The “Mot d’Or” of APFA


Actions to Promote French Business

French Business and Francophony's "Mots d'Or" Day (23rd year) – 18th, March 2011

A hundred individuals from the business, finance and economic world, as well as, researchers, linguists and NGOs were invited on 17th March 2011 in Paris to the French Business and Francophony's "Mots d’Or" day (23rd year). This was organised by the charity called Actions to Promote French Business, with the participation of the International Organisation of Francophony (IOF) and the General Delegation of French and of the languages of France (DGLFLF), in collaboration with the General Delegation of Governments of the French community of Belgium and the Walloon region.

Today: the "Mot d’Or" of e-lexicons has been awarded for the creation of the first e-lexicon of IT terms (English-French- Western Armenian). You can view the thanking note written by CDMF, as well as the diploma and the received medallion.

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