Observation, speculation, exploration, theory, 2) visit n. |
զննումն (գ.) | z’nnoomn | 1) Observation, speculation, exploration, theory, 2) visit n. |
զնտան (գ.) | z’ndan | cell, prison, dungeon n. |
զնտան (գ.) | z’ndan | cell, prison, dungeon n. |
զոհ (գ.) | zoh | 1) Victim, sacrifice, immolation, 2) host n. |
զոհաբերել (բայ) | zohaperel | to sacrifice, to immolate, to slaughter v. |
զոհաբերութիւն (գ.) | zohaperootyoon | Sacrifice n. |
զոհաբերում (գ.) | zohaperoom | sacrifice, immolation n. |
զոհարան (գ.) | zoharan | 1) Altar, 2) vase of immolation n. |
զոհել (բայ) | zohel | 1) To sacrifice, to immolate, 2) to make offering v. |
զոհողութիւն (գ.) | zohoGhootyoon | Offering, sacrifice n. |
զոհուիլ (բայ) | zohvil | To immolate, to be sacrificed v. |
զոմ (գ.) | zom | Bridge of boats, pontoon n. |
զոմբ (գ.) | zomp | Heavy mallet n. |
զոմփ (գ.) | zomp | Pointed hood or cowl, capuche n. |
զոպայ (գ.) | zobay | Hyssop n. |
զով (ած.) | zov | Cool, fresh, coldish adj. |
զովանալ (բայ) | zovanal | To cool, to become cool v. |
զովարար (ած.) | zovarar | 1) Cooling, 2) refreshing adj. |
զովացիկ (ած.) | zovaTsig | 1) Cooling, 2) refreshing adj. |
զովացնել (բայ) | zovaTs’nel | To cool, to refresh, to freshen up, to refrigerate v. |
զովացուցիչ (գ.) | zovaTsooTsiCh | Cooling, refreshing, refrigerant adj. |
զովութիւն (գ.) | zovootyoon | Coolness, freshness, cool, refreshment n. |
զուագկցիլ (բայ) | z’vakgTsil | to link, to join, to unite v. |
զուարակ (գ.) | z’varag | Ox, bull, bullock, steer (ast) Taurus n. |
զուարթ (ած.) | z’vart | 1) Gay, joyous, merry, 2) jolly, cheerful, playful, jesting, sprightly, (mus) allegro, scherzando adj. |
զուարթանալ (բայ) | z’vartanal | To be gay, cheerful, to cheer up, to rejoice, to be joyful, to be diverted v. |
զուարթացնել (բայ) | z’vartaTs’nel | To render gay, to make cheerful, to enliven, to divert, to exhilarate v. |
զուարթութիւն (գ.) | z’vartootyoon | Gaiety, merriment, joyousness, joy, good humour, placidness, sprightliness n. |
զուարթուն (գ.) | z’vartoon | 1) Gay, joyous, merry, cheerfulnAngel, 2) vigilant adj. |
զուարճաբան (ած.) | z’varDjapan | 1) Facetious, humorist, joker, jestful, pleasant, 2) jocose, droll adj. |
զուարճաբան (ած.) | z’varDjapan | 1) Facetious, humorist, joker, jestful, pleasant, 2) jocose, droll adj. |
զուարճաբանութիւն (գ.) | z’varDjapanootyoon | Pleasantry, jesting, jest, facetiousness, jocularity n. |
զուարճաբանութիւն (գ.) | z’varDjapanootyoon | Pleasantry, jesting, jest, facetiousness, jocularity n. |
զուարճալի (ած.) | z’varDjali | Amusing, diverting, sportful, jocose adj. |
զուարճախօս (ած.) | z’varDjaKhos | 1) Facetious, humorist, joker, jestful, pleasant, 2) jocose, droll adj. |
զուարճախօս (ած.) | z’varDjaKhos | 1) Facetious, humorist, joker, jestful, pleasant, 2) jocose, droll adj. |
զուարճախօսութիւն (գ.) | z’varDjaKhosootyoon | Pleasantry, jesting, jest, facetiousness, jocularity n. |
զուարճախօսութիւն (գ.) | z’varDjaKhosootyoon | Pleasantry, jesting, jest, facetiousness, jocularity n. |
զուարճանալ (բայ) | z’varDjanal | to be amused, to be diverted v. |
զուարճացնել (բայ) | z’varDjaTs’nel | To amuse, to divert, to recreate, to rejoice, to make merry v. |
զուարճութիւն (գ.) | z’varDjootyoon | Amusement, divertisement, diversion, pleasure, delight, joy, enjoyment n. |
զուգադիպիլ (բայ) | zoоkatibil | to coincide, to concur v. |
զուգադիպութիւն (գ.) | zoоkatibootyoon | Coincidence n. |
զուգադրել (բայ) | zoоkatrel | To compose v. |
զուգակից (ած.) | zoоkagiTs | alike, conjointed, conjunct adj. |
զուգակշիռ (ած.) | zoоkagShiR | 1) Parallel, equivalent, 2) equilibrium n. |
զուգակշռել (բայ) | zoоkagShRel | To balance, to poise, to equalize, to render equivalent v. |
զուգակցել (բայ) | zoоkagTsel | To attach, to conjoin, to unite together v. |
զուգակցում (գ.) | zoоkagTsoom | liaison, union, combination, coupling n. |
զուգահեռ (ած.) | zoоkaheR | parallel adj. |
զուգահեռագիծ (գ.) | zoоkaheRakiDz | Parallel, parallelogram adj. |
զուգահեռական (գ.) | zoоkaheRagan | Parallel adj. |
զուգաւորել (բայ) | zoоkavorel | To join, to pair, to couple, to match, to assort by pairs, to unite, to company v. |
զուգաւորութիւն (գ.) | zoоkavorootyoon | 1) conj, 2) union, coition, match, 3) marriage, copulation, 4) conformity, 5) parity n. |
զուգաւորուիլ (բայ) | zoоkavorvil | 1) to be coupled, to be paired, to be mated, 2) to be yoked v. |
զուգաւորում (գ.) | zoоkavoroom | coupling, pairing, mating n. |
զուգել (բայ) | zoоkel | To couple, to yoke, to match, to pair v. |
զուգերգ (գ.) | zoоkerk | Duet, duetto n. |
զուգընթաց (ած.) | zoоkUntaTs | That runs together, concomitant adj. |
զուգորդ (ած.) | zoоkort | Parabola n. |
զուգորդ (գ.) | zoоkort | Parabola n. |
զուգորդել (բայ) | zoоkortel | 1) to accompany, to go along with, 2) to combine, to match, to associate v. |
զուգորդութիւն (գ.) | zoоkortootyoon | Association n. |
զուգորդում (գ.) | zoоkortoom | association, combination n. |
զուիրակ (գ.) | zvirag | Wild marjoram n. |
զուիցերիական (ած.) | zviTseriagan | Swiss adj. |
զուիցերիացի (գ.) | zviTseriaTsi | Swiss n. |
զուլալ (ած.) | zoоlal | Limpid adj. |
զուսպ (ած.) | zoоsb | 1) Restrained, 2) curbed, close, narrown Field basil adj. |
զուտ (ած.) | zoоd | Pure, genuine, mere, unmingled, net adj. |
զուր (ած.) | zoоr | Vain adj. |
զուրկ (ած.) | zoоrg | 1) Deprived, 2) devoid adj. |
զոքանչ (գ.) | zokanCh | Mother-in-law n. |
զռալ (բայ) | z’Ral | To bray v. |
զռինչ (գ.) | z’RinCh | Bray, braying of an ass n. |
զռնչիւն (գ.) | z’RnChyoon | Bray, braying of an ass n. |
զռոց (գ.) | z’RoTs | braying n. |
զսպակ (գ.) | z’sbag | spring n. |
զսպանակ (գ.) | z’sbanag | Spring n. |
զսպել (բայ) | z’sbel | 1) To repress, 2) to restrain, to master, to tie close, to overcome, to subdue, to control v. |
զսպում (գ.) | z’sboom | restraint, curbing, choking back, holding in place, withholding n. |
զտարան (գ.) | z’daran | Distillery n. |
զտարիւն (ած.) | z’daryoon | Pedigreed, thoroughbred, of pure breed adj. |
զտել (բայ) | z’del | To clarify, to refine, to purify, to filter v. |
զտիչ (ած.) | z’diCh | depurative, filtering, refining, purifying adj. |
զտում (գ.) | z’doom | Refining, purifying, cupellation, cleaning, purification n. |
զրաբան (գ.) | z’rapan | Chatterer, babbler, tattler, telltale n. |
զրաբանել (բայ) | z’rapanel | 1) To talk nonsenses, to babble, to prattle, to chat, to chatter, to gossip, 2) to calumniate v. |
զրադաշտական (ած.) | z’rataShdagan | Zoroastrian adj. |
զրահ (գ.) | z’rah | 1) Cuirass, 2) armature, 3) coat of mail, 4) breastplate n. |
զրահապատ (ած.) | z’rahabad | Armoured with cuirass, armourednCuirassier adj. |
զրահավառ (ած.) | z’rahavaR | Armoured with cuirass, armourednoun Cuirassier adj. |
զրահաւոր (ած.) | z’rahavor | cuirassier, ironclad, armed with a cuirass adj. |
զրահաւոր (գ.) | z’rahavor | Man of war, cuirassier, ironclad, armed with a cuirass adjective, noun |
զրահաւորել (բայ) | z’rahavorel | To invest, to line, to cover with a cuirass, to arm with a cuirass, to cuirass v. |
զրահել (բայ) | z’rahel | to cuirass, to armor, to armor plate, to shield, to steel, to harden v. |
զրահել (բայ) | z’rahel | to cuirass, to armor, to armor plate, to shield, to steel, to harden v. |
զրահել (բայ) | z’rahel | To invest, to line, to cover with a cuirass, to arm with a cuirass, to cuirass v. |
զրաւ (գ.) | z’rav | 1) End, expiration, close, death, 2) limit n. |
զրաւել (բայ) | z’ravel | To finish, to terminate v. |
զրկանք (գ.) | z’rgank | Injustice, wrong, harm, injury, destitution, bereavement, privation n. |
զրկել (բայ) | z’rgel | To deprive, to bereave, to injure v. |
զրկուիլ (բայ) | z’rgvil | to be deprived, to be stripped, to be dispossessed, to forfeit, to lose v. |
զրկում (գ.) | z’rgoom | Deprivation, frustration, dispossession n. |
զրոյց (գ.) | z’rooyTs | 1) Tale, story, 2) news, rumour, legend, 3) word, discourse, narrative, chat, conversation n. |
զրոյցք (գ.) | z’rooyTsk | 1) Tale, story, 2) news, rumour, legend, 3) word, discourse, narrative, chat, conversation n. |
զրուան (գ.) | z’rvan | Saturn n. |
զրուցակից (գ.) | z’rooTsagiTs | interlocutor n. |
զրուցավէպ (գ.) | z’rooTsaveb | legend n. |
զրուցատրել (բայ) | z’rooTsadrel | To chat, to talk, to prate, to narrate v. |
զրուցատրութիւն (գ.) | z’rooTsadrootyoon | Conversation, recital, discourse, narration n. |
զրուցել (բայ) | z’rooTsel | To tell, to speak, to say, to state v. |
զրպարտել (բայ) | z’rbardel | To calumniate, to slander, to defame, to traduce, to malign v. |
զրպարտիչ (ած.) | z’rbardiCh | libelous, slanderous, calumnious adj. |
զրպարտութիւն (գ.) | z’rbardootyoon | Calumny, defamation, slander, imposture, inculpation n. |
զօդ (գ.) | zot | 1) Joining, conj, connexion, bind, tie, bond, link, joint, 2) solder, a metallic alloy for uniting metals n. |
զօդել (բայ) | zotel | 1) To join together, to link, 2) to conjoin, to unite, to solder, to tie, to bind, to attach v. |
զօշ (ած.) | zoSh | Immodest, impudent, filthy, shameful adj. |
զօշաքաղ (ած.) | zoShakaGh | Avaricious, covetous, greedy, curmudgeon, stingy, sordid, filthy, mean adj. |
զօշաքաղել (բայ) | zoShakaGhel | 1) To covet something, to gain something unlawfully, eager to obtain illicitly, 2) to flatter, to allure v. |
զօշաքաղութիւն (գ.) | zoShakaGhootyoon | 1) Cupidity, covetousness, 2) avarice, stinginess n. |
զօրաբաժին (գ.) | zorapaZhin | Division n. |
զօրաբանակ (գ.) | zorapanag | army n. |
զօրագլուխ (գ.) | zoraklooKh | Commander, general, leader n. |
զօրագունդ (գ.) | zorakoont | Regiment n. |
զօրական (ած.) | zoragan | Soldier, military manadjective Soldierlike, strong, valorous n. |
զօրական (գ.) | zoragan | Soldier, military manadjective Soldierlike, strong, valorous n. |
զօրակոչ (գ.) | zoragoCh | Roll call, levy n. |
զօրահանդէս (գ.) | zorahantes | Parade, review, cavalcade n. |
զօրանալ (բայ) | zoranal | be fortified, to be reinforced,to grow strong v. |
զօրանոց (գ.) | zoranoTs | Barracks, garrison n. |
զօրաշարժ (գ.) | zoraSharZh | manœuvre militaire n. |
զօրապետ (գ.) | zorabed | General, commander n. |
զօրասիւն (գ.) | zorasyoon | Colon, column n. |
զօրավար (գ.) | zoravar | General n. |
զօրավիգ (գ.) | zoravik | 1) Stay, aid, support, protection, 2) buttress n. |
զօրացնել (բայ) | zoraTs’nel | To fortify, to strengthen, to enforce v. |
զօրացուցիչ (ած.) | zoraTsooTsiCh | 1) Fortifying, strengthening, 2) fortifier adj. |
զօրաւոր (ած.) | zoravor | Strong, vigourous, powerful, efficacious adj. |
զօրել (բայ) | zorel | To be able, to govern, to act, to be worth v. |
զօրեղ (ած.) | zoreGh | Robust, powerful, vigorous, efficacious adj. |
զօրութիւն (գ.) | zorootyoon | 1) Force, power, strength, vigour, valour, courage, authority, 2) spirit, reinforcement, 3) virtue n. |
զօրք (գ.) | zork | 1) Soldier, 2) forces, troops n. |